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Section 1M: System Administration Commands Table of Contents - Introduction
- intro(1M) - introduction to system maintenance commands and application programs
- A
- accept(1M) - allow/prevent LP destination queuing requests
- acct(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands
- acctcms(1M) - command summary from per-process accounting records
- acctcom(1M) - search and print process accounting files
- acctcon(1M) - connect-time accounting
- acctcon1(1M) - connect-time accounting — see
- acctcon2(1M) - connect-time accounting — see
- acctdisk(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands — see
- acctdusg(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands — see
- acctmerg(1M) - merge or add total accounting files
- accton(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands — see
- acctprc(1M) - process accounting
- acctprc1(1M) - process accounting — see
- acctprc2(1M) - process accounting — see
- acctsh(1M) - shell procedures for accounting
- acctwtmp(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands — see
- arp(1M) - address resolution display and control
- Asecure(1M) - control access to audio on a workstation; OBSOLETED — see
- asecure(1M) - control access to audio on a workstation; OBSOLETED
- Aserver(1M) - start the audio server — see
- aserver(1M) - start the audio server
- audevent(1M) - change or display profile, event, or system call audit status
- audisp(1M) - display the audit information as requested by the parameters
- audomon(1M) - audit overflow monitor daemon
- audsys(1M) - start/halt the auditing system; set/display auditing system status information
- audusr(1M) - select users to audit
- authadm(1M) - non-interactive command for administrating the authorization information in the RBAC databases.
- authck(1M) - check internal consistency of Authentication database
- auto_parms(1M) - initial system configuration plus DHCP support command
- automount(1M) - install automatic mount points
- automountd(1M) - autofs mount/unmount daemon
- autopush(1M) - manage system database of automatically pushed STREAMS modules
- B
- backup(1M) - backup or archive file system
- bastille(1M) - system lockdown tool
- bastille_drift(1M) - system configuration drift analyzer
- bdf(1M) - report number of free disk blocks (Berkeley version)
- bgpd(1M) - BGP routing daemon for IPv6
- biod(1M) - NFS daemon
- boot(1M) - bootstrap process
- bootpd(1M) - Internet Boot Protocol server
- bootpquery(1M) - send BOOTREQUEST to BOOTP server
- C
- cachefspack(1M) - pack files and file systems in the cache
- cachefsstat(1M) - Cache File System statistics
- captoinfo(1M) - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
- catman(1M) - create cat and whatis files for online manpages
- cfsadmin(1M) - administer disk space used for caching file systems with the Cache File-System (CacheFS)
- ch_rc(1M) - change system configuration file
- chargefee(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- check_patches(1M) - HP-UX 11i V3 patch check utility
- chnlspath(1M) - configure message catalog path
- chroot(1M) - change root directory for a command
- ckpacct(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- cleanup(1M) - HP-UX patch cleanup utility
- clear_locks(1M) - clear locks held on behalf of an NFS client
- closewtmp(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands — see
- clri(1M) - clear inode
- clri_hfs(1M) - clear inode — see
- clrsvc(1M) - clear x25 switched virtual circuit
- cmdprivadm(1M) - noninteractive editing of a command's authorization and privilege information in the privrun database
- cmpt_tune(1M) - query, enable, or disable compartmentalization feature
- convert_awk(1M) - converts old sendmail.cf files to new format
- convertfs(1M) - convert an HFS file system to allow long file names
- convertfs_hfs(1M) - convert an HFS file system to allow long file names — see
- coreadm(1M) - core file administration
- cplxmodify(1M) - modify an attribute of a system complex
- cpset(1M) - install object files in binary directories
- crashconf(1M) - configure system crash dumps
- crashutil(1M) - manipulate crash dump data
- create_sysfile(1M) - create a kernel system file
- cron(1M) - timed-job execution daemon
- D
- dcopy(1M) - copy HFS file system with compaction
- dcopy_hfs(1M) - copy HFS file system with compaction — see
- devnm(1M) - device name
- df(1M) - report number of free file system disk blocks
- df_cdfs(1M) - report number of free CDFS, HFS, or NFS file system disk blocks — see
- df_hfs(1M) - report number of free CDFS, HFS, or NFS file system disk blocks
- df_nfs(1M) - report number of free CDFS, HFS, or NFS file system disk blocks — see
- dhcpclient(1M) - Client for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server
- dhcpdb2conf(1M) - convert DHCP client database to config file parameters
- dhcptools(1M) - command line tool for DHCP elements of bootpd
- dhcpv6clientd(1M) - DHCPv6 client daemon
- dhcpv6d(1M) - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server daemon for IPv6
- dhcpv6db2conf(1M) - DHCPv6 client database converter
- dig(1M) - domain information groper
- diskinfo(1M) - describe characteristics of a disk device
- disksecn(1M) - calculate default disk section sizes
- diskusg(1M) - generate disk accounting data by user ID
- dmesg(1M) - collect system diagnostic messages to form error log
- dodisk(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- dpp(1M) - dedicated ports parser used by DDFA software
- dump(1M) - incremental file system dump, local or across network
- dumpfs(1M) - dump file system information
- dumpfs_hfs(1M) - dump file system information — see
- E
- edquota(1M) - edit disk quotas
- efi_cp(1M) - copy to or from EFI file
- efi_fsinit(1M) - write an EFI file system header on a device file
- efi_ls(1M) - list EFI file information or contents of an EFI directory
- efi_mkdir(1M) - make an EFI directory
- efi_rm(1M) - remove an EFI file
- efi_rmdir(1M) - remove an EFI directory
- envd(1M) - system physical environment daemon
- esmd(1M) - Essential Services Monitor (ESM) Daemon
- evmchmgr(1M) - Event Manager channel manager
- evmd(1M) - Event Manager daemon
- evmlogger(1M) - Event Manager logger
- evmreload(1M) - reload Event Manager configuration files
- evmstart(1M) - start the Event Manager
- evmstop(1M) - stop the Event Manager
- exportfs(1M) - translates exportfs options to share/unshare commands
- extendfs(1M) - extend a file system size (generic)
- extendfs_hfs(1M) - extend HFS file system size
- F
- fbackup(1M) - selectively back up files
- fcmsutil(1M) - Fibre Channel Mass Storage Utility Command for TACHYON TL, TACHYON XL2, FCD Driver-Based and FC/GigE Combo Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters
- fdetach(1M) - detach a STREAMS-based file descriptor from a filename
- ff(1M) - list file names and statistics for a file system
- ff_hfs(1M) - list file names and statistics for HFS file system
- fingerd(1M) - remote user information server
- fixman(1M) - fix manpages for faster viewing with man command
- format(1M) - format an HP SCSI disk array LUN
- frecover(1M) - selectively recover files
- frupower(1M) - turn on/off or display current status of power for cells and I/O chassis
- fsadm(1M) - a file system administration command
- fsadm_hfs(1M) - HFS file system administration command
- fsck(1M) - file system consistency check and interactive repair
- fsck_cachefs(1M) - check integrity of data cached with CacheFS
- fsck_hfs(1M) - HFS file system consistency check and interactive repair
- fsclean(1M) - determine the shutdown status of HFS file systems
- fsclean_hfs(1M) - determine the shutdown status of HFS file systems — see
- fsdaemon(1M) - pass-through daemon for processing system commands
- fsdb(1M) - file system debugger (generic)
- fsdb_hfs(1M) - HFS file system debugger
- fsirand(1M) - install random inode generation numbers
- fstadm(1M) - defines and manages file system stack templates
- fstyp(1M) - determine file system type
- fsweb(1M) - launch the Disks and File Systems tool of HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH)
- ftpd(1M) - DARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol server
- fuser(1M) - list processes using a file or file structure
- fwtmp(1M) - manipulate connect accounting records
- G
- gated(1M) - gateway routing daemon
- gdc(1M) - operational user interface for gated
- geocustoms(1M) - configure system language on multi-language systems
- getfilexsec(1M) - display security attributes of binary executable(s)
- getmemwindow(1M) - extract window IDs of user processes from /etc/services.window
- getprocxsec(1M) - display security attributes of a process
- getprpw(1M) - display protected password database
- getrules(1M) - display compartment rules
- getty(1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
- getx25(1M) - get x25 line
- groupadd(1M) - add a new group to the system
- groupdel(1M) - delete a group from the system
- groupmod(1M) - modify a group on the system
- grpck(1M) - password/group file checkers — see
- gsscred(1M) - add, remove and list gsscred table entries
- gsscred_clean(1M) - remove duplicate entries from gsscred mapping table
- gssd(1M) - generates and validates GSS-API tokens for kernel RPC
- H
- hosts_to_named(1M) - translate host table to name server file format
- hotplugd(1M) - PCI I/O hotplug (attention button) events daemon
- hpsmh(1M) - starts or stops the HP System Management Homepage server
- hpux(1M) - HP-UX bootstrap
- hpux.efi(1M) - HP-UX bootstrap for Itanium-based systems
- I
- identd(1M) - TCP/IP IDENT protocol server
- idisk(1M) - create partitions for disks on an Integrity system
- ifconfig(1M) - configure network interface parameters
- inetd(1M) - Internet services daemon
- inetsvcs_sec(1M) - enable/disable secure internet services
- infocmp(1M) - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
- init(1M) - process control initialization
- insf(1M) - install special (device) files
- install(1M) - install commands
- intctl(1M) - manage the interrupt configuration of the system
- io_redirect_dsf(1M) - redirect the persistent device special file from one device to a different device
- iobind(1M) - bind a driver to a device
- iofind(1M) - find and convert ASCII files containing the legacy representation of device (special file name or hardware path)
- ioinit(1M) - test and maintain consistency between the kernel I/O data structures and the ioconfig files
- ioscan(1M) - scan the I/O system
- isisd(1M) - the Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) routing daemon
- isl(1M) - initial system loader
- itemap(1M) - load an ITE (Internal Terminal Emulator) keyboard mapping.
- K
- kclog(1M) - manage kernel configuration log file
- kcmodule(1M) - manage kernel modules and subsystems
- kconfig(1M) - manage kernel configurations
- kcpath(1M) - print kernel configuration pathnames
- kctune(1M) - manage kernel tunable parameters
- kcweb(1M) - starts the HP-UX kernel configuration tool (a Web interface)
- keyenvoy(1M) - talk to keyserver
- keyserv(1M) - server for storing private encryption keys
- killall(1M) - kill all active processes
- killsm(1M) - kill the sendmail daemon
- kl(1M) - control kernel logging
- krs_flush(1M) - flush kernel registry services data to disk
- krsd(1M) - kernel registry services daemon
- kwdb(1M) - invoke KWDB, the source level kernel debugger and crash dump analyzer
- L
- labelit(1M) - copy a file system with label checking — see
- labelit_hfs(1M) - copy an HFS file system with label checking — see
- lanadmin(1M) - local area network administration program
- lanadmin_vlan(1M) - virtual LANs (VLANs)
- lanscan(1M) - display LAN device configuration and status
- lastlogin(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- ldapclientd(1M) - LDAP client daemon process
- libcadmin(1M) - libc administration command
- link(1M) - execute link() and unlink() system calls without error checking
- linkloop(1M) - verify LAN connectivity with link-level loopback
- livedump(1M) - initiates, configures, and stops Live Dump
- localedef(1M) - generate a locale environment
- lockd(1M) - network lock daemon
- logins(1M) - display system and user login data
- lpadmin(1M) - configure the LP spooling system
- lpana(1M) - display LP spooler performance analysis information
- lpfence(1M) - start the LP request scheduler; stop the LP request scheduler; move requests between LP destinations; define the minimum priority for printing — see
- lpmove(1M) - start the LP request scheduler; stop the LP request scheduler; move requests between LP destinations; define the minimum priority for printing — see
- lpsched(1M) - start the LP request scheduler; stop the LP request scheduler; move requests between LP destinations; define the minimum priority for printing
- lpshut(1M) - start the LP request scheduler; stop the LP request scheduler; move requests between LP destinations; define the minimum priority for printing — see
- lsdev(1M) - list device drivers in the system
- lssf(1M) - list a special file
- lugadmin(1M) - long user and group name enablement and display
- lvchange(1M) - change LVM logical volume characteristics
- lvcreate(1M) - create logical volume in LVM volume group
- lvdisplay(1M) - display information about LVM logical volumes
- lvextend(1M) - increase space, increase mirrors for LVM logical volume
- lvlnboot(1M) - prepare LVM logical volume to be root, boot, primary swap, or dump volume
- lvmchk(1M) - check if disk volume is under HP Logical Volume Manager (LVM) control
- lvmerge(1M) - merge two LVM logical volumes into one logical volume
- lvreduce(1M) - decrease space allocation or the number of mirror copies of logical volumes
- lvremove(1M) - remove one or more logical volumes from LVM volume group
- lvrmboot(1M) - remove LVM logical volume link to root, primary swap, or dump volume
- lvsplit(1M) - split mirrored LVM logical volume into two logical volumes
- lvsync(1M) - synchronize stale mirrors in LVM logical volumes
- lwresd(1M) - lightweight resolver daemon
- M
- makedbm(1M) - make a Network Information System database
- makemap(1M) - creates database maps for sendmail
- map-mbone(1M) - Multicast Router Connection Mapper
- mc(1M) - media changer manipulation utility
- mk_kernel(1M) - load a kernel configuration from a system file
- mkboot(1M) - install, update or remove boot programs from disk
- mkfs(1M) - construct a file system (generic)
- mkfs_hfs(1M) - construct an HFS file system
- mklost+found(1M) - make a lost+found directory for the fsck command
- mknod(1M) - create special files
- mksf(1M) - make a special (device) file
- modprpw(1M) - modify protected password database
- monacct(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- mount(1M) - mount and unmount file systems
- mount_cachefs(1M) - mount and unmount CacheFS file systems
- mount_cdfs(1M) - mount and unmount CDFS file systems
- mount_hfs(1M) - mount and unmount HFS file systems
- mount_lofs(1M) - mount and unmount LOFS file systems
- mount_nfs(1M) - mount and unmount remote NFS resources
- mountall(1M) - mount and unmount multiple file systems
- mountd(1M) - server for NFS mount requests and NFS access checks
- mrinfo(1M) - Multicast Routing Configuration Information Tool
- mrouted(1M) - IP multicast routing daemon
- mtail(1M) - tails the mail log file
- mvdir(1M) - move a directory
- N
- naaagt(1M) - Native Agent Adapter (NAA)
- named(1M) - Internet domain name server
- ncheck(1M) - generate a list of path names from inode numbers
- ncheck_hfs(1M) - generate a list of path names from inode numbers for a HFS file system
- ncweb(1M) - launch the Network Interfaces Configuration and Network Services Configuration tools of HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH)
- ndd(1M) - network tuning
- ndp(1M) - IPv6 Neighbor Discovery cache display and control
- netfmt(1M) - format tracing and logging binary files
- nettl(1M) - control network tracing and logging
- nettladm(1M) - network tracing and logging administration manager
- nettlconf(1M) - configure network tracing and logging command subsystem database
- newaliases(1M) - rebuilds the database for the mail aliases file
- newfs(1M) - construct a new file system
- newfs_hfs(1M) - construct a new HFS file system
- newkey(1M) - create a new Diffie-Hellman key pair in the publickey database
- nfs4cbd(1M) - NFS Version 4 callback daemon
- nfsd(1M) - NFS daemon
- nfslogd(1M) - nfs logging daemon
- nfsmapid(1M) - NFS user and group id mapping daemon
- nfsstat(1M) - NFS statistics
- ntpdate(1M) - set the date and time via NTP
- ntpq(1M) - standard Network Time Protocol query program
- nulladm(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- nwmgr(1M) - network interface management command for LAN and RDMA interfaces
- nwmgr_btlan(1M) - network interface management command for btlan driver
- nwmgr_intl100(1M) - network interface management command for intl100 driver
- nwmgr_vlan(1M) - network interface management command for VLAN interface
- O
- ocd(1M) - outbound connection daemon used by DDFA software
- ocdebug(1M) - outbound connection daemon debug utility used by DDFA software
- olrad(1M) - command for Online Addition/Replacement/Deletion of PCI I/O cards and Online Addition of I/O chassis
- opx25(1M) - execute HALGOL programs
- ospf_monitor(1M) - monitor OSPF (Open Shortest Path First protocol) gateways
- owners(1M) - list owners of outgoing network connections
- P
- parcreate(1M) - create a new partition
- parmodify(1M) - modify an existing partition
- parolrad(1M) - online activation of a cell from nPartition; cancel online cell operation; monitor online cell operation; reset hung cell during cell activation
- parremove(1M) - remove an existing partition
- parunlock(1M) - unlock stable complex profile or cancel pending changes to complex or partition configuration data
- pcnfsd(1M) - PC-NFS authentication and print request server
- pcserver(1M) - Basic Serial and HP AdvanceLink server
- pdc(1M) - processor-dependent code (firmware)
- pdweb(1M) - start the HP-UX Peripheral Device tool, part of the System Management Homepage Web interface
- ping(1M) - send ICMP Echo Request packets to network host
- portmap(1M) - universal addresses to RPC program number mapper — see
- power_onoff(1M) - timed, automatic system power on, and power off
- pppoerd(1M) - PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) relay
- pppoesd(1M) - PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) server daemon
- prctmp(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- prdaily(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- privedit(1M) - let authorized users edit files that are under access control
- privrun(1M) - invoke another application with privileges after performing appropriate authorization checks and optionally reauthenticating the user
- prtacct(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- psfontpf(1M) - internationalized PostScript print filter
- psmsgen(1M) - model script configuration utility for psfontpf
- psrset(1M) - create and manage processor sets
- pvchange(1M) - change characteristics and access path of physical volume in LVM volume group
- pvck(1M) - check or repair a physical volume in LVM volume group
- pvcreate(1M) - create physical volume for use in LVM volume group
- pvdisplay(1M) - display information about physical volumes in LVM volume group
- pvmove(1M) - move allocated physical extents from one LVM physical volume to other physical volumes
- pvremove(1M) - remove LVM data structure from a physical volume
- pwck(1M) - password/group file checkers
- pwconv(1M) - install, update or check the /etc/shadow file
- pwgr_stat(1M) - password and group hashing and caching statistics
- pwgrd(1M) - password and group hashing and caching daemon
- pwunconv(1M) - convert passwords from shadow to nonshadow
- Q
- quot(1M) - summarize file system ownership
- quot_hfs(1M) - summarize ownership on an HFS file system
- quotacheck(1M) - file system quota consistency checker
- quotacheck_hfs(1M) - quota consistency checker for HFS file systems
- quotaoff(1M) - turn HFS file system quotas on and off — see
- quotaon(1M) - turn HFS file system quotas on and off
- R
- rad(1M) - rad features have been moved to olrad
- ram_monitor(1M) - the Route Administration Manager (RAM) monitor
- ramd(1M) - Route Administration Manager Daemon (RAMD) for IPv6
- rarpc(1M) - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol client
- rarpd(1M) - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol daemon
- rbacdbchk(1M) - Verifies the syntax of the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) database files
- rc(1M) - general purpose sequencer invoked upon entering new run level
- rcancel(1M) - remove requests from a remote printer spooling queue
- rdc(1M) - user interface for Routing Administration Manager (RAMD)
- rdpd(1M) - router discovery protocol daemon (OBSOLETE)
- rdump(1M) - incremental file system dump, local or across network — see
- reboot(1M) - reboot the system
- reject(1M) - allow/prevent LP destination queuing requests — see
- remshd(1M) - remote shell server
- renice(1M) - alter priority of running processes
- repquota(1M) - summarize file system quotas
- restore(1M) - restore file system incrementally, local or across network
- rexd(1M) - RPC-based remote execution server
- rexecd(1M) - remote execution server
- ripngd(1M) - RIPng routing daemon for IPv6
- ripquery(1M) - query RIP gateways
- rlogind(1M) - remote login server
- rlp(1M) - send LP print request to a remote system
- rlpdaemon(1M) - daemon for queuing, displaying, removing and altering remote spool requests and writing remote messages
- rlpstat(1M) - print status of LP spooler requests on a remote system
- rmboot(1M) - install, update or remove boot programs from disk — see
- rmsf(1M) - remove a special (device) file
- rmt(1M) - remote magnetic-tape protocol module
- roleadm(1M) - noninteractive editing of role-related information in RBAC databases
- route(1M) - manually manipulate the routing tables
- rpc.lockd(1M) - network lock daemon — see
- rpc.mountd(1M) - server for NFS mount requests and NFS access checks — see
- rpc.nisd_resolv(1M) - DNS service daemon for NIS
- rpc.pcnfsd(1M) - PC-NFS authentication and print request server — see
- rpc.sprayd(1M) - spray server — see
- rpc.statd(1M) - network status monitor — see
- rpc.yppasswdd(1M) - daemon for modifying Network Information Service passwd database — see
- rpc.ypupdated(1M) - server for changing NIS information — see
- rpcbind(1M) - universal addresses to RPC program number mapper
- rpcinfo(1M) - report RPC information
- rquotad(1M) - remote quota server
- rrestore(1M) - restore file system incrementally, local or across network — see
- rstatd(1M) - kernel statistics server
- rtradvd(1M) - Router Advertisement daemon for IPv6
- runacct(1M) - run daily accounting
- rusersd(1M) - network username server
- rwall(1M) - write to all users over a network
- rwalld(1M) - network rwall server
- rwhod(1M) - system status server
- S
- sa1(1M) - system activity report package
- sa2(1M) - system activity report package — see
- sadc(1M) - system activity report package — see
- sam(1M) - HP System Administration Manager (HP SAM)
- sar(1M) - system activity reporter
- savecrash(1M) - save a crash dump of the operating system
- scsictl(1M) - control a SCSI device
- scsimgr(1M) - SCSI management and diagnostic utility
- sd(1M) - display and monitor job information and create and remove jobs; invoke graphical user interface to display and monitor job information and create and remove jobs; respectively — see
- security_patch_check(1M) - check security-bulletin compliance state of HP-UX 11.x system or depot
- secweb(1M) - invokes the HP-UX Security Attributes Configuration tool
- sendmail(1M) - send mail over the Internet
- service.switch(1M) - indicate lookup sources and fallback mechanism
- set_parms(1M) - set system initial identity parameters: hostname, date/time, root password, and networking
- setboot(1M) - display and modify boot variables in stable storage
- setfilexsec(1M) - set extended security attributes on a binary file
- setmemwindow(1M) - change window ID of running program or start program in particular memory window
- setoncenv(1M) - NFS environment configuration command
- setprivgrp(1M) - set special privileges for groups
- setrules(1M) - set compartment rules
- setuname(1M) - change machine information
- share(1M) - make local resource available for mounting by remote systems
- share_nfs(1M) - make local NFS file systems available for mounting by remote systems
- shareall(1M) - share, unshare multiple resources
- showmount(1M) - show all remote mounts
- shutacct(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- shutdown(1M) - terminate all processing
- sig_named(1M) - send signals to the domain name server
- slpd(1M) - Service Location Protocol (SLP) Daemon
- slpdc(1M) - send signals to the SLP daemon or starts slpd
- slweb(1M) - start the HP-UX hardware event viewer tool (a Web interface)
- smh(1M) - HP System Management Homepage (HP SMH)
- smhstartconfig(1M) - configures the startup mode of the HPSMH server and of the Tomcat instance used by HPSMH
- smrsh(1M) - restricted shell for sendmail
- snmpd(1M) - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Process
- snmpdm(1M) - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Process — see
- softpower(1M) - determine if softpower hardware is installed on the system
- spray(1M) - spray packets
- sprayd(1M) - spray server
- st(1M) - shared tape administration
- startup(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- statd(1M) - network status monitor
- strace(1M) - write STREAMS event trace messages to standard output
- strchg(1M) - change or query stream configuration
- strclean(1M) - remove outdated STREAMS error log files
- strconf(1M) - change or query stream configuration — see
- strerr(1M) - receive error messages from the STREAMS log driver
- strvf(1M) - STREAMS verification tool
- swacl(1M) - view or modify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) which protect software products
- swagent(1M) - serve local or remote SD software management tasks; daemon that invokes swagent — see
- swagentd(1M) - serve local or remote SD software management tasks; daemon that invokes swagent
- swapinfo(1M) - system paging space information
- swapon(1M) - enable device or file system for paging
- swask(1M) - ask for user response
- swconfig(1M) - configure, unconfigure, or reconfigure installed software
- swcopy(1M) - install and configure software products; software products for subsequent installation or distribution; respectively — see
- swgettools(1M) - Utility for retrieving the SD product from new SD media in preparation for an OS update.
- swinstall(1M) - install and configure software products; software products for subsequent installation or distribution; respectively
- swjob(1M) - display and monitor job information and create and remove jobs; invoke graphical user interface to display and monitor job information and create and remove jobs; respectively
- swlist(1M) - display information about software products
- swmodify(1M) - modify software products in a target root or depot
- swpackage(1M) - package software products into a target depot or tape
- swreg(1M) - register or unregister depots and roots
- swremove(1M) - unconfigure and remove software products
- swverify(1M) - verify software products
- sync(1M) - synchronize file systems
- syncer(1M) - periodically sync for file system integrity
- sysdef(1M) - display system definition
- syslogd(1M) - log system messages
- T
- talkd(1M) - remote user communication server
- tcpd(1M) - access control facility for internet services
- telnetd(1M) - TELNET protocol server
- tftpd(1M) - trivial file transfer protocol server
- tic(1M) - terminfo compiler
- tsm.lpadmin(1M) - add or remove a printer for use with tsm
- tunefs(1M) - tune up an existing HFS file system
- tunefs_hfs(1M) - tune up an existing HFS file system — see
- turnacct(1M) - shell procedures for accounting — see
- U
- udpublickey(1M) - update the publickey database file and the NIS map
- ugweb(1M) - starts the HP-UX User and Group Account Configuration tool
- umount(1M) - mount and unmount file systems — see
- umount_cachefs(1M) - mount and unmount CacheFS file systems — see
- umount_cdfs(1M) - mount and unmount CDFS file systems — see
- umount_hfs(1M) - mount and unmount HFS file systems — see
- umount_lofs(1M) - mount and unmount LOFS file systems — see
- umount_nfs(1M) - mount and unmount remote NFS resources — see
- umountall(1M) - mount and unmount multiple file systems — see
- unlink(1M) - execute link() and unlink() system calls without error checking — see
- unshare(1M) - make local resource unavailable for mounting by remote systems
- unshare_nfs(1M) - make local NFS file systems unavailable for mounting by remote systems
- unshareall(1M) - share, unshare multiple resources — see
- untic(1M) - terminfo de-compiler
- update-ux(1M) - updates the HP-UX operating system from new HP-UX media
- updaters(1M) - configuration file for NIS updating
- ups_mond(1M) - HP PowerTrust Uninterruptible Power System monitor daemon
- useradd(1M) - add a new user login to the system
- userdbck(1M) - verify or fix information in the user database, /var/adm/userdb
- userdbget(1M) - display information residing in the user database, /var/adm/userdb
- userdbset(1M) - modify information in the user database, /var/adm/userdb
- userdel(1M) - delete a user login from the system
- usermod(1M) - modify a user login on the system
- userstat(1M) - check status of local user accounts
- utmp2wtmp(1M) - overview of accounting and miscellaneous accounting commands — see
- utmpd(1M) - user accounting database daemon
- uucheck(1M) - check the uucp directories and permissions file
- uucico(1M) - transfer files for the uucp system
- uuclean(1M) - uucp spool directory clean-up
- uucleanup(1M) - uucp spool directory clean-up
- uucpd(1M) - UUCP over TCP/IP server daemon
- uugetty(1M) - set terminal type, modes, speed and line discipline
- uuls(1M) - list spooled uucp transactions grouped by transaction
- uusched(1M) - schedule uucp transport files
- uusnap(1M) - show snapshot of the UUCP system
- uusnaps(1M) - sort and embellish uusnap output
- uusub(1M) - monitor uucp network
- uuxqt(1M) - execute remote uucp or uux command requests
- V
- vgcfgbackup(1M) - create or update LVM volume group configuration backup file
- vgcfgrestore(1M) - display or restore LVM volume group configuration from backup file
- vgchange(1M) - set LVM volume group availability
- vgchgid(1M) - modify the Volume Group ID (VGID) on a given set of physical devices
- vgcreate(1M) - create LVM volume group
- vgdisplay(1M) - display information about LVM volume groups
- vgexport(1M) - export an LVM volume group and its associated logical volumes
- vgextend(1M) - extend an LVM volume group by adding physical volumes
- vgimport(1M) - import an LVM volume group onto the system
- vgmodify(1M) - handle physical volume size changes and modify configuration parameters of an existing LVM volume group
- vgreduce(1M) - remove physical volumes from an LVM volume group
- vgremove(1M) - remove LVM volume group definition from the system
- vgscan(1M) - scan physical volumes for LVM volume groups
- vgsync(1M) - synchronize stale logical volume mirrors in LVM volume groups
- vhardlinks(1M) - checks the consistency of compartment rules for files with multiple hardlinks
- vipw(1M) - edit the password file
- volcopy(1M) - copy a file system with label checking
- volcopy_hfs(1M) - copy an HFS file system with label checking
- vtdaemon(1M) - respond to vt requests
- W
- wall(1M) - write message to all users
- whodo(1M) - which users are doing what
- wtmpfix(1M) - manipulate connect accounting records — see
- X
- xntpd(1M) - Network Time Protocol daemon
- xntpdc(1M) - special NTP query program
- Y
- ypbind(1M) - Network Information Service (NIS) server, binder, and transfer processes — see
- ypinit(1M) - build and install Network Information Service databases
- ypmake(1M) - create or rebuild Network Information Service databases
- yppasswdd(1M) - daemon for modifying Network Information Service passwd database
- yppoll(1M) - query NIS server for information about NIS map
- yppush(1M) - force propagation of Network Information Service database
- ypserv(1M) - Network Information Service (NIS) server, binder, and transfer processes
- ypset(1M) - bind to particular Network Information Service server
- ypupdated(1M) - server for changing NIS information
- ypxfr(1M) - transfer NIS database from server to local node
- ypxfr_1perday(1M) - transfer NIS database from server to local node — see
- ypxfr_1perhour(1M) - transfer NIS database from server to local node — see
- ypxfr_2perday(1M) - transfer NIS database from server to local node — see
- ypxfrd(1M) - Network Information Service (NIS) server, binder, and transfer processes — see