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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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lssf — list a special file


/sbin/lssf special_file ...

/sbin/lssf -s

/sbin/lssf -c special_file


In the first form, lssf lists information about a special file. For each special_file name, lssf determines the major number of the special file and whether it is block or character (using stat()). It then scans the system for the device that is associated with the special file. When the device is found, the minor number of the special file is decoded.

A mnemonic description of the minor number is printed on standard output along with the hardware path (in other words, address) of the device. Mnemonics used to describe the fields are closely related to the options used with mksf (see mksf(1M)).

In the second form, lssf displays the list of stale device special files present in selected directories under the /dev directory.

In the third form, lssf executes a Critical Resource Analysis (CRA) on the special_file.


lssf recognizes the following options:


Displays the Critical Resource Analysis (CRA) of special_file.


Displays the stale device special files present in the directories below, which contain special files for mass storage devices. The stale device special files correspond to nodes that have an entry in the system I/O configuration files but the corresponding device is not found. The device special files can either be legacy or persistent (see intro(7)).

/dev/dsk /dev/rdsk /dev/ct /dev/rmt

/dev/floppy /dev/rfloppy /dev/rscsi /dev/esctl

/dev/disk /dev/rdisk /dev/rtape


Most diagnostic messages from lssf are self explanatory. Listed below are some messages deserving further clarification. Warnings allow lssf to continue.


No such device in the system

There is no information about the device in the kernel. The special file is not usable. Use rmsf to remove the special file (see rmsf(1M)).

Character major major is not in the kernel

Block major major is not in the kernel

The major number associated with the special file is not in the kernel. Use kcmodule to add the appropriate driver to the kernel (see kcmodule(1M)).

Device driver name is not in the kernel

Device class name is not in the kernel

The indicated device driver or device class is not present in the kernel. An open() of a special file pointing to an unusable device fails. To make the device usable, the appropriate device driver and/or device class must be added to the kernel using kcmodule. If the device is no longer needed, rmsf should be used to remove the special files and update the system I/O configuration files.

special_file is not a special file

The file is not associated with an IO device.


Suppose a special file is created with the command mksf -d tape2 -H 8.6.1 -b 160 -a rmt/c2t6d0m. The command lssf rmt/c2t6d0m then produces:

tape2 instance 2 bpi 160 at address 8.6.1 rmt/c2t6d0m

Suppose a special file is created with the command mksf -C disk -H 64000/0xfa00/0x0 -I 11. The command lssf /dev/disk/disk11 then produces:

esdisk section 0 at address 64000/0xfa00/0x0 /dev/disk/disk11

Display stale device special files:

lssf -s

Display Critical Resource Analysis information for /dev/disk/disk7:

lssf -c /dev/disk/disk7


lssf was developed by HP.



I/O system special file


I/O system configuration database


I/O system configuration database

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