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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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fsadm_hfs: fsadm — HFS file system administration command


/usr/sbin/fsadm [-F hfs] [-V] [-o specific_options] special


The fsadm command is designed to perform selected administration tasks on HFS file systems. special is a device file containing an unmounted file system.

Only a superuser can invoke fsadm.


-F hfs

Specify the HFS file system type.

-o specific_options

Specify a list of comma separated suboptions and/or keyword/attribute pairs from the list below. The following specific_options are valid on HFS file systems.


Converts a nolargefiles file system to a largefiles file system. The file system should be unmounted and must be in a clean state (see fsck(1M)). A largefiles file system supports file sizes greater than 2 gigabytes.


Converts a largefiles file system to a nolargefiles file system. The file system should be umounted and must be in a clean state (see fsck(1M)). All largefiles should be purged from the file system for the conversion to succeed.


Echo the completed command line, but perform no other action. The command line is generated by incorporating the user-specified options and other information derived from /etc/fstab. This option allows the user to verify the command line.


Error and warning messages may originate from fsadm and fsck. See fsadm(1M) or fsck(1M) to interpret the error and warning messages.


Convert a nolargefiles HFS file system to a largefiles HFS file system:

fsadm -F hfs -o largefiles /dev/vg02/rlvol1

Convert a largefiles HFS file system to a nolargefiles file system:

fsadm -F hfs -o nolargefiles /dev/vg02/rlvol1

Display relevant HFS file system statistics:

fsadm -F hfs /dev/vg02/rlvol1


The size of a file system will impact the performance of the fsadm command.

During conversion from largefiles file system to a nolargefiles file system fsadm scans the entire file system for a large file. This functionality degrades the performance of the fsadm command.



Static information about the systems


fsadm(1M), fsadm_vxfs(1M), fsck(1M), fstab(4), fs_wrapper(5).

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