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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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edquota — edit disk quotas


/usr/sbin/edquota [-p proto_name] [-u|-g] name...

/usr/sbin/edquota [-u|-g] -t


The edquota command is the quota editor. One or more name of either users or groups can be specified on the command line. For each name, a temporary file is created with a textual representation of the current disk quotas for that user or group, and an editor is invoked on the file. The quotas can then be modified, new quotas added, and so on. Upon leaving the editor, edquota reads the temporary file and modifies the binary quota files to reflect the changes made.

The editor invoked is specified by the EDITOR environment variable. It defaults to vi (see vi(1)).

In order for user quotas to be established on a file system, the root directory of the file system must contain a file named quotas. Similarly, for group quotas, the quota.group file must exist on the root directory of the file system. See quota(5) for details.

Quotas can be established for all the users or groups on file systems created with largefiles enabled. However, on HFS file systems and file systems on which largefiles is not enabled, quotas cannot be created for user ids greater than 67,000,000. Quotas cannot be established for groups on HFS file systems.

Only users who have appropriate privileges can edit quotas.



Edits the quotas of one or more groups, specified by name(s).

-p proto_name

Duplicates the quotas of the group (when used with the -g option) or user proto_name for each group or user, name. This is the normal mechanism used to initialize quotas for groups of users.


Edit the time limits for each file system. Time limits are set for file systems, not users. When a user exceeds the soft limit for blocks or inodes on a file system, a countdown timer is started and the user has an amount of time equal to the time limit in which to reduce usage to below the soft limit (the required action is given by the quota command). If the time limit expires before corrective action is taken, the quota system enforces policy as if the hard limit had been exceeded. The default time limit of 0 is interpreted to mean the value in <sys/quota.h>, or one week (7 days). Time units of sec(onds), min(utes), hour(s), day(s), week(s), and month(s) are understood. Time limits are printed in the greatest possible time unit such that the value is greater than or equal to one.


Edits the quotas of one or more users (the default), specified by name(s).

Temporary File Formats

Here is an example of the temporary file created for editing user block and inode quotas:

fs /mnt blocks (soft = 100, hard = 120) inodes (soft = 0, hard = 0) fs / blocks (soft = 1000, hard = 1200) inodes (soft = 200, hard = 200)

Here is the format for editing quota time limits:

fs /mnt blocks time limit = 10.00 days, files time limit = 20.00 days fs / blocks time limit = 0 (default), files time limit = 0 (default)

When editing (default) values, it is not necessary to remove the (default) string. For example, to change the blocks time limit for /, changing the 0 to 4 days is sufficient.


When establishing quotas for a user who has had none before, (for either blocks or inodes), the quota statistics for that user do not include any currently occupied file system resources. Therefore, it is necessary to run quotacheck (see quotacheck(1M)) to collect statistics for that user's current usage of that file system. See quota(5) for a detailed discussion of this topic.

edquota will only edit quotas on local file systems.


edquota was developed by the University of California, Berkeley, and by Sun Microsystems, Inc.



Static information about the file systems.


Mounted file system table



Group and user quota statistics static storage for a file system respectively, where directory is the root of the file system as specified to the mount command (see mount(1M)).

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