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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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mountd, rpc.mountd — server for NFS mount requests and NFS access checks


/usr/sbin/rpc.mountd [-r] [-t n] [-v]


mountd is an RPC server that answers requests for NFS access information and file system mount requests. It reads the /etc/dfs/sharetab file to determine which file systems are available for mounting by which remote machines. See sharetab(4). nfsd running on the local server will contact mountd the first time an NFS client tries to access the file system to determine whether the client should get read-write, read-only, or no access. This access can be dependent on the security mode used in the remote procedure call from the client. See share_nfs(1M).

The command also provides information as to what file systems are mounted by which clients. This information can be printed using the showmount(1M) command.

The mountd daemon is automatically invoked if NFS_CORE=1, NFS_SERVER=1, and START_MOUNTD=1 in /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf.

Only superuser can run the mountd daemon.


The following options are supported:

-l log_file

This is an obsolete option. All messages and errors are logged to /var/nfs/mountd.log.


Reject mount requests from clients. Clients that have file systems mounted will not be affected.


Specify tracing level n, where n can have one of the following values:


Errors only (default).


Errors, requests handled by mountd, results, and the names of the main functions leading to the result


Run the command in verbose mode. Each time mountd determines what access a client should get, it will log the result to the syslog, as well as the names of the main functions leading to the result.


If nfsd is running, mountd must also be running in order to be assured that the NFS server can respond to requests.

Some routines that compare hostnames use case-sensitive string comparisons; some do not. If an incoming request fails, verify that the case of the hostname in the file to be parsed matches the case of the hostname called for, and attempt the request again.

If a client crashes, executing showmount on the server will show that the client still has a file system mounted. In other words, stale entries may accumulate in /etc/rmtab for clients that crash without sending an unmount request.

Also, if a client mounts the same remote directory twice, only one entry appears in /etc/rmtab. Doing a umount of one of these directories removes the single entry and showmount no longer indicates that the remote directory is mounted.


mountd was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.



shared file system table


list of all hosts having file systems mounted from this machine


rpc.mountd log file for messages and errors

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