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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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mount_cachefs: mount, umount — mount and unmount CacheFS file systems


/sbin/fs/cachefs/mount [-F cachefs] [-rqOV] -o backfstype=file_system_type [specific_options] resource mount_point

/sbin/fs/cachefs/umount mount_point


The mount utility attaches a named resource to the file system hierarchy at the pathname location mount_point, which must already exist. If mount_point has any contents prior to the mount operation, the contents remain hidden until the resource is once again unmounted. The CacheFS-specific version of the mount command mounts a cached file system; if necessary, it NFS-mounts its back file system. It also provides a number of options that are CacheFS-specific for controlling the caching process.

CacheFS can be used only with NFSv2 or NFSv3. It cannot be used with NFSv4. If NFSv4 is enabled by default CacheFS mount fails, unless the user specifies that vers is 2 or 3. See mount_nfs(1M) for the description of vers.

The umount utility unmounts mounted file systems.

Only a superuser can mount and unmount file systems.

See mount_nfs(1M) for the description of resource.

Options (mount)

See mount(1M) for the description of the -rFV options.

-o specific_options

Set file system specific options according to a comma-separated list with no intervening spaces. Notice that the backfstype argument must be specified.


Specifies that cached attributes are held for no more than n seconds after directory update. After n seconds, all directory information is purged from the cache. The default value is 30 seconds.


Specifies that cached attributes are held for at least n seconds after directory update. After n seconds, CacheFS checks to see if the directory modification time on the back file system has changed. If it has, all information about the directory is purged from the cache and new data is retrieved from the back file system. The default value is 30 seconds.


Specifies that cached attributes are held for no more than n seconds after file modification. After n seconds, all file information is purged from the cache. The default value is 30 seconds.


Specifies that cached attributes are held for at least n seconds after file modification. After n seconds, CacheFS checks to see if the file modification time on the back file system has changed. If it has, all information about the file is purged from the cache and new data is retrieved from the back file system. The default value is 30 seconds.


Sets acregmin, acregmax, acdirmin, and acdirmax to n.


The file system type of the back file system (for example, nfs).


Specifies where the back file system is already mounted. If this argument is not supplied, CacheFS determines a mount point for the back file system.


The name of the cache directory.


ID is a string specifying a particular instance of a cache. If you do not specify a cache ID, CacheFS will construct one.


Verifies cache consistency only when explicitly requested, rather than periodic checking that is done by default. A consistency check is requested by using the -s option of the cfsadmin command. This option is useful for back file systems that change infrequently, for example, /usr/bin. The demandconst, noconst, and weakconst are mutually exclusive.


Causes the front file system to interpret the mode bits used for access checking instead of having the back file system verify access permissions. Do not use this argument with secure NFS .


Disables cache consistency checking. By default, periodic consistency checking is enabled. Specify noconst only when you know that the back file system will not be modified. Trying to perform cache consistency check using cfsadmin -s will result in error. The demandconst, noconst, and weakconst are mutually exclusive.


Purge any cached information for the specified file system.


Remounts a read-only file system as read-write (using the rw option).


If specified when mounting a CacheFS file system, a binary will be read and populated in the cache the first time it is loaded. Subsequent access to the binary will be satisfied from the cache.

rw | ro

Read-write (default) or read-only.

suid | nosuid

Allow (default) or disallow set-uid execution.


Verifies the cache consistency with the NFS client's copy of file attributes, and coordinates with bakfs (NFS) for delayed flushing of modified pages to the server. The delayed flushing of pages improves CacheFS response times. The weakconst must not be used when multiple clients are modifying the same file. The demandconst, noconst, and weakconst options are mutually exclusive.

write-around | non-shared

Write modes for CacheFS. The write-around mode (the default) handles writes the same as NFS does; that is, writes are made to the back file system, and the affected file is purged from the cache. You can use the non-shared mode when you are sure that no one else will be writing to the cached file system. In this mode, all writes are made to both the front and the back file system, and the file remains in the cache.


Overlay mount. Allow the file system to be mounted over an existing mount point, making the underlying file system inaccessible. If a mount is attempted on a pre-existing mount point without setting this flag, the mount will fail, producing the error "device busy".


When processing an unknown specific_option, the mount utility prints a warning message and processes the next one. This option prevents printing the warning message.


CacheFS-mount the file system server1:/user2, which is already NFS-mounted on /usr/abc as /xyz.

mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,backpath=/usr/abc, \ cachedir=/cache1 server1:/user2 /xyz

Lines similar to the following appear in the /etc/mnttab file after the mount command is executed:

server1:/user2 /usr/abc nfs /usr/abc /cache1/xyz cachefs backfstype=nfs

Mount a CacheFS filesystem over NFS Version 2.

mount -F cachefs -o vers=2,backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/cache1 \ server1:/user2 /xyz


mount_cachefs was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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