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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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volcopy, labelit — copy a file system with label checking


/usr/sbin/volcopy [options] fsname special1 volname1 special2 volname2

/usr/sbin/labelit [options] special [fsname volume [-n]]


The volcopy command makes a literal copy of the file system using a block size matched to the device.


volcopy recognizes the following options:

-F FStype

Specify the file system type on which to operate (see fstyp(1M) and fs_wrapper(5)). If this option is not included on the command line, then the file system type is determined from the file /etc/fstab by matching special with an entry in that file. If there is no entry in /etc/fstab, then the file system type is determined from the file /etc/default/fs.


Invoke a verification sequence requiring a positive operator response instead of the standard delay before the copy is made.

-o specific_options

Specify options specific to the file system type. specific_options is a list of suboptions and/or keyword/attribute pairs intended for an FStype-specific module of the command. See the file system specific manual entries for a description of the specific_options that are supported, if any.


(default) Invoke the DEL-if-wrong verification sequence.


Assume a yes response to all questions


Echo the completed command line, but perform no other actions. The command line is generated by incorporating the user-specified options and arguments with other information derived from /etc/fstab. This option allows the user to verify the command line.

Other options are used with 9-track magnetic tapes:

-bpi density

Bits per inch.

-feet size

Size of reel in feet.

-reel num

Beginning reel number for a restarted copy.


Use double buffered I/O.

The volcopy command requests length and density information if they are not given on the command line and they are not recorded on an input tape label. If the file system is too large to fit on one reel, the volcopy command prompts for additional reels. Labels of all reels are checked. Tapes can be mounted alternately on two or more drives. If the volcopy command is interrupted, it asks if the user wants to quit or wants to escape to the command interpreter. In the latter case, other operations (such as executing the labelit command) can be performed before returning to the volcopy command by exiting the command interpreter.


The file system name on the device (e.g., root) being copied.


The physical disk section or tape (e.g., /dev/rdisk/disk3 or /dev/rtape/tape4QIC150).


The physical volume name; it should match the external sticker. Such label names are limited to six or fewer characters. The argument volname can be - to use the existing volume name.


The device from which the copy of the file system is being extracted.


The volume from which the copy of the file system is being extracted.


The target device.


The target volume.

The labelit command can be used to provide initial labels for unmounted disk or tape file systems. With the optional arguments omitted, the labelit command prints current label values. The -n option provides for initial labeling of new tapes only (this destroys previous contents). The -F, -V, and -o options can be specified for the labelit command. The behavior of the -F, -V, and -o options is similar to their behavior in the volcopy command.



File that specifies the default file system type.


Static information about the file systems.

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