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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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vhardlinks — checks the consistency of compartment rules for files with multiple hardlinks


vhardlinks [-m mount_point[...]]


vhardlinks checks the consistency of compartment rules for files that have multiple hard links pointing to them. If a file has multiple hard links, it is possible to create compartment rules such that the file will have conflicting rules controlling access to it.

If you invoke vhardlinks without arguments, a list of mount points is taken from the default file /etc/cmpt/hardlinks/hardlinks.config, which contains a list of system mount points, one per line. If the line is commented with a # or if it is not the absolute path of a mount point, it is skipped.

Output is logged to the /var/adm/syslog/cmpt.log file.


vhardlinks recognizes the following option:

-m mount_point

Specifies mount points. mount_point(s) specifies the mount point(s) to check for files with multiple hard links when using the -m option. Multiple mount points are specified as a white space separated list.

Security Restrictions

The user invoking this command must have one of the following authorizations:

hpux.security.xsec.secrules.unrestricted hpux.security.xsec.secrules.restricted

A user with hpux.security.xsec.secrules.unrestricted authorization can invoke this command from any compartment, while a user with hpux.security.xsec.secrules.restricted authorization can invoke this command from only those compartments that have read and write access to the /etc/cmpt directory heirarchy.

See authadm(1M)).



Default file; a list of system mount points.


Log file to which output from vhardlinks is directed.

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