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Table Of Contents

About This Guide




Cisco WAN Switching Product Name Change

Related Documentation

Cisco WAN Manager Release 10.5 Documentation

Cisco MGX 8850 Release 2.1 Documentation

SES PNNI Release 1.1 Documentation

Cisco WAN Switching Software, Release 9.3 Documentation

MGX 8850 Multiservice Switch, Release 1.1.40 Documentation

MGX 8250 Edge Concentrator, Release 1.1.40 Documentation

MGX 8230 Multiservice Gateway, Release 1.1.40 Documentation


Obtaining Documentation

World Wide Web

Documentation CD-ROM

Ordering Documentation

Documentation Feedback

Obtaining Technical Assistance


Technical Assistance Center

About This Guide

This chapter discusses the objectives, audience, organization, and conventions of the Cisco BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration.


This publication is the primary Cisco guide to install and configure the BPX 8600 Series wide-area switches. It provides:

Description and specifications of the switch hardware, chassis, cards, cables, and peripherals

Description of WAN switch software

Procedures for the installation of the switch, cards, cables, control terminals

Procedures for initial startup.

Procedures for configuring the BPX cards

Procedures for configuring lines and trunks

Procedures for provisioning (making connections to your network).

The 8600 series of Broadband Packet Exchange switches include:

BPX 8620 wide-area switch

BPX 8650 IP + ATM switch

BPX 8680 universal service switch

BPX 8680-IP (BPX+MGX8800+7204LSC)

Instructions for configuring MPLS on BPX switches, refer to the Cisco MPLS Controller Software Configuration Guide.

Instructions for configuring PNNI on BPX switches, refer to the Cisco SES PNNI Controller Software Configuration Guide.

All terms are defined in the Glossary.

Refer to current Release Notes for additional supported features.


This publication is intended for those installing the BPX 8600 series broadband network switches. Installers should be familiar with electronic circuity and electrical wiring practices and should have experience as an electronic or electromechanical technician.

It is also intended for the network administrator performing initial BPX configuration. Both the installers and the network administrator should be familiar with BPX network operation. Administrators should be familiar with LAN and WAN protocols and current networking technologies such as Frame Relay and ATM.


This guide is organized as follows:

"The BPX Switch: Functional Overview," introduces BPX 8600 Series broadband switches and describes the main networking functions.

Chapter 2, "BPX Switch Physical Overview," describes the physical components of the BPX switch.

"BPX Switch Common Core Components," describes the common core hardware components for the BPX switch.

"BNI (Trunk) Cards," describes the Broadband Network Interface (BNI) card and associated back cards.

Chapter 5, "BXM Card Sets: T3/E3, 155, and 622," describes the physical BXM card sets, major circuit functions, and technical specifications.

"Installation Overview," describes an overview of the procedures used for configuration.

"Preliminary Steps Before Installing," describes the preliminary steps to ensure safety and reliability.

"Installation with Cisco Cabinets including 7000 Series Routers," provides the installation procedures for the Cisco cabinets along with the 7000 series routers.

"Installation in Customer Cabinet," provides installation steps for the mechanical placement of a BPX switch shelf in a standard 19-inch customer-supplied equipment cabinet or rack with a rear rail setback at 30 inches.

"Installing the DC Shelf," explains how to connect the DC power supply to the BPX switch.

"Installing the AC Shelf," explains how to install the AC shelf.

"Installing the T3/E3 Cable Management Tray," provides instructions for the installation of the optional cable management tray that you can use to route cables in an open-rack, nonredundant configuration.

Chapter 13, "Installing the BPX Switch Cards," explains how to install the BPX switch cards, check for a 9.6 or 19.2 Gbps backplane, connect line and trunk cables, connect peripherals, connect to a network management station, initial power up, and initial configuration.

"Connecting Cables," explains how to connect trunk and circuit line cables.

"Connecting Temporary Terminal and Attaching Peripherals," explains how to set up a temporary terminal or network management station for initial power-up and to attach other peripherals.

"Checking and Powering-Up," explains how to check that you are ready and then perform the initial power-up.

Chapter 17, "Initial BPX 8600 Node Configuration," guides you through the initial node configuration that must be done before you can set up network management.

Chapter 18, "Configuring Trunks and Adding Interface Shelves," describes how to configure trunks and add interface shelves.

Chapter 19, "Configuring Circuit Lines and Ports," describes how to configure circuit lines and ports.

"Configuring Network Management," describes the initial procedures to set up a permanent network management station.

Chapter 21, "Configuring ATM Connections," explains how to establish ATM connection services by adding ATM connections between ATM service interface ports in the network using ATM standard UNI 3.1 and Traffic Management 4.0.

"Configuring Frame Relay to ATM Network and Service Interworking," describes Frame Relay to ATM interworking.

Chapter 23, "Configuring BXM Virtual Switch Interface," describes the BXM Virtual Switch Interface (VSI) and provides configuration procedures.

Chapter 24, "Configuring BXM Virtual Trunks," describes the Broadband Switch Module (BXM) virtual trunks.

Chapter 25, "Configuring SONET Automatic Protection System," contains a description and configuration information for the SONET Automatic Protection System (APS).

"Configuring BME Multicasting," presents an overview of multicasting, a description of the BME card used on the BPX switch for multicasting for PVCs, and configuration instructions.

Chapter 27, "Alarms and Statistics," describes some of the tools provided for detecting and identifying network and equipment problems that are available to the network operator.

Chapter 28, "Troubleshooting," describes periodic maintenance procedures and general troubleshooting procedures.

"Replacing Parts," describes the replacement of major BPX switch components.

"BPX Node Specifications," lists information for the BPX system specifications.

"BPX Switch Cabling Summary," specifies the cabling required to install the BPX switch.

"AT3-6ME (T3 to T2) Interface Adapter," describes the AT3-6ME Interface Adapter, sometimes referred to as the T3-T2 Interface Adapter.

Appendix A, "Upgrade Information," provides special upgrade information.

A glossary and an index is also included.

Cisco WAN Switching Product Name Change

The Cisco WAN Switching products were once known by older names.

Old Name
New Name

Any switch in the BPX switch family (Cisco BPX® 8620 broadband switch and Cisco BPX® 8650 broadband switch)

A Cisco BPX® 8600 series broadband switch

The BPX Service Node switch

The Cisco BPX® 8620 broadband switch

The BPX switch as a Label Switch Controller

The Cisco BPX® 8650 broadband switch

The AXIS shelf

The Cisco MGX™ 8220 edge concentrator

Any switch in the IGX switch family (IGX 8, IGX 16, and IGX 32 wide-area switches)

The Cisco IGX™ 8400 series multiband switch

The IGX 8 switch

The Cisco IGX™ 8410 multiband switch

The IGX 16 switch

The Cisco IGX™ 8430 multiband switch.

Cisco StrataView Plus®

Cisco WAN Manager® (CWM)

Related Documentation

The following Cisco publications contain additional information related to the operation of this product and associated equipment in a Cisco WAN switching network.

Cisco WAN Manager Release 10.5 Documentation

The product documentation for the Cisco WAN Manager (CWM) network management system for Release 10.5 is listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Cisco WAN Manager Release 10.5 Documentation 


Cisco WAN Manager Installation Guide for Solaris, Release 10.5


Provides procedures for installing Release 10 of the CWM network management system and Release 5.3 of CiscoView.

Cisco WAN Manager User's Guide, Release 10.5


Describes how to use the CWM Release 10 software which consists of user applications and tools for network management, connection management, network configuration, statistics collection, and security management.

Cisco WAN Manager SNMP Service Agent, Release 10.5


Provides information about the CWM Simple Network Management Protocol Service Agent, an optional adjunct to CWM used for managing Cisco WAN switches using SNMP.

Cisco WAN Manager Database Interface Guide, Release 10.5


Provides information about accessing the CWM Informix OnLine database that is used to store information about the network elements.

Table 2 WAN CiscoView Release 10 Documentation


WAN CiscoView Release 3 for the MGX 8850 Edge Switch, Release 1


Provides instructions for using this network management software application that allows you to perform minor configuration and troubleshooting tasks.

WAN CiscoView Release 3 for the MGX 8250 Edge Concentrator, Release 1


Provides instructions for using this network management software application that allows you to perform minor configuration and troubleshooting tasks.

WAN CiscoView Release 3 for the MGX 8230 Multiservice Gateway, Release 1


Provides instructions for using this network management software application that allows you to perform minor configuration and troubleshooting tasks.

Cisco MGX 8850 Release 2.1 Documentation

The product documentation for the installation and operation of the MGX 8850 Release 2.1 switch is listed in Table 3.

Table 3 Cisco MGX 8850 Switch Release 2.1 Documentation 


Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Hardware Installation Guide, Release 2.1


Describes how to install the MGX 8850 routing switch. It explains what the switch does, and covers site preparation, grounding, safety, card installation, and cabling.

Cisco MGX 8850 Switch Command Reference, Release 2.1


Describes how to use the commands that are available in the CLI1 of the MGX 8850 switches.

Cisco MGX 8850 Switch Software Configuration Guide, Release 2.1


Describes how to configure the MGX 8850 switches to operate as ATM edge and core switches. This guide also provides some operation and maintenance procedures.

Cisco MGX 8850 SNMP Reference, Release 2.1


Provides information on all supported MIB2 objects, support restrictions, traps, and alarms for the AXSM, PXM45, and RPM. PNNI is also supported.

Cisco MGX and SES PNNI Network Planning Guide


Provides guidelines for planning a PNNI network that uses the MGX 8850 switches and the BPX 8600 switches. When connected to a PNNI network, each BPX 8600 series switch requires a Service Expansion Shelf (SES) for PNNI route processing.

Cisco MGX Route Processor Module Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 2.1


Describes how to install and configure the MGX Route Processor Module (RPM-PR) in the MGX 8850 Release 2.1 switch. Also provides site preparation, troubleshooting, maintenance, cable and connector specifications, and basic IOS configuration information.

1 CLI = command line interface

2 MIB = Management Information Base

SES PNNI Release 1.1 Documentation

The product documentation that contains information for the understanding, the installation, and the operation of the Service Expansion Shelf (SES) PNNI Controller is listed in Table 4.

Table 4 SES PNNI Controller Release 1.1 Documentation 


Cisco SES PNNI Controller Software Configuration Guide, Release 1.1


Describes how to configure, operate, and maintain the SES PNNI Controller.

Cisco SES PNNI Controller Software Command Reference, Release 1.1


Provides a description of the commands used to configure and operate the SES PNNI Controller.

Cisco MGX and SES PNNI Network Planning Guide


Provides guidelines for planning a PNNI network that uses the MGX 8850 switches and the BPX 8600 switches. When connected to a PNNI network, each BPX 8600 series switch requires a SES for PNNI route processing.

Cisco WAN Switching Software, Release 9.3 Documentation

The product documentation for the installation and operation of the Cisco WAN Switching Software Release 9.3 is listed in Table 5.

Table 5 Cisco WAN Switching Release 9.3 Documentation 


Cisco BPX 8600 Series Installation and Configuration, Release 9.3.30


Provides a general description and technical details of the BPX broadband switch.

Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference, Release 9.3.30


Provides detailed information on the general command line interface commands.

Cisco IGX 8400 Series Installation Guide, Release 9.3.30

OL-1165-01 (online only)

Provides hardware installation and basic configuration information for IGX 8400 Series switches running Switch Software Release 9.3.30 or earlier.

Cisco IGX 8400 Series Provisioning Guide, Release 9.3.30

OL-1166-01 (online only)

Provides information for configuration and provisioning of selected services for the IGX 8400 Series switches running Switch Software Release 9.3.30 or earlier.

Cisco IGX 8400 Series Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information


Provides regulatory compliance, product warnings, and safety recommendations for the IGX 8400 Series switch.

MGX 8850 Multiservice Switch, Release 1.1.40 Documentation

The product documentation that contains information for the installation and operation of the MGX 8850 Multiservice Switch is listed in Table 6.

Table 6 MGX 8850 Multiservice Gateway Documentation 


Cisco MGX 8850 Multiservice Switch Installation and Configuration, Release 1.1.3


Provides installation instructions for the MGX 8850 multiservice switch.

Cisco MGX 8800 Series Switch Command Reference, Release 1.1.3.


Provides detailed information on the general command line for the MGX 8850 switch.

Cisco MGX 8800 Series Switch System Error Messages, Release 1.1.3


Provides error message descriptions and recovery procedures.

Cisco MGX 8850 Multiservice Switch Overview, Release 1.1.3

OL-1154-01 (online only)

Provides a technical description of the system components and functionary of the MGX 8850 multiservice switch from a technical perspective.

Cisco MGX Route Processor Module Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 1.1


Describes how to install and configure the MGX Route Processor Module (RPM/B and RPM-PR) in the MGX 8850, MGX 8250, and MGX 8230 Release 1 switch. Also provides site preparation, troubleshooting, maintenance, cable and connector specifications, and basic IOS configuration information.

1.1.40 Version Software Release Notes Cisco WAN MGX 8850, MGX 8230, and MGX 8250 Switches


Provides new feature, upgrade, and compatibility information, as well as known and resolved anomalies.

MGX 8250 Edge Concentrator, Release 1.1.40 Documentation

The documentation that contains information for the installation and operation of the MGX 8250 Edge Concentrator is listed in Table 7.

Table 7 MGX 8250 Multiservice Gateway Documentation 


Cisco MGX 8250 Edge Concentrator Installation and Configuration, Release 1.1.3


Provides installation instructions for the MGX 8250 Edge Concentrator.

Cisco MGX 8250 Multiservice Gateway Command Reference, Release 1.1.3


Provides detailed information on the general command line interface commands.

Cisco MGX 8250 Multiservice Gateway Error Messages, Release 1.1.3


Provides error message descriptions and recovery procedures.

Cisco MGX 8250 Edge Concentrator Overview, Release 1.1.3


Describes the system components and functionality of the MGX 8250 edge concentrator from a technical perspective.

Cisco MGX Route Processor Module Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 1.1


Describes how to install and configure the MGX Route Processor Module (RPM/B and RPM-PR) in the MGX 8850, MGX 8250, and MGX 8230 Release 1 switch. Also provides site preparation, troubleshooting, maintenance, cable and connector specifications, and basic IOS configuration information.

1.1.40 Version Software Release Notes Cisco WAN MGX 8850, MGX 8230, and MGX 8250 Switches


Provides new feature, upgrade, and compatibility information, as well as known and resolved anomalies.

MGX 8230 Multiservice Gateway, Release 1.1.40 Documentation

The documentation that contains information for the installation and operation of the MGX 8230 Edge Concentrator is listed in Table 8.

Table 8 MGX 8230 Multiservice Gateway Documentation 


Cisco MGX 8230 Edge Concentrator Installation and Configuration, Release 1.1.3


Provides installation instructions for the MGX 8230 Edge Concentrator.

Cisco MGX 8230 Multiservice Gateway Command Reference, Release 1.1.3


Provides detailed information on the general command line interface commands.

Cisco MGX 8230 Multiservice Gateway Error Messages, Release 1.1.3


Provides error message descriptions and recovery procedures.

Cisco MGX 8230 Edge Concentrator Overview, Release 1.1.3


Provides a technical description of the system components and functionary of the MGX 8250 edge concentrator from a technical perspective.

Cisco MGX Route Processor Module Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 1.1


Describes how to install and configure the MGX Route Processor Module (RPM/B and RPM-PR) in the MGX 8850, MGX 8250, and MGX 8230 Release 1 switch. Also provides site preparation, troubleshooting, maintenance, cable and connector specifications, and basic IOS configuration information.

1.1.40 Version Software Release Notes Cisco WAN MGX 8850, MGX 8230, and MGX 8250 Switches


Provides new feature, upgrade, and compatibility information, as well as known and resolved anomalies.


Command descriptions use these conventions:

Commands and keywords are in boldface.

Arguments for which you supply values are in italics.

Elements in square brackets ([ ]) are optional.

Alternative but required keywords are grouped in braces ({ }) and are separated by vertical bars ( | ).

Examples use these conventions:

Terminal sessions and information the system displays are in screen font.

Information you enter is in boldface screen font.

Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, are in angle brackets (< >).

Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets ([ ]).

Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.

Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.

Warning Means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents.


Dit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van standaard maatregelen om ongelukken te voorkomen.


Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Olet tilanteessa, joka voi johtaa ruumiinvammaan. Ennen kuin työskentelet minkään laitteiston parissa, ota selvää sähkökytkentöihin liittyvistä vaaroista ja tavanomaisista onnettomuuksien ehkäisykeinoista.


Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant causer des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement, soyez conscient des dangers posés par les circuits électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents.


Dieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu einer Körperverletzung führen könnte. Bevor Sie mit der Arbeit an irgendeinem Gerät beginnen, seien Sie sich der mit elektrischen Stromkreisen verbundenen Gefahren und der Standardpraktiken zur Vermeidung von Unfällen bewußt.


Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle persone. Prima di lavorare su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre conoscere i pericoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici ed essere al corrente delle pratiche standard per la prevenzione di incidenti.


Dette varselsymbolet betyr fare. Du befinner deg i en situasjon som kan føre til personskade. Før du utfører arbeid på utstyr, må du vare oppmerksom på de faremomentene som elektriske kretser innebærer, samt gjøre deg kjent med vanlig praksis når det gjelder å unngå ulykker.


Este símbolo de aviso indica perigo. Encontra-se numa situação que lhe poderá causar danos físicos. Antes de começar a trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, familiarize-se com os perigos relacionados com circuitos eléctricos, e com quaisquer práticas comuns que possam prevenir possíveis acidentes.


Este símbolo de aviso significa peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular cualquier equipo, considerar los riesgos que entraña la corriente eléctrica y familiarizarse con los procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes.


Denna varningssymbol signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada. Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och känna till vanligt förfarande för att förebygga skador.

Timesaver  Means the described action saves time. You can save time with this action.

Obtaining Documentation

The following sections explain how to obtain documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at the following URL:


Translated documentation is available at the following URL:


Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a Cisco Documentation CD-ROM package, which is shipped with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or through an annual subscription.

Ordering Documentation

Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:

Registered Cisco Direct Customers can order Cisco product documentation from the Networking Products MarketPlace:


Registered Cisco.com users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online Subscription Store:


Nonregistered Cisco.com users can order documentation through a local account representative by calling Cisco corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere in North America, by calling 800 553-NETS (6387).

Documentation Feedback

If you are reading Cisco product documentation on Cisco.com, you can submit technical comments electronically. Click Feedback at the top of the Cisco Documentation home page. After you complete the form, print it out and fax it to Cisco at 408 527-0730.

You can e-mail your comments to bug-doc@cisco.com.

To submit your comments by mail, use the response card behind the front cover of your document, or write to the following address:

Cisco Systems
Attn: Document Resource Connection
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-9883

We appreciate your comments.

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco provides Cisco.com as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from online tools by using the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Web Site. Cisco.com registered users have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site.


Cisco.com is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open access to Cisco information, networking solutions, services, programs, and resources at any time, from anywhere in the world.

Cisco.com is a highly integrated Internet application and a powerful, easy-to-use tool that provides a broad range of features and services to help you to

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You can self-register on Cisco.com to obtain customized information and service. To access Cisco.com, go to the following URL:


Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco TAC is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product, technology, or solution. Two types of support are available through the Cisco TAC: the Cisco TAC Web Site and the Cisco TAC Escalation Center.

Inquiries to Cisco TAC are categorized according to the urgency of the issue:

Priority level 4 (P4)—You need information or assistance concerning Cisco product capabilities, product installation, or basic product configuration.

Priority level 3 (P3)—Your network performance is degraded. Network functionality is noticeably impaired, but most business operations continue.

Priority level 2 (P2)—Your production network is severely degraded, affecting significant aspects of business operations. No workaround is available.

Priority level 1 (P1)—Your production network is down, and a critical impact to business operations will occur if service is not restored quickly. No workaround is available.

Which Cisco TAC resource you choose is based on the priority of the problem and the conditions of service contracts, when applicable.

Cisco TAC Web Site

The Cisco TAC Web Site allows you to resolve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time. The site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and software. To access the Cisco TAC Web Site, go to the following URL:


All customers, partners, and resellers who have a valid Cisco services contract have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. The Cisco TAC Web Site requires a Cisco.com login ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a login ID or password, go to the following URL to register:


If you cannot resolve your technical issues by using the Cisco TAC Web Site, and you are a Cisco.com registered user, you can open a case online by using the TAC Case Open tool at the following URL:


If you have Internet access, it is recommended that you open P3 and P4 cases through the Cisco TAC Web Site.

Cisco TAC Escalation Center

The Cisco TAC Escalation Center addresses issues that are classified as priority level 1 or priority level 2; these classifications are assigned when severe network degradation significantly impacts business operations. When you contact the TAC Escalation Center with a P1 or P2 problem, a Cisco TAC engineer will automatically open a case.

To obtain a directory of toll-free Cisco TAC telephone numbers for your country, go to the following URL:


Before calling, please check with your network operations center to determine the level of Cisco support services to which your company is entitled; for example, SMARTnet, SMARTnet Onsite, or Network Supported Accounts (NSA). In addition, please have available your service agreement number and your product serial number.


Posted: Tue May 10 21:43:28 PDT 2005
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