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Table Of Contents

Preliminary Steps Before Installing

Site Preparation

Parts Checklist

Safety Requirements

CEPT Requirements

EMI Requirements

Laser Safety Guidelines

Maintaining Safety with Electricity

Basic Guidelines

Power and Grounding

Mechanical Installation

Horizontal Positioning

Vertical Positioning

Installing a BPX Switch Shelf, Preliminary Steps

Preliminary Steps Before Installing

Before proceeding with the installation of the BPX switch, use the following preliminary steps to ensure safety and reliability:

Site Preparation

Parts Checklist

Safety Requirements

Mechanical Installation

Warning Installation should be performed by authorized personnel only.

Site Preparation

The following are the requirements for the site preparation:

Location—Specifies that the BPX switch may be installed only in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION.

Space—Specifies that each BPX switch shelf requires floor space 22 inches (55.9 cm) wide and
80 inches (203.2 cm) deep to provide sufficient clearance around the cabinet to allow access to the front and back.

Power—Specifies that an AC or DC power source must be available within 6 feet (2 m.) of the rear of the BPX switch shelf. A maximum configuration for an AC-powered BPX switch might require up to 2333 VA (13 A at 180 VAC, 10 A at 230 VAC). A maximum configuration for a DC powered BPX switch might require up to 1680 Watts (40 A at -42 VDC, 35 A at -48 VDC).

Uninterruptible Power Source—Please consult Cisco Engineering if a portable uninterruptible power source (UPS) is used to power the BPX 8600 Series System. Do not use an UPS or power source with a Ferro-Resonant transformer. For UPS, Cisco Systems recommends only low output impedance UPS capable of providing the necessary fault current required to trip the protection devices.

Cooling—Specifies that the site must be capable of maintaining an ambient temperature of 40°C maximum (recommended range 20°C to 30°C) while the system is operating. A fully loaded BPX switch may dissipate up to 7200 BTUs. It is extremely important that the BPX switch is positioned to assure an unrestricted air flow through the enclosure.

Weight—Specifies that a fully loaded, AC-version, BPX switch can weigh up to 213 pounds
(97 Kgs). A fully-loaded DC-version BPX switch can weigh up to 163 pounds (74 Kgs).

Parts Checklist

Before proceeding, go through this parts checklist to verify that all the parts you ordered are present, and that they are all in good condition. If there is anything missing or damaged, report it to your Cisco Order Administration representative.

Plug-in cards may be shipped installed or under separate cover. The exact number of cards will vary from site to site, depending on the selected configuration.

The BPX switch is shipped with all unused slots covered by backplane inserts that prevent radio frequency emissions from the equipment. The unit must not be operated with any unused slots left uncovered.

Refer to this list to check the number and type of cards shipped against the number and type of card you ordered. Check that:

If a DC version, it has the correct number of Power Entry modules.

If an AC version, it has the correct number of power supplies (1 or 2).

For nonredundant configuration, there should be one Broadband Controller Card. This can be a BCC-4v, BCC-3-32M, BCC-3-64M, or a BCC-32 depending on system configuration

For a nonredundant configuration, there should be one Broadband Controller back card. For a BCC-4V or BCC-3-32M, or BCC-3-64M front card, a BCC-3-BC back card must be used. For a BCC-32 front card, a BCC15-BC back card must be used.

For a redundant configuration, there should be two Broadband Controller Cards. These can be two BCC-4Vs, BCC-3-32Ms, or BCC-64Ms, or two BCC-32s.

For a redundant configuration, there should be two Broadband Controller back cards. For BCC-4V, BCC-3-32M, or BCC-3-64M front cards, these must be BCC-3-BC back cards. For BCC-32 front cards, these must be BCC15-BC back cards.

One ASM card.

One LM-ASM card.

Correct number of BXM cards.

Correct number of BNI cards.

Correct number of BME cards.

One line module back card for each BXM, as applicable (such as, BPX-T3/E3-BC, MMF-155-4, SMF-155-4, SMFLR-155-4, MMF-155-8, SMF-155-8, SMFLR-155-8, SMF-622, SMFLR-622, SMF-622-2, or SMFLR-622-2),
or STM-1 back card,
or SONET APS back cards (such as, SMF-155-4R, SMF-155-8R, SMF-622-1R, SMF-622-2R, SMF-LF-155-4R, SMF-LF-155-8R, SMF-LF-622-1R, and SMF-LR-622-2R,

One line module back card, SMF-622-2 for each BME.

One line module back card (such as, BPX-T3-BC, BPX-E3-BC, MMF-2-BC, SMF-2-BC, or SMFLR-2-BC) for each BNI, as applicable.

All cables specified in the order.

Note An inventory of the installed cards is taped to the BPX switch. The inventory states each card's serial number, revision number, and slot number (serial and revision numbers are also found on the component side of each card).

Safety Requirements

This section details safety information for system planners, installers, and maintenance personnel.

The mechanical design of the BPX switch prevents any access to exposed voltages without the use of tools. When installed properly, all front and rear cards are mechanically held captive.

Warning For protection against shock hazard, verify that all power cords or cables are disconnected before servicing the unit (there may be more than one power cable). The highest voltage that may be present in the node when powered up is 264 VAC (AC systems) or 56 VDC (DC systems).

CEPT Requirements

All apparatus (such as, 48 VDC power supplies) connected to the BPX switch must comply with BS6301 or EN60950.

EMI Requirements

Compliance with emission regulations depends upon adherence to the installation steps in this manual, including installation of faceplates for all slots and the use of shielded cables between systems.

Laser Safety Guidelines

The optical ports contain an information label as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1 Laser Information Label

Warning Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the optical ports of the single-mode or multimode products when no fiber cable is connected. Avoid exposure and do not look into open apertures. (For translated versions of this warning, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information that accompanied your equipment).

Warning Class 1 laser product. (For translated versions of this warning, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information that accompanied your equipment).

Warning Laser radiation when open. (For translated versions of this warning, refer to the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information that accompanied your equipment).

Maintaining Safety with Electricity

You must install your BPX switch in accordance with national and local electrical codes.

United States: National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 70, United States National Electrical Code.

Canada: Canadian Electrical Code, C22.1, part 1.

Other countries: International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 364, part 1 through part 7.

The BPX switch operates safely when it is used in accordance with its marked electrical ratings and product usage restrictions.

Basic Guidelines

The following are the basic guidelines when working with any electrical equipment:

Locate the emergency power-OFF switch for the room in which you are working before beginning any procedures requiring access to the interior of the BPX chassis.

Disconnect all power and external cables before removing or installing a chassis.

Carefully examine your work area for possible hazards such as moist floors, ungrounded power extension cables, frayed power cords and missing safety grounds.

Never work alone when potentially hazardous conditions exist.

Never assume that power has been disconnected from a circuit; always check.

Never perform any action that creates a potential hazard to people or makes the equipment unsafe.

Never install equipment that appears damaged.

Any list of guidelines may not address all potentially hazardous situations in your working environment so be alert and exercise good judgment at all times.

The following are the safety guidelines that will help to ensure your safety and protect the equipment:

Keep the chassis area clear and dust-free before, during, and after installation.

Keep tools away from walk areas where you and others could fall over them.

Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry, such as earrings, bracelets, or chains that could get caught in the equipment.

Wear safety glasses if you are working under any conditions that might be hazardous to your eyes.

Never attempt to lift an object that might be too heavy for you to lift alone.

Always power OFF all power supplies and unplug all power cables before opening, installing, or removing a chassis.

Power and Grounding

To access power and grounding requirements, use the following procedure:

Step 1 In order for the BPX switch to function safely and correctly, along with peripheral equipment, use only the power cords, cables, and connectors specified for the attached peripheral equipment, and make sure they are in good condition.

Step 2 Certain BPX switches are supplied with two power feeds (cords). Before commencing installation or maintenance inside the cabinet, be sure both power feeds are disconnected from their respective sources.

Step 3 Ensure that the BPX switch frame is attached to an isolated ground connection (connection attached directly to ground through an uninterrupted line).

Step 4 A conduit hookup box is factory-installed on each DC Power Entry Module for sites requiring wiring to be enclosed in conduit. A plastic terminal block cover is also provided for installations that do not require conduit hookup. Install one or the other as protection for the DC input.

Step 5 For an AC system, verify that the node is powered from a dedicated AC branch circuit. The circuit shall be protected by a dedicated 2-pole circuit breaker sized such that the rated current and the trip delay is higher and longer than the BPX switch circuit breaker. A dedicated 20A, 2-pole AC circuit breaker with a long trip delay is recommended for installation.

Note The BPX switch uses a 15A (or in newer models a 20-A), 2-pole AC circuit breaker with a medium trip delay on each AC input. The circuit breaker manufacture is either Carlingswitch (p/n CA2-B0-34-615-121-C) or Heinemann (part number AM2-A3-A-0015-02E).

Step 6 For a DC system, verify that the node is powered from a dedicated DC branch circuit. The circuit shall be protected by a dedicated circuit breaker sized such that the rated current and the trip delay is higher and longer than the BPX switch circuit breaker. A dedicated 50A, 1-pole DC circuit breaker with a long trip delay is recommended for installation.

Note The BPX switch uses a 50A, 1-pole DC circuit breaker with medium trip delay on the -48V input. The circuit breaker manufacture is Heinemann (part number AM1S-B3-A-0050-02-H).

Step 7 An insulated grounding conductor should be installed as part of the branch circuit that supplies the unit. This grounding conductor is identical in size to the grounded and ungrounded branch circuit supply conductors, but is green with yellow stripes.

Mechanical Installation

Caution If the BPX switch is to be mounted in an enclosed cabinet, ensure that a free flow of air in and out of the enclosure is provided. Contact Cisco Customer Service for further information.

Horizontal Positioning

BPX switch shelves are designed to be mounted to two sets of vertical mounting rails in either a Cisco cabinet or a standard 19-inch equipment rack with unrestricted front to rear air flow. When installed in a Cisco cabinet (see Figure 7-2), the front flanges of the BPX switch are secured to the front rails of the Cisco cabinet. In factory installations, rear support is provided by rear mounting rails in the cabinet at a setback of 19.86 inches. As an option, a rear set of rails located at a setback of approximately 30 inches may be used for rear support.

Figure 7-2 Cabinet Mounting Options for the BPX Shelf

BPX switch shelves can also be mid-mounted to an open T-Rail type rack (see Figure 7-3) with unrestricted front to rear air flow. To facilitate this type of installation, brackets may be fastened to the BPX switch shelf at a 5 or 10 inch setback for supporting the front of the BPX switch shelf. Additional rear mounting support is also recommended. Contact Cisco Customer Service for further information.

Figure 7-3 BPX Shelf and T-Rail (Open Rack) or Equivalent Mounting Options

Vertical Positioning

For recommended typical equipment configurations in a Cisco cabinet, see Chapter 2, "BPX Switch Physical Overview."

Installing a BPX Switch Shelf, Preliminary Steps

The BPX switch shelf is designed for mounting in a standard 19-inch (48.25 cm) equipment rack such as the standard Cisco cabinet. A minimum width between rails of 17.750 inches (44.45 cm) is required (see Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5).

Figure 7-4 Rack Mounting Dimensions, DC Powered Shelf

Figure 7-5 Rack Mounting Dimensions, AC Powered Shelf

Mounting flanges are permanently attached to the front edge of the BPX switch shelf.

Note It is recommended that you use a lifting device to assist in mounting the shelf with all plug-in cards installed. This procedure eliminates the possibility of damaging the card contacts during removal and reinstallation. However, if no lifting device is available, it is possible to temporarily remove the plug-in cards to lessen the weight. Great care should be taken with removing and reinstalling cards.

The following are the two types of BPX switch shelves with special installation requirements:

AC poweredSpecifies that if you install an AC-powered BPX switch shelf, you must also install an AC Power Supply Tray directly below it.

DC powered—Contains factory-installed DC power entry modules (PEMs) within the shelf itself.

Temporary support brackets and a spacer bar are furnished to ease installation by supporting the BPX shelf as you slide it into a cabinet.

Note Installation in a non-Cisco cabinet or T-Rail type rack is similar to installation in a Cisco cabinet. Contact Cisco Customer Service for recommended rear support details.

These instructions apply to a BPX switch shelf installation in a Cisco cabinet, which has rear rails at 19.86 inches (50.5 cm) or in a customer supplied standard 19-inch (48.25 cm) equipment rack with rear rails at a 30 inch (76.2 cm) setback.

The recommended stacking order, from the bottom, up, is:

1. BPX on the bottom

2. Next, the 7204 Label Switch Controller (if ordered)

3. Next, the MGX (8250 or 8230) on top

Gap between the shelves is designed to be .060" minimum to allow clearance for replacement.

The first of the two following procedures is the recommended method for installing the BPX shelf and other shelves in a Cisco cabinet: by leaving in the cards and using a lifting device to raise the fully loaded unit into position. The second procedure describes removing all cards for situations where no lifting device is available.

To install the fully loaded BPX switch shelf in a Cisco cabinet by means of a lifting device, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Position the shipping container and pallet facing the front of chassis. Remove the foam strips on the sides, front and rear.

Step 2 Slide the BPX onto the lifting device platform.

Step 3 Decide where the BPX switch is to be located. The top of the spacer bracket should be temporarily installed in the rack 22.75" (57.8 cm.) below the location selected for the top of the BPX switch chassis.

Step 4 Install the temporary support brackets and spacer bar (shipped with the unit). Use two mounting screws to attach each temporary support bracket and two screws to attach the temporary spacer bar to the rack.

Note It is recommended that all BPX switches use a set of vertical support rails to provide additional support for the rear of the chassis. In the Cisco cabinet these are located at a 19.86 inch setback from the front in factory installations.

Step 5 If you are installing the BPX switch shelf in a Cisco cabinet and using factory installed rear rails located at a 19.86 inch setback from the front, see "Installation with Cisco Cabinets including 7000 Series Routers," for the installation instructions.

Step 6 If you are installing the BPX switch shelf in a customer-supplied cabinet using rear rail mounting support brackets located at a setback of approximately 30 inches from the front, see "Installation in Customer Cabinet."

To install the BPX switch shelf in a Cisco cabinet without use of a lifting device, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Position the shipping container and pallet facing the front of chassis. Remove the foam strips on the sides, front and rear.

Step 2 Remove the card retaining bracket from the front of the chassis by unscrewing the four Phillips screws. This bracket is used to retain the boards during shipping.

Step 3 Remove the Air Intake Grill and all front and rear cards from the shelf and temporarily set them aside as follows:

a. Locate the small access hole in the top center of the front Air Intake Grille below the card slots. Figure 7-6 shows the location.

b. Insert a small slotted blade screwdriver (0.20/0.25 inch blade width) into the access hole until it stops (approximately 1 inch).

c. Carefully rotate the screwdriver approximately a quarter turn in either direction. The top of the Air Intake Grille should spring out.

d. Remove Air Intake Grille.

Caution Ground yourself before handling BPX switch cards by placing a wrist strap on your wrist and clipping the strap lead to the cabinet.

e. To remove the cards, rotate the extractor handles at the top and bottom of each card to release the card and slide it out.

Figure 7-6 Removing an Air Intake Grille

Step 4 Decide where the BPX switch is to be located. See Figure 7-2 through Figure 7-5 for typical mounting dimensions. The top of the spacer bracket should be temporarily installed in the rack 22.75" (57.8 cm) below the location selected for the top of the BPX switch chassis.

Step 5 Install the temporary support brackets and spacer bar (shipped with the unit). Use two mounting screws to attach each temporary support bracket and two screws to attach the temporary spacer bar to the rack (see Figure 7-7 and Figure 7-8).

Note It is recommended that all BPX switches use a set of vertical support rails to provide additional support for the rear of the chassis. In the Cisco cabinet these are located at a 19.86 inch setback from the front in factory installations.

Figure 7-7 Temporary Spacer Bar and Support Brackets Installation

Figure 7-8 BPX Switch Shelf Aligned with Temporary Support Brackets and Bar

Step 6 If you are installing the BPX switch shelf in a Cisco cabinet and using factory installed rear rails located at a 19.86 inch setback from the front, see "Installation with Cisco Cabinets including 7000 Series Routers."

Step 7 If you are installing the BPX switch shelf in a customer-supplied cabinet using rear rail mounting support brackets located at a setback of approximately 30 inches from the front, see "Installation in Customer Cabinet."


Posted: Tue May 10 21:07:00 PDT 2005
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