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Table Of Contents
Symbols - Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y -
# [for pound sign], in a prompt 2-5
* [for asterisk], as wildcard 13-4
> [for angle bracket], in a prompt 2-5
... [for ellipsis], as wildcard 13-4
25 Mbps
default configuration 17-2
155 Mbps
default configuration 17-4
622 Mbps
default configuration 17-7
configuring with TACACS+ 4-16
description 4-14
aaa accounting command 4-16
aaa new-model command 4-16
commands 2-2
configuring, example 8-36
configuring CTT rows, example 8-13
configuring OSF 8-6
congestion notification mode 8-9to 8-10
CTT row default 8-12
limits of best-effort connections 8-29
output queue maximum 8-18
service category limit 8-7
access-class command 11-11
access control
ILMI per-interface filters 11-13to 11-14
overview 11-1
accessibility tests
configuring, example 3-21
overview 3-19
access lists. See IP access lists
accounting. See ATM accounting
accounting file configuration mode. See ATM accounting file configuration mode
accounting selection configuration mode. See ATM accounting selection configuration mode
addressing schemes
ATM 3-5
ATM switch router chassis (table) 2-7
hierarchical model 3-5
administrative-weight command 10-42
ATM E.164 translation table configuration mode 2-13
E.164 address autoconversion 16-5
E.164 translation table 16-9
ILMI access filters 9-2
PNNI ATM addressing 10-2
age-timer command 16-12
aggregation-mode command 10-48
enabling on interface, example 7-4
T1 and E1 17-16
alarm indication signals. See AIS
features 1-2
with FC-PCQ 1-3
with FC-PFQ 1-3
atm0 interface (note) 3-8
atm abr-mode command 8-9
atm access-group command 11-6
ATM accounting
configuring interfaces 14-4
controlling data collection 14-9
copying data file with TFTP 14-12
environment (figure) 14-2
global configuration 14-3
overview 14-2
atm accounting collection command 14-9
atm accounting enable command 14-3
atm accounting file command
entering command mode 2-12
ATM accounting file configuration mode
description 2-12
table 2-4
atm accounting selection command 14-5
ATM accounting selection configuration mode
description 2-12
table 2-4
atm accounting trap threshold command 14-10
atm address command
IISP ATM addresses 10-5
PNNI ATM addresses 10-11
ATM addresses
ATM routing 10-5
changing active 10-5
configuration prerequisites 3-2
IISP 10-5
manually configuring 3-6
PNNI 10-10
static routes 10-7
testing correct configuration 3-38
uniqueness rule (note) 3-5
wildcards in LANE templates 13-4
ATM address group
ATM address groups
ATM addressing
BOOTP server 3-4
ILMI 3-5
ATM address prefixes
as ping destinations 7-6
atm address-registration command 9-5
atm address-registration permit command 11-13
clients 12-2
server description 12-4
atm arp-server nsap command 12-2
atm arp-server time-out command 12-4
atm auto-configuration command 9-5
atm cac best-effort-limit command 8-29
atm cac framing overhead command 8-41
atm cac link-sharing command 8-24
atm cac max-peak-cell-rate command 8-31
atm cac overbooking command 8-38
atm cac service-category command 8-36
ATM connections
checking reachability 7-5to 7-6
network points 7-2
testing configuration 3-39
atm connection-traffic-table-row command
CTT row allocations and defaults 8-12
hierarchical VP tunnels 6-39
shaped VP tunnels 6-36
single service VP tunnels 6-34
ATM E.164 translation table configuration mode
description 2-13
table 2-4
atm e164 address command 16-7
atm e164 auto-conversion command 16-8
atm e164 translation command 16-10
atm e164 translation-table command
entering command mode 2-13
ATM end system addresses. See AESA
atm esi-address command
ATM ARP client 12-2
interfaces 12-4
atm filter-expr command 11-5
ATM filters
configuring access control 11-3to 11-7
example (figure) 11-8
atm filter-set command 11-3
atm hierarchical-tunnel command 6-38
atm iisp command 5-7
atm ilmi default-access permit command 9-2
atm ilmi-keepalive command 9-5
classical IP over ATM 12-5to 12-7
atm interface-group command 9-8, 10-8
ATM interfaces
configuring, examples 15-5
displaying configuration 15-5
displaying tag switching configuration, example 15-5
enabling tag switching 15-4
testing configuration 3-39
testing status 3-40
ATM internetworking services
classical IP over ATM 12-1to 12-7
SSRP 13-15
summary 1-7
atm lecs-address command
Ethernet LANE clients 13-14
ILMI LECS addresses 9-3
atm lecs-address-default command 13-7
atm link-distance command 8-28
atm manual-well-known-vc command 6-29
atm maxvci-bits command 17-3, 21-7
atm maxvpi-bits command
interfaces 17-3
NNI interfaces, 12-bit VPI 5-5
ATM network interfaces
disabling autoconfiguration 5-1
IISP 5-7
NNI 5-4
UNI 5-3
atm nsap-address command 12-2, 12-4, 12-9
atm oam (global) command 7-3
atm output-queue command 8-18
atm output-threshold command 8-20
atm over-subscription-factor command 8-7
atm pacing command 8-22
atm pnni admin-weight command 10-43
atm pnni aggregation-token command 10-46
atm pnni explicit-path command 10-38
atm pnni link-selection command 10-34
atm prefix command 9-6
atm pvc command
end points to PVP tunnels 6-40
IP multicast 21-20
nondefault well-known PVCs 6-29
point-to-multipoint PVCCs 6-13
PVC-based map list 12-8
RFC 1483 21-14
terminating connections 6-8
VCCs 6-3
atm pvc encap aal5snap command 12-6, 21-16, 21-17, 21-18
atm pvp command
connecting VP tunnels 15-12
hierarchical VP tunnels 6-39
PVPs 6-9
shaped VP tunnels 6-36
tag switching on VP tunnels 15-10
VP tunnels 6-34
atm qos default command 8-5
enabling data collection 14-17to 14-18
overview 14-14
port select group example (figure) 14-15
port select groups 14-14to 14-17
atm rmon collect command 14-16
atm rmon enable command 14-17
atm rmon portselgrp command 14-15
atm route command
ATM ARP clients 12-2
ATM ARP servers 12-4
E.164 address autoconversion 16-8
IISP interfaces 5-7
static routes, ATM addresses 3-18, 10-7, 10-13
static routes, E.164 address 16-6
atm route-optimization percentage-threshold command 6-24
ATM router configuration mode
description 2-10
table 2-3
ATM router modules
configuring LANE clients 13-14, 21-7
configuring LANE clients, examples 21-9to 21-13
IP multicast 21-20
restrictions, hardware and software 21-4
routing and bridging functions (figure) 21-3
traffic flow (figure) 21-4
atm router pnni command
configuring PNNI 10-11
entering command mode 2-10
ATM routing
overview 10-1
static routes 10-7
atm routing-mode command 10-4
atm service-category-limit command 8-8
atm service-class command 15-15
atm signalling cug access command 16-17
atm signalling cug alias command 16-16
atm signalling cug assign command 16-17
atm signalling diagnostics command
entering command mode 2-14
signalling diagnostic tables 16-12
ATM signalling diagnostics configuration mode
description 2-14
table 2-4
atm signalling diagnostics enable command 16-12
atm signalling ie forward command 16-2
atm signalling vpci command 6-41
atm snoop command 6-45
atm snoop-vc command 6-47
atm snoop-vp command 6-47
atm soft-vc command 6-19
atm soft-vp command 6-22
atm sustained-cell-rate-margin-factor command 8-13
atm svcc vci min command 6-31
atm svcc vpi max command 6-31
atm svc-frame-discard-on-aal5ie command 16-3
atm svpc vpi max command 6-31
ATM switches
overview 1-2
processor and feature card models 1-3
support for port adapters 1-3
terminal lines 3-2
ATM switch routers
configuring OAM 7-3
connection characteristics 1-5
hardware components 1-2
modular chassis 1-1
OAM operation 7-2
overview 1-1
system availability 1-4
terminal lines 3-2
atm template-alias command 11-2
atm threshold-group command 8-16
atm uni command
ATM interfaces 17-3
UNI interfaces 5-3
authenticating user access, dynamic 11-10
disabling 5-1
displaying 5-2
auto-ferf command 17-14, 17-17
auto-summary command
PNNI summary addresses 10-14
using (note) 10-14
background-routes-enable command 10-31
bert pattern command 20-5
best-effort connections
configuring limits 8-29
displaying configuration 8-30
BOOTP servers
configuration prerequisites 3-2
configuring 3-4
boot system command 3-25
bridge atm-vc command 21-18
bridge-group command 21-17, 21-18
bridge protocol command 21-17
between ATM and Ethernet 21-11
configuring 21-17
displaying configuration 21-19
packet flooding 21-18
broadcast-and-unknown servers. See BUSs
buffer pools, configuring 4-2
buffers command 4-2
configuration examples 13-17to 13-32
monitoring 13-16
redundant 13-15
cablelength command 19-3
calendar, configuring 4-14
calendar set command 4-14
called-address-mask command 16-12
called-nsap-address command 16-12
calling-nsap-address command 16-12
carrier modules, documentation xxviii
configuring soft PVCs
with CAS 18-35
with CAS and on-hook detection 18-39
description 18-35
CAC parameter to bandwidth relationship 8-23
configuring CTT rows 8-12
configuring OSF 8-6
configuring output queue, example 8-19
CTT row default 8-12
FC-PCQ and FC-PFQ feature comparison 8-4
interface output discard threshold 8-20
interface output pacing 8-21
interface queue thresholds per service category 8-20
network clock services 3-17
output queue maximum 8-18, 8-19
service category limit 8-7
configuring 4-3
cdp command 4-3
CDS3 Frame Relay controllers
changing default cable lengths, example 19-3
displaying configuration 19-5
displaying serial information, example 19-5
CDS3 Frame Relay interfaces
default configuration 19-2
E1 time slot mapping (figure) 19-7
T3/T1 time slot mapping (figure) 19-2
configuring ATM default 8-33
displaying configuration 8-33
CE1 Frame Relay controllers
changing default yellow alarms, example 19-8
displaying configuration, example 19-9
CE1 Frame Relay interfaces
default configuration 19-7
cell delay variation tolerance. See CDVT
cell flows
on demand or periodic (note) 7-2
support for 7-1
cell-payload scrambling, disabling 3-6
deleting circuits 18-47to 18-48
reconfiguring circuits 18-46to 18-47
structured services
hard PVCs with shaped tunnel 18-23to 18-29
multiple soft PVCs same port 18-40to 18-45
overview 18-19
soft PVCs with CAS enabled 18-35to 18-38
soft PVCs with CAS on-hook detection enabled 18-39to 18-40
unstructured services
ces aal1 clock adaptive command 18-12
ces aal1 clock command 18-4
ces aal1 clock synchronous command 18-16
ces aal1 service command 18-4
ces aal1 service structured command 18-12
ces aal1 service unstructured command 18-16
ces circuit cdv command 18-6
ces circuit circuit-name command 18-12
ces circuit command 18-4
ces circuit timeslots command 18-22
ces dsx1 clock source command 18-5
ces dsx1 framing command 18-5
ces dsx1 framing esf command 18-22
ces dsx1 framing sf command 18-6
ces dsx1 lbo command 18-5
ces dsx1 linecode command 18-5, 18-42
ces dsx1 loopback command 18-5
ces dsx1 signalmode robbedbit command 18-5
ATM addresses
description 18-2
network clock services 3-17
ces pvc command
CES T1/E1 interfaces 18-5
hard PVC, example 18-12
hard PVC with a shaped VP tunnel, example 18-27
soft PVC, example 18-17
CES T1/E1 interfaces
clocking options 18-2
connectors supported 18-2
default configuration 18-3
overview 18-2
channel associated signalling. See CAS
channel-group command 19-4, 19-8
channel groups
configuring 19-8
See also Frame Relay serial interfaces
channelized DS3 Frame Relay interfaces. See CDS3 Frame Relay interfaces
channelized E1 Frame Relay interfaces. See CE1 Frame Relay interfaces
circuit emulation services. See CES
circuit emulation services interworking function. See CES-IWF
structured services 18-19to 18-45
unstructured services 18-9to 18-18
Cisco Discovery Protocol. See CDP
classical IP over ATM
ATM router modules 21-16
example (figure) 12-3
class mappings into service classes (table) 15-14
clear-cause command 16-12
clear cdp command 4-3
client-atm-address command 13-10
clock, configuring 4-13
clock command 4-13
clock module
network synchronization 1-7
on the route processor 1-1
clock set command 3-18
clock source command
ATM interfaces 17-5
CDS3 Frame Relay interfaces 19-3
T1/E1 IMA interfaces 20-5
transmit clocking source 3-12
collection-modes command 14-7
command modes
ATM accounting file configuration 2-12
ATM accounting selection configuration 2-12
ATM E.164 translation table configuration 2-13
ATM router configuration 2-10
ATM signalling diagnostics configuration 2-14
controller configuration 2-14
global configuration 2-6
interface configuration 2-7
LANE configuration server database configuration 2-13
main CPU configuration 2-15
map-class configuration 2-10
map-list configuration 2-9
PNNI explicit path configuration 2-11
PNNI node configuration 2-11
privileged EXEC 2-5
redundancy configuration 2-15
subinterface configuration 2-8
user EXEC 2-5
abbreviating 2-2
syntax in documentation xxvii
using no to disable features or functions 2-2
config-register command 3-25
configuration registers
changing value 3-25
testing installation 3-35
storing 3-33
synchronizing 3-28
testing 3-42
testing NVRAM 3-43
configure command
entering command mode 2-6
ATM addresses 3-5
BOOTP server 3-4
ESHA 3-31
Ethernet connections 3-7to 3-9
network routing 3-18
prerequisites 3-2
redundancy 3-23
RMON 3-33
SNMP 3-33
system information 3-18
terminal line 3-2
configuring interfaces
IISP 5-7
interface snooping 6-45
methods 3-2
terminal lines and modem support 4-1to 4-2
troubleshooting connections 17-17
connection-category command 16-12
connection traffic table. See CTT
connection-traffic-table rows. See CTTRs
connection-types command 14-5
checking 4-18
controlled link sharing
configuring 8-23
displaying configuration 8-25
minimum and maximum parameter relationships (table) 8-23
controller command
entering command mode 2-14
controller configuration mode
description 2-14
table 2-4
controller e1 command
CE1 Frame Relay interfaces 19-8
channel groups 19-8
controller t3 command 19-3, 19-4
configuring for tag switching 15-13to 15-16
port weight mappings (table) 15-14
VP tunnel weight mappings (table) 15-15
configuring for Frame Relay to ATM interworking 19-17
displaying configuration 8-13
Frame Relay to ATM interworking (table) 19-17
management 8-2
row allocations and defaults 8-11
tag switching 15-18
restrictions 6-40
description 16-15
T1/E1 structured CES 18-19
debug diag online command 3-21
default command
ATM accounting files 14-7
ATM accounting selection table 14-5
default connections
number in OAM configured connections 7-3
default-name command 13-8, 13-10
default QoS objective tables
configuring 8-5
description 8-2
displaying 8-6
description command 14-7
diag online access command 3-20
diag online access freq command 3-20
diag online command 3-20
diag online oir command 3-20
diag online oir pktsize command 3-20
diag online snake command 3-20
diag online snake timer command 3-21
Digital Access and Crossconnect System. See DACS
autoconfiguration 5-1
cell-payload scrambling 3-6
signalling 16-21
carrier modules xxviii
cautions xxix
command syntax xxvii
conventions xxviii
notes xxix
DS3 interfaces
default configuration 17-13
autoconversion feature 16-5
gateway feature 16-5
one-to-one translation table 16-5, 16-9
static routes 16-6
E1 ATM interfaces
configuring 17-15
default configuration 17-15
E1 channels
configuring, example 19-9
e164 address command 16-10
E1 IMA interfaces
default configuration 20-4
displaying configuration, example 20-6
E1 trunk interfaces
default configuration 17-15
E3 interfaces
default configuration 17-13
edge switches, example 14-2
configuring 3-31
description 3-23
displaying switch processor configuration 3-32
adding restricted membership
database entries for clients 13-10
restricted membership database 13-9
unrestricted membership database 13-8
election leadership-priority command 10-22
enable command
ATM accounting 14-7
entering privileged EXEC mode 2-5
end system identifier. See ESI
end-to-end loopback, example 7-4
Enhanced High System Availability. See EHSA
erase startup-config command 3-4
classical IP over ATM 12-3
configuring ARP client 12-2
template 13-4
values derived from MAC address 13-4
LANE clients 13-14
testing connectivity 3-38
ethernet0 interface
configuring 3-8
note 3-8
Ethernet connections
configuring IP addresses 3-7
testing configuration 3-37
Ethernet interfaces
configuring LAN emulation 13-1
exclude-node command 10-38
EXEC command mode
note 2-1
user level description 2-5
EXEC commands
privileged level 2-5
extended TACACS
description 4-14
enabling 4-15
F4 flows
reporting unavailable or not guaranteed paths 7-1
F5 flows
reporting degraded VC performance 7-1
failed-attempts command 14-7
fault management functions
in OAM (note) 7-1
fault resistance
ATM switch routers 1-4
ASP-B with 1-3
ASP-C with 1-3
features 8-2
functionality 8-3
features 8-2
functionality 8-3
fdl command 20-5
feature card per-class queuing. See FC-PCQ
feature card per-flow queuing. See FC-PFQ
feature cards
FC-PCQ 8-3
FC-PFQ 8-3
models 1-3
field programmable gate arrays. See FPGAs
file management
BOOTP server configuration file 3-4to 3-5
configuration files 21-4
copying ATM accounting files 14-12
preparing for download 21-1
system images 21-4
For 21-8
description 21-5
frame discard 16-3
Frame Relay
CDS3 port adapters 19-1to 19-6
displaying, example 19-10
enabling 19-10
Frame Relay to ATM interworking 19-20to 19-28, 19-31to 19-35, 19-38
Frame Relay-to-Frame Relay 19-29to 19-31
serial interfaces 19-11, 19-15
soft PVC route optimization 19-35to 19-37
soft PVCs
configuration guidelines 19-28
configuring, example 19-34
frame-relay accept-overflow command 19-19
frame-relay bc-default command 19-18
frame-relay connection-traffic-table-row command 19-17
frame-relay input-queue command 19-18
frame-relay intf-type command 19-11
frame-relay lmi-n391dte command 19-14
frame-relay lmi-n392dce command 19-14
frame-relay lmi-n392dte command 19-14
frame-relay lmi-n393dce command 19-14
frame-relay lmi-n393dte command 19-14
frame-relay lmi-type command 19-12
frame-relay output-queue command 19-18
frame-relay overbooking command 19-19
frame-relay pvc command 19-21
frame-relay pvc dlci command
Frame Relay to ATM service PVCs 19-24, 19-26
Frame Relay transit PVCs 19-27
Frame Relay serial interfaces
configuring 19-11
configuring type NNI, example 19-11
displaying configuration, example 19-11, 19-15
frame-relay soft-vc dlci command
Frame Relay to ATM network soft PVCs 19-29, 19-31
Frame Relay to ATM service soft PVCs 19-33
Frame Relay to ATM interworking
configuration guidelines 19-28
configuring network PVCs 19-21
configuring service PVCs 19-23
configuring soft PVCs, example 19-34
configuring terminating service PVCs 19-25
configuring the CTT 19-17
configuring transit PVCs 19-27
default CTT rows (table) 19-17
resource management
Frame Relay-to-Frame Relay
configuring soft PVCs 19-29to 19-31
example 19-29
framing command
622-Mbps interfaces 17-8
CDS3 Frame Relay interfaces 19-3
CE1 Frame Relay interfaces 19-8
DS3/E3 interfaces 17-14
OC-12c interfaces 17-10
T1/E1 ATM interfaces 17-16
T1/E1 IMA interfaces 20-5
framing overhead
configuring 8-40
displaying configuration 8-41
functional images
funnel signalling 16-21
global configuration mode
accessing 2-1
description 2-6
table 2-2
guaranteed service categories. See service categories
hard PVCs
structured services 18-20to 18-22
structured services with shaped VP tunnel 18-23to 18-27
unstructured services 18-10to 18-12
description 18-7
for structured services 18-22
for unstructured services 18-13
structured services with a shaped VP tunnel 18-28
hard PVPs
displaying configuration 6-17
example 6-16
example (figure) 6-16
resource management description 8-2
testing installation and configuration 3-34, 3-35
verifying 3-3
hardware RM
description 8-2
hierarchical VP tunnels
multiple service categories 6-37to 6-40
service categories (table) 15-15
host name, default 2-5
hostname command
changing default host name 2-5
configuring system information 3-18
ICMP messages 11-11
ATM addresses 10-5
configuring interfaces 5-7
displaying configurations 5-8
overview 10-1
ATM addresses 9-1
ATM address groups 9-8
configuring interfaces 9-5to 9-8
displaying address prefix 9-7
global system configuration 9-1to 9-5
LECS address 9-3
overview 9-1
switch address prefixes 3-5
frames 20-2
T1/E1 IMA interfaces 20-3to 20-6
ima active-links-minimum command 20-13
ima clock-mode command 20-14
ima differential-link-delay command 20-16
ima frame-length command 20-17
IMA frames
description 20-2
layout (figure) 20-3
ima-group command
adding interfaces to groups 20-8
creating groups 20-7
deleting interfaces groups 20-10
IMA groups
adding interfaces 20-8
configuring parameters
active minimum links 20-13
differential delay 20-15
frame length 20-17
interface clock mode 20-14
test pattern 20-18
confirming interface deletion, example 20-12
deleting interfaces 20-10
displaying configuration, example 20-9
grouping example (figure) 20-2
ima test command 20-18
incoming-port atm command 16-12
initial IP configuration, testing 3-38
Integrated Local Management Interface. See ILMI
interface address formats (table) 2-7
interface command
entering interface command mode 2-7
entering subinterface command mode 2-8
interface configuration mode
description 2-7
table 2-2
interface level OAM
configuring 7-4
enabling AIS and end-to-end loopback, example 7-4
interface modules
ATM router module 21-2
description 17-1
OC-3c 17-5
OC-12c 17-9
OC-48c 17-11
interface overbooking
configuring 8-37
displaying configuration 8-39
restrictions 8-37
modifying default configuration 3-6
new address formats 3-8
troubleshooting 17-17
interface serial command 19-29
interface snooping
configuring 6-45
Interim-Interswitch Signalling Protocol. See IISP
internetworking services. See ATM internetworking services
interval command 14-7
interworking services
CES-IWF 18-2
Frame Relay to ATM 19-9
inverse multiplexing over ATM. See IMA
IOS file system 21-2
ip access-group command 11-11
IP access lists
configuration, examples 11-12to 11-13
description 11-10
implicit masks 11-11
logging violations 11-10
styles 11-10
undefined 11-11
virtual terminal lines (note) 11-12
ip address command
classical IP over ATM 12-6, 21-16
IP address and subnet mask 3-8
LANE server, BUS, and client 13-12
loopback interface 15-3
PVC-based map list 12-7
SVC-based map list 12-9
tag switching on the ATM interface 15-4
tag switching on VP tunnels 15-10
TDP control channels 15-9
IP addresses
assigned by BOOTP protocol 3-4
configuration prerequisites 3-2
configuring parallel interfaces (note) 15-4
displaying configuration 3-8
loopback interfaces 15-3
ping destinations 7-6
set to default 3-4
IP multicast
configuring 21-20
example 21-20
ip multicast-routing command 21-20
IP over ATM. See classical IP over ATM
ip pim command 21-20
ip route command
map lists 12-8
static IP routes 21-2
ip unnumbered command
tag switching on ATM interfaces 15-4
tag switching on VP tunnels 15-10
keepalive command 19-13
keepalive interval 19-13to 19-14
assigning components to subinterfaces 13-4
clients on ATM router module interfaces, examples 21-9to 21-13
concept (figure) 13-2
configuration plan and worksheet 13-3
configuration task list 13-2
configuration task list 13-8
name 13-8
restricted membership 13-9
setting up 13-7
unrestricted membership 13-8
ELANs and subnetworks 13-12, 13-13
enabling the configuration server 13-11
ESI template 13-4
ESI values derived from MAC address 13-4
Ethernet clients 13-14
addresses 13-7
configuring 13-4
overview 13-1
prefix template 13-4
redundant LECSs 13-15
routing between ELANs 13-11, 13-12
SSRP 13-15
Token Ring 13-13
troubleshooting 13-16
values of wildcard characters (table) 13-4
wildcards in ATM address templates 13-4
lane client-atm-address command 13-14
lane client ethernet command
LANE clients on a subinterface 13-13, 21-8
LANE Ethernet clients 13-14
LANE server and clients 13-12
redundant LECSs 13-15
lane client tokenring command
LANE clients on a subinterface 13-13, 21-8
LANE server and clients 13-12
redundant LECSs 13-15
lane config auto-config-atm-address command 13-11
lane config database command 13-11
LANE configuration server database configuration mode
description 2-13
table 2-4
lane database command
default ELANs 13-8
entering command mode 2-13
redundant LECSs 13-15
restricted-membership ELANs 13-10
unrestricted-membership ELANs 13-9
LAN emulation clients. See LECs
LAN emulation configuration servers. See LECSs
LAN emulation servers. See LESs
lane server-bus ethernet command 13-12
lbo command
DS3/E3 interfaces 17-14
T1/E1 ATM interfaces 17-17
T1/E1 IMA interfaces 20-5
assigning protocol addresses 13-12
ATM router module interfaces, examples 21-9to 21-13
changing to different ELANs 13-12
configuration examples 13-17to 13-32
configuring ATM router module interfaces 13-13, 21-7
configuring subinterfaces 13-12
configuration examples 13-17to 13-32
configuring 13-4
redundant 13-15
configuration examples 13-17to 13-32
redundant 13-15
complex node representation 10-51to 10-52
configuration example 10-25to 10-30
summary addresses 10-23to 10-25
linecode command
T1/E1 ATM interfaces 17-16
T1/E1 IMA interfaces 20-5
line command
entering command mode 2-8, 2-9
line configuration
ATM switches 3-2
ATM switch routers 3-2
line configuration mode
table 2-3
link distance
configuring 8-28
displaying configuration 8-28
list command 14-5
displaying statistics on port adapters with NNI interface, example 19-15
keepalive interval 19-13to 19-14
polling intervals 19-14
load-interval command 4-4
Local Management Interface. See LMI
logging command 4-4
logging messages 4-4
login authentication command 4-5
loopback command 20-5
loopback interfaces
OAM 7-4
MAC addresses
adding to BOOTP configuration file 3-4
main-cpu command
entering command mode 2-15
synchronizing configurations 3-28
main CPU configuration mode
description 2-15
table 2-5
managing and monitoring
ATM accounting 14-1
configuration files 21-3to 21-5
IOS file system 21-2
overview 1-7
rebooting 21-4
snooping 6-43
user interface 2-1
map-class command
entering command mode 2-10
map-class configuration mode
description 2-10
table 2-3
map-group command 12-7, 12-9, 21-14, 21-20
map-list command
bridging packet flooding 21-18
entering command mode 2-9
IP multicast 21-20
RFC 1483 21-14
map-list configuration mode
description 2-9
table 2-3
map lists
configuration examples (figures) 12-8, 12-10
configuring 12-9
implicit in IP access lists, example 11-12
subnetting 3-8
tag switching loopback interface 15-3
wildcard subnet 15-6
max-admin-weight-percentage command 10-35
framing overhead 8-40
framing overhead configurations (table) 8-40
interface overbooking 8-37
maximum queue size 8-18
max-records command 16-12
configuring ATM default 8-33
displaying configuration 8-33
mdl command 19-3
access list violation 11-10
logging 11-10
min-age command 14-7
monitoring. See managing and monitoring
MSRP 1-3
multipoint-to-point funnel signalling 16-21
Multiprotocol Label Switching. See tag switching
multiservice switch route processors. See MSRP
name command
default ELANs 13-8
ELANs 13-10
node names 10-20
name server-atm-address command
default ELANs 13-8
redundant LECSs 13-15
restricted-membership ELANs 13-10
unrestricted-membership ELANs 13-9
national reserve command 20-5
configuring 3-14
enabling 3-15
network configuration example (figure) 3-14
ncdp admin-weight command 3-16
ncdp command 3-15
ncdp control-vc command 3-16
ncdp max-diameter command 3-15
ncdp revertive command 3-15
ncdp source priority command 3-15
ncdp timers command 3-15
cell flows and 7-1
netmask addresses
configuration prerequisites 3-2
Network Clock Distribution Protocol. See NCDP
network clocking
configuring NCDP 3-14
configuring sources and priorities 3-11to 3-12
configuring transmit source 3-12
displaying configuration 3-13
features (table) 3-10
feature summary (table) 3-10
network-clock-select bits command 3-11
network-clock-select command
clock sources and priorities 3-11, 3-12
DS3/E3 interfaces 17-14
T1/E1 ATM interfaces 17-16
network command 15-6
network connectivity
network interfaces. See ATM network interfaces
network management applications 1-8
network management interface
description 8-2
network routing, configuring 3-18
Network Time Protocol. See NTP
Network-to-Network Interface. See NNI
next-node command 10-38
configuring interfaces 5-4to 5-6
12-bit VPI 5-5
nodal-representation command 10-51
node 1 disable command 10-11
node 1 level enable command 10-11
node command
entering command mode 2-11
PNNI peer group identifier 10-18
significant change threshold 10-50
node election leadership 10-21to 10-23
nondefault well-known PVCs
overview 6-28
ntp command 4-10
storing configurations 3-33
ATM switch router hardware support 7-2
cell flow support 7-1
configuring entire switch 7-3
configuring entire switch router 7-3
configuring interface level 7-4
configuring maximum connections, example 7-3, 7-4
displaying configuration 7-7
fault management function (note) 7-1
maximum configured connections 7-3
software capabilities 7-2
switch component operations 7-2
OC-3c interfaces
changing mode of operation 3-6
default configuration 17-5
displaying configuration 3-7
modifying default configuration, example 3-6
OC-12c interfaces
default configuration 17-9
OC-48c interfaces
default configuration 17-11
OIR tests
configuring, example 3-22
overview 3-20
online diagnostics
configuring 3-20
displaying results 3-21
online insertion and removal tests. See OIR tests
Open Shortest Path First. See OSPF
Operation, Administration, and Maintenance. See OAM
displaying configuration, example 8-7
displaying configuration, example 15-6
example 15-6
outgoing-port atm command 16-12
output pacing
displaying configuration 8-22
output queue maximum size
displaying configuration 8-19
output virtual circuits. See OVCs
configuring 8-25
description 8-25
overbooking. See interface overbooking
oversubscription factor. See OSF
packet discard 16-3
parallel interfaces
unnumbering (note) 15-4
parent command 10-21
parent nodes 10-21
configuring enable 4-4
privileged EXEC mode 2-5
permanent virtual channels. See PVCs
permanent virtual path numbers. See PVP numbers
configuration example 10-25to 10-30
node election leadership 10-21to 10-23
parent nodes 10-21
physical interfaces
configuring 8-17
ping atm command 17-17
ping atm interface atm command 7-6
checking ATM connection 7-5
checking basic connectivity 4-18
ping destinations
in ATM connections 7-6
ping ip command 3-9
advanced configuration 10-30to 10-57
ATM address groups 10-8
ATM router configuration mode 2-10
basic configuration 10-10to 10-25
collecting statistics 10-56to 10-57
configuration example 10-25to 10-30
configuring higher levels 10-17to 10-25
explicit path description 10-38
explicit paths for soft PVCs 6-26to 6-28
IISP interface example (figure) A-1
link selection methods (table) 10-33
moving switch in hierarchy (figure) A-11
node election leadership 10-21to 10-23
one-level hierarchy example (figure) A-7
overview 10-1
parent nodes 10-21
peer group identifier 10-17
protocol parameters 10-52to 10-55
static routes 3-18, 10-7, 10-12to 10-13
summary addresses 10-14to 10-15, 10-23to 10-25
topology example (figure) 10-25
two-level hierarchy examples (figure) A-2, A-8
PNNI explicit path configuration mode
description 2-11
table 2-4
PNNI node configuration mode
description 2-11
table 2-3
configuring PVCs 6-13
Point-to-Point Protocol. See PPP authentication
port adapters
25 Mbps 17-2
155 Mbps 17-3
622 Mbps 17-7
ATM switch support 1-3
CDS3 Frame Relay 19-1
CE1 Frame Relay 19-7
CES T1/E1 18-2
clocking options 18-2
DS3 17-13
E1 ATM 17-15
E1 IMA 20-3
E3 17-13
on carrier modules 1-2
overview 17-1
T1 ATM 17-15
T1 IMA 20-3
port select groups 14-14to 14-17
power-on diagnostics 3-36
PPP authentication 4-17
precedence command 10-37
primary reference source. See PRS
Private Network-Network Interface. See PNNI
privilege command 4-9
privileged EXEC mode
description 2-5
security level 2-1
table 2-2
angle bracket in 2-5
pound sign in 2-5
rommon> (note) 3-4
protocol parameters
database synchronization 10-52to 10-54
flooding parameters 10-52to 10-54
resource management poll interval 10-54to 10-55
example (figure) 3-14
synchronizing 3-14
ptse command 10-53
ptse significant-change command 10-50
purge command 16-13
configuring (note) 6-3
configuring end points to PVP tunnels 6-40
configuring soft, route optimization 6-24
configuring soft PVCs 6-18
configuring terminating 6-8
deleting 6-6
example (figure) 6-13
traffic values in CTT data structure 8-11
types (figure) 6-7
PVP numbers
for VP tunnels (note) 15-7
configuring 6-16
configuring soft PVCs, route optimization 6-24
connecting VP tunnels 15-12
connection 6-9
deleting 6-12
description 6-9
displaying configuration 6-17
PVP tunnels
configuring PVCs 6-40
ATM Forum Class A 3-17
configuring 18-4
description 15-13
description 8-2
RDI functions
cell flows and 7-2
rebooting 21-4
redistribute atm-static command 10-45
preferred switch processors 3-31to 3-32
route processors
displaying configuration 3-29
preparing for removal 3-29
synchronizing configurations 3-26, 3-28
redundancy command
entering command mode 2-15
synchronizing configurations 3-28
redundancy configuration mode
description 2-15
table 2-5
redundancy force-failover main-cpu command 3-25
redundancy manual-sync command 3-27
redundancy preferred-switch-card-slots command 3-31
redundancy prepare-for-cpu-removal command 3-29
relative weight
configuring 15-15
description 15-15
remote defect indication functions. See RDI functions
remote-log command 14-13
resource call admission control. See RCAC
resource-poll-interval command 10-54
RFC 1757 14-14
RFC 1483
configuring ATM router modules 21-13to 21-16
example 21-14
RFC 1577. See classical IP over ATM
CTT 8-10
Frame Relay to ATM 19-16to 19-19
framing overhead 8-40
interface overbooking 8-37
OSF 8-6
output pacing 8-21
overview 8-1
QoS 8-5
service classes 8-25
threshold groups 8-15
traffic control parameters 8-10
configuring 3-33, 14-14to 14-20
overview 14-14
rmon alarm command 14-19
rmon event command 14-18
rommon> prompt
recovering from (note) 3-4
ROM monitor mode
description 2-6
table 2-2
route processors
configuring redundancy 3-25, 3-26
displaying redundancy configuration 3-29
forcing a switchover 3-25
preparing for removal 3-29
synchronizing configurations 3-26, 3-28
router command 15-6
router configuration mode. See ATM router configuration mode
route selection
background route computation 10-31to 10-33
maximum administrative weight percentage 10-35
routing table (note) 3-2
QoS service classes 8-25
tag switching service classes 15-14
configuring attributes 4-6
configuring service classes 8-25
scheduler command 4-6
scope command 16-13
scope map command 10-16
scope mode command 10-16
configuring margin factor 8-13
displaying margin configuration 8-14
scrambling command 17-5
in user interface 2-1
See also authenticating user access
segment loopback flow
checking with ping command, example 7-5, 7-6
segment loopbacks
effect of ping command on unenabled (note) 7-6
ping of neighbor switch with 7-6
segment-target command 10-38
serial interfaces. See Frame Relay serial interfaces
service categories
configuring support 8-35
displaying 8-37
displaying limit 8-8
QoS 8-5
restrictions 8-36
TBR classes (table) 15-15
service-category command 16-13
service category limits
example 8-8
service classes
configuring 8-25
displaying information 8-27
service commands, summary 4-6
call agents 18-53
request handling 18-53
configuration information 18-49
connections 18-52
endpoints 18-51
operation 18-49
overview 18-48
shutdown 18-54
sgcp call-agent command 18-53
sgcp command 18-49
sgcp graceful-shutdown command 18-54
sgcp request retries command 18-53
sgcp request timeout command 18-53
shaped VP tunnels
configuring hard PVCs 18-23to 18-29
show atm accounting command 14-6
show atm addresses command
Frame Relay soft PVCs 19-29
IISP configuration 10-5
ILMI global configuration 9-4
ILMI interface configuration 9-7
PNNI configuration 10-11
soft PVCs 6-19
troubleshooting interface configurations 17-17
show atm arp-server command 12-5
show atm filter-expr command 11-7
show atm filter-set command 11-7
show atm ilmi-configuration command 9-4
show atm ilmi-status command
ILMI global configuration 9-4
ILMI interface configuration 9-8, 9-9, 10-9
VPI range configuration 6-32
show atm interface atm command
autoconfiguration 5-2
E.164 addresses 16-7
hierarchical VP tunnel configuration 6-39
IISP configuration 5-8
NNI interface configuration 5-4
UNI interface configuration 5-3
VP tunnel configuration 6-35
12-bit VPI NNI configuration 5-6
show atm interface command
ATM E.164 translation table configuration 16-10
E.164 address autoconversion 16-9
shaped VP tunnel configuration 6-37
soft PVC route optimization configuration 6-25
troubleshooting interface configuration 17-17
VCCs 6-4
VPI range configuration 6-32
VP tunnel deletion 6-42
show atm interface resource command
best-effort connections 8-30
controlled link sharing configuration 8-25
framing overhead configuration 8-41
link distance configuration 8-28
output pacing configuration 8-22
output queue maximum configuration 8-19
overbooking configuration 8-39
service categories 8-37
show atm map command 12-5, 12-9
show atm pnni aggregation link command 10-48
show atm pnni aggregation node command 10-48, 10-51
show atm pnni background-routes command 10-31
show atm pnni background status command 10-31, 10-32
show atm pnni command 10-21, 10-43
show atm pnni election command 10-23
show atm pnni election peers command 10-23
show atm pnni explicit-paths command 10-40
show atm pnni hierarchy command 10-21
show atm pnni identifier command 10-39
show atm pnni interface command 10-47
show atm pnni local-node command 10-18, 10-42
show atm pnni neighbor command 10-34
show atm pnni precedence command 10-37
show atm pnni resource-info command 10-50, 10-55
show atm pnni scope command 10-17
show atm pnni statistics command 10-56
show atm pnni summary command 10-15
show atm pnni topology node command 10-39
show atm qos-defaults command 8-6
show atm resource command 8-7, 8-14, 8-17
show atm rmon command 14-16
show atm rmon stats command 14-16
show atm route command
E.164 address route configuration 16-6
static route configuration 10-7, 10-13
show atm signalling cug command 16-18
show atm signalling diagnostics filter command 16-15
show atm signalling diagnostics record command 16-14
show atm signalling diagnostics status command 16-15
show atm signalling statistics command 16-19
show atm snoop command 6-45
show atm snoop-vc command 6-47
show atm snoop-vp command 6-47
show atm status command
multipoint-to-point funnel connections 16-21
troubleshooting interface configuration 17-17
show atm vc cast mp2p command 16-21, 16-22
show atm vc command
MBS configuration 8-33
PVCs 6-41
soft PVC configuration 6-20
soft PVC explicit paths 6-27
troubleshooting interface configuration 17-17
show atm vc interface atm command 6-9, 6-14
show atm vp command
MBS configuration 8-33
point-to-multipoint PVP configuration 6-17
soft PVPs 6-23
VP connections 6-10
VP tunnel configuration 15-11
show buffers command 4-2
show calendar command 4-14
show capability command 3-32
show cdp command 4-3
show ces address command 18-8
show ces circuit command 18-13
show ces circuit interface command 18-13
show ces interface command 17-17
show clock command 4-14
show controller e1 command 19-9
show controllers atm command
physical interface configuration 3-7
T1/E1 IMA interface configuration 20-5
show controllers command
network clocking configuration 3-13
troubleshooting interface configuration 17-17
show controller t3 command 19-5
show diag online command 3-21
show environment command 4-18
show frame-relay connection-traffic-table command 19-18
show frame-relay interface resource serial command 19-19
show frame-relay lmi command 19-12, 19-13, 19-15
show functional-image-info command 21-6
show hardware command 17-17
show ima interface command
confirming IMA group deletion 20-11
confirming interface deletion 20-11
IMA frame length configuration 20-17
IMA group configuration 20-9
show interfaces atm command
IMA group configuration 20-9
show interfaces command
Frame Relay soft PVCs 19-29, 19-31
troubleshooting interface configuration 17-17
show interfaces ethernet 0 command 3-8
show interfaces serial command
Frame Relay encapsulation 19-10
Frame Relay route optimization configuration 19-36
Frame Relay serial interface configuration 19-15
Frame Relay to ATM service interworking PVCs 19-25, 19-26
show ip ospf command 15-6
show lane bus command 13-16
show lane client command 13-16, 21-13
show lane command 13-16, 21-13
show lane config command 13-16, 21-13
show lane database command 13-16
show lane default-atm addresses command 13-6
show lane le-arp command 13-16
show lane server command 13-16
show ncdp path root command 3-16
show ncdp ports command 3-16
show ncdp sources command 3-16
show ncdp status command 3-17
show ncdp timers command 3-17
show network-clocks command 3-13
show preferred-switch-card-slots command 3-32
show privilege command 4-9
show processes command 4-17
show protocols command 4-17
show redundancy command 3-29
show rmon alarms events command 14-20
show rmon events command 14-19
show running-config command 17-17
show sgcp command 18-49
show sgcp connection command 18-52
show sgcp endpoint command 18-51
show snmp command 4-8
show stacks command 4-17
show startup-config command 17-17
show switch module interface command 5-6
show tag-switching atm-tdp capability command 15-13
show tag-switching interfaces command 15-5, 15-10
show tag-switching interfaces detail command 15-8
show vc command
Frame Relay soft PVCs 19-35
Frame Relay to ATM network interworking PVCs 19-22
Frame Relay to ATM service interworking PVCs 19-25
show vc interface serial command
Frame Relay to ATM service interworking soft PVCs 19-33
Frame Relay-to-Frame Relay soft PVCs 19-29
show version command
configuration register value 3-26
troubleshooting interface configuration 17-17
disabling 16-21
multipoint-to-point funnel 16-21
Simple Gateway Control Protocol. See SGCP
Simple Network Management Protocol. See SNMP
Simple Server Redundancy Protocol. See SSRP
tag switching QoS 15-14
single service VP tunnels 6-34
snake tests 3-20
ATM accounting data retrieval 14-2
configuring 3-33
description 3-33
management, enabling 3-33
snmp-server commands 4-7
snmp-server enable traps atm-accounting command 14-11
snmp-server host command 14-11
configuring 6-43
description 6-43
snoop test ports 6-43
soft permanent virtual paths. See soft PVPs
soft PVCs
configuration guidelines 18-7to 18-9
connections 6-18
example 6-19
structured services 18-29to 18-33
structured services with CAS 18-35to 18-37
structured services with CAS and on-hook detection 18-39
unstructured services 18-14to 18-17
creating multiple PVCs 18-40to 18-44
deleting 6-6
description 18-7
example (figure) 6-18
explicit paths 6-26
Frame Relay
configuration guidelines 19-28
configuring, example 19-34
route optimization configuration 6-24, 19-35
creation of multiple PVCs 18-44to 18-45
structured services 18-34to 18-35
structured services with CAS 18-37
structured services with CAS and on-hook detection 18-39
unstructured services 18-17
soft PVPs
deleting 6-12
example 6-22
example (figure) 6-22
route optimization configuration 6-24
software features
ATM addressing 1-5
ATM internetworking services 1-7
managing and monitoring 1-7
resource management 1-6
signalling and routing 1-6
system availability 1-4
virtual connections 1-5
software versions
testing 3-35
verifying 3-3
sonet command
155-Mbps interfaces 17-5
622-Mbps interfaces 17-8
OC-3c interfaces 17-6
OC-12c interfaces 17-10
OC-48c interfaces 17-12
sonet overhead command 17-8
sonet report command 17-8
sonet threshold command 17-8
global ILMI registration (note) 9-2
LANE fault tolerance 13-15
static map lists. See map lists
static routes
ATM addresses 10-7
configuring for IISP or PNNI 3-18
E.164 addresses 16-6
statistics command 10-56
status command 16-13
structured services
hard PVCs, with shaped VP tunnel 18-23to 18-27
network clocking 18-19
overview 18-19
hard PVCs 18-22
hard PVCs, with shaped VP tunnel 18-28
STS-stream scrambling
disabling 3-6
subinterface configuration mode
description 2-8
table 2-3
assigning LANE components 13-4
ATM ARP server 12-4
PVC-based map lists 12-7
SVC-based map lists 12-9
subnetting 3-8
summary-address command 10-14, 10-24
summary addresses 10-14to 10-15, 10-23to 10-25
sustainable cell rate. See SCR
CTTs in 8-11
switch cards. See switch processors
switched virtual circuits. See SVCs
switch fabric functionality 8-2
switch processors
displaying EHSA configuration 3-32
EHSA 3-31
features (table) 8-2
installing in chassis (note) 1-3
preferred switch cards 3-31to 3-32
switch routers. See ATM switch routers
sync config command 3-28
system availability
ATM switch router 1-4
ESHA 3-31
redundancy 3-23
system images 21-4
system management
AAA access control 4-16
buffer pools 4-2
calendar 4-14
CDP 4-3
checking basic connectivity 4-18
clock 4-13
extended TACACS 4-15
load statistics interval 4-4
message logging 4-4
NTP 4-10
passwords 4-4
PPP 4-17
privilege level access 4-8
scheduler attributes 4-6
SNMP 4-7
TACACS+ 4-16
system redundancy
See also redundancy 3-23
system requirements
LANE 13-2
redundancy 3-25
tag switching 15-2
T1 ATM interfaces
configuring 17-15
default configuration 17-15
T1 channels
configuring time slots 1 through 5, example 19-4
time slot groupings (note) 19-4
t1 command 19-4
T1 IMA interfaces
default configuration 20-4
displaying configuration, example 20-6
T1 lines
configuring CDS3 Frame Relay port adapter 19-4
defaults 19-2
description 19-1
T1 trunk interfaces
default configuration 17-15
T3 trunks
demultiplexing 19-2
description 19-1
enabling 4-15
Tag Distribution Protocol. See TDP
tag switching
CAC support 15-18
configuring on VP tunnels 15-10to 15-12
CTT 15-18
displaying configuration on ATM interfaces, example 15-5
enabling ATM interfaces 15-4
example configuration 15-19to 15-21
loopback interfaces 15-3to 15-4
overview 15-1
system requirements 15-2
TDP control channels 15-8to 15-10
threshold group for TBR classes 15-17to 15-18
VC merge 15-13
tag-switching atm control-vc command
nondefault well-known PVCs 6-29
TDP control channels 15-9
tag-switching atm vpi command 15-7
tag-switching ip command
enabling tag switching 15-4
tag switching on VP tunnels 15-10
TDP control channels 15-9
tag virtual channels. See TVCs
identifiers 15-3
troubleshooting sessions 15-9
TDP control channels
between source and destination switches (figure) 15-9
configuration example 15-9
displaying configuration, example 15-10
template aliases, configuring 11-2to 11-3
terminal access control, establishing 4-14
terminal line, configuring 4-1to 4-2
ATM address configurations 3-38
ATM connectivity 3-39
ATM interface configuration 3-39
ATM interface status 3-40
configuration register installation 3-35
configurations 3-33
confirming NVRAM configuration 3-43
Ethernet connection 3-38
hardware installation and configuration 3-34, 3-35
initial IP configuration 3-38
power-on diagnostics 3-36
running configuration 3-42
software versions and type 3-35
VCs 3-40
tftp-server command 14-12
threshold groups
configuring 8-16
description 15-17
displaying configuration 8-17
overview 8-15
timer command 10-53
Token Ring
topology attributes
administrative weight per interface 10-43
aggregation mode 10-48to 10-49
aggregation token 10-46to 10-47
complex node representation 10-51to 10-52
global administrative weight mode 10-41to 10-42
significant change thresholds 10-49to 10-50
transit restriction 10-44to 10-45
trace command 4-18
traffic control parameters
configuring interface maximum 8-31
displaying interface maximum configuration 8-32
transit-restricted command 10-44
transmit clocking source 3-12
ATM connections 3-39
Ethernet connections 3-38
interface configuration 17-17
LANE components 13-16
TDP sessions 15-9
VCs 3-40
CAC 15-18
creating 15-7
CTT row 15-18
displaying 15-16
threshold group 15-17
configuring CTT rows 8-12
configuring OSF 8-6
CTT row default 8-12
limits of best-effort connections 8-29
output queue maximum 8-18
service category limit 8-7
configuring 5-3
static routes 3-18
uniqueness rule
ATM addresses (note) 3-5
unprivileged user mode. See user EXEC mode
unstructured services
network clocking 18-10
overview 18-9
hard PVCs 18-13
soft PVCs 18-17
user EXEC mode
security level 2-1
table 2-2
user interface
IOS CLI features 2-16
overview 2-1
username command 4-8
User-Network Interface. See UNI
variable bit rate non-real time. See VBR-NRT 8-3
variable bit rate real time. See VBR-RT 8-4
configuring CTT rows 8-12
configuring OSF 8-6
CTT row default 8-12
output queue maximum 8-18
service category limit 8-7
configuring CTT rows 8-12
CTT row default 8-12
output queue maximum 8-18
service category limit 8-7
checking with ping command, example 7-5, 7-6
deleting 6-6
displaying configuration 6-4
example (figure) 6-2
VC merge
configuring 15-13
disabling 15-13
displaying configuration 15-13
displaying configuration on ATM interface, example 15-13
feature card requirements 15-13
confirming connections 3-40
Frame Relay to ATM 19-20to 19-38
Frame Relay-to-Frame Relay 19-20to 19-38
nondefault well-known PVCs 6-28to 6-30
point-to-multipoint PVCs 6-13to 6-15
point-to-multipoint PVPs 6-16to 6-18
route optimization 6-24to 6-25
types supported (table) 6-2
virtual channel connections. See VCCs
virtual path identifier range. See VPI range
virtual path identifiers. See VPI values
virtual terminal lines
settings 11-12
VPI/VCI ranges
configuring SVPs and SVCs 6-30to 6-31
example 6-31
VPI range
changing default tag 15-7
changing default TDP 15-8
configuring 15-7
displaying tag switching 15-8
maximum (note) 15-8
on VP tunnels (note) 15-7
selecting range of three, example 15-8
selecting range of two, example 15-8
showing tag switching VPI range, example 15-8
VPI values
using to configure OAM operations 7-4
VP tunnels
between source and destination switches (figure) 15-11
configuring 6-34
configuring between switches, examples 15-11
configuring intermediate switches (figure) 15-12
configuring PVP on ATM interface, example 15-12
configuring tag switching 15-10to 15-12
confirming deletion 6-42
connecting 15-12
connecting PVPs on ATM interface, example 15-12
deleting 6-42
displaying configuration 6-35, 15-11, 15-12
public network (figure) 6-33
signalling VPCI 6-41
well-known VCs 6-28
in LANE address templates 13-4
configuring output scheduling 8-26
configuring relative weight 15-15
description 15-14
yellow command 20-5
Posted: Mon Oct 11 10:14:48 PDT 2004
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