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Table Of Contents
Hardware and Software Requirements and Restrictions (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
Hardware and Software Requirements and Restrictions (Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010)
Configuring a Loopback Interface
Enabling Tag Switching on the ATM Interface
Configuring a VPI Range (Optional)
Configuring TDP Control Channels (Optional)
Configuring Tag Switching on VP Tunnels
Configuring the Service Class and Relative Weight
Displaying the TVC Configuration
Threshold Group for TBR Classes
Tag Switching Configuration Example
Configuring Tag Switching
This chapter describes tag switching, a high-performance packet-forwarding technology that assigns tags to mulitprotocol frames for transport across packet- or cell-based networks.
This chapter provides advanced configuration instructions for the Catalyst 8540 MSR, Catalyst 8510 MSR, and LightStream 1010 ATM switch routers. For an overview of tag switching, refer to the Guide to ATM Technology. For complete descriptions of the commands mentioned in this chapter, refer to the ATM Switch Router Command Reference publication.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Hardware and Software Requirements and Restrictions (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
Hardware and Software Requirements and Restrictions (Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010)
Configuring Tag Switching CoS
Threshold Group for TBR Classes
Tag Switching Configuration Example
Tag Switching Overview
In conventional Layer 3 forwarding, as a packet traverses the network, each router extracts forwarding information from the Layer 3 header. Header analysis is repeated at each router (hop) through which the packet passes.
In a tag switching network, the Layer 3 header is analyzed just once. It is then mapped into a short fixed-length tag. At each hop, the forwarding decision is made by looking only at the value of the tag. There is no need to reanalyze the Layer 3 header. Because the tag is a fixed-length, unstructured value, lookup is fast and simple.
For an overview of how tag switching works and its benefits, refer to the Guide to ATM Technology.
Hardware and Software Requirements and Restrictions (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
The Catalyst 8540 MSR hardware requirements for tag switching include the following:
The ATM switch router (used as a tag switch)
A tag edged router such as a Cisco 7000 Route Switch Processor (RSP) with an Optical Carrier 3 (OC-3) ATM interface processor (AIP) installed
Tag switching has the following software restrictions:
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is the only routing protocol currently supported.
IP is the only network layer protocol supported.
Hierarchical VP tunnels cannot co-exist on a physical interface with tag switching.
Hardware and Software Requirements and Restrictions (Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010)
The Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010 ATM switch router hardware requirements for tag switching include the following:
The ATM switch router (used as a tag switch).
A switch processor feature card installed on the route processor, if you want to enable VC merge (multipoint-to-point connection). Note that FC-PFQ requires 64 MB of DRAM.
A tag edged router such as a Cisco 7000 RSP with an OC-3 AIP installed.
Tag switching has the following software restrictions:
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is the only routing protocol currently supported.
IP is the only network layer protocol supported.
Hierarchical VP tunnels cannot co-exist on a physical interface with tag switching.
Configuring Tag Switching
This section describes how to configure tag switching on ATM switch routers, and includes the following procedures:
Configuring a Loopback Interface
Enabling Tag Switching on the ATM Interface
Configuring a VPI Range (Optional)
Configuring TDP Control Channels (Optional)
Configuring Tag Switching on VP Tunnels
Configuring a Loopback Interface
You should configure a loopback interface on every ATM switch router configured for tag switching. The loopback interface, a virtual interface, is always active. The IP address of the loopback interface is used as the Tag Distribution Protocol (TDP) identifier for the ATM switch router. If a loopback interface does not exist, the TDP identifier is the highest IP address configured on the ATM switch router. If that IP address is administratively shut down, all TDP sessions through the ATM switch router restart. Therefore, we recommend that you configure a loopback interface.
To configure the loopback interface, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Command PurposeStep 1
Switch(config)# interface loopback number
Enters interface configuration mode and assigns a number to the loopback interface.
Step 2
Switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address mask
Assigns an IP address and subnet mask to the loopback interface.
We recommend a 32-bit subnet mask ( for the loopback interface. If you do not use a 32-bit subnet mask, two TVCs1 terminate for the same address—one for a 32-bit subnet mask and the other for the mask you entered. Entering a 32-bit subnet mask reduces the number of TVCs to one.
1 TVCs = tag virtual channels.
In the following example, loopback interface 0 is created with an IP address of and a subnet mask of
Switch(config)# interface loopback 0
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# exit
Displaying Loopback Interface Configuration
The following example shows the loopback 0 configuration using the show interfaces privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show interfaces loopback 0
Loopback0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Loopback
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 8000000 Kbit, DLY 5000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation LOOPBACK, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
Last input 00:00:03, output never, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue 0/0, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
73 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Enabling Tag Switching on the ATM Interface
Configure all parallel interfaces between ATM switch routers for either IP unnumbered or with a specific IP address. Unnumbering some parallel interfaces and assigning specific IP addresses to others might cause TDP sessions to restart on some parallel interfaces when another parallel interface is shut down. Therefore, we highly recommend that you unnumber all parallel interfaces to loopback.
To enable tag switching on the ATM interface, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
In the following example, ATM interface 1/0/1 is configured for IP unnumbered to loopback interface 0:
Switch(config-if)# interface atm 1/0/1
Switch(config-if)# ip unnumbered loopback 0
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-if)# exit
In the following example, ATM interface 0/0/3 is configured with a specific IP address and subnet mask (
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/3
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-if)# exit
Displaying the ATM Interface Configuration
To display the ATM interface configuration, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purposeshow tag-switching interfaces
Displays the tag switching configuration on the ATM interface.
The following example shows that tag switching is configured on ATM interfaces 0/0/3 and 1/0/1:
Switch# show tag-switching interfaces
Interface IP Tunnel Operational
ATM0/0/3 Yes No Yes (ATM tagging)
ATM1/0/1 Yes No Yes (ATM tagging)
Configuring OSPF
Enable OSPF on the ATM switch router so that it can create routing tables, which identify routes through the network. Then add the addresses and associated routing areas to the OSPF process so that it can propagate the addresses to other ATM switch routers:
Since the 12.0(1a)W5(5b) release of the system software, addressing the interface on the route processor (CPU) has changed. The ATM interface is now called atm0, and the Ethernet interface is now called ethernet0. Old formats (atm 2/0/0 and ethernet 2/0/0) are still supported.
The following is an example of OSPF enabled and assigned process number 10000. All addresses are in area 0:
An IP address of with a subnet mask of is entered as an IP network prefix of with a subnet mask of Likewise, an IP address of with a subnet mask of is entered as an IP network prefix of with a subnet mask of
Switch(config)# router ospf 10000
Switch(config-router)# network area 0
Switch(config-router)# network area 0
Switch(config-router)# network area 0
Switch(config-router)# network area 0
Switch(config-router)# network area 0
Switch(config-router)# network area 0
Displaying the OSPF Configuration
To display the OSPF configuration, use the following privileged EXEC command:
The following example shows the OSPF configuration using the show ip ospf privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show ip ospf
Routing Process "ospf 10000" with ID
Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two SPFs 10 secs
Number of DCbitless external LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge external LSA 0
Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
Area BACKBONE(0) (Inactive)
Number of interfaces in this area is 4
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 2 times
Area ranges are
Link State Update Interval is 00:30:00 and due in 00:14:42
Link State Age Interval is 00:20:00 and due in 00:14:10
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Configuring a VPI Range (Optional)
Although not necessary for most configurations, you might need to change the default tag virtual path identifier (VPI) range on the switch if:
It is an administrative policy to use a VPI value other than 1, the default VPI.
There are a large number of tag virtual channels (TVCs) on an interface.
You cannot enter a VPI range on a VP tunnel. On VP tunnels, the VPI is the permanent virtual path (PVP) number of the tunnel.
To change the default tag VPI range, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to select a VPI range from 5 to 6 (a range of two), an acceptable range if the TDP neighbor is a router:
Switch(config)# interface atm 3/0/1
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching atm vpi 5 - 6
The following example shows how to select a VPI range from 5 to 7 (a range of three), an acceptable range if the TDP neighbor is a switch:
Switch(config)# interface atm 3/0/1
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching atm vpi 5 - 7
Although the example shows a VPI range of three, you are not limited to a range of three if the TDP neighbor is a switch. The maximum VPI range is 0 to 255 if the TDP neighbor is a switch.
Displaying the Tag Switching VPI Range
To display the tag switching VPI range, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purposeshow tag-switching interfaces detail
Displays the tag switching VPI range on an interface.
The following example shows the tag switching VPI range on ATM interface 1/0/1:
Switch# show tag-switching interfaces detail
Interface ATM0/0/3:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging not enabled
Tagging operational
MTU = 4470
ATM tagging: Tag VPI = 1, Control VC = 0/32
Interface ATM1/0/1:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging not enabled
Tagging operational
MTU = 4470
ATM tagging: Tag VPI range = 5 - 6, Control VC = 6/32
<information deleted>
Configuring TDP Control Channels (Optional)
Although not necessary for most configurations, you can change the default Tag Distribution Protocol (TDP) control channel VPI and virtual channel identifier (VCI) if you want to use a nondefault value. The default TDP control channel is on VPI 0 and VCI 32. TDP control channels exchange TDP HELLOs and Protocol Information Elements (PIEs) to establish two-way TDP sessions. TVCs are created by the exchange of PIEs through TDP control channels.
To change the TDP control channel, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
Figure 15-1 shows an example TDP control channel configuration between a source switch and destination switch on ATM interface 0/0/1. Note that the VPI and VCI values match on the source switch and destination switch.
Figure 15-1 Configuring TDP Control Channels
In the following example, a TDP control channel is configured on the source switch:
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/1
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching atm control-vc 6 32
Switch(config-if)# exit
In the following example, a TDP control channel is configured on the destination switch:
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/1
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-if)# tag-switching atm control-vc 6 32
Switch(config-if)# exit
If you are having trouble establishing a TDP session, verify that the VPI and VCI values match on the TDP control channels of the source switch and destination switch.
Displaying the TDP Control Channels
To display the TDP control channel configuration, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purposeshow tag-switching interfaces detail
Displays the TDP control channel configuration on an interface.
The following example shows the TDP control channel configuration on interface ATM 0/0/3:
Switch# show tag-switching interfaces detail
Interface ATM0/0/3:
IP tagging enabled
TSP Tunnel tagging not enabled
Tagging operational
MTU = 4470
ATM tagging: Tag VPI = 1, Control VC = 0/32
<information deleted>
Configuring Tag Switching on VP Tunnels
If you want to configure tag switching on virtual path (VP) tunnels, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
This procedure is optional.
Because a VP tunnel runs between switches, you must also configure a VP tunnel on the connecting ATM interface on the destination switch. The examples that follow show how to configure VP tunnels between switches.
The intermediate switch configuration follows in the next section, " Connecting the VP Tunnels."
Figure 15-2 shows an example VP tunnel between a source switch and destination switch.
Figure 15-2 Configuring VP Tunnels
In the following example, ATM interface 0/1/1 on the source switch has no IP address and PVP 51 is configured for IP unnumbered to loopback interface 0:
Switch(config-if)# interface atm 0/1/1
Switch(config-if)# atm pvp 51
Switch(config-if)# exit
Switch(config-if)# interface atm 0/1/1.51
Switch(config-subif)# ip unnumbered loopback 0
Switch(config-subif)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-subif)# exit
In the following example, ATM interface 0/1/3 on the destination switch has no IP address and PVP 101 is configured for IP unnumbered to loopback interface 0:
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/1/3
Switch(config-if)# atm pvp 101
Switch(config-if)# exit
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/1/3.101
Switch(config-subif)# ip unnumbered loopback 0
Switch(config-subif)# tag-switching ip
Switch(config-subif)# exit
To connect the source and destination switch VP tunnels, proceed to the next section, " Connecting the VP Tunnels."
Displaying the VP Tunnel Configuration
To display the VP tunnel configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows PVP 51 configured on ATM interface 0/1/1:
Switch# show atm vp
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
Connecting the VP Tunnels
To complete the VP tunnel, you must configure the ATM ports on the intermediate switch to designate where to send packets coming from the source switch and going to the destination switch.
To connect the permanent virtual path (PVP), perform the following steps, beginning in interface configuration mode:
Figure 15-3 shows an example configuration on an intermediate switch.
Figure 15-3 Connecting the VP Tunnels
In the following example, PVP 51 on ATM interface 0/1/1 is connected to PVP 101 on ATM interface 0/1/3:
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/1/1
Switch(config-if)# atm pvp 51 interface atm 0/1/3 101
Switch(config-if)# exit
Displaying the VP Tunnel Configuration
The following example shows PVP 51 on ATM interface 0/1/1 connected to PVP 101 on ATM interface 0/1/3:
Switch# show atm vp
Interface VPI Type X-Interface X-VPI Status
ATM0/1/1 51 PVP ATM0/1/3 101 DOWN
ATM0/1/3 101 PVP ATM0/1/1 51 DOWN
Configuring VC Merge
VC merge allows the switch to aggregate multiple incoming flows with the same destination address into a single outgoing flow. Where VC merge occurs, several incoming tags are mapped to one single outgoing tag. Cells from different VCIs going to the same destination are transmitted to the same outgoing VC using multipoint-to-point connections. This sharing of tags reduces the total number of virtual circuits required for tag switching. Without VC merge, each source-destination prefix pair consumes one tag VC on each interface along the path. VC merge reduces the tag space shortage by sharing tags for different flows with the same destination.
VC merge support requires FC-PFQ on the route processor. If you do not have FC-PFQ, and you try to enable VC merge, the TVCs remain point-to-point. (Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010)
VC merge is enabled by default. To disable VC merge, enter the following command in global configuration mode:
Displaying the VC Merge Configuration
To display the VC merge configuration, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purposeshow tag-switching atm-tdp capability
Displays the TDP control channel configuration on an interface.
The following example shows that VC merge configuration is enabled on ATM interface 0/1/0:
Switch# show tag-switching atm-tdp capability
Control VPI VCI Alloc VC Merge
ATM0/1/0 VP VC Range Range Scheme IN OUT
Negotiated 0 32 [7 - 8] [33 - 1023] UNIDIR - -
Local - - [7 - 8] [33 - 16383] UNIDIR Yes Yes
Peer - - [7 - 8] [33 - 1023] UNIDIR - -
Configuring Tag Switching CoS
Quality of service (QoS) allows ATM to meet the transmission quality and service availability of many different types of data. The need for delay-sensitive data, such as voice, can be given a higher priority than data that is not delay-sensitive, such as e-mail. The following service categories were created for ATM Forum VCs to meet the transmission needs of various types of data: VBR-RT, VBR-NRT, ABR, and UBR. Refer to Chapter 8, "Configuring Resource Management," for more information about the standard ATM Forum implementation of QoS. This section describes tag switching class of service (CoS).
Up to eight QoS classes (0 to 7) can be allocated to each physical interface port. Each port has an independent logical rate scheduler (RS) and a weighted round-robin (WRR) scheduler. The RS guarantees minimum bandwidth and has first priority on supplying an eligible cell for transmission. Second priority is given to the service classes, which have been assigned relative weights that are based on the ratio of the total leftover bandwidth. The service class relative weights are configurable so you can change the priority of the default values. The VCs within a service class also have relative weights. The service classes and VCs within a service class are scheduled by their relative weights.
With tag switching CoS, tag switching can dynamically set up to four tag virtual channels (TVCs) with different service categories between a source and destination. TVCs do not share the same QoS classes reserved for ATM Forum VCs (VBR-RT, VBR-NRT, ABR, and UBR). The following four new service classes were created for TVCs: TBR_1 (WRR_1), TBR_2 (WRR_2), TBR_3 (WRR_3), and TBR_4 (WRR_4). These new service classes are called Tag Bit Rate (TBR) classes. TVCs and ATM Forum VCs can only coexist on the same physical interface, but they operate in ships in the night (SIN) mode and are unaware of each other.
TBR classes support only best-effort VCs (similar to the ATM Forum service category UBR); therefore, there is no bandwidth guarantee from the RS, which is not used for TVCs. All of the TVCs fall into one of the four TBR classes, each carrying a different default relative weight. The default values of the relative weights for the four TBR classes are configurable, so you can change the priority of the default values.
Table 15-1 lists the TBR classes and ATM Forum class mappings into the service classes for physical ports.
Table 15-1 Service Class to Weight Mapping for Physical Ports
TBR Class Service Class Relative WeightTBR_1 (WRR_1)
TBR_2 (WRR_2)
TBR_3 (WRR_3)
TBR_4 (WRR_4)
ATM Forum Service Category Service Class Relative WeightCBR1
1 Even though the CBR service category is mapped to service class 2, all of the CBR VCs are rate scheduled only, and therefore they are not WRR scheduled.
When tag switching is enabled on a hierarchical VP tunnel, the tunnel can only be used for tag switching. Because hierarchical VP tunnels support only four service classes, both TVCs and ATM Forum VCs map to the same service classes. Therefore, both ATM Forum VCs and TVCs cannot coexist in a hierarchical VP tunnel. The relative weights assigned to the service classes depend on which is active (either tag switching or ATM Forum). The class weights change whenever a hierarchical VP tunnel is toggled between ATM Forum and tag switching. By default, a hierarchical VP tunnel comes up as an ATM Forum port.
Table 15-2 lists the TBR classes and ATM Forum service category mappings for hierarchical VP tunnels.
Table 15-2 Service Class to Weight Mapping for Hierarchical VP Tunnels
TBR Class Service Class Relative WeightTBR_1 (WRR_1)
TBR_2 (WRR_2)
TBR_3 (WRR_3)
TBR_4 (WRR_4)
Configuring the Service Class and Relative Weight
Each service class is assigned a relative weight. These weights are configurable and range from 1 to 15.
To configure the service class and relative weight on a specific interface, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
In the following example, ATM interface 0/0/3 is configured with service class 1 and a WRR weight of 3:
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/3
Switch(config-if)# atm service-class 1 wrr-weight 3
Displaying the TVC Configuration
To display the TVC configuration, perform the following task in EXEC mode:
Command Purposeshow atm vc interface atm card/subcard/port [vpi vci]
Displays the ATM layer connection information about the virtual connection.
The following example shows the service category of the TVC:
Switch# show atm vc interface atm 0/0/3 1 35
Interface: ATM0/0/3, Type: oc3suni
VPI = 1 VCI = 35
Status: UP
Time-since-last-status-change: 1d00h
Connection-type: TVC(I)
Cast-type: multipoint-to-point-input
Packet-discard-option: enabled
Usage-Parameter-Control (UPC): pass
Wrr weight: 2
Number of OAM-configured connections: 0
OAM-configuration: disabled
OAM-states: Not-applicable
Cross-connect-interface: ATM0/1/3.10, Type: oc3suni
Cross-connect-VPI = 10
Cross-connect-VCI = 34
Cross-connect-UPC: pass
Cross-connect OAM-configuration: disabled
Cross-connect OAM-state: Not-applicable
Threshold Group: 7, Cells queued: 0
Rx cells: 0, Tx cells: 0
Tx Clp0:0, Tx Clp1: 0
Rx Clp0:0, Rx Clp1: 0
Rx Upc Violations:0, Rx cell drops:0
Rx pkts:0, Rx pkt drops:0
Rx connection-traffic-table-index: 63998
Rx service-category: WRR_1 (WRR Bit Rate)
Rx pcr-clp01: none
Rx scr-clp01: none
Rx mcr-clp01: none
Rx cdvt: 1616833580 (from default for interface)
Rx mbs: none
Tx connection-traffic-table-index: 63998
Tx service-category: WRR_1 (WRR Bit Rate)
Tx pcr-clp01: none
Tx scr-clp01: none
Tx mcr-clp01: none
Tx cdvt: none
Tx mbs: none
Threshold Group for TBR Classes
A threshold group utilizes the memory efficiently among VCs of a particular traffic type. Each threshold group is programmed with a dynamic memory allocation profile that maps into the needs of the connections of a particular service class. There are 16 threshold groups (0 to 15) available on the ATM switch router. Each threshold group has a set of eight regions, and each region has a set of thresholds. When these thresholds are exceeded, cells are dropped to maintain the integrity of the shared memory resource.
Each ATM Forum service category is mapped into a distinct threshold group. All the connections in a particular service category map into one threshold group. Similarly, all the Tag Bit Rate (TBR) classes have best effort traffic and the service differentiation comes mainly by giving different weights. Each of the TBR classes map into four different threshold groups whose parameters are the same as the unspecified bit rate (UBR) threshold group.
Table 15-3 shows the threshold group parameters mapped to the connections in all of the TBR classes for the Catalyst 8540 MSR.
Table 15-4 shows the threshold group parameters mapped to the connections in all of the TBR classes for the Catalyst 8510 MSR and LightStream 1010 ATM switch routers.
Each threshold group is divided into eight regions. Each region has a set of thresholds that are calculated from the corresponding threshold group parameters given in Table 15-3. The threshold group might be in any one of the regions depending on the fill level (cell occupancy) of that group. And that region is used to derive the set of thresholds which apply to all the connections in that group.
Table 15-5 gives the eight thresholds for threshold groups 6, 7, 8, and 9.
For more information about threshold groups and configuration parameters, refer to the "Overview of Threshold Groups" section on page 8-15 and the Guide to ATM Technology.
A row in the connection traffic table (CTT) is created for each unique combination of traffic parameters. When a TVC is set up in response to a request by tag switching, a CTT row is obtained from the resource manager by passing the traffic parameters that include the service category (TBR_x [WRR_x], where x is 1, 2, 3, or 4). If a match is found for the same set of traffic parameters, the row index is returned; otherwise a new table is created and the row index of that CTT row is returned. Since all data TVCs use the same traffic parameters, the same CTT row can be used for all TVCs of a particular service category once it is created.
There are no user configurable parameters for the CTT with TVCs.
RM CAC Support
Connection admission control (CAC) is not supported for tag virtual channels (TVCs). All TVCs are best effort connections; therefore, no bandwidth is guaranteed by the RS. Only the WRR scheduler is used. So, all of the traffic parameters (PCR, MCR, MBS, CDVT, and SCR) are unspecified. There is no best effort limit like there is with ATM Forum UBR and ABR connections. CAC is bypassed for TVCs.
Tag Switching Configuration Example
Figure 15-4 shows an example tag switching network.
Figure 15-4 Example Network for Tag Switching
Router 5-1 Configuration
The configuration of router R5-1, interface e0/1, follows:
configure terminalrouter_R5-2(config)# ip cef switch
tag-switching advertise-tags
interface e0/1
tag-switching ip
Router 5-2 Configuration
The configuration between router R5-1, interface e0/1, and R5-2, interface e0/1, follows:
router_R5-2# configure terminal
router_R5-2(config)# ip cef switch
router_R5-2(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags
router_R5-2(config)# interface e0/1
router_R5-2(config-if)# tag-switching ip
router_R5-2(config-if)# exit
The configuration between router R5-2, interface e0/2, and R5-3, interface e0/2, follows:
route_R5-2(config)# interface e0/2
route_R5-2(config-if)# tag-switching ip
route_R5-2(config-if)# exit
The configuration of router R5-2, interface a2/0.1, follows:
router_R5-2(config-if)# interface a2/0.1
router_R5-2(config-subif)# ip address
router_R5-2(config-subif)# tag-switching ip
router_R5-2(config-subif)# no shutdown
router_R5-2(config-subif)# exit
router_R5-2(config)# interface a2/0
router_R5-2(config)# no shutdown
Router 5-3 Configuration
The configuration of router R5-3, interface e0/2, follows:
configure terminal
ip cef switch
tag-switching advertise-tags
interface e0/2
tag-switching ip
The configuration of router R5-3, interface e0/5 follows:
router_R5-3(config)# interface e0/5
router_R5-3(config-if)# tag-switching ip
router_R5-3(config-if)# exit
The configuration of router R5-3, interface atm 2/0.1, follows:
router_R5-3# configure terminal
router_R5-3(config)# interface atm 2/0.1
router_R5-3(config-if)# ip address
router_R5-3(config-if)# tag-switching ip
router_R5-3(config-if)# no shutdown
router_R5-3(config-if)# exit
router_R5-3(config)# interface a2/0
router_R5-3(config-if)# no shutdown
ATM Switch Router A5-4 Configuration
The configuration of ATM switch router A5-4, interfaces atm 0/1/1 and atm 0/0/3, follows:
atm_A5-4# configure terminal
atm_A5-4(config)# interface atm 0/1/1
atm_A5-4(config-if)# no shutdown
atm_A5-4(config-if)# ip address
atm_A5-4(config-if)# tag-switching ip
atm_A5-4(config-if)# exit
atm_A5-4(config)# tag-switching ip
atm_A5-4(config)# interface atm 0/0/3
atm_A5-4(config-if)# no shutdown
atm_A5-4(config-if)# ip address
atm_A5-4(config-if)# tag-switching ip
atm_A5-4(config-if)# exit
atm_A5-4(config)# tag-switching ip
Router 5-5 Configuration
The configuration of router R5-5, interface e0/2, follows:
router_R5-5# configure terminal
router_R5-5(config)# ip cef switch
router_R5-5(config)# tag-switching advertise-tags
router_R5-5(config)# interface e0/2
router_R5-5(config-if)# tag-switching ip
router_R5-5(config-if)# exit
ATM Switch Router A6-4 Configuration
The configuration of ATM switch router A6-4, interface atm 0/1/1, follows:
atm_A6-4# configure terminal
atm_A6-4(config)# interface atm 0/1/1
atm_A6-4(config-if)# no shutdown
atm_A6-4(config-if)# ip address
atm_A6-4(config-if)# tag-switching ip
atm_A6-4(config-if)# exit
The configuration of ATM switch router A6-4, interface atm 0/0/3, follows:
atm_A6-4# configure terminal
atm_A6-4(config)# interface atm 0/0/3
atm_A6-4(config-if)# no shutdown
atm_A6-4(config-if)# ip address
atm_A6-4(config-if)# tag-switching ip
atm_A6-4(config-if)# exit
Posted: Mon Oct 11 09:26:30 PDT 2004
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