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Table Of Contents
Configuring ATM Network Interfaces
Displaying the Autoconfiguration
Displaying the UNI Interface Configuration
Displaying the NNI Interface Configuration
Configuring a 12-Bit VPI NNI Interface (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
Displaying the IISP Configuration
Configuring ATM Network Interfaces
This chapter describes how to explicitly configure ATM network interface types. Explicitly configuring interfaces is the alternative to Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI) autoconfiguration, which senses the peer interface type and appropriately configures the interface on the ATM switch router.
This chapter provides advanced configuration instructions for the Catalyst 8540 MSR, Catalyst 8510 MSR, and LightStream 1010 ATM switch routers. For a discussion and examples of ATM network interface types, refer to the Guide to ATM Technology. For complete descriptions of the commands mentioned in this chapter, refer to the ATM Switch Router Command Reference publication.
The network configuration tasks described in this chapter are used to explicitly change your ATM switch router operation from the defaults, which are suitable for most networks. The following sections are included:
Disabling Autoconfiguration
Autoconfiguration determines an interface type when the interface initially comes up. To change the configuration of the interface type (such as UNI, NNI, or IISP), side, or version, you must first disable autoconfiguration.
When you change the interface type, side, or version, ATM signalling and ILMI are restarted on the interface. When ATM signalling is restarted, all switched virtual connections (SVCs) across the interface are cleared; permanent virtual connections are not affected.
To disable autoconfiguration on an interface, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to disable autoconfiguration on interface ATM 1/0/0:
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/0/0
Switch(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration
%ATM-6-ILMINOAUTOCFG: ILMI(ATM1/0/0): Auto-configuration is disabled, current interface parameters will be used at next interface restart.
Displaying the Autoconfiguration
To confirm that autoconfiguration is disabled for the interface, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows the autoconfiguration status of ATM interface 1/0/0 as disabled:
Switch# show atm interface atm 1/0/0
Interface: ATM1/0/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: disabled AutoCfgState: not applicable
IF-Side: Network IF-type: NNI
Uni-type: not applicable Uni-version: not applicable
Max-VPI-bits: 8 Max-VCI-bits: 14
Max-VP: 255 Max-VC: 16383
ConfMaxSvpcVpi: 255 CurrMaxSvpcVpi: 255
ConfMaxSvccVpi: 255 CurrMaxSvccVpi: 255
ConfMinSvccVci: 35 CurrMinSvccVci: 35
Svc Upc Intent: pass Signalling: Enabled
ATM Address for Soft VC: 47.0091.8100.0000.00e0.4fac.b401.4000.0c80.8000.00
Configured virtual links:
PVCLs SoftVCLs SVCLs TVCLs PVPLs SoftVPLs SVPLs Total-Cfgd Inst-Conns
4 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 3
Logical ports(VP-tunnels): 0
Input cells: 263250 Output cells: 269783
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Input AAL5 pkts: 171880, Output AAL5 pkts: 175134, AAL5 crc errors: 0
Configuring UNI Interfaces
The User-Network Interface (UNI) specification defines communications between ATM end stations (such as workstations and routers) and ATM switches in private ATM networks.
To configure a UNI interface, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to disable autoconfiguration on ATM interface 0/1/0 and configure the interface as the user side of a private UNI running version 4.0:
Switch(HB-1)(config)# interface atm 0/1/0
Switch(HB-1)(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration
%ATM-6-ILMINOAUTOCFG: ILMI(ATM0/1/0): Auto-configuration is disabled, current interface parameters will be used at next interface restart.
Switch(HB-1)(config-if)# atm uni side user type private version 4.0
%ATM-5-ATMSOFTSTART: Restarting ATM signalling and ILMI on ATM0/1/0.
Displaying the UNI Interface Configuration
To show the UNI configuration for an ATM interface, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purposeshow atm interface atm card/subcard/port[.vpt#]
Shows the ATM interface configuration.
The following example shows the ATM interface 0/1/0 UNI configuration:
Switch(HB-1)# show atm interface atm 0/1/0
Interface: ATM0/1/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: disabled AutoCfgState: not applicable
IF-Side: Network IF-type: UNI
Uni-type: private Uni-version: V4.0
<information deleted)
Configuring NNI Interfaces
The Network-Network Interface (NNI) specification defines communications between two ATM switches in a private ATM network.
You must configure NNI connections to allow for route discovery and topology analysis between the ATM switch routers. To configure the NNI interface, perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to configure ATM interface 3/0/0 as an NNI interface:
Switch(HB-1)(config)# interface atm 3/0/0
Switch(HB-1)(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration
%ATM-6-ILMINOAUTOCFG: ILMI(ATM3/0/0): Auto-configuration is disabled, current interface parameters will be used at next interface restart.
Switch(HB-1)(config-if)# atm nni
%ATM-5-ATMSOFTSTART: Restarting ATM signalling and ILMI on ATM3/0/0.
Displaying the NNI Interface Configuration
To show the NNI configuration for an ATM interface, use the following EXEC command:
Command Purposeshow atm interface atm card/subcard/port[.vpt#]
Shows the ATM interface configuration.
The following example shows the configuration of the NNI interface ATM 3/0/0 on the ATM switch router-1 (HB-1) located in the headquarters building:
Switch(HB-1)# show atm interface atm 3/0/0
Interface: ATM3/0/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: disabled AutoCfgState: not applicable
IF-Side: Network IF-type: NNI
Uni-type: not applicable Uni-version: not applicable
<information deleted>
Configuring a 12-Bit VPI NNI Interface (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
The Catalyst 8540 MSR ATM switch router can accommodate up to six interfaces per module for maxvpi-bits greater than the standard 8-bit configuration. If you try to configure more than the maximum number of allowed interfaces with 12-bit virtual path identifiers (VPIs), follow these precautions:
When you must remove an interface (for example, hot-swapping a port adapter) that is configured for a maxvpi-bit, the number of interfaces (with maxvpi-bit value greater than 8) on the module is decremented. This allows you to then configure other interfaces on the same module for maxvpi-bits greater than eight bits.
If a port adapter with interfaces configured with a maxvpi-bits value of eight is reinserted into a module location that previously held a port adapter with maxvpi-bits greater than eight bits, the VCs with VPIs greater than 255 remain in "No HW RESOURCES" state. An interface can be reconfigured to maxvpi-bits greater than eight, by changing the value to less than or equal to eight bits on a different interface. The VCs can be restored from "No HW RESOURCES" state by toggling the interface state using the shutdown and no shutdown commands.
When you need a 12-bit VPI range greater than 255, change the maximum VPI bits configuration. Perform the following steps, beginning in global configuration mode:
12-bit VPI support is only available on ATM NNI interfaces.
The following example shows that if you are unable to configure a port with a maximum 12-bit VPI value greater than 8, you receive a message prompting you to reconfigure the port:
Switch(config)# interface atm 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration
Switch(config-if)# atm nni
Switch(config-if)# atm maxvpi-bits 12
This port can not be configured for vpi bits greater than 8, unless one
of the following ports is reconfigured for 8 bits vpi
interface a11/0/0
interface a11/0/1
interface a11/0/2
interface a11/0/3
interface a12/0/0
interface a12/0/1
Displaying the 12-Bit VPI NNI Interface Configuration (Catalyst 8540 MSR)
To display the 12-bit VPI NNI interface configuration, use the following EXEC commands:
The following example shows the maxvpi-bits for interface ATM 0/0/0:
Switch# show switch module interface atm 0/0/0
Module ID Interface Maxvpi-bits State
0 ATM0/0/0 8 UP
ATM0/0/4 8 DOWN
ATM0/0/1 8 DOWN
ATM0/0/5 8 DOWN
ATM0/0/2 8 UP
ATM0/0/6 8 DOWN
ATM0/0/3 8 UP
ATM0/0/7 8 DOWN
The following example shows how to display the configuration information for interface ATM 0/0/0:
Switch# show atm interface atm 0/0/0
Interface: ATM0/0/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: DOWN Admin Status: down
Auto-config: enabled AutoCfgState: waiting for response from peer
IF-Side: Network IF-type: UNI
Uni-type: Private Uni-version: V3.0
Max-VPI-bits: 8 Max-VCI-bits: 14
Max-VP: 255 Max-VC: 16383
ConfMaxSvpcVpi: 100 CurrMaxSvpcVpi: 100
ConfMaxSvccVpi: 100 CurrMaxSvccVpi: 100
ConfMinSvccVci: 60 CurrMinSvccVci: 60
Svc Upc Intent: pass Signalling: Enabled
ATM Address for Soft VC: 47.0091.8100.0000.0040.0b0a.2a81.4000.0c80.0000.00
Configured virtual links:
PVCLs SoftVCLs SVCLs TVCLs PVPLs SoftVPLs SVPLs Total-Cfgd Inst-Conns
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
Logical ports(VP-tunnels): 0
Input cells: 0 Output cells: 0
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Input AAL5 pkts: 0, Output AAL5 pkts: 0, AAL5 crc errors: 0
Configuring IISP Interfaces
The Interim Interswitch Signalling Protocol (IISP) defines a static routing protocol for use between ATM switches. IISP provides support for switched virtual connections (SVCs) on switches that do not support the Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) protocol. For further information, refer to "Configuring ATM Routing and PNNI"
To configure an IISP interface, perform the following tasks, beginning in global configuration mode:
The following example shows how to configure ATM interface 3/0/0 on the ATM switch router (SB-1) as user side IISP and specifies an ATM route address prefix:
Switch(SB-1)(config)# interface atm 3/0/0
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration
%ATM-6-ILMINOAUTOCFG: ILMI(ATM3/0/0): Auto-configuration is disabled, current interface parameters will be used at next interface restart.
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# atm iisp side user
%ATM-5-ATMSOFTSTART: Restarting ATM signalling and ILMI on ATM3/0/0.
Switch(SB-1)(config-if)# exit
Switch(SB-1)(config)# atm route 47.0091.8100.0000.0000.0ca7.ce01 atm 3/0/0
Displaying the IISP Configuration
To show the interface IISP configuration, use the following EXEC command:
The following example shows the configuration of ATM interface 3/0/0 on the ATM switch router (SB-1):
Switch(SB-1)# show atm interface atm 3/0/0
Interface: ATM3/0/0 Port-type: oc3suni
IF Status: UP Admin Status: up
Auto-config: disabled AutoCfgState: not applicable
IF-Side: User IF-type: IISP
Uni-type: not applicable Uni-version: V3.0
Max-VPI-bits: 8 Max-VCI-bits: 14
Max-VP: 255 Max-VC: 16383
ConfMaxSvpcVpi: 255 CurrMaxSvpcVpi: 255
ConfMaxSvccVpi: 255 CurrMaxSvccVpi: 255
ConfMinSvccVci: 35 CurrMinSvccVci: 35
Svc Upc Intent: pass Signalling: Enabled
ATM Address for Soft VC: 47.0091.8100.0000.00e0.4fac.b401.4000.0c80.8000.00
Configured virtual links:
PVCLs SoftVCLs SVCLs TVCLs PVPLs SoftVPLs SVPLs Total-Cfgd Inst-Conns
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2
Logical ports(VP-tunnels): 0
Input cells: 264089 Output cells: 273253
5 minute input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
5 minute output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 cells/sec
Input AAL5 pkts: 172421, Output AAL5 pkts: 176993, AAL5 crc errors: 0
Posted: Mon Oct 11 09:17:22 PDT 2004
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