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Index: P

p command (debugger)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 6, Reference: p
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
-p file test operator
Learning Perl, 10.5. The -x File Tests
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.8. File Test Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
-p option (dprofpp) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
-p switch, perl
Perl Cookbook, 7.7. Writing a Filter
Learning Perl, 17.5. Variable-Length (Text) Databases
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
modifying files with : Perl Cookbook, 7.9. Modifying a File in Place with -i Switch
-P switch, perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.2. Starting with Perl/Tk
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.4.1. Packer
Perl Cookbook, 1.4. Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values
Perl Cookbook, 8.13. Updating a Random-Access File
Learning Perl, 16.2. Packing and Unpacking Binary Data
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: pack
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: pack
Programming Perl, 3.2.105. pack
converting binary and decimal numbers : Perl Cookbook, 2.4. Converting Between Binary and Decimal
examples of : Learning Perl, 17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
with Tk resize events : Perl Cookbook, 15.16. Responding to Tk Resize Events
pack format string : Learning Perl, 16.2. Packing and Unpacking Binary Data
pack geometry manager (Perl/Tk) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2. Geometry Managers
package() : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: package
__PACKAGE__ token
Perl Cookbook, 10.4. Determining Current Function Name
Perl Cookbook, 12.5. Determining the Caller's Package
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.4. Global Special Constants
package declaration
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.1. Basic Package
Perl Cookbook, 12.0. Introduction
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.1. Namespaces and Packages
Programming Perl, 3.2.106. package
Programming Perl, 5.1. Packages
package variables : (see global, variables)
(see also modules, Perl)
Perl Cookbook, 12.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 12.19. Program: Finding Versions and Descriptions of Installed Modules
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.1. Library Terminology
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, D.9. Packages
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.1. Namespaces and Packages
Programming Perl, 5. Packages, Modules, and Object Classes
Programming Perl, 5.1.3. Autoloading
Programming Perl, 7. The Standard Perl Library
BEGIN and END subentries : Programming Perl, 5.1.2. Package Constructors and Destructors: BEGIN and END
blessing objects into : Programming Perl, 3.2.9. bless
Programming Perl, 2.6.8. Scoped Declarations
Programming Perl, 3.2.106. package
determining current/calling : Perl Cookbook, 12.5. Determining the Caller's Package
importing semantics to : Programming Perl, 3.2.185. use
names for : Programming Perl, 8.4. Programming with Style
overriding built-in functions : Perl Cookbook, 12.11. Overriding Built-In Functions
private variables and functions : Perl Cookbook, 12.4. Making Variables Private to a Module
referring to indirectly : Perl Cookbook, 12.13. Referring to Packages Indirectly
tying/binding variables to
Programming Perl, 3.2.171. tie
Programming Perl, 3.2.184. untie
packed sockaddr : Programming Perl, 3.2.54. getpeername
packer geometry manager : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.4.1. Packer
packet-oriented communication : Perl in a Nutshell, 13. Sockets
packForget() (pack geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, Pack methods
packInfo() (pack geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, Pack methods
packPropogate() (pack geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, Pack methods
packSlaves() (pack geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, Pack methods
padlists : Advanced Perl Programming, How local and my work
-padx, -pady options : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
grid geometry manager : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager
pack geometry manager : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
page length
changing, in formats : Learning Perl, 11.6.4. Changing the Page Length
default, for top-of-page format : Learning Perl, 11.5. The Top-of-Page Format
page numbers : Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
page position, changing, in formats : Learning Perl, 11.6.5. Changing the Position on the Page
pages : Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
pairs, key/value : (see hashes (associative arrays))
paragraph mode
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
paragraph tags (pod) : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.11.1. Paragraph tags
counting in files : Perl Cookbook, 8.2. Counting Lines (or Paragraphs or Records) in a File
in pod documentation : Perl Cookbook, 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
reading files backwards by : Perl Cookbook, 8.4. Reading a File Backwards by Line or Paragraph
reformatting : Perl Cookbook, 1.12. Reformatting Paragraphs
wrapping text into : Programming Perl, 7.2.71. Text::Wrap - Wrap Text into a Paragraph
paragrep program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 6.11. Testing for a Valid Pattern
Learning Perl, 19.4. Passing Parameters via CGI
Learning Perl, 19.7. Other Form Elements
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: param
Perl in a Nutshell, 10. The CGI.pm Module
parameterized HTML : Perl Cookbook, 20.9. Creating HTML Templates
Learning Perl, 1.5.9. Making It a Bit More Modular
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.9. Making It a Bit More Modular
passing via CGI : Learning Perl, 19.4. Passing Parameters via CGI
passing with typeglobs : Advanced Perl Programming, Efficient parameter passing
SWIG and : Advanced Perl Programming, 18.3. SWIG Features
XS and : Advanced Perl Programming, 18.4.2. Default and Optional Parameters
params() (URI::URL) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: params
parent() (HTML::Parser) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: parent
parent classes : Programming Perl, 5.3.1. Brief Refresher on Object-Oriented Programming
accessing overridden methods : Perl Cookbook, 13.10. Accessing Overridden Methods
cloning objects : Perl Cookbook, 13.6. Cloning Objects
inheritance and : Perl Cookbook, 13.12. Solving the Data Inheritance Problem
parent processes
(see also processes)
Learning Perl, 14.4. Using fork
parentheses : (see () (parentheses))
HTML::Parser module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: parse
Mail::Address module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: parse
parse_csv subroutines : Perl Cookbook, 1.15. Parsing Comma-Separated Data
parse_file() (HTML::Parser) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: parse_file
parse file specifications : Programming Perl, 7.2.27. File::Basename - Parse File Specifications
parse_head() (LWP::UserAgent) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: parse_head
parse_query function : Advanced Perl Programming, Query processing
Perl Cookbook, 3.7. Parsing Dates and Times from Strings
Perl Cookbook, 3.11. Program: hopdelta
parser, template : Advanced Perl Programming, 17.4.2. Template Parser
ParseWords module : Programming Perl, 7.2.68. Text::ParseWords - Parse Text into a List of Tokens
comma-separated data : Perl Cookbook, 1.15. Parsing Comma-Separated Data
command-line arguments
Perl Cookbook, 15.1. Parsing Program Arguments
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
commas into numbers : Perl Cookbook, 2.17. Putting Commas in Numbers
datetime from strings : Perl Cookbook, 3.7. Parsing Dates and Times from Strings
email addresses : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.6. Parse Email Addresses with Mail::Address
filenames : Perl Cookbook, 9.10. Splitting a Filename into Its Component Parts
HTML tags : Perl Cookbook, 20.6. Extracting or Removing HTML Tags
input specification
Advanced Perl Programming, 17.2. Jeeves Example
Advanced Perl Programming, 17.3.1. Advantages of This Architecture
example of : Advanced Perl Programming, 17.5. Sample Specification Parser
web server log file : Perl Cookbook, 20.12. Parsing a Web Server Log File
partial URLs : Perl Cookbook, 19.0. Introduction
Pass() (Mail::POP3Client) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: Pass
pass() (Net::POP3)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: pass
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
PASS command (POP3) : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
"passes-the-buck-to" relationship : Programming Perl, 5.5.11. Delegation (the "Passes-the-Buck-to" Relationship)
arguments to subroutines : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.7.2. Passing Arguments
by named parameter : Perl Cookbook, 10.7. Passing by Named Parameter
by reference : Perl Cookbook, 10.5. Passing Arrays and Hashes by Reference
references : Programming Perl, 2.7.2. Passing References
symbol table entries
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.7.3. Passing References
Programming Perl, 2.7.1. Passing Symbol Table Entries (Typeglobs)
passwd file : (see /etc/passwd file)
Net::Netrc module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: password
URI::URL module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: password
Password() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Password
password entries (.netrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, 16.3. FTP Configuration with Net::Netrc
password file
Learning Perl, 7.7. Exercises
Learning Perl, 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
random access in : Learning Perl, 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
reading from, example : Learning Perl, 10.4. Using Filehandles
sequential access to : Learning Perl, 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
password_field() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: password_field
Programming Perl, 3.2.22. crypt
Programming Perl, 3.2.158. srand
randomly generating : Perl Cookbook, 2.7. Generating Random Numbers
reading without echo : Perl Cookbook, 15.10. Reading Passwords
pasv() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: pasv
Pasv() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Pasv
pasv_wait() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: pasv_wait
pasv_xfer() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: pasv_xfer
pasv_xfer_unique() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: pasv_xfer_unique
patches for Perl source code
Perl in a Nutshell, Patches
Programming Perl, 8.5.3. Patches
Mail::Address module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: path
URI::URL module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: path
path delimiter : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.3. Using Pathnames and Filenames
PATH environment variable
Learning Perl, 14.1. Using system and exec
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, Cleaning up your path
searching for scripts using : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Path module : Programming Perl, 7.2.31. File::Path - Create or Remove a Series of Directories
Path property (response cookies) : Perl in a Nutshell, Setting cookies
path_info() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: path_info
PATH_INFO variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 9.3. Extra Path Information
Perl in a Nutshell, 9.4. CGI Environment Variables
path_translated() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: path_translated
Perl in a Nutshell, 9.3. Extra Path Information
Perl in a Nutshell, 9.4. CGI Environment Variables
PATHEXT variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 2.3.2. Double-Quoted Strings
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.3. Using Pathnames and Filenames
current working directory : Programming Perl, 7.2.7. Cwd - Get Pathname of Current Working Directory
Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister : Learning Perl, 1.1. History of Perl
paths : Perl Cookbook, 19.0. Introduction
pattern matching
(see also regular expressions)
Perl Cookbook, 1.16. Soundex Matching
Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
abbreviations : Perl Cookbook, 6.20. Matching Abbreviations
across multiple lines : Perl Cookbook, 6.6. Matching Multiple Lines
backtracking : Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
copying and substituting : Perl Cookbook, 6.1. Copying and Substituting Simultaneously
duplicate words : Perl Cookbook, 6.16. Detecting Duplicate Words
eager : Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
email addresses : Perl Cookbook, 6.19. Matching a Valid Mail Address
extracting ranges of lines : Perl Cookbook, 6.8. Extracting a Range of Lines
filenames : Perl Cookbook, 9.6. Globbing, or Getting a List of Filenames Matching a Pattern
functions for : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
fuzzy matching : Perl Cookbook, 6.13. Approximate Matching
greedy vs. non-greedy
Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 6.15. Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches
history.db file : Perl Cookbook, 14.11. Program: ggh - Grep Netscape Global History
honoring locale settings : Perl Cookbook, 6.12. Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions
logical functionality in : Perl Cookbook, 6.17. Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern
matching letters : Perl Cookbook, 6.2. Matching Letters
matching words : Perl Cookbook, 6.3. Matching Words
modifiers for : Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
multiple-byte charactrs : Perl Cookbook, 6.18. Matching Multiple-Byte Characters
Nth matches : Perl Cookbook, 6.5. Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match
operators for
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.7. Pattern Match Operators
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 1.7. Regular Expressions
progressive (with /g) : Perl Cookbook, 6.5. Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match
shell wildcards for : Perl Cookbook, 6.9. Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions
tcgrep program : Perl Cookbook, 6.22. Program: tcgrep
testing for invalid patterns : Perl Cookbook, 6.11. Testing for a Valid Pattern
urlify program : Perl Cookbook, 6.21. Program: urlify
useful and interesting patterns (list) : Perl Cookbook, 6.23. Regular Expression Grabbag
using /o modifier : Perl Cookbook, 6.10. Speeding Up Interpolated Matches
where last pattern ended : Perl Cookbook, 6.14. Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off
pattern separators, reading data with : Perl Cookbook, 6.7. Reading Records with a Pattern Separator
(see also m// (match) operator)
(see also m?? (match) operator)
(see also pattern matching)
(see also regular expressions)
Programming Perl, 1.7. Regular Expressions
Programming Perl, 2.4. Pattern Matching
Programming Perl, 3.2.1. /PATTERN/
delimiter besides slash : Learning Perl, 7.4.3. Using a Different Delimiter
embedded modifiers for : Programming Perl, Regular expression extensions
example of pattern matching : Advanced Perl Programming, 5.5.1. A Fast Multipattern grep
greedy matching
Programming Perl, 1.7.1. Quantifiers
Programming Perl, The rules of regular expression matching
matching precedence : Programming Perl, The rules of regular expression matching
minimal matching : Programming Perl, 1.7.2. Minimal Matching
quantifiers : Programming Perl, The rules of regular expression matching
special variables for matching : Programming Perl, 2.9.1. Regular Expression Special Variables
split() and : Programming Perl, 3.2.155. split
study() : Programming Perl, 3.2.160. study
for untainting data : Programming Perl, Detecting and laundering tainted data
PauseService() (Win32::Service) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: PauseService
pausing scripts : Programming Perl, 3.2.150. sleep
PDL module
Advanced Perl Programming, 2.2. Example: Matrices
Perl Cookbook, 2.14. Multiplying Matrices
Peek module
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.1. Reading the Source
Advanced Perl Programming, Inside SVs
PeekInput() (Win32::Console) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: PeekInput
peephole optimizer : Advanced Perl Programming, Compilation and code generation stages
Peer option (IO::Socket::UNIX) : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.2.5. IO::Socket::UNIX Reference
peeraddr() (IO::Socket::INET) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: peeraddr
PeerAddr option (IO::Socket::INET) : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference
peerhost() (IO::Socket::INET) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: peerhost
peerpath() (IO::Socket::UNIX) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: peerpath
peerport() (IO::Socket::INET) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: peerport
PeerPort option (IO::Socket::INET) : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference
Penguin module : Programming Perl, Penguin
percent sign (%) : (see % (percent sign))
Programming Perl, 8.3. Efficiency
Programming Perl, Perl in a Nutshell
CGI scripts
Perl in a Nutshell, 9. CGI Overview
Perl in a Nutshell, 11.4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
efficient attribute storage : Advanced Perl Programming, 8.1. Efficient Attribute Storage
eval function to improve : Advanced Perl Programming, 5.5. Using Eval for Efficiency
measuring : Programming Perl, 3.2.174. times
memory management
Advanced Perl Programming, 1.6. A View of the Internals
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.5.6. Memory Management Using XS
references and : Advanced Perl Programming, 1.2.2. Performance Efficiency
typeglob aliases and : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.2.2. Using Typeglob Aliases
period : (see . (dot))
(see also modules, Perl)
(see also scripts, Perl)
Advanced Perl Programming, The Perl Interpreter
Learning Perl, 11.1. What Is a Format?
Learning Perl, 19.10. Perl and the Web: Beyond CGI Programming
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 11.1. What Is a Format?
Perl in a Nutshell, 3. The Perl Interpreter
Programming Perl, 1.3.1. How to Do It
advantages and uses
Advanced Perl Programming, Why Perl?
Perl in a Nutshell, 1.1. What's Perl Good For?
API for : Advanced Perl Programming, 19.2. Embedding Overview
architecture : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.2. Architecture
bugs in, reporting : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.6. The perlbug Program
CGI programming : (see CGI programs)
code generation : Advanced Perl Programming, 17.1. On Code Generation
command processing : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.1. Command Processing
command-line options
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-- switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-0 switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-a switch
Programming Perl, 2.9.4. Global Special Arrays
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-c switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-d switch
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, 8.1. The Perl Debugger
Programming Perl, 8.1.8. Alternative Debuggers: The Perl Profiler
-D switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-e switch
Programming Perl, 1.3.1. How to Do It
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-F switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-h switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-i switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-I switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-l switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-m switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-M switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-n switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-p switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-P switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-s switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-S switch
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, UNIX-domain clients and servers
sticky bit : Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
-T switch
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, Internet TCP clients and servers
Programming Perl, 6.3.1. Handling Insecure Data
-u switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-U switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-v switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-V switch : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-w switch
Programming Perl, 1.3.1. How to Do It
Programming Perl, 3. Functions
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, 7.2.10. diagnostics - Force Verbose Warning Diagnostics
Programming Perl, 9. Diagnostic Messages
-x switch
Programming Perl, 6.1.1. Command Processing
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.7. A Peek into the Future
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, D.10.4. The Perl Compiler
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.4. The Perl Compiler
Advanced Perl Programming, 2.5. Pretty-Printing
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.1. Reading the Source
Perl in a Nutshell, 6.1. The Perl Debugger
Perl in a Nutshell, 6.2. Debugger Commands
Perl in a Nutshell, 6.4. Customizing the Debugger
documentation, resources, technical support
Advanced Perl Programming, Resources
Perl Cookbook, Other Books
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.4. Support
Perl in a Nutshell, 1.4. Perl Resources
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.5. Documentation
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.11. Pod
= to signify in programs : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.1. Program Structure
release notes : Perl Cookbook, Platform Notes
utilities for : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.11.3. Pod Utilities
Advanced Perl Programming, 19. Embedding Perl:The Easy Way
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.4.1. Calling a Perl Subroutine
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.6. Easy Embedding API
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, D.10. Embeddible, Extensible
example scripts : Perl in a Nutshell, Perl examples
executor : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.2.3. Executor
extensions : (see extension modules, Perl)
future of : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.7. A Peek into the Future
history of
Learning Perl, 1.1. History of Perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 1.2. Perl Development
Programming Perl, 8.2.7. Previous Perl Traps
Programming Perl, 8.7. History Made Practical
installing source code : Perl in a Nutshell, 2.3. Installing Perl
language syntax : Advanced Perl Programming, Language Syntax
Learning Perl, 1.3. Availability
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.3.2. Standard Perl Distribution
Perl in a Nutshell, 2. Installing Perl
Programming Perl, How to Get Perl
Perl: The Motion Picture : Learning Perl, 16.2. Packing and Unpacking Binary Data
programming conventions : Perl Cookbook, Conventions Used in This Book
programs, making executable : Learning Perl, 1.4. Basic Concepts
standard library
Learning Perl, 6.2. Input from the Diamond Operator
Programming Perl, 7. The Standard Perl Library
translator : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.2.2. Translator
using C with
Advanced Perl Programming, 18. Extending Perl:A First Course
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.2. Example: Fractals with Perl
value types : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.3. Perl Value Types
for Win32 : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.3.1. ActiveState Perl for Win32
perl-bin directory : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
PERL_DEBUG_MSTATS variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
<Perl> directives (Apache) : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.6. <Perl> Sections
Perl Institute : Perl in a Nutshell, 1.4.5. The Perl Institute (www.perl.org)
Perl Journal : Perl in a Nutshell, 1.4.7. The Perl Journal
PERL_MAILERS variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.1. Send Email with Mail::Mailer
PERL_MODULE_EXT variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.4. The Perl Compiler
Perl Package Manager (PPM) : Perl in a Nutshell, Using the Perl Package Manager
Perl Porters : Perl in a Nutshell, 1.2. Perl Development
Perl Profiler (DProf)
Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
Programming Perl, 8.1.8. Alternative Debuggers: The Perl Profiler
PERL_SCRIPT_EXT variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.4. The Perl Compiler
perl-script handler
Perl in a Nutshell, 11.3. mod_perl Handlers
Perl in a Nutshell, 11.4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
$PERL_VERSION ($]) variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Perl/Tk toolkit
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.2. Starting with Perl/Tk
Perl Cookbook, 15.0. Introduction
Perl in a Nutshell, 18. Perl/Tk
callbacks : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.1.3. Callbacks
colors and fonts : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.1.4. Colors and Fonts
dialog boxes : Perl Cookbook, 15.15. Creating Dialog Boxes with Tk
event bindings : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.6. Event Bindings
event loops : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.7. Event Loops
geometry managers : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2. Geometry Managers
menus : Perl Cookbook, 15.14. Creating Menus with Tk
ptK (portable Tk) : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.1. Introduction to GUIs, Tk, and Perl/Tk
removing DOS shell window : Perl Cookbook, 15.17. Removing the DOS Shell Window with Windows Perl/Tk
resize events : Perl Cookbook, 15.16. Responding to Tk Resize Events
scrollbars : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.1.2. Scrollbars
timers : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.5. Timers
tkshufflepod program : Perl Cookbook, 15.19. Program: tkshufflepod
Advanced Perl Programming, A. Tk Widget Reference
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.1. Widgets
Button widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.4. The Button Widget
Canvas widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.12. The Canvas Widget
Checkbutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.5. The Checkbutton Widget
common configuration options : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
Entry widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.8. The Entry Widget
Frame widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.17. The Frame Widget
Label widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.7. The Label Widget
Listbox widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.10. The Listbox Widget
Menu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15. The Menu Widget
Menubutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14. The Menubutton Widget
Optionmenu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.16. The Optionmenu Widget
Radiobutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.6. The Radiobutton Widget
Scale widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.13. The Scale Widget
Scrollbar widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.9. The Scrollbar Widget
Text widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11. The Text Widget
toplevel widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18. The Toplevel Widget
widgets methods : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.1.1. Widget Methods
PERL5DB variable : Programming Perl, 8.1.3. Debugger Customization
PERL5LIB environment variable
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.2.1. Load Path
Perl Cookbook, 12.7. Keeping Your Own Module Directory
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
PERL5OPT variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
PERL5SHELL variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
perl_alloc function : Advanced Perl Programming, 19.2. Embedding Overview
perl_call_argv function
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.2. Embedding Overview
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.3. Examples
perl_call_va function
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.2. Embedding Overview
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.3. Examples
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.6. Easy Embedding API
perl_construct function : Advanced Perl Programming, 19.2. Embedding Overview
PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL variable : Programming Perl, 5.3.9. A Note on Garbage Collection
perl_eval_va function
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.2. Embedding Overview
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.3. Examples
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.6. Easy Embedding API
perl_parse function
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.2. Embedding Overview
Advanced Perl Programming, 19.3. Examples
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
perlbug program : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.6. The perlbug Program
perlcc utility : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.4. The Perl Compiler
.perldb file
Perl in a Nutshell, 6.4. Customizing the Debugger
Programming Perl, 8.1.3. Debugger Customization
$PERLDB ($^P) variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
PERLDB_OPTS variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.4. Customizing the Debugger
perldoc utility
Perl Cookbook, 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.5.1. Documentation
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: perldoc
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.5.1. Installing the Documentation
Programming Perl, Perl Manpages
PerlHandler directive (mod_perl)
Perl in a Nutshell, 11.3. mod_perl Handlers
Perl in a Nutshell, 11.4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
PerlIIS extension : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 18.7.2. PerlIS and PerlScript
PerlInterpreter structure : Advanced Perl Programming, Multiple interpreters
PerlIO object : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.2.1. Perl Objects
PerlIS : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.3.1. ActiveState Perl for Win32
PERLLIB variable : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.3. Environment Variables
perlman text viewer : Advanced Perl Programming, 16. GUI Example: Man Page Viewer
perlmenu module : Perl Cookbook, 15.12. Managing the Screen
PerlModule directive (mod_perl) : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.3.1. ActiveState Perl for Win32
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 18.7.2. PerlIS and PerlScript
Perl in a Nutshell, 20. PerlScript
client-side : Perl in a Nutshell, 20.1. Client-Side PerlScript
server-side : Perl in a Nutshell, 20.2. Server-Side PerlScript
PerlSendHeader directive (mod_perl) : Perl in a Nutshell, 11.4. Running CGI Scripts with mod_perl
perltoot document : Advanced Perl Programming, 4.4.3. Closures Versus Objects
permission bits, in dbmopen() : Learning Perl, 17.2. Opening and Closing DBM Hashes
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.16. Maintaining a Last-Good-Guess Database
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.4. Modifying Permissions
Programming Perl, 3.2.165. sysopen
Programming Perl, 3.2.179. umask
CGI programs and
Learning Perl, 19.8. Creating a Guestbook Program
Learning Perl, 19.9. Troubleshooting CGI Programs
generating all possible : Perl Cookbook, 4.19. Program: permute
Learning Perl, 13.5. Modifying Permissions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.4. Modifying Permissions
Programming Perl, 3.2.12. chmod
permission bits, in dbmopen() : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 17.2. Opening and Closing DBM Hashes
testing files for trustworthiness : Perl Cookbook, 8.17. Testing a File for Trustworthiness
permute program : Perl Cookbook, 4.19. Program: permute
Advanced Perl Programming, 10. Persistence
Advanced Perl Programming, 11. Implementing Object Persistence
Adaptor project : Advanced Perl Programming, 11. Implementing Object Persistence
data structures : Perl Cookbook, 11.14. Transparently Persistent Data Structures
database data : Perl Cookbook, 14.9. Persistent Data
record-oriented : Advanced Perl Programming, 10.3. Record-Oriented Approach
streamed data : Advanced Perl Programming, 10.2. Streamed Data
subroutine variables : Perl Cookbook, 10.3. Creating Persistent Private Variables
transparent (orthogonal)
Advanced Perl Programming, 11. Implementing Object Persistence
Advanced Perl Programming, 11.2.1. Design Goals
PF_ constants : Perl Cookbook, 17.0. Introduction
.ph filename extension : Perl Cookbook, 12.14. Using h2ph to Translate C #include Files
phrase() (Mail::Address)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: phrase
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.6. Parse Email Addresses with Mail::Address
pi : Programming Perl, 3.2.6. atan2
computing with : Learning Perl, A.1. Chapter 2, Scalar Data
obscure reference to : Learning Perl, 16.2. Packing and Unpacking Binary Data
Pics property (Response object) : Perl in a Nutshell, Response properties
picture lines
Programming Perl, 2.8. Formats
Programming Perl, 3.2.41. format
pid : (see processes)
$PID ($$) variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
ping() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: ping
Ping module : Programming Perl, 7.2.46. Net::Ping - Check Whether a Host Is Online
pingecho() : Programming Perl, 7.2.46. Net::Ping - Check Whether a Host Is Online
pinging machines : Perl Cookbook, 18.7. Pinging a Machine
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: pipe
Programming Perl, 3.2.107. pipe
Pipe module : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
pipe symbol : (see | (vertical bar))
Perl Cookbook, 16.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 16.10. Communicating Between Related Processes
pipe# programs (examples) : Perl Cookbook, 16.10. Communicating Between Related Processes
Programming Perl, 3.2.18. close
Programming Perl, 6.2.2. Pipes
pixmaps, widgets and : Advanced Perl Programming, Images
place geometry manager (Perl/Tk) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2.3. The Place Geometry Manager
placeForget() (place geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2.3. The Place Geometry Manager
placeholders (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, 12.2.4. Placeholders database and statement handles
placeInfo() (place geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2.3. The Place Geometry Manager
places() : Perl Cookbook, 13.14. Overloading Operators
placeSlaves() (place geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2.3. The Place Geometry Manager
platform independence : Advanced Perl Programming, 10.1. Persistence Issues
platforms : Perl in a Nutshell, 1.3. Which Platforms Support Perl?
plotting expressions : Advanced Perl Programming, Expression plotting
pluralities : (see arrays)
pluralizing words : Perl Cookbook, 2.18. Printing Correct Plurals
plus : (see + (plus sign))
.plx extension : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.5. Basic Concepts
.pm and .pl files
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.2. Packages and Files
Perl Cookbook, 12.0. Introduction
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.1. Namespaces and Packages
pmdesc program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 12.19. Program: Finding Versions and Descriptions of Installed Modules
=pod command (pod) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: =pod
pod documentation
Advanced Perl Programming, 17.1. On Code Generation
Perl Cookbook, 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.5.1. Documentation
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 18.1. The CGI.pm Module
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.5. Documentation
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.11. Pod
= to signify in programs : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.1. Program Structure
sorting =head1 sections : Perl Cookbook, 15.19. Program: tkshufflepod
utilities for : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.11.3. Pod Utilities
POD modules
Pod::Functions module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.120. Pod::Functions
Pod::Html module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.121. Pod::Html
Pod::Text module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.122. Pod::Text
Programming Perl, 7.2.50. Pod::Text - Convert POD Data to Formatted ASCII Text
pod utilities
pod2fm utility : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2fm
pod2html utility
Perl Cookbook, 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2html
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.121. Pod::Html
pod2latex utility : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2latex
pod2man utility : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2man
pod2text utility
Perl Cookbook, 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2text
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.122. Pod::Text
poetry in Perl : Programming Perl, 8.6. Perl Poetry
pointer values (PVs) : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.3.1. Scalar Values
(see references)
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, D.10.7. Function Pointers
Advanced Perl Programming, 7.1. OO: An Introduction
Advanced Perl Programming, 7.2.4. The Need for Polymorphism
"poor man's garbage collection" : Advanced Perl Programming, 1.6.1. Reference Counts
Learning Perl, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl, 3.4.3. The push and pop Functions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 3.4.3. The push and pop Functions
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: pop
Programming Perl, 3.2.108. pop
circular lists : Perl Cookbook, 4.16. Implementing a Circular List
on multiple array elements : Perl Cookbook, 4.11. Processing Multiple Elements of an Array
Tie::IxHash module and : Perl Cookbook, 5.6. Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order
POP3 protocol, interface to
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.6.2. Net::POP3
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.8. Reading Email with Mail::POP3Client
POP3 servers : Perl Cookbook, 18.5. Reading Mail with POP3
popen library function, emulating : Learning Perl, 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
popgrep# programs (examples) : Perl Cookbook, 6.10. Speeding Up Interpolated Matches
popstat() (Net::POP3) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: popstat
POPStat() (Mail::POP3Client) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: POPStat
popup_menu() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: popup_menu
popup menus
Learning Perl, 19.7. Other Form Elements
Learning Perl, 19.7.1. References
Net::FTP module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: port
URI::URL module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: port
Port() (Mail::POP3Client) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: Port
Advanced Perl Programming, 10.1. Persistence Issues
Programming Perl, 8.3.5. Porter Efficiency
Porters : Perl in a Nutshell, 1.2. Perl Development
ports and port numbers
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.1. Networking Primer
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, C. Networking Clients
connection attempts, logging : Perl Cookbook, 17.17. Program: backsniff
getting name from number : Programming Perl, 3.2.64. getservbyname
getting number from name : Programming Perl, 3.2.64. getservbyname
Perl Cookbook, 6.14. Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: pos
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: pos
Programming Perl, 3.2.109. pos
positionfrom() (Frame widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
positioning text widgets : Advanced Perl Programming, Inserting text at absolute positions
positive lookahead assertion : Programming Perl, Regular expression extensions
POSIX module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.123. POSIX
Programming Perl, 7.2.49. POSIX - Perl Interface to IEEE Std 1003.1
blocking signals : Perl Cookbook, 16.20. Blocking Signals
floor() and ceil() : Perl Cookbook, 2.3. Rounding Floating-Point Numbers
setsid function : Perl Cookbook, 17.15. Making a Daemon Server
termios interface : Perl Cookbook, 15.8. Using POSIX termios
trigonometric functions : Perl Cookbook, 2.12. Calculating More Trigonometric Functions
post() (Menu widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15.2. Menu Methods
post() (Net::NNTP)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: post
Perl in a Nutshell, 15.1. The NNTP Protocol
POST method
Perl Cookbook, 19.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 19.1. Writing a CGI Script
Perl Cookbook, 20.2. Automating Form Submission
Perl in a Nutshell, 9.1.1. Transferring the Form Data
Perl in a Nutshell, 17.3.1. HTTP::Request
Post Office Protocol (POP3)
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.8. Reading Email with Mail::POP3Client
postcascade() (Menu widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15.2. Menu Methods
-postcommand option (Menu) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15. The Menu Widget
posting news articles
Perl Cookbook, 18.4. Reading and Posting Usenet News Messages
Perl in a Nutshell, 15.1. The NNTP Protocol
$POSTMATCH ($') variable
Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 7.4.5. Special Read-Only Variables
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables
Programming Perl, The fine print
Programming Perl, 2.9.1. Regular Expression Special Variables
Programming Perl, a2p
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
postok() (Net::NNTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: postok
postscript() (Canvas) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.12.3. Canvas Methods
PostScript, converting HTML parse tree to : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.4.4. HTML::FormatPS
pound sign : (see # (hash mark))
powers of ten, examples of, with substr() : Learning Perl, 15.2. Extracting and Replacing a Substring
PPM (Perl Package Manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, Using the Perl Package Manager
Practical Extraction and Report Language : (see perl)
(see also use declarations)
Perl Cookbook, 12.0. Introduction
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.1. Library Terminology
Programming Perl, 2.6.7. Global Declarations
Programming Perl, 2.6.9. Pragmas
Programming Perl, 3.2.185. use
Programming Perl, 5. Packages, Modules, and Object Classes
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, 7. The Standard Perl Library
modules and : Programming Perl, 5.2. Modules
pre-extending arrays : Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
pre-forking servers : Perl Cookbook, 17.12. Pre-Forking Servers
preallocating memory for hashes : Perl Cookbook, 5.13. Presizing a Hash
Learning Perl, 2.4.3. Operator Precedence and Associativity
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5. Operators
Programming Perl, 3. Functions
Programming Perl, 8.2.7. Previous Perl Traps
diagnostic messages : Programming Perl, 9. Diagnostic Messages
key/value pair (hashes) : Programming Perl, 2.3.5. Hashes (Associative Arrays)
logical operators : Programming Perl, 2.5.20. Logical and, or, not, and xor
operator, table of : Programming Perl, 2.5. Operators
parentheses and
Learning Perl, 2.4.3. Operator Precedence and Associativity
Learning Perl, 7.3.4. Precedence
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 2.4.3. Operator Precedence and Associativity
references and : Advanced Perl Programming, 1.1.6. Confusion About Precedence
regular expression matching
Learning Perl, 7.3.4. Precedence
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 7.3.4. Precedence
Programming Perl, The rules of regular expression matching
precision, controlling in output : Perl Cookbook, 13.14. Overloading Operators
predefined Perl variables
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, D.6. Many, Many Predefined Variables
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4. Special Variables
preforker program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 17.12. Pre-Forking Servers
$PREMATCH ($`) variable
Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 7.4.5. Special Read-Only Variables
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables
Programming Perl, The fine print
Programming Perl, 2.9.1. Regular Expression Special Variables
Programming Perl, a2p
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
prepare() (DBI)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: prepare
Perl in a Nutshell, 12.2.3. Database Handles and Statement Handles
prepare statement (SQL) : Advanced Perl Programming, Select
directories to @INC : Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
elements to arrays : Programming Perl, 3.2.183. unshift
pretty-printing : Advanced Perl Programming, 2.5. Pretty-Printing
prev_labeled() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: prev_labeled_message
prev_message() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: prev_message
prime numbers, calculating : Perl Cookbook, 2.19. Program: Calculating Prime Factors
prime_pattern program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 6.16. Detecting Duplicate Words
Perl Cookbook, 17.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 2.8. Output with print
Learning Perl, 6.3.1. Using print for Normal Output
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 2.8. Output with print
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 6.3.1. Using print for Normal Output
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 17.4. Fixed-Length Random-Access Databases
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: print
Programming Perl, 3.2.110. print
Programming Perl, 8.2.3. Awk Traps
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
$_ and
Learning Perl, 4.5. The foreach Statement
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 4.6. The foreach Statement
array literals and : Learning Perl, 3.2. Literal Representation
examples of
Learning Perl, 1.5.1. The "Hello, World" Program
Learning Perl, 1.5.17. The Final Programs
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.1. The "Hello, world" Program
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.17. The Final Programs
filehandle keyword and
Learning Perl, 1.5.12. Warning Someone When Things Go Astray
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.12. Warning Someone When Things Go Astray
return value of : Learning Perl, 6.3.1. Using print for Normal Output
Socket module : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.1.2. Client Connections
writes to same filehandle and : Learning Perl, 11.5. The Top-of-Page Format
print_header() (Mail::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: print_header
print_line program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 8.8. Reading a Particular Line in a File
printenv command, emulating : Learning Perl, 14.1. Using system and exec
PrintError attribute (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, 12.2.3. Database Handles and Statement Handles
Learning Perl, 6.3.2. Using printf for Formatted Output
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.5. Chapter 6, Basic I/O
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: printf
Programming Perl, 3.2.111. printf
Programming Perl, 3.2.156. sprintf
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
%c format : Perl Cookbook, 1.4. Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values
examples of
Learning Perl, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl, A.5. Chapter 6, Basic I/O
Learning Perl, A.13. Chapter 14, Process Management
Learning Perl, 4.6. Exercises
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 4.7. Exercises
rounding floating-point numbers : Perl Cookbook, 2.3. Rounding Floating-Point Numbers
data structures : Perl Cookbook, 11.11. Printing Data Structures
datetime information : Perl Cookbook, 3.8. Printing a Date
hashes : Perl Cookbook, 5.5. Printing a Hash
lists with commas : Perl Cookbook, 4.2. Printing a List with Commas
multidimensional arrays
Programming Perl, 4.6.3. Access and Printing
Programming Perl, Access and printing of an array of arrays
Programming Perl, Access and printing of a hash of arrays
Programming Perl, Access and printing of an array of hashes
multidimensional hashes : Programming Perl, Access and printing of a hash of hashes
nested data structures : Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
simultaneously to multiple filehandles : Perl Cookbook, 7.18. Printing to Many Filehandles Simultaneously
specific lines from files : Perl Cookbook, 7.0. Introduction
priority, process : Programming Perl, 3.2.141. setpriority
Advanced Perl Programming, 1.2.3. References to Anonymous Storage
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.4. Privacy
methods : Perl Cookbook, 13.0. Introduction
(see local, variables)
Perl Cookbook, 10.2. Making Variables Private to a Function
Perl Cookbook, 12.4. Making Variables Private to a Module
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.2.6. Declarations and Scope
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.7.4. Private and Local Variables
(see subroutines)
Programming Perl, 1.2.2. Verbs
process IDs (pids)
Programming Perl, 3.2.55. getpgrp
Programming Perl, 3.2.102. open
Programming Perl, 3.2.140. setpgrp
Programming Perl, 3.2.40. fork
Programming Perl, 3.2.56. getppid
Process module
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 14.5. Win32::Process
$PROCESS_ID ($$) variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
processes : Perl Cookbook, 16.0. Introduction
catching Ctrl-C : Perl Cookbook, 16.18. Catching Ctrl-C
communicating between : Perl Cookbook, 16.10. Communicating Between Related Processes
controlling program input/output : Perl Cookbook, 16.8. Controlling Input and Output of Another Program
Perl Cookbook, 16.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 14.1. Using system and exec
error handling permission for : Programming Perl, 7.2.40. IPC::Open3 - Open a Process for Reading, Writing, and Error Handling
exit values
Learning Perl, 14.4. Using fork
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
filehandles as : Learning Perl, 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
filtering output : Perl Cookbook, 16.5. Filtering Your Own Output
fork function : Programming Perl, 3.2.40. fork
gathering program output : Perl Cookbook, 16.1. Gathering Output from a Program
getting group for : Programming Perl, 3.2.140. setpgrp
Perl Cookbook, 7.22. Program: lockarea
Perl Cookbook, 16.14. Sending a Signal
imitating files with named pipes : Perl Cookbook, 16.11. Making a Process Look Like a File with Named Pipes
interprocess communication (IPC) : Programming Perl, 6.2. Cooperating with Other Processes
killing : Programming Perl, 3.2.80. kill
Learning Perl, 14.5. Summary of Process Operations
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 14.4. Summary of Process Operations
managing : Perl in a Nutshell, 19.12. Win32::Process
named pipes : Programming Perl, Named pipes
opening for writing with filehandle : Learning Perl, 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
preprocessing input : Perl Cookbook, 16.6. Preprocessing Input
priority, setting : Programming Perl, 3.2.141. setpriority
read/write permission for : Programming Perl, 7.2.39. IPC::Open2 - Open a Process for Both Reading and Writing
reading from/writing to programs : Perl Cookbook, 16.4. Reading or Writing to Another Program
reading STDERR from programs : Perl Cookbook, 16.7. Reading STDERR from a Program
replacing programs : Perl Cookbook, 16.3. Replacing the Current Program with a Different One
returning priority of : Programming Perl, 3.2.57. getpriority
running multiple programs : Perl Cookbook, 16.2. Running Another Program
sharing variables among : Perl Cookbook, 16.12. Sharing Variables in Different Processes
Perl Cookbook, 16.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 16.13. Listing Available Signals
Perl Cookbook, 16.14. Sending a Signal
Perl Cookbook, 16.15. Installing a Signal Handler
Perl Cookbook, 16.20. Blocking Signals
timing out operations : Perl Cookbook, 16.21. Timing Out an Operation
umask for : Programming Perl, 3.2.179. umask
variables for : Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
waiting for : Programming Perl, 3.2.189. wait
Windows NT and : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 14.5. Win32::Process
Perl Cookbook, 16.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 16.19. Avoiding Zombie Processes
Programming Perl, 6.2.1. Signals
processing shell commands : Programming Perl, 6.1.1. Command Processing
product_tokens() (HTTP::Daemon) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: product_tokens
products, finding : Learning Perl, 9.4. Labeled Blocks
professors/students/courses example : Advanced Perl Programming, 2.3. Professors, Students, Courses
profiler, Perl (DProf) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
-prog option (perlcc) : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.4. The Perl Compiler
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 19.2. Creating Automation Objects
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 19.3. Using Automation Objects
program flow control functions : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
program generators : Programming Perl, 6.4.1. Program Generation
program structure : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.1. Program Structure
$PROGRAM_NAME ($0) variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Programming Perl : (see Camel Book)
programming style : Programming Perl, 8.4. Programming with Style
CGI : (see CGI programs)
command-line arguments, parsing : Perl Cookbook, 15.1. Parsing Program Arguments
controlling input/output of : Perl Cookbook, 16.8. Controlling Input and Output of Another Program
controlling with Expect : Perl Cookbook, 15.13. Controlling Another Program with Expect
core dump of : Programming Perl, 3.2.29. dump
executing : Programming Perl, 3.2.167. system
exiting : Programming Perl, 3.2.35. exit
filtering output : Perl Cookbook, 16.5. Filtering Your Own Output
gathering output from : Perl Cookbook, 16.1. Gathering Output from a Program
interface : (see user interfaces)
preprocessing input : Perl Cookbook, 16.6. Preprocessing Input
reading from/writing to : Perl Cookbook, 16.4. Reading or Writing to Another Program
reading STDERR from : Perl Cookbook, 16.7. Reading STDERR from a Program
replacing : Perl Cookbook, 16.3. Replacing the Current Program with a Different One
running multiple : Perl Cookbook, 16.2. Running Another Program
simulating telnet from : Perl Cookbook, 18.6. Simulating Telnet from a Program
testing if running interactively : Perl Cookbook, 15.2. Testing Whether a Program Is Running Interactively
progressive matching : Perl Cookbook, 6.5. Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match
prompt, examples of
Learning Perl, 1.5.2. Asking Questions and Remembering the Result
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.2. Asking Questions and Remembering the Result
properties : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 19.1. Introduction to OLE Automation
document object (PerlScript) : Perl in a Nutshell, Document properties
types of : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.3.6. Magic Variables
Advanced Perl Programming, A. Tk Widget Reference
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.3.1. Widget Properties
Proto option (IO::Socket::INET) : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference
Frame widget module : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
HTTP::Message module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: protocol
IO::Socket module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: protocol
protocols for Internet : Perl Cookbook, 18.0. Introduction
protocols, name-number translations
Programming Perl, 3.2.58. getprotobyname
Programming Perl, 3.2.59. getprotobynumber
protocols, socket : Perl Cookbook, 17.0. Introduction
prototype() : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: prototype
Perl Cookbook, 10.11. Prototyping Functions
Perl Cookbook, 13.0. Introduction
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.7. Subroutines
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.7.5. Prototypes
Programming Perl, 2.7.3. Prototypes
proxy() (LWP::UserAgent) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: proxy
proxy, submitting forms through : Perl Cookbook, 20.2. Automating Form Submission
pseudo-literals : (see input, operators)
pseudo-random numbers : (see random, numbers)
psgrep program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 1.18. Program: psgrep
pTk language : (see Perl/Tk toolkit)
public methods : Perl Cookbook, 13.0. Introduction
publishing systems : Learning Perl, 19.10.1. Custom Publishing Systems
purging : (see deleting)
Perl Cookbook, 4.9. Appending One Array to Another
Perl Cookbook, 11.2. Making Hashes of Arrays
Learning Perl, 3.4.3. The push and pop Functions
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: push
Programming Perl, 3.2.112. push
circular lists : Perl Cookbook, 4.16. Implementing a Circular List
example of : Learning Perl, A.15. Chapter 16, System Database Access
Tie::IxHash module and : Perl Cookbook, 5.6. Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order
push_content() (HTML::Parser) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: push_content
push_header() (HTTP::Headers) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: push_header
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: put
Programming Perl, Using the Berkeley DB interface directly
Put() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Put
PUT requests (CGI) : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.3.1. HTTP::Request
put_unique() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: put_unique
pwd command (Unix)
Learning Perl, 12.1. Moving Around the Directory Tree
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
PWD environment variable : Programming Perl, 7.2.7. Cwd - Get Pathname of Current Working Directory
pwd() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: pwd
Pwd() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Pwd
Python language : Advanced Perl Programming, Why Perl?
closures in : Advanced Perl Programming, 4.5.2. Python
__getattr__ and __setattr__ : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.6.2. Python
modular programming in : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.9.2. Python
object orientation of : Advanced Perl Programming, 7.5.2. Python
references in : Advanced Perl Programming, 1.7.2. Python
run-time evaluation and error handling : Advanced Perl Programming, 5.7.2. Python

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