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7.2.13 English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables

use English;
if ($ERRNO =~ /denied/) { ... }

This module provides aliases for the built-in "punctuation" variables. Variables with side effects that get triggered merely by accessing them (like $0 ) will still have the same effects under the aliases.

For those variables that have an awk (1) version, both long and short English alternatives are provided. For example, the $/ variable can be referred to either as $RS or as $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR if you are using the English module.

Here is the list of variables along with their English alternatives:

Perl English Perl English
$_ $ARG $! $OS_ERROR
$. $NR $< $UID
$/ $RS $> $EUID

Previous: 7.2.12 DynaLoader - Automatic Dynamic Loading of Perl Modules Programming Perl Next: 7.2.14 Env - Import Environment Variables
7.2.12 DynaLoader - Automatic Dynamic Loading of Perl Modules Book Index 7.2.14 Env - Import Environment Variables