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Index: F

@F array
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.2. Global Special Arrays and Hashes
Programming Perl, 2.9.4. Global Special Arrays
f command (debugger)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 6, Reference: f
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
-f file test operator
Learning Perl, 10.5. The -x File Tests
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.6. The -x File Tests
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.8. File Test Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
F<> interior sequence (pod) : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.11.2. Interior sequences
-F option (dprofpp) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
-f option (perlbug) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.6. The perlbug Program
\f (formfeed) sequence : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences
-F switch, perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
F_SETFL command : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.3. Nonblocking Filehandles
failure, returning from subroutines : Perl Cookbook, 10.10. Returning Failure
fallback operator : Programming Perl, Fallback
(see also Boolean)
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 4.2. The if/unless Statement
definition of : Learning Perl, 4.2. The if/unless Statement
regular expressions : Learning Perl, 7.2. Simple Uses of Regular Expressions
false strings : Perl Cookbook, 1.0. Introduction
FAQs, Perl-related
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.4. Support
Perl in a Nutshell, 1.4.2. Frequently Asked Questions Lists (FAQs)
Programming Perl, Frequently Asked Questions List
Fast module : Learning Perl, 19.10.2. Embedded Perl
FastCGI : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.29. CGI::Fast
fastcwd() routine : Programming Perl, 7.2.7. Cwd - Get Pathname of Current Working Directory
Fatal module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.65. Fatal
Perl Cookbook, 7.14. Doing Non-Blocking I/O
Perl Cookbook, 10.10. Returning Failure
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: fcntl
Programming Perl, 3.2.37. fcntl
Fcntl module
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.3. Nonblocking Filehandles
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.66. Fcntl
Programming Perl, 7.2.26. Fcntl - Load the C fcntl.h Defines
fd() method : Programming Perl, Locking databases
fdirs program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 9.7. Processing All Files in a Directory Recursively
Perl Cookbook, 7.19. Opening and Closing File Descriptors by Number
Programming Perl, 7.2.33. FileHandle - Supply Object Methods for Filehandles
fetch() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: fetch
FETCH method
Advanced Perl Programming, 9.1. Tying Scalars
Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
Programming Perl, 5.4.1. Tying Scalars
Programming Perl, 5.4.2. Tying Arrays
Programming Perl, 5.4.3. Tying Hashes
fetchall_arrayref() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: fetchall_arrayref
fetching URLs from Perl scripts : Perl Cookbook, 20.1. Fetching a URL from a Perl Script
fetchrow_array() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: fetchrow_array
fetchrow_arrayref() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: fetchrow_arrayref
fetchrow_hashref() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: fetchrow_hashref
FetchURL() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: FetchURL
-fg option (widgets) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
<FH> operator : Programming Perl, 8.2.2. Frequently Ignored Advice
field definition line
Learning Perl, 1.5.14. Listing the Secret Words
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.14. Listing the Secret Words
field value line
Learning Perl, 1.5.14. Listing the Secret Words
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.14. Listing the Secret Words
fieldholders : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.10. Formats
fieldlines of format : Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
fields module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.67. fields
fifolog program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 16.11. Making a Process Look Like a File with Named Pipes
FIFOs (named pipes)
Perl Cookbook, 16.11. Making a Process Look Like a File with Named Pipes
Programming Perl, Named pipes
file contents
(see also directories; files)
Perl Cookbook, 8.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 9.0. Introduction
adding records to wtmp file : Perl Cookbook, 8.18. Program: tailwtmp
continually growing files, reading : Perl Cookbook, 8.5. Trailing a Growing File
counting lines/paragraphs/records : Perl Cookbook, 8.2. Counting Lines (or Paragraphs or Records) in a File
deleting last line of : Perl Cookbook, 8.10. Removing the Last Line of a File
extracting single line : Perl Cookbook, 8.8. Reading a Particular Line in a File
fixed-length records
Perl Cookbook, 8.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 8.15. Reading Fixed-Length Records
with -i option : Perl Cookbook, 7.9. Modifying a File in Place with -i Switch
with temporary files : Perl Cookbook, 7.8. Modifying a File in Place with Temporary File
without temporary files : Perl Cookbook, 7.10. Modifying a File in Place Without a Temporary File
processing all words in : Perl Cookbook, 8.3. Processing Every Word in a File
processing binary files : Perl Cookbook, 8.11. Processing Binary Files
random access I/O : Perl Cookbook, 8.12. Using Random-Access I/O
random lines from : Perl Cookbook, 8.6. Picking a Random Line from a File
randomizing line order : Perl Cookbook, 8.7. Randomizing All Lines
reading : (see files, reading)
tctee program : Perl Cookbook, 8.19. Program: tctee
text files as database arrays : Perl Cookbook, 14.7. Treating a Text File as a Database Array
variable-length text fields : Perl Cookbook, 8.9. Processing Variable-Length Text Fields
viewing lastlog file information : Perl Cookbook, 8.20. Program: laston
file descriptors
Programming Perl, 3.2.38. fileno
Programming Perl, 3.2.135. select (ready file descriptors)
opening/closing : Perl Cookbook, 7.19. Opening and Closing File Descriptors by Number
File modules
Advanced Perl Programming, 11.1. Adaptor: An Introduction
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.4. Modifying Permissions
database mapping : Advanced Perl Programming, 11.2.4. Multivalued Attributes and Database Mapping
File::Basename module
Perl Cookbook, 9.10. Splitting a Filename into Its Component Parts
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.3. Using Pathnames and Filenames
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.68. File::Basename
Programming Perl, 7.2.27. File::Basename - Parse File Specifications
File::CheckTree module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.69. File::CheckTree
Programming Perl, 7.2.28. File::CheckTree - Run Many Tests on a Collection of Files
File::Compare module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.70. File::Compare
File::Copy module
Perl Cookbook, 9.3. Copying or Moving a File
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.71. File::Copy
Programming Perl, 7.2.29. File::Copy - Copy Files or Filehandles
File::DosGlob module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.72. File::DosGlob
File::Find module
Perl Cookbook, 9.7. Processing All Files in a Directory Recursively
Perl Cookbook, 9.8. Removing a Directory and Its Contents
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.73. File::Find
Programming Perl, 7.2.30. File::Find - Traverse a File Tree
File::KGlob module : Perl Cookbook, 9.6. Globbing, or Getting a List of Filenames Matching a Pattern
File::LockDir module : Perl Cookbook, 7.21. Program: netlock
File::Path module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.74. File::Path
Programming Perl, 7.2.31. File::Path - Create or Remove a Series of Directories
File::Spec modules : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.75. File::Spec
File::Spec::Mac module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.76. File::Spec::Mac
File::Spec::Os2 module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.77. File::Spec::OS2
File::Spec::Unix module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.78. File::Spec::Unix
File::Spec::VMS module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.79. File::Spec::VMS
File::Spec::Win32 module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.80. File::Spec::Win32
File::Stat module
Perl Cookbook, 8.5. Trailing a Growing File
Perl Cookbook, 9.0. Introduction
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.81. File::stat
implementation of : Advanced Perl Programming, 11.3.1. Adaptor::File
object uniqueness and : Advanced Perl Programming, 11.2.8. Uniqueness of Objects in Memory
file stat cache (_) : Perl Cookbook, 9.0. Introduction
file test operators
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.8. File Test Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
__FILE__ token
Perl Cookbook, 10.4. Determining Current Function Name
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.4. Global Special Constants
Programming Perl, Other literal tokens
FileCache module
Perl Cookbook, 7.17. Caching Open Output Filehandles
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.82. FileCache
Programming Perl, 7.2.32. FileCache - Keep More Files Open Than the System Permits
filecheck() : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
FileHandle module
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.4. Filehandles, Directory Handles, and Formats
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.4.3. Localizing Filehandles
Perl Cookbook, 7.0. Introduction
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.83. FileHandle
Programming Perl, 7.2.33. FileHandle - Supply Object Methods for Filehandles
constructor, open function with : Programming Perl, 3.2.102. open
Advanced Perl Programming, B.10. Filehandles, Formats
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.4. Filehandles, Directory Handles, and Formats
Perl Cookbook, 7.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 1.5.10. Moving the Secret Word List into a Separate File
Learning Perl, 10.1. What Is a Filehandle?
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.10. Moving the Secret Word List into a Separate File
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.1. What Is a Filehandle?
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.9. Filehandles
Programming Perl, 1.4. Filehandles
angle operator and : Programming Perl, Line input (angle) operator
caching open filehandles : Perl Cookbook, 7.17. Caching Open Output Filehandles
Perl Cookbook, 7.20. Copying Filehandles
Programming Perl, 7.2.29. File::Copy - Copy Files or Filehandles
creating : Programming Perl, 1.4. Filehandles
Learning Perl, 10.4. Using Filehandles
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.5. Using Filehandles
dynamic binding : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.4. Tying Filehandles
ending with _TOP
Programming Perl, 2.8. Formats
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
formats and : Learning Perl, 11.3. Invoking a Format
functions for : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
global : Programming Perl, 2.9.5. Global Special Filehandles
indirect : Learning Perl, 12.2. Globbing
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.4.3. Localizing Filehandles
Perl Cookbook, 7.16. Storing Filehandles in Variables
Perl Cookbook, 10.13. Saving Global Values
Programming Perl, 2.3.6. Typeglobs and Filehandles
modules/packages and : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.1. Basic Package
names for : Programming Perl, 2.3.1. Variables
networking and : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.5. IO Objects and Filehandles
non-blocking I/O : Perl Cookbook, 7.14. Doing Non-Blocking I/O
nonblocking : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.3. Nonblocking Filehandles
object methods for : Programming Perl, 7.2.33. FileHandle - Supply Object Methods for Filehandles
open function : Programming Perl, 3.2.102. open
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.4.2. Passing Filehandles to Subroutines
Perl Cookbook, 7.16. Storing Filehandles in Variables
Perl Cookbook, 10.13. Saving Global Values
Perl Cookbook, 12.5. Determining the Caller's Package
Programming Perl, 2.7.2. Passing References
positioning file pointer for : Programming Perl, 3.2.132. seek
print() and
Learning Perl, 1.5.12. Warning Someone When Things Go Astray
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.12. Warning Someone When Things Go Astray
printing to multiple simultaneously : Perl Cookbook, 7.18. Printing to Many Filehandles Simultaneously
as processes : Learning Perl, 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
read() and : Learning Perl, 17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
reading from
Perl Cookbook, 7.13. Reading from Many Filehandles Without Blocking
Learning Perl, 10.4. Using Filehandles
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.5. Using Filehandles
Programming Perl, 3.2.116. read
references to : Programming Perl, 4.2.6. Filehandle Referencers
reporting filenames in errors : Perl Cookbook, 7.4. Making Perl Report Filenames in Errors
saving/restoring : Programming Perl, 7.2.54. SelectSaver - Save and Restore Selected Filehandle
seek() and : Learning Perl, 17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
selecting for output : Programming Perl, 3.2.134. select (output filehandle)
special (predefined)
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.3. Global Special Filehandles
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables
special variables for : Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
storing as variables
Perl Cookbook, 7.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 7.16. Storing Filehandles in Variables
tied : Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
typeglobs for : Programming Perl, 2.3.6. Typeglobs and Filehandles
Learning Perl, 1.5.10. Moving the Secret Word List into a Separate File
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.10. Moving the Secret Word List into a Separate File
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.3. Using Pathnames and Filenames
Programming Perl, Other literal tokens
expanding tildes in : Perl Cookbook, 7.3. Expanding Tildes in Filenames
expansions of : Programming Perl, 3.2.69. glob
filtering as input : Perl Cookbook, 7.7. Writing a Filter
getting from symbolic links : Programming Perl, 3.2.118. readlink
(see also glob())
(see also typeglobs)
Learning Perl, 1.5.13. Many Secret Word Files in the Current Directory
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.13. Many Secret Word Files in the Current Directory
%INC hash of : Programming Perl, 2.9.4. Global Special Arrays
iterating scripts over : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 3.2.85. link
Programming Perl, 3.2.163. symlink
matching with patterns : Perl Cookbook, 9.6. Globbing, or Getting a List of Filenames Matching a Pattern
multiple, for same file : Perl Cookbook, 9.4. Recognizing Two Names for the Same File
parsing : Perl Cookbook, 9.10. Splitting a Filename into Its Component Parts
Perl Cookbook, 9.9. Renaming Files
Learning Perl, 13.2. Renaming a File
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.15. Making Those Old Word Lists More Noticeable
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.2. Renaming a File
Programming Perl, 3.2.122. rename
reporting in errors : Perl Cookbook, 7.4. Making Perl Report Filenames in Errors
Perl Cookbook, 9.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 9.12. Program: lst
strange, opening files with : Perl Cookbook, 7.2. Opening Files with Unusual Filenames
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.5. IO Objects and Filehandles
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: fileno
Programming Perl, 3.2.38. fileno
Perl Cookbook, 9.10. Splitting a Filename into Its Component Parts
Programming Perl, 7.2.27. File::Basename - Parse File Specifications
fileparse_set_fstype() : Programming Perl, 7.2.27. File::Basename - Parse File Specifications
Perl Cookbook, 7.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 9.0. Introduction
age of
Learning Perl, 1.5.11. Ensuring a Modest Amount of Security
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.11. Ensuring a Modest Amount of Security
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
appending to : Learning Perl, 10.2. Opening and Closing a Filehandle
as arrays (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.2.1. TIEARRAY Example: File as an Array
changing name of : Programming Perl, 3.2.122. rename
closing : Programming Perl, 3.2.18. close
Perl Cookbook, 9.3. Copying or Moving a File
Programming Perl, 7.2.29. File::Copy - Copy Files or Filehandles
core files
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 3.2.29. dump
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Perl Cookbook, 9.2. Deleting a File
Learning Perl, 13.1. Removing a File
Programming Perl, 3.2.181. unlink
editing : (see file contents)
end of file : (see end of file)
extracting columns from (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 5.5.2. Extracting Columns from a File
flushing output : Perl Cookbook, 7.12. Flushing Output
functions for : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
linking : Learning Perl, 13.3. Creating Alternate Names for a File: Linking
Perl Cookbook, 7.11. Locking a File
Perl Cookbook, 7.21. Program: netlock
region-specific locks : Perl Cookbook, 7.22. Program: lockarea
moving : Perl Cookbook, 9.3. Copying or Moving a File
modules/packages and : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.2. Packages and Files
names of : (see filenames)
non-blocking I/O : Perl Cookbook, 7.14. Doing Non-Blocking I/O
Perl Cookbook, 7.1. Opening a File
Learning Perl, 10.2. Opening and Closing a Filehandle
Programming Perl, 3.2.102. open
Programming Perl, 3.2.165. sysopen
ownership : Programming Perl, 3.2.15. chown
(see permissions, file)
Learning Perl, 13.5. Modifying Permissions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.4. Modifying Permissions
Programming Perl, 3.2.165. sysopen
Programming Perl, 3.2.179. umask
printing to multiple filehandles : Perl Cookbook, 7.18. Printing to Many Filehandles Simultaneously
processing all files in directories
Perl Cookbook, 9.5. Processing All Files in a Directory
Perl Cookbook, 9.7. Processing All Files in a Directory Recursively
Perl Cookbook, 7.15. Determining the Number of Bytes to Read
Perl Cookbook, 8.1. Reading Lines with Continuation Characters
Perl Cookbook, 8.14. Reading a String from a Binary File
Perl Cookbook, 8.16. Reading Configuration Files
in binary mode : Programming Perl, 3.2.8. binmode
backwards : Programming Perl, Examples
hash records : Perl Cookbook, 11.10. Reading and Writing Hash Records to Text Files
via low-level system call : Programming Perl, 3.2.166. sysread
from multiple filehandles : Perl Cookbook, 7.13. Reading from Many Filehandles Without Blocking
returning current position for : Programming Perl, 3.2.169. tell
serialization : (see serialization)
statistics about
Learning Perl, 10.6. The stat and lstat Functions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.7. The stat Function
Programming Perl, 3.2.159. stat
storing in program text : Perl Cookbook, 7.6. Storing Files Inside Your Program Text
symbolically linking : Programming Perl, 3.2.163. symlink
temporary : Perl Cookbook, 7.5. Creating Temporary Files
Perl Cookbook, 8.17. Testing a File for Trustworthiness
Programming Perl, 1.5.7. File Test Operators
Programming Perl, 7.2.28. File::CheckTree - Run Many Tests on a Collection of Files
testing for existence
Learning Perl, 10.5. The -x File Tests
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.6. The -x File Tests
text/binary distinction : Programming Perl, 3.2.102. open
timestamps of
Perl Cookbook, 9.1. Getting and Setting Timestamps
Learning Perl, 13.7. Modifying Timestamps
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.5. Modifying Timestamps
Programming Perl, 3.2.159. stat
Programming Perl, 3.2.186. utime
truncating : Programming Perl, 3.2.176. truncate
writing via low-level system call : Programming Perl, 3.2.168. syswrite
FileSecurity module
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.4. Modifying Permissions
filesystem : (see directories)
-fill option (pack geometry manager) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
FillAttr() (Win32::Console) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: FillAttr
FillChar() (Win32::Console) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: FillChar
filled fields
Learning Perl, 11.4.4. Filled Fields
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.10. Formats
filtering filenames as input : Perl Cookbook, 7.7. Writing a Filter
filtering output : Perl Cookbook, 16.5. Filtering Your Own Output
filters, source code
Programming Perl, 1.8. List Processing
Programming Perl, Source filters
Learning Perl, 12.5. Reading a Directory Handle
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.12.3. Canvas Methods
Programming Perl, 7.2.30. File::Find - Traverse a File Tree
Find module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.73. File::Find
Programming Perl, 7.2.30. File::Find - Traverse a File Tree
find2perl program
Programming Perl, find2perl
Programming Perl, 8.5.1. Translation from Awk and Sed
FindBin module
Perl Cookbook, 12.7. Keeping Your Own Module Directory
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.84. FindBin
finddepth() : Perl Cookbook, 9.8. Removing a Directory and Its Contents
most common anything : Perl Cookbook, 5.14. Finding the Most Common Anything
patterns : (see pattern matching; regular expressions)
substrings : Learning Perl, 15.1. Finding a Substring
findlogin program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 7.7. Writing a Filter
findstr command
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 7.2. Simple Uses of Regular Expressions
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 7.4.2. Ignoring Case
finish() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: finish
FIONREAD call : Perl Cookbook, 7.15. Determining the Number of Bytes to Read
firewalls, connecting through : Perl Cookbook, 17.18. Program: fwdport
first_labeled_message() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: first_labeled_message
first_message() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: first_message
first occurrence match : (see m?? (match) operator)
Advanced Perl Programming, 9.3. Tying Hashes
Programming Perl, 5.4.3. Tying Hashes
fisher_yates_shuffle() : Perl Cookbook, 4.17. Randomizing an Array
fixed-length data/records
Perl Cookbook, 8.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 8.15. Reading Fixed-Length Records
Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
fixed-precision numeric fields : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.10. Formats
FixNum class : Perl Cookbook, 13.14. Overloading Operators
fixstyle program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 1.17. Program: fixstyle
fixstyle2 program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 1.17. Program: fixstyle
flags : (see switches, Perl command-line)
Button widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.4.1. Button Methods
Checkbutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.5.1. Checkbutton Methods
Radiobutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.6.1. Radiobutton Methods
flattened lists : Perl Cookbook, 4.0. Introduction
floating-point exception, as signal to process : Learning Perl, 14.6. Sending and Receiving Signals
floating-point numbers
Perl Cookbook, 2.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 2.2.1. All Numbers Use the Same Format Internally
Learning Perl, 2.2.2. Float Literals
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 2.2.1. All Numbers Use the Same Format Internally
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 2.2.2. Float Literals
Programming Perl, 7.2.42. Math::BigFloat - Arbitrary-Length, Floating-Point Math Package
comparing : Perl Cookbook, 2.2. Comparing Floating-Point Numbers
rounding : Perl Cookbook, 2.3. Rounding Floating-Point Numbers
Perl Cookbook, 7.11. Locking a File
Perl Cookbook, 7.21. Program: netlock
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: flock
Programming Perl, 3.2.39. flock
floor() : Perl Cookbook, 2.3. Rounding Floating-Point Numbers
flow control functions : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
Advanced Perl Programming, 11.1. Adaptor: An Introduction
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 7.2.33. FileHandle - Supply Object Methods for Filehandles
Adaptor::DBI module : Advanced Perl Programming, Storing objects
Adaptor::File module : Advanced Perl Programming, Storing objects
Response object, PerlScript : Perl in a Nutshell, Response methods
Win32::Console module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Flush
flushing output : Perl Cookbook, 7.12. Flushing Output
fmt program : Perl Cookbook, 1.12. Reformatting Paragraphs
FMTEYEWTK tutorials
Advanced Perl Programming, 2. Implementing Complex Data Structures
Advanced Perl Programming, 2.6. Resources
FNDELAY flag : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.3. Nonblocking Filehandles
focus() (Canvas) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.12.3. Canvas Methods
focusmodel() (Frame widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
folded_demo program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
foldername() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: foldername
folders : (see directories)
-font option (widgets) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
fonts, widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.1.4. Colors and Fonts
foodfind program : Perl Cookbook, 5.8. Inverting a Hash
footers : Programming Perl, 2.8.2. Footers
footnotes, meaning of
Learning Perl, Conventions Used in This Book
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, Conventions
=for command (pod) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: =for
=for escape pod directive : Perl Cookbook, 12.16. Documenting Your Module with Pod
for() operator, example of : Learning Perl, A.17. Chapter 18, Converting Other Languages to Perl
for loops
Learning Perl, 4.4. The for Statement
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 4.5. The for Statement
Perl in a Nutshell, for loops
Programming Perl, The for statement
Programming Perl, For loops
examples of
Learning Perl, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl, 9.4. Labeled Blocks
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 9.4. Labeled Blocks
force command (CPAN.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: force
foreach loops
Advanced Perl Programming, Efficient parameter passing
Perl Cookbook, 4.12. Finding the First List Element That Passes a Test
Learning Perl, A.5. Chapter 6, Basic I/O
Learning Perl, 1.5.16. Maintaining a Last-Good-Guess Database
Learning Perl, 4.5. The foreach Statement
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.5. Chapter 6, Basic I/O
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.16. Maintaining a Last-Good-Guess Database
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 4.6. The foreach Statement
Perl in a Nutshell, foreach loops
Programming Perl, The foreach statement
Programming Perl, Foreach loops
Programming Perl, 8.2.7. Previous Perl Traps
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
examples of
Learning Perl, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl, A.4. Chapter 5, Hashes
Learning Perl, A.11. Chapter 12, Directory Access
Learning Perl, A.15. Chapter 16, System Database Access
Learning Perl, 1.5.17. The Final Programs
Learning Perl, 12.5. Reading a Directory Handle
Learning Perl, 17.3. Using a DBM Hash
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.3. Chapter 4, Control Structures
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.4. Chapter 5, Hashes
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, A.11. Chapter 12, Directory Access
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.17. The Final Programs
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 12.5. Reading a Directory Handle
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 17.3. Using a DBM Hash
-foreground option (widgets) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
foreign keys : Advanced Perl Programming, 11.2.7. Object Associations
(see also processes)
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.1. Multiple Threads of Execution
Perl Cookbook, 16.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 16.10. Communicating Between Related Processes
Perl Cookbook, 19.6. Executing Commands Without Shell Escapes
Learning Perl, 14.4. Using fork
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: fork
Programming Perl, 3.2.40. fork
Programming Perl, Anonymous pipes
avoiding zombies : Perl Cookbook, 16.19. Avoiding Zombie Processes
closing socket after : Perl Cookbook, 17.9. Closing a Socket After Forking
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.3.1. Multiple Threads of Execution
Programming Perl, 3.2.102. open
forking servers : Perl Cookbook, 17.11. Forking Servers
non-forking servers : Perl Cookbook, 17.13. Non-Forking Servers
pre-forking servers : Perl Cookbook, 17.12. Pre-Forking Servers
Form collection : Perl in a Nutshell, 20.2.1. The Request Object
form feed : Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
:form method group
Learning Perl, 19.5. Less Typing
Perl in a Nutshell, 10.2. Importing Method Groups
form object (PerlScript) : Perl in a Nutshell, 20.1.1. The Document Object
<FORM> tags
Learning Perl, 19.2. Your CGI Program in Context
Perl in a Nutshell, 9.1. A Typical CGI Interaction
HTML::FormatPS module : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.4.4. HTML::FormatPS
HTML::FormatText module : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.4.5. HTML::FormatText
Mail::Address module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: format
format keyword
Learning Perl, 1.5.14. Listing the Secret Words
Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.14. Listing the Secret Words
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 11.2. Defining a Format
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.10. Formats
examples of
Learning Perl, 1.5.17. The Final Programs
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.17. The Final Programs
format output accumulator
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.8.3. Accessing Formatting Internals
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
formline function : Programming Perl, 3.2.42. formline
$FORMAT_FORMFEED ($^L) variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.8.1. Format Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Learning Perl, 11.4.4. Filled Fields
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.8.1. Format Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
$FORMAT_LINES_LEFT ($-) variable
Learning Perl, 11.6.5. Changing the Position on the Page
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
interaction with $= variable : Learning Perl, 11.6.5. Changing the Position on the Page
$FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE ($=) variable
Learning Perl, 11.6.5. Changing the Position on the Page
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.8.1. Format Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
$FORMAT_NAME ($~) variable
Learning Perl, 11.6.2. Changing the Format Name
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.8.1. Format Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
$FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER ($%) variable
Learning Perl, 1.5.14. Listing the Secret Words
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.14. Listing the Secret Words
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.8.1. Format Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
$FORMAT_TOP_NAME ($^) variable
Learning Perl, 11.6.3. Changing the Top-of-Page Format Name
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.6. Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.8.1. Format Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
Programming Perl, 8.2.1. Universal Blunders
FormatMessage module : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
Learning Perl, 11.1. What Is a Format?
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.10. Formats
Programming Perl, 2.8. Formats
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
changing top-of-page format name : Learning Perl, 11.6.3. Changing the Top-of-Page Format Name
constant part : Learning Perl, 11.1. What Is a Format?
declaration : Programming Perl, 3.2.41. format
defining : Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
examples of
Learning Perl, A.10. Chapter 11, Formats
Learning Perl, 1.5.14. Listing the Secret Words
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.14. Listing the Secret Words
location in source file : Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
defining text fields : Learning Perl, 11.4.1. Text Fields
fieldholders and fieldlines : Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
invoking : Learning Perl, 11.3. Invoking a Format
multi-line fieldholder : Learning Perl, 11.4.3. Multiline Fields
names of formats
Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
Learning Perl, 11.6.2. Changing the Format Name
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 11.2. Defining a Format
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 11.6.2. Changing the Format Name
Programming Perl, 3.2.41. format
strings, C-style : Programming Perl, 3.2.156. sprintf
templates for : Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
top-of-page : Learning Perl, 11.5. The Top-of-Page Format
variable part : Learning Perl, 11.1. What Is a Format?
whitespace within : Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
formatted output, printf() and : Learning Perl, 6.3.2. Using printf for Formatted Output
formfeed, and top-of-page format : Learning Perl, 11.5. The Top-of-Page Format
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: formline
Programming Perl, 3.2.42. formline
forms, HTML
Perl Cookbook, 19.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 19.2. Your CGI Program in Context
Learning Perl, 19.6. Form Generation
Learning Perl, 19.7. Other Form Elements
saving or emailing : Perl Cookbook, 19.13. Saving a Form to a File or Mail Pipe
sticky widgets : Perl Cookbook, 19.11. Creating Sticky Widgets
submitting : Perl Cookbook, 20.2. Automating Form Submission
fractal-drawing example
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.2. Example: Fractals with Perl
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.6. A Detour into Fractals
fraction() (Scrollbar) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.9.1. Scrollbar Methods
frag() (URI::URL) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: frag
frame() (Frame widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
frame object (PerlScript) : Perl in a Nutshell, 20.1. Client-Side PerlScript
Frame widgets (Perl/Tk)
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.3.7. Frame
Perl Cookbook, 15.14. Creating Menus with Tk
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.17. The Frame Widget
FrameMaker, translating pod to : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2fm
Free() (Win32::Console) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Free
freeze function : Advanced Perl Programming, 13.2.2. RPC: Implementation
FreezeThaw module : Advanced Perl Programming, 10.2.1. FreezeThaw
fresh hyperlinks, finding : Perl Cookbook, 20.8. Finding Fresh Links
fresh_until() (HTTP::Response) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: fresh_until
freshness_lifetime() (HTTP::Response) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: freshness_lifetime
Friedl, Jeffrey : Perl Cookbook, 6.10. Speeding Up Interpolated Matches
from() (LWP::UserAgent) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: from
-from option (Scale) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.13. The Scale Widget
FsType function : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.7. The stat Function
FsType module : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, B.4. Win32 Extensions
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Perl Cookbook, 18.2. Being an FTP Client
Learning Perl, FTP
Perl in a Nutshell, 16. FTP
FTP module : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.6.1. Net::FTP
Net::FTP module : Perl in a Nutshell, 16.2. Net::FTP
Net::Netrc module : Perl in a Nutshell, 16.3. FTP Configuration with Net::Netrc
obtaining code examples
Advanced Perl Programming, FTP
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, FTP
Programming Perl, 8.5.2. Examples
obtaining Perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.1. The CPAN Architecture
Programming Perl, Using Anonymous FTP
Win32::Internet functions for : Perl in a Nutshell, 19.7.2. FTP Functions
FTP() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: FTP
FTPMAIL, obtaining code examples
Advanced Perl Programming, FTPMAIL
Learning Perl, FTPMAIL
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, FTPMAIL
full-screen mode : Perl Cookbook, 15.0. Introduction
full_path() (URI::URL) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: full_path
fullcheck() : Programming Perl, 7.2.19. ExtUtils::Manifest - Utilities to Write and Check a MANIFEST File
fully qualified names : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.1. Basic Package
func() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: func
function calls : Programming Perl, 2.5.1. Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
function pointers : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, D.10.7. Function Pointers
(see also subroutines)
Programming Perl, 1.2.2. Verbs
Programming Perl, 2.7. Subroutines
Programming Perl, 3. Functions
Programming Perl, 5.1.3. Autoloading
Programming Perl, 5.3.4. A Class Is Simply a Package
Berkeley DB API : Programming Perl, Using the Berkeley DB interface directly
built-in (Perl) : Perl in a Nutshell, 5. Function Reference
listed alphabetically : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.2. Perl Functions in Alphabetical Order
listed by category : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
socket-related : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.1. Built-in Socket Functions
C library : Programming Perl, 3. Functions
delayed loading of : (see AutoLoader module)
importing to CGI programs : Learning Perl, 19.5. Less Typing
interpolating within strings : Perl Cookbook, 1.10. Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings
AutoLoader module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.3. AutoLoader
DynaLoader module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.44. DynaLoader
SelfLoader module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.129. SelfLoader
Programming Perl, 7.2.9. Devel::SelfStubber - Generate Stubs for a SelfLoading Module
Programming Perl, 7.2.55. SelfLoader - Load Functions Only on Demand
methods vs. : Perl Cookbook, 13.9. Writing an Inheritable Class
named unary operators : Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
names for : Programming Perl, 8.4. Programming with Style
overriding : Programming Perl, 5.2.2. Overriding Built-in Functions
POSIX module : Programming Perl, Functions
references to : Perl Cookbook, 11.4. Taking References to Functions
SWIG : Advanced Perl Programming, 18.3. SWIG Features
future of Perl : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.7. A Peek into the Future
fuzzy matching : Perl Cookbook, 6.13. Approximate Matching
fwdport program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 17.18. Program: fwdport

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