A. Tk Widget Reference
The least flexible component of any system is the user. - Lowell Jay Arthur This appendix covers the most commonly used properties and methods of Tk widgets. Please refer to the extensive online documentation accompanying the Tk distribution for more details. Table A.1 shows all the properties and methods shared by almost all widgets.
Note that properties such as text and textvariable are not applicable to all widgets; for example, text is wasted on a scrollbar. The properties can optionally be preceded by a hyphen (it is necessary to do so in Tcl/Tk but is optional in Perl/Tk). A.1 ButtonButtons are labels with one additional property: the command option, shown in Table A.2 . As was mentioned earlier, these properties are in addition to many of the ones mentioned in Table A.1 .
A.1.1 Radiobutton
A.1.2 Checkbutton