15.19. Program: tkshufflepod
This short program uses
Tk to list the Call it with the name of the Pod file to view: % tkshufflepod chap15.pod We used this a lot when we wrote this book. The program text is shown in Example 15.10 . Example 15.10: tkshufflepod#!/usr/bin/perl -w # tkshufflepod - reorder =head1 sections in a pod file use Tk; use strict; # declare variables my $podfile; # name of the file to open my $m; # main window my $l; # listbox my ($up, $down); # positions to move my @sections; # list of pod sections my $all_pod; # text of pod file (used when reading) # read the pod file into memory, and split it into sections. $podfile = shift || "-"; undef $/; open(F, "< $podfile") or die "Can't open $podfile : $!\n"; $all_pod = <F>; close(F); @sections = split(/(?==head1)/, $all_pod); # turn @sections into an array of anonymous arrays. The first element # in each of these arrays is the original text of the message, while # the second element is the text following =head1 (the section title). foreach (@sections) { /(.*)/; $_ = [ $_, $1 ]; } # fire up Tk and display the list of sections. $m = MainWindow->new(); $l = $m->Listbox('-width' => 60)->pack('-expand' => 1, '-fill' => 'both'); foreach my $section (@sections) { $l->insert("end", $section->[1]); } # permit dragging by binding to the Listbox widget. $l->bind( '<Any-Button>' => \&down ); $l->bind( '<Any-ButtonRelease>' => \&up ); # permit viewing by binding double-click $l->bind( '<Double-Button>' => \&view ); # 'q' quits and 's' saves $m->bind( '<q>' => sub { exit } ); $m->bind( '<s>' => \&save ); MainLoop; # down(widget): called when the user clicks on an item in the Listbox. sub down { my $self = shift; $down = $self->curselection;; } # up(widget): called when the user releases the mouse button in the # Listbox. sub up { my $self = shift; my $elt; $up = $self->curselection;; return if $down == $up; # change selection list $elt = $sections[$down]; splice(@sections, $down, 1); splice(@sections, $up, 0, $elt); $self->delete($down); $self->insert($up, $sections[$up]->[1]); } # save(widget): called to save the list of sections. sub save { my $self = shift; open(F, "> $podfile") or die "Can't open $podfile for writing: $!"; print F map { $_->[0] } @sections; close F; exit; } # view(widget): called to display the widget. Uses the Pod widget. sub view { my $self = shift; my $temporary = "/tmp/$$-section.pod"; my $popup; open(F, "> $temporary") or warn ("Can't open $temporary : $!\n"), return; print F $sections[$down]->[0]; close(F); $popup = $m->Pod('-file' => $temporary); $popup->bind('<Destroy>' => sub { unlink $temporary } ); } |