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Index: U

u command (CPAN.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: u
-u file test operator
Learning Perl, 10.5. The -x File Tests
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.8. File Test Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
-u option (dprofpp) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
-U option (dprofpp) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
\u string escape : Perl Cookbook, 1.9. Controlling Case
\U string escape : Perl Cookbook, 1.9. Controlling Case
-u switch, perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
-U switch, perl
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Perl Cookbook, 1.9. Controlling Case
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: uc
Programming Perl, 3.2.177. uc
Perl Cookbook, 1.9. Controlling Case
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: ucfirst
Programming Perl, 3.2.178. ucfirst
UDP protocol
Perl Cookbook, 17.4. Setting Up a UDP Client
Perl Cookbook, 17.5. Setting Up a UDP Server
Programming Perl, UDP: message passing
UDP/IP (User Datagram Protocol) : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.1. Networking Primer
udpmsg program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 17.5. Setting Up a UDP Server
udpqotd program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 17.5. Setting Up a UDP Server
Uhler, Stephen : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.2.1. GUI Forms: The Easy Way
uid (user ID)
(see also $ variables, $< variable; $ variables, $> variable)
Learning Perl, 10.6. The stat and lstat Functions
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 3.2.15. chown
accessing information : Learning Perl, 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
assumed : Programming Perl, Talking to yourself
passwd file entry from : Programming Perl, 3.2.63. getpwuid
$uid file statistic : Programming Perl, 3.2.159. stat
$UID ($<) variable
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 2.9.3. Global Special Variables
Programming Perl, 7.2.13. English - Use English or awk Names for Punctuation Variables
uidl() (Net::POP3) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: uidl
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: umask
Programming Perl, 3.2.179. umask
umask values : Perl Cookbook, 7.1. Opening a File
uname() (POSIX) : Perl Cookbook, 17.8. Finding Your Own Name and Address
unary operators
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.2. Unary Operators
Programming Perl, Calling conventions for unary operations
Programming Perl, Overloadable operations
arithmetic : Programming Perl, 1.5.4. Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators
glob operator as : Programming Perl, Filename globbing operator
ideographic : Programming Perl, 2.5.5. Ideographic Unary Operators
Programming Perl, Filename globbing operator
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
unbuffered input/output
Perl Cookbook, 7.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 7.12. Flushing Output
Perl Cookbook, 8.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 15.6. Reading from the Keyboard
Programming Perl, 3.2.43. getc
UNC path : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.3. Using Pathnames and Filenames
uncompressing Perl source code
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.3.1. Installing on Unix
Perl in a Nutshell, Standard Perl distribution
uncontrol subroutine : Perl Cookbook, 15.8. Using POSIX termios
Perl Cookbook, 11.0. Introduction
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 2.9. The Undefined Value
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: undef
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.2.4. Variables
Programming Perl, 3.2.25. defined
Programming Perl, 3.2.180. undef
Programming Perl, 8.3.1. Time Efficiency
array element access : Learning Perl, 3.4.2. Array Element Access
assigning lists and : Learning Perl, 3.4.1. Assignment
associative array elements : Learning Perl, 5.2. Hash Variables
to control dbmopen() : Learning Perl, 17.2. Opening and Closing DBM Hashes
as default value for $^I : Learning Perl, 17.5. Variable-Length (Text) Databases
definition of : Learning Perl, 2.9. The Undefined Value
globbing return value : Learning Perl, 12.2. Globbing
initial value of local variables : Learning Perl, 8.5. Private Variables in Functions
pop() return value : Learning Perl, 3.4.3. The push and pop Functions
readdir() return value : Learning Perl, 12.5. Reading a Directory Handle
split() return value : Learning Perl, 7.6.1. The split Function
STDIN and : Learning Perl, 6.1. Input from STDIN
to control dbmopen() : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 17.2. Opening and Closing DBM Hashes
undefined (undef) value : Perl Cookbook, 1.0. Introduction
undefined scalars : Programming Perl, 2.3.2. Scalar Values
Boolean context and : Programming Perl, Boolean context
undelete_message() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: undelete_message
-underline option (widgets) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
underscore : (see _ (underscore))
undump program : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
unequal : (see equality operators; relational operators)
unescape_from() (Mail::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: unescape_from
Unicode : Perl Cookbook, 1.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 1.18. Program: psgrep
Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
uninitialized variables : Programming Perl, Singularities
uninstall() : Programming Perl, 7.2.16. ExtUtils::Install - Install Files from Here to There
unions of lists : Perl Cookbook, 4.7. Finding Elements in One Array but Not Another
unique list elements, extracting : Perl Cookbook, 4.6. Extracting Unique Elements from a List
unique_name() (Net::FTP) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: unique_name
uniqueness of objects : Advanced Perl Programming, 11.2.8. Uniqueness of Objects in Memory
Advanced Perl Programming, 7.3. UNIVERSAL
Perl Cookbook, 13.8. Determining Subclass Membership
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.163. UNIVERSAL
Programming Perl, 5.3.4. A Class Is Simply a Package
#! (shebang) line : Perl in a Nutshell, 3. The Perl Interpreter
clients/servers : Programming Perl, UNIX-domain clients and servers
command processing : Perl in a Nutshell, 3.1. Command Processing
installing Perl on : Perl in a Nutshell, 2.3.1. Installing on Unix
security bugs : Programming Perl, Security bugs
Unix domain sockets
Perl Cookbook, 17.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 17.6. Using UNIX Domain Sockets
Perl in a Nutshell, 13. Sockets
UnixDate() : Perl Cookbook, 3.7. Parsing Dates and Times from Strings
unless statement
(see if statement)
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 9.5. Expression Modifiers
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.3.1. Conditionals and Loops
Perl in a Nutshell, Modifiers
example of : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.4. A Slight Diversion: die
Perl Cookbook, 9.2. Deleting a File
Perl Cookbook, 9.8. Removing a Directory and Its Contents
Learning Perl, 13.1. Removing a File
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: unlink
Programming Perl, 3.2.181. unlink
examples of : Learning Perl, A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
unlinking : (see deleting)
unmark() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: unmark
unmark_list() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: unmark_list
unmark_range() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: unmark_range
unmarked_articles() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: unmarked_articles
unordered lists : (see hashes (associative arrays))
Perl Cookbook, 1.1. Accessing Substrings
Perl Cookbook, 1.4. Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values
Perl Cookbook, 8.15. Reading Fixed-Length Records
Learning Perl, 16.2. Packing and Unpacking Binary Data
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: unpack
Programming Perl, 3.2.182. unpack
converting binary and decimal numbers : Perl Cookbook, 2.4. Converting Between Binary and Decimal
example of
Learning Perl, 16.3. Getting Network Information
Learning Perl, 17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 16.3. Getting Network Information
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 17.4. Fixed-Length Random-Access Databases
gethostbyname() return values and : Learning Perl, 16.3. Getting Network Information
return values from gethostbyname() : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 16.3. Getting Network Information
unpack_sockaddr_in() (Socket) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: unpack_sockaddr_in
unpack_sockaddr_un() (Socket) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: unpack_sockaddr_un
unpacking Perl source code
Perl in a Nutshell, 2.3.1. Installing on Unix
Perl in a Nutshell, Standard Perl distribution
unpost() (Menu widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15.2. Menu Methods
unsafe operations
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Learning Perl, 3.4.4. The shift and unshift Functions
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: unshift
Programming Perl, 3.2.183. unshift
circular lists : Perl Cookbook, 4.16. Implementing a Circular List
Tie::IxHash module and : Perl Cookbook, 5.6. Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order
unsub_groups() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: unsub_groups
unsubscribe() (News::Newsrc) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 15, Reference: unsubscribe
Perl Cookbook, 14.1. Making and Using a DBM File
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: untie
Programming Perl, 3.2.23. dbmclose
Programming Perl, 3.2.184. untie
Programming Perl, 5.4. Using Tied Variables
until statement
(see while loops)
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 9.5. Expression Modifiers
Perl in a Nutshell, while loops
Perl in a Nutshell, Modifiers
up-arrow, in regular expressions : Learning Perl, 7.3.1. Single-Character Patterns
update_message() (Mail::Folder) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: update_message
uppercase : (see case/capitalization)
URI modules : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.5. The URI Module
URI::Escape : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.5. The URI Module
Perl Cookbook, 20.7. Finding Stale Links
Perl in a Nutshell, 17.5. The URI Module
URI::URL : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.5.2. URI::URL
URI::URL module : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.1. LWP Overview
URIs (Universal Resource Identifiers) : Perl in a Nutshell, 17.1. LWP Overview
CGI.pm module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: url
HTTP::Daemon module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: url
HTTP::Request module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: url
urlify program : Perl Cookbook, 6.21. Program: urlify
URLs (uniform resource locators)
(see also Win32 modules, Win32::Internet module)
Perl Cookbook, 19.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 19. CGI Programming
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: CanonicalizeURL
encoding : Perl in a Nutshell, 9.2. URL Encoding
extra path information : Perl in a Nutshell, 9.3. Extra Path Information
extracting from HTML : Perl Cookbook, 20.3. Extracting URLs
fetching from Perl scripts : Perl Cookbook, 20.1. Fetching a URL from a Perl Script
putting HTML links around : Perl Cookbook, 6.21. Program: urlify
redirecting CGI requests : Perl Cookbook, 19.8. Redirecting to a Different Location
URI::URL module
Perl in a Nutshell, 17.1. LWP Overview
Perl in a Nutshell, 17.5.2. URI::URL
use declarations (pragmas)
(see also pragmas)
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.2. Packages and Files
Advanced Perl Programming, 6.5. Importing Symbols
Perl Cookbook, 12.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 19.4. Passing Parameters via CGI
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 18.4. Passing Parameters via CGI
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 19.2. Creating Automation Objects
Perl in a Nutshell, 7. Packages, Modules, and Objects
Perl in a Nutshell, 7.2. Modules
trapping errors in : Perl Cookbook, 12.2. Trapping Errors in require or use
use autouse : Perl Cookbook, 12.3. Delaying use Until Run Time
use English : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.4. Special Variables
use integer : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators
use lib : Perl Cookbook, 12.7. Keeping Your Own Module Directory
use locale
Perl Cookbook, 1.9. Controlling Case
Perl Cookbook, 6.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 6.12. Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions
use overload pragma : Perl Cookbook, 13.14. Overloading Operators
use Socket : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.1.1. Initializing a Socket
use strict : Programming Perl, 8.2.2. Frequently Ignored Advice
use vars : Programming Perl, 7.2.2. AutoLoader - Load Functions Only on Demand
use_alarm() (LWP::UserAgent) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: use_alarm
use_named_parameters() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: use_named_parameters
Usenet news
Perl Cookbook, 18.4. Reading and Posting Usenet News Messages
Perl in a Nutshell, 15. Usenet News
Net::News module : Perl in a Nutshell, 15.2. Net::NNTP
News::Newsrc module : Perl in a Nutshell, 15.3. The News::Newsrc Module
Perl-related newsgroups
Learning Perl, Support
Perl in a Nutshell, 1.4.1. The comp.lang.perl.* Newsgroups
use() : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: use
Mail::Address module
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: user
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.2.6. Parse Email Addresses with Mail::Address
Net::POP3 module
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: user
Perl in a Nutshell, 14.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
URI::URL module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: user
User() (Mail::POP3Client) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: User
user_agent() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: user_agent
USER command (POP3) : Perl in a Nutshell, 14.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
user-defined functions : (see subroutines)
user-defined structures : Advanced Perl Programming, 2.1. User-Defined Structures
matrices example : Advanced Perl Programming, 2.2. Example: Matrices
user efficiency : Programming Perl, 8.3.6. User Efficiency
user function : (see subroutines)
User::grent module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.164. User::grent
user ID : (see uid (user ID))
user input : (see input)
user interfaces : (see GUIs (graphical user interfaces))
user_name() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: user_name
User::pwent module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.165. User::pwent
UserAgent() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: UserAgent
UserAgent object
Perl in a Nutshell, 17.1. LWP Overview
Perl in a Nutshell, 17.2. The LWP Modules
Perl in a Nutshell, 17.2.3. LWP::UserAgent
UserCreate() (Win32::NetAdmin) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: UserCreate
Username() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Username
Learning Perl, 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
Programming Perl, 3.2.62. getpwnam
fetching information on : Perl in a Nutshell, 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
user CPU time
Programming Perl, 3.2.174. times
Programming Perl, Notes
userstats program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 14.1. Making and Using a DBM File
"uses" relationship : Programming Perl, 5.5.7. Implementation (the "Uses" Relationship)
/usr/dict/words : Learning Perl, 7.7. Exercises
Perl Cookbook, 9.1. Getting and Setting Timestamps
Learning Perl, 13.7. Modifying Timestamps
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.5. Modifying Timestamps
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: utime
Programming Perl, 3.2.186. utime
utmp file : (see /etc/utmp file)
UUCP : Learning Perl, UUCP
uvi program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 9.1. Getting and Setting Timestamps

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