
Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W -



accessibility support in ANA xviii

acknowledging tickets 12-16, 12-18

activation scripts 8-1

adaptive polling (VNEs) 14-5


business tags 6-2

images to the NEIM repository 9-5

network elements to topology maps 5-8

Administration perspective, overview 1-11

administration status (VNE status) 2-18

affected parties (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-11

aggregation nodes

creating 5-11

disaggregating 5-12

renaming 5-12


defined 12-3

from diagnostic framework 14-36

soft properties and A-2

thresholds (soft properties) A-25


administration 1-4

architecture 1-5

AVMs 1-6

backing up data 14-39

Bean Shell (Command Builder) 8-16, E-1

Drools rules engine C-2

fault monitoring 1-3

gateway 1-5

licenses 14-38

logs 14-1

Macro Language (Command Builder) 8-15, D-1

network topology and inventory 1-2

overview 1-1

performance monitoring 1-4

processes 14-1

restoring data 14-39

scopes (users) 14-27

security 14-38

setting up 1-6

system diagnostics 14-34

system events 12-14

system health 14-34

system registry 14-42

units 1-6

user accounts 14-27

user interface 1-7

VNEs 1-6 command 14-39

ANA Macro Language

and Command Builder D-1

example D-7

Information Model Objects and D-2

overview D-1

parameters D-2

supported pragmas D-4 command 14-41


and software function 13-2

architecture, ANA 1-5

archive, configuration (network element) 7-1

ARP discovery method 2-4

audience for this document xv


viewing events 12-11

audit events 14-38

audit trails 14-38

authentication 14-38

authorization 14-38

auto discovery

discovery methods 2-3

network 2-1

See also Network Auto Discovery


creating 2-13

defined 1-6

deleting 2-16

moving 2-16

not responding 14-16


editing 2-14

viewing 2-14

resetting counters 14-16

starting and stopping 2-15

startup 14-16

status 2-12

timeout 14-16


backup and restore

backing up data 14-39

database and 14-39

overview 14-39

restoring data 14-41


creating 14-4

permissions 14-4

Bean Shell commands

and Command Builder 8-16, E-1



Telnet E-2

business tags

adding 6-2

deleting 6-7

editing 6-5

overview 6-1

permissions 6-1



significance of xvi

changing device states 3-2

Cisco IOS XR devices

and Command Builder 8-12

image management 9-19


clearing tickets 12-16, 12-18

Cluster discovery method 2-3

cmpctl command 2-7

Command Builder

ANA Macro Language 8-15, D-1

Bean Shell 8-16, E-1

browsing 8-6

Cisco IOS XR 8-12

creating commands 8-7

default policies, configuring 14-26

defaults 14-26

deleting commands 8-11

editing commands 8-9

exporting commands 8-10

global settings 14-25

hierarchy management 8-2

log 8-17

permissions 8-3, 14-26

publishing commands 8-12

running commands 8-10

System-defined commands (Cisco IOS XR) 8-12

user-defined commands 8-4

user interface 8-4, 14-25

Configuration (polling rate) 14-5

configuration archive

browsing the device archive 7-8

comparing files 7-10

default import directory 14-23

deploying a configuration 7-11

excluded commands 14-21

global settings 14-20

logs 7-15

out-of-sync 7-14

overview 7-1, 7-3

permissions 7-2, 14-21, 14-23

purging the archive 14-21

retrieving files 7-5

searching 7-9

synchronizing with device configuration 7-13

user interface 7-4, 14-20

vendor credential settings 14-23

configuration changes. See Command Builder

connectivity, checking 14-38

correlation 12-5, 13-2

and RCA 12-6

flow 13-3

Troubleshooting perspective 12-11

counters (AVM), resetting 14-16

CPU usage, examples 14-6

Credential discovery method 2-3


faults tracking 12-16



backing up 14-39

diagnostics 14-36


network elements from topology maps 5-10

deleting business tags 6-7


adding to map 5-8

aggregating in map 5-11

classes 1-15

configuration archive 7-1

connectivity, checking 14-38

deleting from map 5-10

disaggregating in map 5-12

finding in map 5-9

groups 1-15

icons F-3

images, managing 9-1

management state icons F-4

selecting 1-15

selector 1-15

states 1-15, 3-1

changing 3-2

Maintenance 3-2

Managed 3-1

polling and 14-5

Unmanaged 3-2

Unsupported 3-2

updates 14-42

viewing in map 5-16

Device Selector 1-15

wildcards 1-16

device state icons F-4


ANA 14-34

system 14-34

discovery, network. See Network Auto Discovery

documentation xvi

additional online xviii

audience for this xv

related to this product xvii

typographical conventions in xv


components and terminology C-1

definitions (in ANA) C-2

rules engine overview C-1

upgrading rule files C-2

dynamic links 5-5


editing business tags 6-5

encryption 14-39

event correlation

rules (Drools rules engine) C-1

event correlation flow

alarm sending 13-5

correlation logic 13-4

interrupt alarm 13-5

local correlator 13-4

network correlation 13-4

post-correlation rule 13-5

pre-correlation rule 13-4

event correlator

alarm sending 13-5

correlation logic 13-4

flow (and network correlation) 13-4

interrupt alarm 13-5

local correlation 13-4

post-correlation rule 13-5

pre-correlation rule 13-4


alarm thresholds and soft properties A-2

audit 12-11

correlation 13-3

correlation flow 13-2

correlation rules C-1

defined 12-3

failover 14-16

flapping, defined 12-5

from diagnostic framework 14-36

generation by VNE 13-3

high availability 14-16

provisioning 12-12

refreshing events list 12-16

security 12-12

sequence, defined 12-3, 12-4

service 12-13

severity icons F-4

soft properties and A-2

syslog 12-13

system 12-14

V1 traps 12-15

V2 traps 12-15

event sequence, defined 12-3, 12-4


fast views (Eclipse) 1-18

fault correlation

alarm sending 13-5

architecture 13-2

correlation logic 13-4

interrupt alarm 13-5

local correlation 13-4

network correlation 13-4

post-correlation rule 13-5

pre-correlation rule 13-4


adjusting polling rates 12-18

alarms, defined 12-3

customizing 12-16

events, defined 12-3

generation 12-6

Threshold Crossing Alarms 12-18

tracking 12-16

understanding 12-2

file permissions, default 14-39


advanced 1-17

operators 1-14

types of objects 1-13

simple 1-16

clearing 1-16

time-based 1-17

using 1-16

flapping events, defined 12-5



connectivity, checking 14-38

defined 1-5

managing 2-7

permissions 2-8

starting and stopping 2-7

status 2-7

generating ticket 12-17

getting started 1-6



ANA online help 1-18

online documentation xviii

hierarchy management (Command Builder) 8-2

high availability 1-5, 2-8

configuring units for 2-9

controlling 14-13

events 14-16

overview 14-9, 14-10

see also protection groups

see also watchdog protocol (AVMs)

steps to configure 14-12

switching to standby unit 14-14

unit standby status 14-13

history, tickets (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-11


importing from seed file 2-6


summary report 4-2, 4-6

Inventory perspective

using 3-4

Inventory perspective, overview 1-9

IOS XR devices

adding VNEs

prerequisites 2-20

schemes 2-20



browsing 14-3

controlling 14-3

Job Management user interface 14-2

managing 14-2

permissions 14-3


keyboard shortcuts, accessibility xviii


Layer 1

polling rate 14-5

Layer 1 properties 11-9

Layer 2

polling rate 14-5

Layer 2 Properties 11-9

Layer 3 properties 11-9

licenses 14-38


dynamic 5-5

filtering topology 5-14

finding source 5-20

static 5-5

viewing properties 5-17

logical inventory, viewing 3-7

logs 14-1, 14-37


main menu 1-8

Maintenance device state 3-2

maintenance mode, VNEs 2-18

Managed device state 3-1

maps 5-1

adding elements 5-8

aggregating devices 5-11

creating 5-6

deleting elements 5-10

deleting map 5-11

deleting static link 5-10

disaggregating devices 5-12

filtering links 5-14

finding elements 5-9

finding link source 5-20

finding ticket source 5-19

opening 5-7

renaming 5-9

saving 5-10

selecting views 5-13

using 5-16

viewing link properties 5-17

Message of the Day (MOTD)

creating 14-4

permissions 14-4

Monitoring perspective

overview 1-9

selecting map layout 5-13

user interface 5-2

viewing 5-1


navigation area 1-8

Neighbor discovery method 2-3

NEIM 9-1

activating images 9-18 and 9-2

Cisco IOS XR devices and 9-19

device-centric distribution 9-15

distributing images 9-11

global settings 14-22

image analysis

using repository 9-8

using vendor website 9-9

image-centric distribution 9-12

image repository 9-5


activating 9-18

browsing 9-10

distributing 9-11

log files 9-25

managing packages 9-22

permissions 9-4


adding images 9-5, 9-7

browsing images 9-10

upgrade analysis 9-8

user interface 9-3, 14-22


viewing 5-1

Network Auto Discovery

creating configuration file 2-3

discovery methods 2-3

performing 2-6

permissions 2-3

user interface 2-2

network element

adding to map 5-8

deleting from map 5-10

states 3-1

changing 3-2

Maintenance 3-2

Managed 3-1

Unmanaged 3-2

Unsupported 3-2

viewing in map 5-16

Network Element Image Management. See NEIM

network elements

adding 2-21

aggregating in map 5-11

classes 1-15

configuration archive 7-1

connectivity, checking 14-38

disaggregating in map 5-12

finding in map 5-9

icons F-3

images, managing 9-1

importing from seed file 2-6

management state icons F-4

polling, customizing 2-26

selecting 1-15

states 1-15

updates 14-42

viewing 3-3

viewing details 3-4

non-Cisco device, VNE scheme 2-20

notes, tickets (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-11


Objects tab 1-12

online help

launching ANA 1-18

launching Workflow Editor (vendor) B-5


parsing rules, soft properties A-9


changing 14-30

encryption and 14-39

permissions (to manage/change) 14-28

rules 14-29

user accounts 14-28

Path Trace. See Service Path Trace


RTPM 10-1


AVMs 2-12

banners 14-4

Command Builder 8-3, 14-26

configuration archive 7-2, 14-21, 14-23

files, default 14-39

gateway 2-8

job management 14-3

Message of the Day 14-4

NEIM 9-4

Network Auto Discovery 2-3

polling groups 14-7

reports 4-1, 14-24

scopes (to manage/change) 14-33

seed files 2-3

Service Path Trace 11-1

soft properties A-4

trap forwarding 14-18

units 2-9

VNEs 2-17

Workflow Editor B-6


Administration, overview 1-11

customizing 1-18

Device Selector 1-15

filters 1-16

Inventory, overview 1-9

Monitoring, overview 1-9

Objects tab 1-12

online help 1-18

overview 1-7

problems with layout 1-18

restoring default layouts 1-18

selector 1-8

Tasks tab 1-12

Troubleshooting 1-10, 12-7

perspective selector 1-8

physical inventory, viewing 3-5

ping 14-38

PingSweep discovery method 2-3

PingWithHop discovery method 2-4


adaptive (VNEs) 14-5

customizing (for VNEs) 2-26

polling groups

creating 14-8

customizing 14-8

deleting 14-9

device states and 14-5

overview 14-4

permissions 14-7

polling rates

Configuration 14-5

Layer 1 14-5

Layer 2 14-5

Status 14-5

System 14-5


supported D-4

processes, ANA 14-1

properties, viewing device 3-4

protection groups

creating 14-12

managing 14-9

unit assignments to 14-14

watchdog protocol (AVMs) 14-9


viewing events 12-12


RCA (root cause analysis)

and correlation 12-6


changes and 14-43

golden source 14-42

local 14-42

overview 14-42

storing 14-43


browsing 4-5

creating 4-2

deleting 4-10

exporting 4-9

global settings 14-24

permissions 4-1, 14-24

printing 4-10

purging the archive 14-24

understanding inventory summary 4-6


AVMs 2-12

banners 14-4

Command Builder 8-3, 14-26

configuration archive 7-2, 14-21, 14-23

gateway 2-8

job management 14-3

Message of the Day 14-4

NEIM 9-4

Network Auto Discovery 2-3

polling groups 14-7

reports 4-1, 14-24

scopes (to manage/change) 14-33

seed files 2-3

Service Path Trace 11-1

soft properties A-4

trap forwarding 14-18

VNEs 2-17

Workflow Editor B-6

RouterPeer discovery method 2-4

RoutingTable discovery method 2-4


data collection 10-2

example 10-7

process 10-6


schemes, VNEs 2-20


activities included in scope 14-39

creating 14-33

deleting 14-34

editing 14-33

managing 14-27

overview 14-27

permissions (to manage/change) 14-33

user accounts and 14-27

viewing 14-33


ANA Macro Language (Command Builder) 8-15, D-1

Bean Shell (Command Builder) 8-16, E-1

search, global

operators 1-14

types of objects 1-13


audit trails 14-38

authentication and authorization 14-38

default permissions 14-38

encryption 14-39

file permissions, default 14-39

licenses 14-38

overview 14-38

system events 12-14

viewing events (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-12

seed files and devices 2-1

Service Path Trace

map files, loading and saving 11-11

Multi Path Window 11-4

opening 11-2

overview 11-1

permissions 11-1

Service Path Trace view 11-9

Single Path Window 11-6

user interface 11-4


ANA 14-1

Service Path Trace and 11-1

viewing events 12-13

setting up ANA 1-6

shortcuts, keyboard xviii

soft properties

alarm thresholds A-2, A-13, A-25

creating A-6

defined A-2

deleting A-17

editing A-6

event properties A-13

examples A-19

exporting A-18

general properties A-7

getting started A-5

importing A-18

Inventory perspective and A-15

parsing rules

defining A-9

operators A-22

regular expressions A-27

rules A-22

permissions A-4

Property type A-7, A-13

publishing A-15

regular expressions A-27

Table type A-7, A-15

user interface A-3

viewing existing A-5

software images and 9-2

managing 9-1

see NEIM

states (device) 3-1

changing 3-2

Maintenance 3-2

Managed 3-1

Unmanaged 3-2

Unsupported 3-2

static links 5-5

creating 5-6

Status (polling rate) 14-5

status, tickets 12-17


viewing events 12-13

System (polling rate) 14-5

system events (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-14


Tasks tab 1-12


acknowledged 12-18

acknowledging 12-16

affected parties 12-11

cleared 12-18

clearing 12-16

correlation pane (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-11

defined 12-6

details (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-10

finding source 5-19

generated 12-17

history 12-11

notes 12-11

status 12-17

Tickets tab (Troubleshooting perspective) 12-9

Up 12-18

viewing properties 12-9

time-based filters 1-17

timeouts (VNEs, AVMs) 14-16


dynamic links 5-5

filtering links 5-14

finding link source 5-20

finding ticket source 5-19

maps 5-7

static links 5-5

user interface 5-2

viewing 5-1

viewing link properties 5-17

trap forwarding 14-18

configuring 14-19

permissions 14-18

user interface 14-18


trap forwarding 14-18

V1 , events 12-15

V2 , events 12-15

Troubleshooting Perspective

terms and UI 12-8

Troubleshooting perspective 1-10, 12-7

types, VNE 2-19

typographical conventions in this document xv



adding 2-9

connectivity, checking 14-38

defined 1-6

deleting 2-11

editing properties 2-10

failover (high availability) 14-9

high availability 1-5, 2-9, 14-9, 14-12

permissions 2-9

properties, editing 2-10

protection group assignments 14-14

protection groups 14-9

standby, switching to 14-14

standby status 14-13

timeout 14-16

timeouts 14-16

Unmanaged device state 3-2

Unsupported device state 3-2

Up ticket 12-18

user accounts

authentication 14-38

authorization 14-38

creating 14-29

managing 14-27

names, rules 14-29

overview 14-27

passwords 14-28

permissions (to manage/change) 14-28

scopes and 14-27

user interface

Command Builder 14-25

configuration archive 14-20

customizing 1-18

Device Selector 1-15

filters 1-16

icons F-4

icons, device F-3

icons, management state F-4

Job Management 14-2

main menu 1-8

main tool bar 1-8

navigation area 1-8

NEIM 9-3, 14-22

Network Auto Discovery 2-2

Objects tab 1-12

online help 1-18

overview 1-7

perspectives 1-7

perspective selector 1-8

problems with layout 1-18

soft properties A-3

Tasks tab 1-12

trap forwarding 14-18

Troubleshooting perspective 12-7

views (in perspectives) 1-8

workspace 1-8


V1 traps

viewing events 12-15

V2 traps

viewing events 12-15


ticket properties 12-9


fast views (Eclipse) 1-18

in ANA perspectives 1-8

VNEs 2-6

adaptive polling and 14-5

creating 2-21

VNE scheme 2-20

VNE type 2-19

definition of 1-6

deleting 2-29

events and 13-3

maintenance mode 2-18

moving 2-29

permissions 2-17

polling, customizing 2-26


editing 2-27

viewing 2-27

schemes 2-20

state, changing 2-28

status 2-18

timeouts 14-16

types 2-19

VNE scheme 2-20

VNE types 2-19


watchdog protocol (AVMs)

editing settings 14-16

events 14-16

managing 14-15

viewing settings 14-16

wildcards (in Device Selector) 1-16

Workflow Editor

creating template B-7

deleting templates B-8

deploying template B-8

Execute task B-2, B-11

getting started B-4

launching B-4

Lock task B-2, B-17

permissions B-6

retrieving template B-7

starting B-4

Subflow task B-15

task library B-10

tasks B-2

testing B-21

Unlock task B-2, B-19

viewing properties B-8

Workflow Call task B-2, B-13

workspace 1-8


Posted: Mon Sep 24 07:17:09 PDT 2007
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