
Table Of Contents

Icon Reference

Network Element Icons

Management State Icons

Network Element Decorators

Icon Reference

This appendix provides a quick reference to ANA icons that are displayed in the network element selector and topology maps. The following sections show network element icons and provide descriptions:

Network Element Icons

Management State Icons

Network Element Decorators

Network Element Icons

Table F-1 Network Element Icons 

Tree Pane/Map Pane

Network, subnetwork, or logical aggregation.


Generic network element. When ANA detects a network element for which there is not enough information available, the network element is displayed as a generic network element on the map. In this case, you cannot view the network element properties or communicate with the network element. When the generic network element's information is updated, its icon is replaced with the relevant network element icon, and all the related NE information becomes available, and communication is activated.

Ethernet switch.


ATM switch.

Network elements that are not within the scope of the user.

Management State Icons

For more information about management states, see Understanding Network Element States

Table F-2 Management State Icons 

Tree Pane/
Ticket Pane
Map Pane

Unsupported. The VNE does not support the network object hardware or software version or an NE module.

Initializing. The VNE or VNE component is in startup mode or temporarily nonoperational.

VNE Unreachable. The ANA gateway received no response from the VNE.

Network element Unreachable. ANA failed to access the network element.

Partially Supported. Partially supported network element.

Maintenance. The VNE state was manually changed to maintenance.

Network Element Decorators

Network element decorators are used to display alarm severity, network element state, and communication status. The three of the four quadrants of the network element icon are used to display:

Alarm severity—At the top right of the network element icon.

Network element state—At the top left of the network element icon.

Communication status—At the bottom right of the network element icon.

Table F-3 Network Element Decorator Icons 

Tree Pane
Map Pane
View Pane
Alarm Severity

Alarm severity is normal.

Alarm severity is warning.

Alarm severity is minor.

Alarm severity is major.

Alarm severity is critical.

Alarm severity is informational.

Alarm status is intermediate.

Network Element States

Network element is in Managed state.

Network element is in Unmanaged state.

Network element is Unsupported.

Network element is in Maintenance state.


VNE is unreachable.

Network element is unreachable.


Posted: Wed Oct 3 08:37:22 PDT 2007
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