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Index: L

$locker$ keyword (RCS): UNIX in a Nutshell, 19.3.2. Keywords
$log$ keyword (RCS): UNIX in a Nutshell, 19.3.2. Keywords
--lint, --lint-old options (gawk): sed & awk, Command line options
L (last line) command: Learning the vi Editor, 3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
l (move cursor) command
Learning the vi Editor, 2.2.1. Single Movements
Learning the vi Editor, Movement on the current line
l command (sed)
sed & awk, 5.6. List
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: l
\l metacharacter: Learning the vi Editor, 6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
la function: UNIX Power Tools, 10.9. Shell Functions
labels: sed & awk, 6.4. Advanced Flow Control Commands
LANG shell variable: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
last access time: UNIX Power Tools, 21.5. What Good Is a File's Last Access Time?
deleting by: UNIX Power Tools, 23.20. Deleting Stale Files
:last command (elvis, vim): Learning the vi Editor, 5.5.2. Using the Argument List
last line of file
$ symbol for (ex): Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.3. Line Addressing Symbols
moving to: Learning the vi Editor, 3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
last modification: (see modification time, file)
lastcomm command: UNIX Power Tools, 39.6. lastcomm: What Commands Are Running and How Long Do They Take?
addup script using: UNIX Power Tools, 49.7. Total a Column with addup
Latin-1 character set
converting files to: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: native2ascii
lcd command (ftp): Learning the UNIX Operating System, ftp
LC_ALL shell variable: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
LC_COLLATE shell variable: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
LC_CTYPE shell variable: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
LC_MESSAGES variable: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gettxt
LC_NUMERIC shell variable: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
ld command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ld
ldd command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ldd
leave program: UNIX Power Tools, 48.5. leave: A Maddening Aid to Quitting on Time
left angle bracket: (see <)
left bracket: (see [ ] (brackets))
left/right scrolling: Learning the vi Editor, 8.6.5. Left-Right Scrolling
elvis editor: Learning the vi Editor, 10.8.5. Left-Right Scrolling
nvi editor: Learning the vi Editor, 9.8.6. Left-Right Scrolling
vile editor: Learning the vi Editor, 12.8.6. Left-Right Scrolling
vim editor: Learning the vi Editor, 11.8.6. Left-Right Scrolling
leftright option (nvi)
Learning the vi Editor, 8.6.5. Left-Right Scrolling
Learning the vi Editor, 9.8.6. Left-Right Scrolling
Lempel-Ziv (LZ77) coding: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gzip
length( )
UNIX Power Tools, 33.11.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 11, Reference: length
sed & awk, 9.2. String Functions
sed & awk, 9.2.2. String Length
length, string: sed & awk, 9.2.2. String Length
lensort script
UNIX Power Tools, 36.8. lensort: Sort Lines by Length
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
less command: UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
less than sign (<)
<= (less than or equal to) operator: sed & awk, 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
relational operator: sed & awk, 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
less utility: UNIX Power Tools, 25.3. Using more to Page Through Files
-s option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.22. Comparing Two Directory Trees with dircmp
lesskey program: UNIX Power Tools, 25.4. The "less" Pager: More than "more"
(see also arithmetic expressions)
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: let
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.2.2. Arithmetic Variables and Assignment
Learning the Korn Shell, 6.3.3. String Formatting Options
Learning the Korn Shell, A.1. The Bourne Shell
examples: Learning the Korn Shell, 6.2.2. Arithmetic Variables and Assignment
syntax: Learning the Korn Shell, 6.2.2. Arithmetic Variables and Assignment
lex command
(see also yacc command)
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lex
lexical analysis programs, generating: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lex
lf script
UNIX Power Tools, 16.7. ls Shortcuts: ll, lf, lg, etc.
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lg script: UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
functions defined in: UNIX Power Tools, Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
in /usr/lib: UNIX Power Tools, Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
linking with: UNIX Power Tools, Functions, Libraries, and Header Files
library of functions: sed & awk, 9.3.2. Maintaining a Function Library
limit command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: limit
limit filesize command: UNIX Power Tools, 24.5. Limiting File Sizes
limitations to awk: sed & awk, 10.8. Limitations
limiting the match extent: sed & awk, 3.2.13. Limiting the Extent
line #: ;; unexpected: UNIX Power Tools, 46.1.4. Missing or Extra esac, ;;, fi, etc.
line addresses
sed & awk, 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
sed & awk, 4.2. A Global Perspective on Addressing
sed & awk, 5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
printing with =: sed & awk, 5.9. Print Line Number
line breaks, nroff/troff requests and: UNIX in a Nutshell, 12.3.4. Requests That Cause a Line Break
line command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: line
line drawings: UNIX Power Tools, 43.12.1. troff
line editing: (see batch editing)
line editors
sed & awk, 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
Learning the vi Editor, 1. The vi Text Editor
line function: UNIX Power Tools, 44.13. read: Reading from the Keyboard
line information commands (sed): UNIX in a Nutshell, 10.4.2. Line Information
line numbers
UNIX Power Tools, 25.21. Numbering Lines
Learning the vi Editor, 2.2.3. Movement Within a Line
Learning the vi Editor, 3.4. Movement by Line Number
Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.2. Defining a Range of Lines
in ex commands
Learning the vi Editor, 5.1. ex Commands
Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.1. Line Addresses
ranges of lines
Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.2. Defining a Range of Lines
Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.5. Redefining the Current Line Position
redefining current line: Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.5. Redefining the Current Line Position
relative addressing: Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.3. Line Addressing Symbols
symbols for: Learning the vi Editor, 5.2.3. Line Addressing Symbols
moving by: Learning the vi Editor, 3.4. Movement by Line Number
nroff/troff requests for: UNIX in a Nutshell, 12.5.9. Line Numbering
opening files at specific: Learning the vi Editor, 4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place
resetting: UNIX Power Tools, 46.1.5. Line Numbers Reset Inside Redirected Loops
line spacing: UNIX Power Tools, 25.12. Double Space, Triple Space ...
line-edit mode: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.5.1. Line-Edit Mode
line-editing mode: Learning the vi Editor, 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
line-kill character: UNIX Power Tools, 9.2. Fix a Line Faster with Line-Kill and Word-Erase
line-oriented text editor: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: edit
line-wrapping: UNIX Power Tools, 42.5. Checklist: Screen Size Messed Up?
LINEFEED character: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.4. The Unresponsive Terminal
Learning the Korn Shell, 9.1.1. Set Options
Learning the Korn Shell, ERR
Learning the Korn Shell, 9.2.2. The Preamble
UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.2. Built-in Shell Variables
LINES: Learning the Korn Shell, Editing mode variables
lines (files), formatting: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: fmt
lines in files
counting: UNIX Power Tools, 29.6. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters: wc
searching for: UNIX Power Tools, 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
LINES shell variable: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
linespeed switches: UNIX Power Tools, 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
linewrap option (vile): Learning the vi Editor, 8.6.5. Left-Right Scrolling
linkers: (see linking)
Learning the Korn Shell, About C Compilers
Learning the Korn Shell, 5.3. case
Learning the Korn Shell, More About C Compilers
links: UNIX Power Tools, 18.4. More About Links
between directories: UNIX Power Tools, 18.7. Linking Directories
copying: UNIX Power Tools, 18.15. Copying Directory Trees with cp -r
creating for files: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ln
creating/removing: UNIX Power Tools, 18.5. Creating and Removing Links
disk space and: UNIX Power Tools, 24.4. Save Space with a Link
editors: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ld
errors caused by: UNIX Power Tools, 50.12. Common UNIX Error Messages
finding: UNIX Power Tools, 17.22. Finding the Links to a File
hard: (see hard links)
invalid: UNIX Power Tools, 18.6. Stale Symbolic Links
relinking: UNIX Power Tools, 18.14. Relinking Multiple Symbolic Links
symbolic: (see symbolic links)
to directories: UNIX Power Tools, 18.4.2. Links to a Directory
to filenames
UNIX Power Tools, 18.4.1. Differences Between Hard and Symbolic Links
UNIX Power Tools, 44.22. Finding a Program Name; Multiple Program Names
UNIX Power Tools, 45.13. Save Disk Space and Programming: Multiple Names for a Program
to programs
UNIX Power Tools, 44.22. Finding a Program Name; Multiple Program Names
UNIX Power Tools, 45.13. Save Disk Space and Programming: Multiple Names for a Program
lint command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lint
directory protection: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 3.3.3. More Protection Under Linux
finding files on: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.4.4. Finding Files
info command: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 7.1. Standard UNIX Documentation
ls command on: Learning the UNIX Operating System, ls
MTOOLS utilities: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.4.6. Files on Other Operating Systems
virtual consoles: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 2.1. Introduction to Windowing
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.7. Input and Output
Learning the Korn Shell, 5.1.1. Exit Status and Return
list command: (see l command (sed))
list command (ex): UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 9, Reference: list
list.base program: UNIX Power Tools, 48.10. Working with Names and Addresses
listing files
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 3.1.8. Listing Files
for current directory: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ls
in archives: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ar
to be executed: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: which
listing users: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: listusers
listusers command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: listusers
literal percent sign, creating: UNIX Power Tools, 40.14. Including Standard Input Within a cron Entry
Litmaath, Maarten: UNIX Power Tools, 13.16. Store and Show Errors with logerrs
ll script: UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lm script: UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ln command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ln
UNIX Power Tools, 18.5. Creating and Removing Links
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
-s option
UNIX Power Tools, 18.5. Creating and Removing Links
UNIX Power Tools, 18.7. Linking Directories
lndir program
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
UNIX Power Tools, 18.7. Linking Directories
load averages
UNIX Power Tools, 39.7. Checking System Load: uptime
UNIX Power Tools, 39.12.1. The CPU
loading fonts to PostScript files: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: download
local .exrc files
Learning the vi Editor, 7.1.3. Alternate Environments
Learning the vi Editor, 9.4. Initialization
Learning the vi Editor, 11.4.1. Initialization for All vim Invocations
local dictionary files: UNIX Power Tools, 29.1. The UNIX spell Command
local modes, setting: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: stty
local variables: sed & awk, 9.3. Writing Your Own Functions
definitions, reaching: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: localedef
getting information on: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: locale
locale command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: locale
localedef command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: localedef
localization of strings
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: exstr
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gettext
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gettxt
locate command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.4.4. Finding Files
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
UNIX Power Tools, 17.18. Using "Fast find"
(see also file permissions)
UNIX Power Tools, 45.36. Shell Lockfile
creating: UNIX Power Tools, 45.36. Shell Lockfile
examples: UNIX Power Tools, 45.36. Shell Lockfile
log command (awk)
UNIX Power Tools, 33.11.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 11, Reference: log
sed & awk, 9.1.1. Trigonometric Functions
LOGDIR environment variable
UNIX Power Tools, 6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
UNIX Power Tools, 14.11. Finding (Anyone's) Home Directory, Quickly
logerrs script
UNIX Power Tools, 13.16. Store and Show Errors with logerrs
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
logged-in users, displaying list of: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: users
logger command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: logger
logging messages: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: logger
logging in
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.1.1. Connecting to the UNIX Computer
UNIX Power Tools, 2.1. Customizing the Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 38.2. fork and exec
as another user: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: su
changing login sequence: UNIX Power Tools, 2.12. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
displaying name: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: logname
multiple sessions: UNIX Power Tools, 22.22.1. Ending or Suspending
showing login messages once: UNIX Power Tools, 2.15. Unclutter Logins: Show Login Messages Just Once
showing new message lines: UNIX Power Tools, 2.14. motd.diff: Show New Lines in Login Messages
to another user's account: UNIX Power Tools, 22.22. The su Command Isn't Just for the Superuser
logging out: Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.1.8. Logging Out
logging, disk space and: UNIX Power Tools, 24.2. Save Space with Bit Bucket Log Files and Mailboxes
logging, timestamp with: sed & awk, Time management for programmers
logical AND (&&) operator: sed & awk, 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
logical NOT (!) operator: sed & awk, 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
logical operators
(see also operators, logical)
csh: UNIX in a Nutshell, Bitwise and logical operators
logical OR (||) operator: sed & awk, 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
login command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.1.1. Connecting to the UNIX Computer
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: login
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: login
.login file
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 3.6. Customizing Your Account
UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.2.1. Special Files
UNIX Power Tools, 2.2.2. C Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 2.7. C Shell Setup Files Aren't Read When You Want Them to Be?
UNIX Power Tools, 2.8. Identifying Login Shells
UNIX Power Tools, 2.12. Automatic Setups for Different Terminals
if statements in: UNIX Power Tools, 47.3. Conditional Statements with if
once-a-day setup: UNIX Power Tools, 2.5.3. Once-a-Day Setup
setting search path: UNIX Power Tools, 8.7.1. Setting Path in Shell Setup Files
setting terminal type: UNIX Power Tools, 5.3. Setting the Terminal Type When You Log In
login sessions: (see sessions)
customizing: UNIX in a Nutshell, 3.2.2. Customization of Your Unix Session
login shells
UNIX Power Tools, 2.2. Shell Setup Files-Which, Where, and Why
UNIX Power Tools, 2.2.2. C Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 2.8. Identifying Login Shells
UNIX Power Tools, 51.9. Making a "Login" Shell
identifying: UNIX Power Tools, 2.8. Identifying Login Shells
unapproved: UNIX Power Tools, 2.16. Approved Shells: Using Unapproved Login Shell
loginshell variable: UNIX Power Tools, 2.8. Identifying Login Shells
logname command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: logname
LOGNAME environment variable
Learning the Korn Shell, 3.5.1. Environment Variables
UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.3.5. Environment Variables
UNIX Power Tools, 6.3. Predefined Environment Variables
UNIX Power Tools, 6.9. Special C Shell Variables
logout command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.1.8. Logging Out
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: logout
logout command files: Learning the Korn Shell, 3.2. Aliases
.logout file
UNIX in a Nutshell, 5.2.1. Special Files
UNIX Power Tools, 2.2.2. C Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 3.1. Running Commands When You Log Out
long insertions
Learning the vi Editor, Repeat
Learning the vi Editor, 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
Learning the vi Editor, 8.6.2. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
elvis editor: Learning the vi Editor, 10.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
nvi editor: Learning the vi Editor, 9.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
vile editor: Learning the vi Editor, 12.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
vim editor: Learning the vi Editor, 11.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
long-line wrapping: UNIX Power Tools, 42.6.3. Set Width, Test Line Wrapping: longlines
longlines file
UNIX Power Tools, 42.6.3. Set Width, Test Line Wrapping: longlines
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
look command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: look
UNIX Power Tools, 27.18. Fast Searches and Spelling Checks with "look"
UNIX Power Tools, 29.3. How Do I Spell That Word?
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
lookbib command: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: lookbib
lookfor script
UNIX Power Tools, 17.21. lookfor: Which File Has that Word?
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
(see also under specific loop names)
sed & awk, 7.3. Awk's Programming Model
sed & awk, 8.2. Looping
UNIX Power Tools, 1.5. Anyone Can Program the Shell
UNIX Power Tools, 44.10. Loops That Test Exit Status
alias definition: UNIX Power Tools, 10.6. Avoiding C Shell Alias Loops
arrays and: sed & awk, 8.4. Arrays
basename command used in: UNIX Power Tools, 45.18.2. Use with Loops
dirname command used in: UNIX Power Tools, 45.18.2. Use with Loops
exit status of: UNIX Power Tools, 45.19. A while Loop with Several Loop Control Commands
find command used in: UNIX Power Tools, 45.18.2. Use with Loops
for: (see for loop)
foreach: (see foreach loop)
if-then-else: UNIX Power Tools, 10.7. How to Put if-then-else in a C Shell Alias
in Bourne shells: UNIX Power Tools, 44.10. Loops That Test Exit Status
in shell scripts: Learning the vi Editor, 7.4.1. Looping in a Shell Script
increment number in: UNIX Power Tools, 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
jot command in: UNIX Power Tools, 45.11. The Multipurpose jot Command
main input loop: sed & awk, 7.3. Awk's Programming Model
parameters for: UNIX Power Tools, 9.11. Repeating a Command with a foreach Loop
split command used in: UNIX Power Tools, 45.18.2. Use with Loops
testing exit status: UNIX Power Tools, 44.10. Loops That Test Exit Status
lower character class: UNIX in a Nutshell, 4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
Lower menu item (mwm): Learning the UNIX Operating System, 2.5.4. The Window Menu
lowercase: (see capitalization, case)
lowercase, converting to uppercase
Learning the vi Editor, 2.3.4. Changing Case
Learning the vi Editor, 6.3.3. Metacharacters Used in Replacement Strings
lp command
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.5.1. Commands, Arguments, and Options
Learning the Korn Shell, The working directory
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.7.3. Pipelines
Learning the Korn Shell, 7.1.1. Here-documents
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.5.2. lp and lpr
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lp
UNIX Power Tools, 43.2.1. System V Printing Commands
lp spooler, defined: UNIX Power Tools, 43.1. Introduction to Printing
lpc help command: UNIX Power Tools, 43.3. Printer Control with lpc
lpc restart command: UNIX Power Tools, 43.3. Printer Control with lpc
lpc status command: UNIX Power Tools, 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
lpc, lpcrlf options (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpcolumns option (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpconvert option (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpff, lpformfeed options (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lplines option (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpo, lpout options (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpp, lppaper options (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpq command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.5.2. lp and lpr
Learning the UNIX Operating System, lpstat and lpq
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lpq
UNIX Power Tools, 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
shell script running: UNIX Power Tools, 38.11. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script
lpr command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4.5.2. lp and lpr
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lpr
UNIX Power Tools, 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
errors caused by: UNIX Power Tools, 50.12. Common UNIX Error Messages
examples: UNIX Power Tools, 44.16. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop
:lpr command (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpr spooler, defined: UNIX Power Tools, 43.1. Introduction to Printing
lprm command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, cancel and lprm
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lprm
UNIX Power Tools, 43.2.2. Berkeley Printing Commands
lprof command
(see also gprof command; prof command)
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lprof
lprows option (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpstat command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, lpstat and lpq
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: lpstat
UNIX Power Tools, 43.2.1. System V Printing Commands
lptype option (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lpw, lpwrap options (elvis): Learning the vi Editor, 10.10.1. Display Modes
lr command: UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ls command
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 1.2. Syntax of UNIX Command Lines
Learning the UNIX Operating System, ls
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: ls
UNIX Power Tools, 2.15. Unclutter Logins: Show Login Messages Just Once
UNIX Power Tools, 16.3. Reordering ls Listings
UNIX Power Tools, 16.6. clf, cls: "Compressed" ls Listings
UNIX Power Tools, 16.9. An Alias to List Recently Changed Files
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.6.2. Filenames and Wildcards
Learning the Korn Shell, Code blocks
Learning the Korn Shell, 8.5. Coroutines
-A option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.11. Showing Hidden Files with ls -A and -a
aliases for
UNIX Power Tools, 16.7. ls Shortcuts: ll, lf, lg, etc.
UNIX Power Tools, 16.12. Useful ls Aliases
-b option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.14. Showing Non-Printable Characters in Filenames
-C option
UNIX Power Tools, 16.3. Reordering ls Listings
UNIX Power Tools, 16.12. Useful ls Aliases
-ctime option: UNIX Power Tools, 21.6. A File's Inode Change (not "Creation"!) Time
-d option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.8. The ls -d Option
-F option
Learning the Korn Shell, 3.2. Aliases
UNIX Power Tools, 16.6. clf, cls: "Compressed" ls Listings
UNIX Power Tools, 16.12. Useful ls Aliases
UNIX Power Tools, 18.6. Stale Symbolic Links
file searches with: UNIX Power Tools, 9.24. Get File List by Editing Output of ls -l, grep, etc.
filenames and: UNIX Power Tools, 1.16. Wildcards
-i option
UNIX Power Tools, 1.22. How UNIX Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
UNIX Power Tools, 18.4.1. Differences Between Hard and Symbolic Links
-L option: UNIX Power Tools, 18.6. Stale Symbolic Links
-ld option: UNIX Power Tools, Watching Directories
links and: UNIX Power Tools, 18.4.1. Differences Between Hard and Symbolic Links
-l (long listing)
Learning the Korn Shell, 1.6.2. Filenames and Wildcards
Learning the Korn Shell, File Attribute Checking
column formats of: Learning the Korn Shell, 4.4. Command Substitution
-m option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.7. ls Shortcuts: ll, lf, lg, etc.
-q option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.13. Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name
-r option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.3. Reordering ls Listings
-s option: UNIX Power Tools, 17.14. Searching for Files by Size
-t option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.2. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
terminfo database and: UNIX Power Tools, 5.10. Finding What Terminal Names You Can Use
-u option
UNIX Power Tools, 16.2. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
UNIX Power Tools, 16.3. Reordering ls Listings
-x option: UNIX Power Tools, 16.3. Reordering ls Listings
ls command (UNIX): sed & awk, 7.8.1. Getting Information About Files
lsdel program: UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
ls_today script
UNIX Power Tools, 16.18. Listing Files You've Created/Edited Today
UNIX Power Tools, 52.4. Quick Descriptions of What's on the Disc
LZ77 coding: UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: gzip

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