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localedef [options ] localename

Solaris only. localedef reads a locale definition either on standard input or from the file named with the -i option. The format is documented in the locale (5) manpage. It generates a temporary C source file that is compiled into a shared-object library. This library file can then be used by programs that pay attention to the settings of the locale-specific environment variables in order to return the correct values for the given locale.

The generated file has the name localename .so. version . The default 32-bit version should be moved to /usr/lib/locale/ localename / localename .so. version . The 64-bit environment on SPARC systems should use /usr/lib/locale/ localename / sparcv9/ localename .so. version .



Create the shared object file, even if there are warnings.

-C options

Pass options to the C compiler. This option is deprecated in favor of -W cc .

-f mapfile

The file mapfile provides a mapping of character symbols and collating element symbols to actual character encodings. This option must be used if the locale definition uses symbolic names.

-i localefile

Read the locale definitions from localefile instead of from standard input.

-L options

Pass options to the C compiler, after the name of the C source file. This option is deprecated in favor of -W cc .

-m model

Specify -m ilp32 to generate 32-bit object files (this is the default). Use -m lp64 to generate 64-bit object files (SPARC only).

-W cc, args

Pass args on to the C compiler. Each argument is separated from the previous by a comma.

-x exfile

Read additional options from the extension file exfile .


Generate a 64-bit shared object locale file for Klingonese; ignore any warning messages:

localedef -c -m lp64 -i klingon.def klingon

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