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Part V Section 4: File Formats


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Section 4: File Formats

Table of Contents

intro(4) - introduction to file formats
.netrc(4) - login information for ftp, rexec, and rexec() — see netrc(4)
.rhosts(4) - security files authorizing access by remote hosts and users on local host — see hosts.equiv(4)
a.out(4) - assembler and link editor output
acct(4) - per-process accounting file format
acps.conf(4) - configuration file for the Access Control Policy Switch (ACPS)
ar(4) - common archive file format
audeventstab(4) - define and describe audit system events
audit(4) - audit trail format and other information for auditing
audit.conf(4) - files containing event mapping information and site-specific event mapping information
audit_site.conf(4) - files containing event mapping information and site-specific event mapping information — see audit.conf(4)
authcap(4) - security databases for trusted systems
autofs(4) - file containing parameter values for the automountd daemon and the automount command
bootconf(4) - boot device configuration table
btmp(4) - user login record format — see utmp(4)
btmps(4) - user login information — see wtmps(4)
cdnode(4) - format of a CDFS cdnode
cdrom(4) - CD-ROM background information
charmap(4) - symbolic translation file for localedef scripts
compartments(4) - HP-UX compartments files
core(4) - format of core image file
cpio(4) - format of cpio archive
d_passwd(4) - dialup security control — see dialups(4)
default(4) - system default database file for a trusted system
devassign(4) - device assignment database file for a trusted system
dfstab(4) - file containing commands for sharing resources across a network
dialups(4) - dialup security control
dir(4) - format of directories on short-name HFS file systems
disktab(4) - disk description file
dlpi(4) - data link provider interface standard header file
dlpi_drv(4) - definitions of interfaces for device drivers to interact with DLPI
dlpi_drv.h(4) - definitions of interfaces for device drivers to interact with DLPI — see dlpi_drv(4)
dlpi_ext(4) - HP-specific extensions for DLPI
dlpi_ext.h(4) - HP-specific extensions for DLPI — see dlpi_ext(4)
dlpi.h(4) - data link provider interface standard header file — see dlpi(4)
DOSIF(4) - DOS interchange format — see dosif(4)
dosif(4) - DOS interchange format
dp(4) - dedicated ports file used by DDFA software and Telnet port identification feature
efi(4) - Extensible Firmware Interface description
evm.auth(4) - EVM authorization file
evmchannel.conf(4) - EVM channel configuration file
evmdaemon.conf(4) - EVM daemon configuration file
evmfilterfile(4) - Event Manager filter file
evmlogger.conf(4) - EVM logger configuration file
evmtemplate(4) - Event Manager template file
exports(4) - directories to export to NFS clients
fspec(4) - format specification in text files
fstab(4) - static information about the file systems
fstypes(4) - file that registers distributed file system packages
ftpaccess(4) - ftpd configuration file
ftpconversions(4) - ftpd conversions database
ftpgroups(4) - group password file for use with the SITE GROUP and SITE GPASS commands.
ftphosts(4) - ftpd individual user host access file
ftpservers(4) - ftpd virtual hosting configuration specification file
ftpusers(4) - security file for ftpd
gated.conf(4) - GateDaemon Configuration Guide
gated.config(4) - GateDaemon Configuration Guide — see gated.conf(4)
gettydefs(4) - speed and terminal settings used by getty
group(4) - group file, grp.h
hosts(4) - host name data base
hosts.equiv(4) - security files authorizing access by remote hosts and users on local host
inetd.conf(4) - configuration file for inetd
inetd.sec(4) - optional security file for inetd
inetsvcs.conf(4) - configuration file for secure internet services
info(4) - diskless client configuration information file
inittab(4) - script for the boot init process
ioconfig(4) - ioconfig entry format
issue(4) - issue identification file
krb5.conf(4) - Kerberos configuration file
ldapclientd.conf(4) - configuration file for the LDAP client daemon process
libgss(4) - shared library for GSSAPI (Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface)
lif(4) - logical interchange format description
localedef(4) - format and semantics of locale definition file
logingroup(4) - group file, grp.h — see group(4)
lvmpvg(4) - LVM physical volume group information file
magic(4) - magic numbers for HP-UX implementations
mech(4) - security mechanism and quality of protection (QOP) files
mnttab(4) - mounted file system table
model(4) - HP-UX machine identification
named.conf(4) - configuration file for Internet domain name server
netconfig(4) - network configuration database
netgroup(4) - list of network groups
netrc(4) - login information for ftp, rexec, and rexec()
nettlgen.conf(4) - network tracing and logging configuration file
networks(4) - network name data base
nfs(4) - file containing parameter values for NFS-related daemons
nfslog.conf(4) - NFS server logging configuration file
nfssec.conf(4) - list NFS security modes
nlist(4) - structure formats
nlist_ia(4) - structure formats for Integrity systems
nlist_pa(4) - structure formats for PA-RISC systems
nlist64(4) - structure formats — see nlist(4)
nlist64_ia(4) - structure formats for Integrity systems — see nlist_ia(4)
nlist64_pa(4) - structure formats for PA-RISC systems — see nlist_pa(4)
nlspath(4) - NLSPATH configuration file
nsswitch.conf(4) - configuration file for the name-service switch
packingrules(4) - packing rules file for cachefs
pam.conf(4) - configuration file for pluggable authentication modules
pam_user.conf(4) - user configuration file for pluggable authentication modules
passwd(4) - password file
pcf(4) - port configuration file used by DDFA software
PPP.AUTH(4) - PPP authentication file format — see ppp.Auth(4)
ppp.Auth(4) - PPP authentication file format
ppp.auth(4) - PPP authentication file format — see ppp.Auth(4)
PPP.DEVICES(4) - PPP physical device description file format — see ppp.Devices(4)
ppp.Devices(4) - PPP physical device description file format
ppp.devices(4) - PPP physical device description file format — see ppp.Devices(4)
PPP.DIALERS(4) - PPP dialer description file format — see ppp.Dialers(4)
ppp.Dialers(4) - PPP dialer description file format
ppp.dialers(4) - PPP dialer description file format — see ppp.Dialers(4)
PPP.FILTER(4) - PPP packet filter specification file format — see ppp.Filter(4)
ppp.Filter(4) - PPP packet filter specification file format
ppp.filter(4) - PPP packet filter specification file format — see ppp.Filter(4)
PPP.KEYS(4) - PPP encryption keys file format — see ppp.Keys(4)
ppp.Keys(4) - PPP encryption keys file format
ppp.keys(4) - PPP encryption keys file format — see ppp.Keys(4)
PPP.SYSTEMS(4) - PPP neighboring systems description file format — see ppp.Systems(4)
ppp.Systems(4) - PPP neighboring systems description file format
ppp.systems(4) - PPP neighboring systems description file format — see ppp.Systems(4)
pppoec.conf(4) - PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) client configuration file
pppoerd.conf(4) - PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) relay configuration file
pppoesd.conf(4) - PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) server configuration file
privgrp(4) - format of privileged values
profile(4) - set up user's environment at login time
proto(4) - prototype job file for at
protocols(4) - protocol name database
prpwd(4) - protected password authentication database files used for trusted systems
publickey(4) - public key database
qop(4) - security mechanism and quality of protection (QOP) files — see mech(4)
queuedefs(4) - queue description file for at, batch, and crontab
ramd.conf(4) - Route Administration Manager Daemon (RAMD) configuration file
rc.config(4) - files containing system configuration information
rc.config.d(4) - files containing system configuration information — see rc.config(4)
rcsfile(4) - format of RCS files
resolv.conf(4) - resolver configuration file — see resolver(4)
resolver(4) - resolver configuration file
rhosts(4) - security files authorizing access by remote hosts and users on local host — see hosts.equiv(4)
rmtab(4) - remote mounted filesystem table
rndc.conf(4) - rndc configuration file
rpc(4) - rpc program number data base
rtradvd.conf(4) - configuration file for router advertisement daemon
sccsfile(4) - format of SCCS file
sd(4) - all objects that Software Distributor (SD) uses, their attributes and storage formats
securenets(4) - NIS map security file
security(4) - security defaults configuration file
services(4) - service name data base
services.window(4) - file containing applications and their associated memory window ID
shadow(4) - shadow password file
sharetab(4) - shared file system table
shells(4) - list of allowed login shells
slp.conf(4) - configuration file for SLP agents
slp.reg(4) - SLP static registration file
sm(4) - statd directory and file structures
sm.bak(4) - statd directory and file structures — see sm(4)
snmpd.conf(4) - configuration file for the SNMP agent
softkeys(4) - keysh softkey file format
state(4) - statd directory and file structures — see sm(4)
switch(4) - configuration file for the name-service switch — see nsswitch.conf(4)
swpackage(4) - product specification file (PSF) format
symlink(4) - symbolic link
system(4) - system description configuration files
tar(4) - format of tar tape archive
tcpd.conf(4) - configuration file for tcpd
TERM(4) - terminal capabilities — see term_c(4)
term(4) - format of compiled term file
term_c(4) - terminal capabilities
term.h(4) - terminal capabilities — see term_c(4)
terminfo(4) - printer, terminal, and modem capability database
ttys(4) - terminal control database file for trusted systems
ttytype(4) - data base of terminal types by port
tztab(4) - time zone adjustment table for date and ctime()
ups_conf(4) - HP PowerTrust Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) monitor configuration file
userdb(4) - user database for per-user information
usermod(4) - list of home directory names
utmp(4) - user login record format
utmps(4) - user-accounting database
utmpx(4) - utmpx database storage file
uuencode(4) - format of an encoded uuencode file
wtmp(4) - user login record format — see utmp(4)
wtmps(4) - user login information
xtab(4) - directories to export to NFS clients — see exports(4)
ypfiles(4) - Network Information Service database and directory structure
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