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HP-UX 11i Version 3: February 2007

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ldapclientd.conf — configuration file for the LDAP client daemon process




ldapclientd.conf is the configuration file for /opt/ldapux/bin/ldapclientd, an LDAP client daemon process that enables LDAP-UX clients to work with Directory Servers. ldapclientd caches entries, supports multiple domains in the Windows 2000/2003 Active Directory Server (ADS), automatically downloads the configuration profiles, supports X.500 group membership, maintains and reuses connections to the LDAP Directory Server, and manages remote LP printers.

ldapclientd uses default values for any settings absent from the configuration file.

If an older version of ldapclientd.conf exists during installation of LDAP-UX, LDAP-UX stores the new configuration file in /opt/ldapux/newconfig/etc/opt/ldapux/ldapclientd.conf and continues to use the old /etc/opt/ldapux/ldapclientd.conf configuration file.

Configuration File Syntax

The ldapclientd.conf configuration file uses the following syntax:

# comment [section] setting=value setting=value ... [section] setting=value ...

The areas in the configuration files are:

# comment

ldapclientd ignores any line beginning with a # delimiter.


The configuration file is segregated into sections where each section begins with the section name enclosed by []. Valid section names are:

[StartOnBoot] [general] [passwd] [group] [netgroup] [uiddn] [domain_pwd] [domain_grp] [automount] [automountmap] [printers]


Specify the setting to configure. The allowed parameter keywords are different for each section. See Configuration Sections below for details.


The valid values of each setting will depend on which parameter is specified. The valid value can be

yes | no | number

Configuration Sections

The valid sections for the ldapclientd.conf configuration files are described here:


Determines if ldapclientd starts automatically when the system boots. The valid setting are:


By default, this is enabled after LDAP-UX has been configured by /opt/ldapux/config/setup, the LDAP-UX setup program


Any cache setting defined here will be used as default settings for all caches (passwd, group, netgroup, uiddn, domain_pwd, domain_grp, automount, and automountmap).

The following setting can be defined in this section:


Maximum number of connections ldapclientd can establish to the directory server (or multiple servers when in a multi-domain environment.

Default value is 100.


Seconds before an inactive connection to the directory server is brought down and cleaned up.

Default value is 300.


Number of client request handling threads in ldapclientd.

Default value is 10.


Interval (seconds) before next attempt to clean up socket files created by LDAP-UX client applications that were terminated abnormally.

Default value is 300.


Interval (seconds) of how often ldapclientd should identify and clean up stale cache entries.

Default value is 10.


How often (seconds) ldapclientd should re-read the /etc/opt/ldapux/ldapux_client.conf LDAP-UX client configuration file to update internal multiple domain information

Default value is 600.


Maximum number of bytes that should be cached by ldapclientd. This value is the maximum upper limit of memory that can be used by ldapclientd. If this limit is reached, new entries are not cached until enough expired entries are freed.

Default value is 10000000.


The maximum number of states ldapclientd allows, as a percentage of max_conn. A state functions like a virtual connection between the client and LDAP server. State connections are created by the setXXent() enumeration request and stay for the subsequent getXXent() fetches from the enumeration.

max_enum_state is a percentage of max_conn as we must have more available connections than enumeration states. A value of 0% disables enumeration.

Default value is 80%.


If no client requests a getXXent() fetch from an enumeration for this specified time, the enumeration state will be removed, terminating the enumeration.

Default value is 300.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. There is no [general] default value for this setting. Each cache section has its own default (listed further below). Specifying a value here under the [general] section will override poscache_ttl defaults in other sections (when there is no specific poscache_ttl definition under that section).


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache. Like, poscache_ttl, there is no [general] default value for this setting. Each cache section has its own default.


Cache settings for the passwd cache (which caches name, uid, and shadow information). The valid setting under this section are:


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled. If the cache is not enabled, ldapclientd will query the directory server for any entry request from this section.

Since this impacts LDAP-UX client performance and response time, by default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. Since personal data can change frequently, this value is typically smaller than the others.

Default value is 120.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 240.


Cache settings for the group cache (which caches name, gid, and membership information). The setting are:


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled.

By default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. Since people are added and removed from groups occasionally, this value is typically not large.

Default value is 240.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 240.


Cache settings for the netgroup cache.


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled.

By default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. For the same reasons described in the [group] section, this value is typically small.

Default value is 240.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 240.


This cache maps a user's UID to his DN from the directory.


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled.

By default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. Typically, once added into a directory, the user's DN rarely changes.

Default value is 86400.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 86400.


This cache maps user names and UID's to the domain holding its entry.


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled.

By default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. Since new domains are rarely added to or removed from the forest, the cache is typically valid for a long time.

Default value is 86400.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 86400.


This cache maps group names and GUID's to the domain holding its entry.


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled.

By default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. For the same reasons described in [domain_pwd] section, the cache is typically valid for a long time.

Default value is 86400.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 86400.


Cache settings for the automount cache (which caches automount information).


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled.

By default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache.

Default value is 1800.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 1800.


This cache maps an automount map to its DN from the directory.


ldapclientd only caches entries for this section when it is enabled.

By default, caching is enabled.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the positive cache. Typically, once added into a directory, the map's DN rarely changes.

Default value is 1800.


Seconds before a cache entry expires from the negative cache.

Default value is 7200.


User configurable parameters for the printer configurator.

start= yes|no

Define the status of the printer configurator when ldapclientd starts. yes means printer configurator service will be enabled when ldapclientd starts. no means printer configurator will be disabled when ldapclientd starts.

By default, the printer configurator is enabled.


Define the maximum printer objects that the printer configurator will handle.

Default value is 50.


Define the interval, in second, between printer configurator searches for printer objects.

Default value is 86400.


The following is a sample ldapclientd.conf configuration file.

# # My example ldapclientd daemon configuration file # [StartOnBoot] enable=yes # remember, /opt/ldapux/config/setup can directly enable StartOnBoot. [general] max_conn=20 connection_ttl=120 num_threads=10 socket_cleanup_time=300 cache_cleanup_time =10 update_ldapux_conf_time=600 cache_size=10000000 poscache_ttl=5000000 [passwd] enable=yes poscache_ttl=1000003 [group] enable=yes # note: group's poscache_ttl uses the default # defined under general: 5000000. # Because it's not under general, negcache_ttl # will be the ldapclientd default: 240. [netgroup] enable=no [uiddn] poscache_ttl = 50000 negcache_ttl = 30000 enable=yes [domain_pwd] enable=yes [domain_grp] enable=yes [automount] enable=yes [automountmap] enable=yes [printers] start=yes max_printers=50 search_interval=86400


problem reading configuration file

  • When ldapclientd starts, it reads the configuration file and points out errors during parsing. This error message is accompanied by the line showing exactly where ldapclientd could not recognize the syntax or found that the setting is out of range.


Whenever the system is rebooted, ldapclientd launches if [StartOnBoot] has enable=yes in the ldapclientd.conf configuration file.

Downloading profiles may take time, depending on server response time and the number of profiles listed in the LDAP-UX configuration file /etc/opt/ldapux/ldapux_client.conf.


ldapclientd was developed by Hewlett-Packard Company



The ldapclientd configuration file.


LDAP-UX cache daemon process that improves performance and extends capabilities of LDAP-UX clients.


LDAP-UX setup program. setup completes, /etc/opt/ldapux/ldapux_client.conf.


LDAP-UX client services configuration file. Contains settings like logging and domains.





Automatically downloaded local copies of directory profiles for each domain listed in /etc/opt/ldapux/ldapux_client.conf. These files should not be modified manually.

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