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Index: H

h command (CPAN.pm): 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module (Perl in a Nutshell)
h command (Perl debugger): 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
-h (help) command-line switch: 19.1.3. Switches (Programming Perl)
-h option (perlbug): 6.6. The perlbug Program (Perl in a Nutshell)
hacker: Glossary (Programming Perl)
>shutdown: 29.2.154. shutdown (Programming Perl)
Hampton, Kip: 5.7. XML::SAX: The Second Generation (Perl & XML)
Han Chinese characters: 2.6. Unicode, Character Sets, and Encodings (Perl & XML)
handlers: 8.2. Attribute::Handlers (Perl in a Nutshell)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
3.4. Putting Parsers to Work (Perl & XML)
4.2. Events and Handlers (Perl & XML)
base classes for: 5.5. A Handler Base Class (Perl & XML)
DTD: 5.2. DTD Handlers (Perl & XML)
lexical event: Lexical event handlers (Perl & XML)
overload: 13.1. The overload Pragma (Programming Perl)
13.2. Overload Handlers (Programming Perl)
missing: 13.5. When an Overload Handler Is Missing (nomethod and fallback) (Programming Perl)
overloading, as_string handler: 13.3. Overloadable Operators (Programming Perl)
for SAX: 5.1. SAX Event Handlers (Perl & XML)
5.7.2. SAX2 Handler Interface (Perl & XML)
for signals: 16.1. Signals (Programming Perl)
stream parsing styles, using: 3.2.2. Parsing Styles (Perl & XML)
XML::Parser module and: 4.6. XML::Parser (Perl & XML)
handles: 13.15.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
1.2.1. Variable Syntax (Programming Perl)
directories: 32.1.5. Filehandle, Directory Handle, and Stream I/O Utilities (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
references to: 8.2.4. Handle References (Programming Perl)
tied, base class definitons for: 32.1.14. Convenient Classes (Programming Perl)
handling signals (see signals)
hanging indent, -lmargin2 option and: 8.5.1. Tag Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
hard links: 9.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
13.3. Links and Files (Learning Perl)
13.3. Links and Files (Learning Perl)
hard links, filenames: 29.2.85. link (Programming Perl)
hard references: 3.2. The Arrow Operator (Programming Perl)
8.1. What Is a Reference? (Programming Perl)
8.2. Creating References (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
%SIG array: 16.1. Signals (Programming Perl)
using: 8.3. Using Hard References (Programming Perl)
closures: 8.3.7. Closures (Programming Perl)
hardware devices: Glossary (Programming Perl)
hardware drivers, Perl modules for interacting with: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)
hasAttribute method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
hasAttributeNS method for Element node: Methods (Perl & XML)
hasAttributes method for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
hasChildNodes method for Node class (DOM): Methods (Perl & XML)
hash elements, accessing: 5.2. Hash Element Access (Learning Perl)
hash functions: 5.3. Hash Functions (Learning Perl)
hash keys (see keys)
14.3.9. Mega-Widget Instance Variables (Mastering Perl/Tk)
delete function for removing: 5.4.2. The delete Function (Learning Perl)
exists function for checking: 5.4.1. The exists Function (Learning Perl)
omitting quotes from: 17.4. Unquoted Hash Keys (Learning Perl)
sorting: 15.4.1. Sorting a Hash by Value (Learning Perl)
hash mark (#)
#! (shebang) line: 3. The Perl Executable (Perl in a Nutshell)
for comments: 4.1. Program Structure (Perl in a Nutshell)
format fieldholders: 4.12. Formats (Perl in a Nutshell)
hash prototype symbol (%): 4.7.5. Prototypes (Perl in a Nutshell)
hashDepth option (debugger): 20.3.3. Debugger Options (Programming Perl)
hashes: 4.6.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
5.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
5. Hashes (Learning Perl)
4.2. Data Types and Variables (Perl in a Nutshell) Hashes (Perl in a Nutshell)
1.2.1. Variable Syntax (Programming Perl) Pluralities (Programming Perl) Hashes. (Programming Perl)
2.3. Built-in Data Types (Programming Perl)
2.9. Hashes (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
printing out in sorted order: 4.4.3. foreach Loops (Programming Perl)
accessing elements of: 5.2. Hash Element Access (Learning Perl)
adding elements to: 5.1.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook) Mimicking built-ins (Perl Cookbook)
anonymous: 11.0.2. Anonymous Data (Perl Cookbook)
data structure for objects: 12.7. Managing Instance Data (Programming Perl)
references to: 12.4. Object Construction (Programming Perl)
anonymous, references to: The anonymous hash composer (Programming Perl)
of arrays: 11.2.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
9.2. Hashes of Arrays (Programming Perl)
9.3. Arrays of Hashes (Programming Perl)
access and printing of: 9.2.3. Access and Printing of a Hash of Arrays (Programming Perl)
generating: 9.2.2. Generation of a Hash of Arrays (Programming Perl)
9.3.2. Generation of an Array of Hashes (Programming Perl)
arrays and: 5.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
assigning: 5.2.2. Hash Assignment (Learning Perl)
autoincrements/autodecrements and: 10.6.1. The Value of Autoincrement (Learning Perl)
binding DBM files to: 29.2.22. dbmopen (Programming Perl)
buckets: Glossary (Programming Perl)
cascading conditionals, using instead of: 4.5.1. Case Structures (Programming Perl)
comparing for keys: 5.11.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
of complex records: 9.6.3. Generation of a Hash of Complex Records (Programming Perl)
deleting elements of: 5.3.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
deleting values from: 29.2.24. delete (Programming Perl)
dutree program: 5.16. Program: dutree (Perl Cookbook)
elements, giving temporary values to: 29.2.87. local (Programming Perl)
elements of, interpolating into double-quoted string literals: 5.4.3. Hash Element Interpolation (Learning Perl)
exists function and: 29.2.34. exists (Programming Perl)
finding most common anything: 5.14.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
flat lookup tables, providing access to: 9. Data Structures (Programming Perl)
for list unions, intersections, differences: 4.7.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
functions for: 5.3. Hash Functions (Learning Perl)
functions for processing: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category (Perl in a Nutshell)
HV (hash value) typedef in C: 21.2. Internal Data Types (Programming Perl)
%INC for modules: 11.1. Using Modules (Programming Perl)
initializing with x operator: 3.7. Multiplicative Operators (Programming Perl)
instead of linear searches: 24.2.1. Time Efficiency (Programming Perl)
inverting: 5.8.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
29.2.132. reverse (Programming Perl)
keys: Glossary (Programming Perl)
keys, finding number in: 2.9. Hashes (Programming Perl)
keys, returning list of: 29.2.79. keys (Programming Perl)
key/value pair precedence: 2.9. Hashes (Programming Perl)
key/value pairs: 2.3. Built-in Data Types (Programming Perl)
2.9. Hashes (Programming Perl)
capturing from string with m//g operator: 5.2.2. The m// Operator (Matching) (Programming Perl)
key/value pairs in: Hashes. (Programming Perl)
merging: 5.10.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
multidimensional: 9.4. Hashes of Hashes (Programming Perl)
accessing and printing: 9.4.3. Access and Printing of a Hash of Hashes (Programming Perl)
generation of: 9.4.2. Generation of a Hash of Hashes (Programming Perl)
multiple values per key: 5.7.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
names for: 2.4. Variables (Programming Perl)
names of: 5.2. Hash Element Access (Learning Perl)
output style, changing in debugger: 20.3.3. Debugger Options (Programming Perl)
passing by reference into or out of functions: 6.3. Passing References (Programming Perl)
Perl data organization in: 9.1.5. Common Mistakes (Programming Perl)
presizing: 5.13.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
printing: 5.5.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
processing, functions for: 29.1. Perl Functions by Category (Programming Perl)
reading/writing records to file: 11.10.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
reasons for using: 5.1.1. Why Use a Hash? (Learning Perl)
references as elements: 5.12.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
references as keys: 8.5.1. References Don't Work as Hash Keys (Programming Perl)
references to: 11.3.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
8.1. What Is a Reference? (Programming Perl)
representing data relationships: 5.15.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
restricted, implementing: 12.7.5. Using Closures for Private Objects (Programming Perl)
retrieving in insertion order: 5.6.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
returning key/value pairs: 29.2.30. each (Programming Perl)
returning values of: 29.2.194. values (Programming Perl)
%SIG, references to signal handlers: 16.1. Signals (Programming Perl)
slices and: 17.6.2. Hash Slice (Learning Perl)
slices of: 4.7.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
sorting elements: 5.9.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
special (predefined): 4.4.2. Global Special Arrays and Hashes (Perl in a Nutshell)
symbol tables: 10.1. Symbol Tables (Programming Perl)
key/value pairs in: 10.1. Symbol Tables (Programming Perl)
typeglobs in: 10.1. Symbol Tables (Programming Perl)
taint in: 23.1. Handling Insecure Data (Programming Perl)
testing for keys: 5.2.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
ties for (examples): 13.15.5. Tie Example: Make a Hash That Always Appends (Perl Cookbook)
traversing: 5.4.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
tying: 14. Tied Variables (Programming Perl)
14.3. Tying Hashes (Programming Perl)
methods for: 14.3.1. Hash-Tying Methods (Programming Perl)
Tie::Hash module, providing base class definitions: 32.1.14. Convenient Classes (Programming Perl)
unwinding: 5.2.1. The Hash as a Whole (Learning Perl)
Hash::Util module: 8.119. Hash::Util (Perl in a Nutshell)
head( ): 2.3.4. Previewing with HEAD (Perl & LWP)
LWP::UserAgent: 20.2.3. LWP::UserAgent (Perl in a Nutshell)
LWP::Simple module: 20.2.2. LWP::Simple (Perl in a Nutshell)
20.2.2. LWP::Simple (Perl in a Nutshell)
Mail::Internet module: 16.2.5. Mail::Internet Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
Net::NNTP module: 17.2.2. Net::NNTP Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
head( ) (LWP::Simple): 20.7.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
=head2 command (pod): 4.13.1. Paragraph Tags (Perl in a Nutshell)
HEAD method: 19.0.2. Behind the Scenes (Perl Cookbook)
=head2 pod directive: 12.16.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
HEAD request
link-checking spider example: 12.3.3. HEAD Response Processing (Perl & LWP)
spider link-checking example and: 12.3.1. The Basic Spider Logic (Perl & LWP)
header( ): 3.5.3. Headers (Perl & LWP)
CGI.pm module: 10.7. CGI.pm Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Headers module: 20.3.3. HTTP::Headers (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Message module: 20.3.8. HTTP::Message (Perl in a Nutshell)
header files: Glossary (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
(see also modules)
headerCget method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
headerConfigure method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
headerCreate method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
headerDelete method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
headerExists method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
headerfy program (example): 6.6.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
headers: 11.2. Adding Extra Request Header Lines (Perl & LWP)
HTTP requests: 2.2.1. Request (Perl & LWP)
HTTP responses: 2.2.2. Response (Perl & LWP)
Referer header value: 11.2.2. Referer (Perl & LWP)
WWW-Authentication: 11.3. Authentication (Perl & LWP)
headers, format names: 7.2. Footers (Programming Perl)
headers, HTTP: 20.3.3. HTTP::Headers (Perl in a Nutshell)
headerSize method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
headline detector, Netscape imitator: 11.2.1. Pretending to Be Netscape (Perl & LWP)
height method: 13.9.5. Actual Height (Mastering Perl/Tk)
17.2. Methods Common to All Image Types (Mastering Perl/Tk)
-height option
Button widgets and: 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Canvas widgets and: 9.5.3. Canvas Widget Option List (Mastering Perl/Tk)
createWindow method and: 9.6.9. The Widget Item (Mastering Perl/Tk)
default value: 4.13. Changing the Size of a Button (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Frame and Toplevel widgets: 11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Label widgets and: 5.1.2. Label Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Listbox widgets and: 7.2. Listbox Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Menubutton widgets: 12.4.1. Menubutton Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
place geometry manager: 21.2.3. The place Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
place method and: 2.1.1. Options for pack (Mastering Perl/Tk)
2.3.1. place Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
postscript method and: 9.18. Rendering the Canvas as PostScript (Mastering Perl/Tk)
syntax: 4.13. Changing the Size of a Button (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Text widgets and: 8.2. Text Widget Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
8.2.2. Widget Size (Mastering Perl/Tk)
widgets: 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options (Perl in a Nutshell)
hello( ) (Net::SMTP): Net::SMTP methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
Hello World example: 1.4. Hello World Example (Mastering Perl/Tk)
2.1.2. Positioning Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
`Hello, world' program: 1.4.1. A Simple Program (Learning Perl)
HELO command (SMTP): 16.1.2. The SMTP Protocol and the SMTP Session (Perl in a Nutshell)
documentation conventions: 0.4.3. Documentation Conventions (Perl Cookbook)
Perl references: 0.3. Other Books (Perl Cookbook)
pod documentation for modules: 12.16.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
sorting =head1 sections: 15.19. Program: tkshufflepod (Perl Cookbook)
web references: 19.0.5. Web-Related Resources (Perl Cookbook)
help Label: 5.1.2. Label Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Help menubutton: 12.1.5. Menubars (Mastering Perl/Tk)
help( ) (Net::SMTP): Net::SMTP methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
helper modules: 9.2. XML::RSS (Perl & XML)
here documents: 1.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
B.8.2. Here documents (Learning Perl)
2.6.6. "Here" Documents (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
end-of-file: Glossary (Programming Perl)
indentation of: 2.6.6. "Here" Documents (Programming Perl)
indenting: 1.11.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
semicolon (;), omitting trailing: 24.1.1. Universal Blunders (Programming Perl)
hex( ): 5. Function Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
2.16.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
29.2.73. hex (Programming Perl)
hexadecimal: Glossary (Programming Perl)
converting numbers to: 5.2.3. The s/// Operator (Substitution) (Programming Perl)
hexadecimal character entities: 2.5. Entities (Perl & XML)
hexadecimal characters: 2.6.1. Numeric Literals (Programming Perl)
hexadecimal literals: 2.2.4. Nondecimal Integer Literals (Learning Perl)
hexadecimal numbers: 2.16.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
29.2.73. hex (Programming Perl)
character numbers, specifying as: 5.3.2. Specific Characters (Programming Perl)
hexdigest( )
Digest modules: 8.57. Digest (Perl in a Nutshell)
Digest::MD5 module: 8.58. Digest::MD5 (Perl in a Nutshell)
hidden( ): 19.12.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
(CGI.pm): 10.7. CGI.pm Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
hide method: 18.4.2. HList Methods (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Hietaniemi, Jarkko: 2.1. The CPAN Architecture (Perl in a Nutshell)
high-level programming languages: 1.2.1. Why Didn't Larry Just Use Some Other Language? (Learning Perl)
1.2.2. Is Perl Easy or Hard? (Learning Perl)
high-precision numbers: B.9.3. Large and High-Precision Numbers (Learning Perl)
high-resolution timers: 3.9.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
highlight rectangle
-takefocus option and: 5.1.2. Label Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
focus on: 7.2. Listbox Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Listbox color selection and: 7.2. Listbox Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
-highlightbackground option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options (Perl in a Nutshell)
-highlightcolor option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options (Perl in a Nutshell)
-highlightthickness option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options (Perl in a Nutshell)
Hilton, Brand: 19.6. Polling Win32 Sockets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
hints, compiler: 28.2. Special Variables in Alphabetical Order (Programming Perl)
history, command: 20.1. Using the Debugger (Programming Perl)
history of Perl: 27.1. History Made Practical (Programming Perl)
history.db file, grepping: 14.11. Program: ggh—Grep Netscape Global History (Perl Cookbook)
hiweb program (example): 19.1.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
HList widget
features: 18. A Tk Interface Extension Tour (Mastering Perl/Tk)
18.4. The HList Family of Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Listbox alternatives and: 7. The Listbox Widget (Mastering Perl/Tk)
scrollbars and: 6.1. Defining Scrollbar Parts (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Holtry, Frank: 22.2. The PerlPlus Browser Plug-in (Mastering Perl/Tk)
22.2.3. How You Can Contribute to the PerlPlus Plug-in Project (Mastering Perl/Tk)
home directory: 12.1. Moving Around the Directory Tree (Learning Perl)
29.2.9. chdir (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
home page, Perl: 0.6.1. Perl on the Web (Programming Perl)
HOME variable: 3.3. Environment Variables (Perl in a Nutshell)
19.2. Environment Variables (Programming Perl)
20.1.2. Tk::Receive (Mastering Perl/Tk)
hopdelta program: 3.11. Program: hopdelta (Perl Cookbook)
Hopkins, Don: 12.8. Pie Menus (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Hopwell, Grant: Win32::Process and shared memory (Mastering Perl/Tk)
host( ): 4.1. Parsing URLs (Perl & LWP)
Mail::Address module: 16.2.6. Parse Email Addresses with Mail::Address (Perl in a Nutshell)
16.2.7. Mail::Address Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
URI::URL module: 20.5.3. URI::URL (Perl in a Nutshell)
host, display notification and: 11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
hostname function: B.5.10. The Sys::Hostname Module (Learning Perl)
hostname, obtaining your own: 17.8.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
getting from network addresses: 29.2.47. gethostbyaddr (Programming Perl)
Sys::Hostname module: 32.1.7. Operating System Interfaces (Programming Perl)
translating to addresses: 29.2.48. gethostbyname (Programming Perl)
29.2.52. getnetbyname (Programming Perl)
hostpath (IO::Socket::UNIX): 15.2.5. IO::Socket::UNIX Reference (Perl in a Nutshell)
hosts: Glossary (Programming Perl)
hosts file (see /etc/hosts file)
hosts (remote), checking for reachability: 32.1.8. Networking and Interprocess Communication (Programming Perl)
host_wait( ) (LWP::RobotUA): 20.2.1. LWP::RobotUA Sections (Perl in a Nutshell)
HotKey module: 15.8.3. Description (Perl Cookbook)
hours (see date and time)
household appliances, Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)
h2ph tool: 12.14.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
HREF fields, substitutions for: 20.15. Program: hrefsub (Perl Cookbook)
hrefsub program (example): 20.15. Program: hrefsub (Perl Cookbook)
HTML: 2. Web Basics (Perl & LWP)
CGI module, generation of: 32.1.9. World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
code, producing nicely formatted: 32.1.9. World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
comments, HTML structure: 6.2.8. Use Multiple Steps (Perl & LWP)
converting ASCII to/from: 20.4.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
debugging: 3.5.6. Debugging (Perl & LWP)
documents, relative URLs: 3.5.5. Base for Relative URLs (Perl & LWP)
extracting tags: 20.6.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
extracting URLs from: 20.3. Extracting URLs (Perl Cookbook)
finding stale/fresh links: 20.7.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
formatting, shortcuts in CGI.pm: 19.7.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
links, extracting from remote files: 6.6. Example: Extracting Linksfrom Arbitrary HTML (Perl & LWP)
meta tags: 3.4.8. Advanced Methods (Perl & LWP)
parsing: 1.5.3. Parsing HTML (Perl & LWP)
Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)
pod files, converting to: 32.1.16. Documentation Support (Programming Perl)
putting links around URLs: 6.21. Program: urlify (Perl Cookbook)
templates: 20.9.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
text substitutions: 20.14. Program: htmlsub (Perl Cookbook)
HTML documents: 8. The Text, TextUndo,and ROText Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
HTML entities, decode_entities( ): 7.2.3. Text Tokens (Perl & LWP)
HTML forms: 19.0.4. HTML and Forms (Perl Cookbook)
automating submission: 20.2.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
data extraction: 5.2.2. GETting a query_form( ) URL (Perl & LWP)
elements: 5.1. Elements of an HTML Form (Perl & LWP)
file opening: 5.4.9. File Selection Elements (Perl & LWP)
option element: 5.4.11. Select Elements and Option Elements (Perl & LWP)
saving/mailing: 19.13.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
select element: 5.4.11. Select Elements and Option Elements (Perl & LWP)
sticky widgets: 19.11.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
textarea element: 5.4.10. Textarea Elements (Perl & LWP)
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): 2.1. A Brief History of XML (Perl & XML)
converting: 2.12. Transformations (Perl & XML)
8.3. XSLT (Perl & XML)
10.3. Converting XML to HTML with XSLT (Perl & XML)
tags, generating with CGI.pm: 10.1. HTML Tag Generation (Perl in a Nutshell)
translating pod to: 4.13.3. Pod Utilities (Perl in a Nutshell)
8.174. Pod::Html (Perl in a Nutshell)
well-formed documents and: 3.1. XML Parsers (Perl & XML)
:html method groups: 10.2. Importing Method Groups (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML modules: 20.4. The HTML Modules (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML::Element module: 20.4.3. HTML::Element (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML::FormatPS module: 20.4.5. HTML::FormatPS (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML::FormatText module: 20.4.6. HTML::FormatText (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML::Parser module: 20.4. The HTML Modules (Perl in a Nutshell)
20.4.1. HTML::Parser (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML::TreeBuilder module: 20.4.4. HTML::TreeBuilder (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTML::Element: 9. HTML Processing with Trees (Perl & LWP)
attributes, changing: 10.1. Changing Attributes (Perl & LWP)
detach_content( ) method: 10.3.1. The detach_content( ) Method (Perl & LWP)
element creation: 10.5. Creating New Elements (Perl & LWP)
images, deleting: 10.2. Deleting Images (Perl & LWP)
literals: 10.5.1. Literals (Perl & LWP)
creating from lists: 10.5.2. New Nodes from Lists (Perl & LWP)
deleting: 10.2. Deleting Images (Perl & LWP)
detaching/reattaching: 10.3. Detaching and Reattaching (Perl & LWP)
pseudoelements: 10.4.2. Accessing Comments (Perl & LWP)
replace_with( ) method constraints: 10.3.2. Constraints (Perl & LWP)
HTML::Entities module: 20.4.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
HTML::FormatText module: 20.5.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
HTML::LinkExtor module: 20.3. Extracting URLs (Perl Cookbook)
HTML::Parser: 6.4. When Regular Expressions Aren't Enough (Perl & LWP)
htmlsub program (example): 20.14. Program: htmlsub (Perl Cookbook)
HTML::TokeParser: 6.4. When Regular Expressions Aren't Enough (Perl & LWP)
7. HTML Processing with Tokens (Perl & LWP)
as filter: 7.3.2. HTML Filters (Perl & LWP)
methods: 7.5. More HTML::TokeParser Methods (Perl & LWP)
New York Times cookie example: 11.1.4. Cookies and the New York Times Site (Perl & LWP)
streams and: 7.2. Basic HTML::TokeParser Use (Perl & LWP)
HTML::TreeBuilder: 6.4. When Regular Expressions Aren't Enough (Perl & LWP)
9.2. HTML::TreeBuilder (Perl & LWP)
20.5.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
BBC News headline extraction: 9.4. Example: BBC News (Perl & LWP)
cleanup: 9.2.4. Cleanup (Perl & LWP)
comment access: 10.4.2. Accessing Comments (Perl & LWP)
constructors: 9.2.1. Constructors (Perl & LWP)
dump( ) method: 9.2. HTML::TreeBuilder (Perl & LWP)
Fresh Air data extraction example: 9.5. Example: Fresh Air (Perl & LWP)
parse( ) method: 9.2. HTML::TreeBuilder (Perl & LWP)
parsing options: 9.2.2. Parse Options (Perl & LWP)
searches: 9.3.1. Methods for Searching the Tree (Perl & LWP)
store_comments( ): 10.4.1. Retaining Comments (Perl & LWP)
whitespace: 10.1.1. Whitespace (Perl & LWP)
cookies, setting and getting: 32.1.9. World Wide Web (Programming Perl)
Perl modules for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)
HTTP Basic Authentication: 11.3. Authentication (Perl & LWP)
HTTP, debugging exchanges in: 19.9.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
HTTP GET query: 2.5. Example: AltaVista (Perl & LWP)
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): 2. Web Basics (Perl & LWP)
2.2. An HTTP Transaction (Perl & LWP)
22.1. Library for WWW Access in Perl (Mastering Perl/Tk)
links, searching for: 1.7. Regular Expressions (Programming Perl)
request messages: 20.1. LWP Overview (Perl in a Nutshell)
Win32::Internet functions for: 22.7.3. HTTP Functions (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP methods: 19.0.2. Behind the Scenes (Perl Cookbook)
19.1.3. Discussion (Perl Cookbook)
HTTP modules
HTTP::Cookies module: 20.3.6. HTTP::Cookies (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape module: HTTP::Cookies::Netscape (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Daemon module: 20.3.7. HTTP::Daemon (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn module: HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Date module: 20.3.5. HTTP::Date (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Headers module: 20.3.3. HTTP::Headers (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Message module: 20.3.8. HTTP::Message (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Request module: 20.1. LWP Overview (Perl in a Nutshell)
20.3.1. HTTP::Request (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Response module: 20.1. LWP Overview (Perl in a Nutshell)
20.3.2. HTTP::Response (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Status module: 20.3.4. HTTP::Status (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP POST query: 2.6. HTTP POST (Perl & LWP)
Babelfish example: 2.7. Example: Babelfish (Perl & LWP)
HTTP requests: 2.2.1. Request (Perl & LWP)
HTTP responses: 2.2.2. Response (Perl & LWP)
HTTP URLs: 2.1. URLs (Perl & LWP)
HTTP( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.1. General Internet Methods (Perl in a Nutshell)
HTTP::Cookies: 11.1.2. Loading Cookies from a File (Perl & LWP)
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape class: 11.1.2. Loading Cookies from a File (Perl & LWP)
HTTP::Response class: 3.1. The Basic Classes (Perl & LWP)
HTTP::Response object: 3.5. HTTP::Response Objects (Perl & LWP)
content: 3.5.2. Content (Perl & LWP)
expiration times: 3.5.4. Expiration Times (Perl & LWP)
header values: 3.5.3. Headers (Perl & LWP)
hubris: Glossary (Programming Perl)
HV (internal hash value): 21.2. Internal Data Types (Programming Perl)
Glossary (Programming Perl)
HWND (window handle), -use option and: 11.3. Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
h2xs: 22.3. Creating CPAN Modules (Programming Perl)
12.8.2. Solution (Perl Cookbook)
12.15.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
21.3.1. XS and XSUBs (Programming Perl)
21.3.2. Creating Extensions (Programming Perl)
hyperlinks: 9.0. Introduction (Perl Cookbook)
stale/fresh: 20.7.1. Problem (Perl Cookbook)
binding and: 8.5.6. Using bind with Tags (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Text widgets and: 8. The Text, TextUndo,and ROText Widgets (Mastering Perl/Tk)
user interface example: 19.3.1. Creating the Hypertext User Interface (Mastering Perl/Tk)
Hypertext Markup Language (see HTML)
hyphen (-)
in [...] construct: 4.6.4. Character Classes (Perl in a Nutshell)
in PYX notation: 4.5. XML::PYX (Perl & XML)
arithmetic negation operator: 4.5.2. Unary Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
as index modifier: 8.4.2. Index Modifiers (Mastering Perl/Tk)
configuration parameters and: 1.3.3. Specifying Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
1.3.3. Specifying Options (Mastering Perl/Tk)
grid geometry manager placeholder: 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager (Perl in a Nutshell)
grid method and: 2.1.1. Options for pack (Mastering Perl/Tk)
2.2.1. Special Characters (Mastering Perl/Tk)
indicating standard input stream: 6.2. Input from the Diamond Operator (Learning Perl)
Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands (Perl in a Nutshell)
setPalette method and: 13.4.5. Setting Colors (Mastering Perl/Tk)
specifying range of characters: 8.1. Character Classes (Learning Perl)
Text widgets and -- option: 8.16. Marks (Mastering Perl/Tk)
-> (arrow) operator: 4.5.1. The Arrow Operator (Perl in a Nutshell)
dereferencing with: Arrow dereferencing (Perl in a Nutshell)
-= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators (Perl in a Nutshell)
-- (autodecrement) operator: 4.5.5. Autoincrement and Autodecrement (Perl in a Nutshell)
hyphenating text, Perl module for: 22.1. The CPAN modules Directory (Programming Perl)

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