7.2. DOM Class Interface Reference
Since DOM
is becoming the interface of choice in the Perl-XML world, it
deserves more elaboration. The following sections describe class
interfaces individually, listing their properties, methods, and
intended purposes.
The DOM specification calls for UTF-16 as the standard encoding.
However, most Perl implementations assume a UTF-8 encoding. Due to
limitations in Perl, working with characters of lengths other than 8
bits is difficult. This will change in a future version, and
encodings like UTF-16 will be supported more readily.
7.2.1. Document
The Document class controls
the overall document, creating new objects when requested and
maintaining high-level information such as references to the document
type declaration and the root element. Properties
Document Type Declaration (DTD).
- documentElement
The root element of the document. Methods
- createElement, createTextNode, createComment, createCDATASection, createProcessingInstruction, createAttribute, createEntityReference
Generates a new node object.
- createElementNS, createAttributeNS (DOM2 only)
Generates a new element or attribute node object with a specified
namespace qualifier.
- createDocumentFragment
Creates a container object for a document's subtree.
- getElementsByTagName
Returns a NodeList of all elements having a given tag name at any
level of the document.
- getElementsByTagNameNS (DOM2 only)
Returns a NodeList of all elements having a given namespace qualifier
and local name. The asterisk character (*) matches any element or any
namespace, allowing you to find all elements in a given namespace.
- getElementById (DOM2 only)
Returns a reference to the node that has a specified ID attribute.
- importNode (DOM2 only)
Creates a new node that is the copy of a node from another document.
Acts like a "copy to the clipboard"
operation for importing markup.
7.2.2. DocumentFragment
The DocumentFragment class
is used to contain a document fragment. Its children are (zero or
more) nodes representing the tops of XML trees. This class contrasts
with Document, which has at most one child
element, the document root, plus metadata like the document type. In
this respect, DocumentFragment's
content is not well-formed, though it must obey the XML well-formed
rules in all other respects (no illegal characters in text, etc.)
No specific methods or properties are defined; use the generic node
methods to access data.
7.2.3. DocumentType
This class contains all the information contained
in the document type declaration at the beginning of the document,
except the specifics about an external DTD. Thus, it names the root
element and any declared entities or notations in the internal
No specific methods are defined for this class, but the properties
are public (but read-only). Properties
- name
The name of the root element.
- entities
A NamedNodeMap of entity declarations.
- notation
A NamedNodeMap of notation declarations.
- internalSubset (DOM2 only)
The internal subset of the DTD represented as a string.
- publicId (DOM2 only)
The external subset of the DTD's public identifier.
- systemId (DOM2 only)
The external subset of the DTD's system identifier.
7.2.4. Node
All node types inherit from the class
Node. Any properties or methods common to all
node types can be accessed through this class. A few properties, such
as the value of the node, are undefined for some
node types, like Element. The generic methods of
this class are useful in some programming contexts, such as when
writing code that processes nodes of different types. At other times,
you'll know in advance what type
you're working with, and you should use the specific
class's methods instead.
All properties but nodeValue and
prefix are read-only. Properties
- nodeName
A property that is defined for elements, attributes, and entities. In
the context of elements this property would be the
tag's name.
- nodeValue
A property defined for attributes, text nodes, CDATA nodes, PIs, and
- nodeType
One of the following types of nodes: Element,
Attr, Text,
CDATASection, EntityReference,
Entity, ProcessingInstruction,
Comment, Document,
DocumentType, DocumentFragment,
or Notation.
- parentNode
A reference to the parent of this node.
- childNodes
An ordered list of references to children of this node (if any).
- firstChild, lastChild
References to the first and last of the node's
children (if any).
- previousSibling, nextSibling
The node immediately preceding or following this one, respectively.
- attributes
An unordered list (NamedNodeMap) of nodes that are
attributes of this one (if any).
- ownerDocument
A reference to the object containing the whole document -- useful
when you need to generate a new node.
- namespaceURI (DOM2 only)
A namespace URI if this node has a namespace prefix; otherwise it is
- prefix (DOM2 only)
The namespace prefix associated with this node. Methods
- insertBefore
Inserts a node before a reference child element.
- replaceChild
Swaps a child node with a new one you supply, giving you the old one
in return.
- appendChild
Adds a new node to the end of this node's list of
- hasChildNodes
True if there are children of this node; otherwise, it is false.
- cloneNode
Returns a duplicate copy of this node. It provides an alternate way
to generate nodes. All properties will be identical except for
parentNode, which will be undefined, and
childNodes, which will be empty. Cloned elements
will all have the same attributes as the original. If the argument
deep is set to true, then the node and all its
descendants will be copied.
- hasAttributes (DOM2 only)
Returns true if this node has defined attributes.
- isSupported (DOM2 only)
Returns true if this implementation supports a specific feature.
7.2.5. NodeList
This class is a container for an ordered list
of nodes. It is "live," meaning
that any changes to the nodes it references will appear in the
document immediately. Properties
- length
Returns an integer indicating the number of nodes in the list. Methods
- item
Given an integer value n, returns a
reference to the nth node in the list,
starting at zero.
7.2.6. NamedNodeMap
This unordered set of nodes is designed to
allow access to nodes by name. An alternate access by index is also
provided for enumerations, but no order is implied. Properties
- length
Returns an integer indicating the number of nodes in the list. Methods
- getNamedItem, setNamedItem
Retrieves or adds a node using the node's
nodeName property as the key.
- removeNamedItem
Takes a node with the specified name out of the set and returns it.
- item
Given an integer value n, returns a
reference to the nth node in the set. Note
that this method does not imply any order and is provided only for
unique enumeration.
- getNamedItemNS (DOM2 only)
Retrieves a node based on a namespace-qualified name (a namespace
prefix and local name).
- removeNamedItemNS (DOM2 only)
Takes an item out of the list and returns it, based on its
namespace-qualified name.
- setNamedItemNS (DOM2 only)
Adds a node to the list using its namespace-qualified name.
7.2.7. CharacterData
This class extends Node to
facilitate access to certain types of nodes that contain character
data, such as Text,
CDATASection, Comment, and
ProcessingInstruction. Specific classes like
Text inherit from this class. Properties
- data
The character data itself.
- length
The number of characters in the data. Methods
- appendData
Appends a string of character data to the end of the
data property.
- substringData
Extracts and returns a segment of the data
property from offset to
offset + count.
- insertData
Inserts a string inside the data property at the
location given by offset.
- deleteData
Sets the data property to an empty string.
- replaceData
Changes the contents of data property with a new
string that you provide.
7.2.8. Element
This is the most common type of node you will encounter. An
element can contain other nodes and has attribute nodes. Properties
- tagname
The name of the element. Methods
- getAttribute, getAttributeNode
Returns the value of an attribute, or a reference to the attribute
node, with a given name.
- setAttribute, setAttributeNode
Adds a new attribute to the element's list or
replaces an existing attribute of the same name.
- removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode
Returns the value of an attribute and removes it from the
element's list.
- getElementsByTagName
Returns a NodeList of descendant elements who
match a name.
- normalize
Collapses adjacent text nodes. You should use this method whenever
you add new text nodes to ensure that the structure of the document
remains the same, without erroneous extra children.
- getAttributeNS (DOM2 only)
Retrieves an attribute value based on its qualified name (the
namespace prefix plus the local name).
- getAttributeNodeNS (DOM2 only)
Gets an attribute's node by using its qualified
- getElementsByTagNamesNS (DOM2 only)
Returns a NodeList of elements among this
element's descendants that match a qualified name.
- hasAttribute (DOM2 only)
Returns true if this element has an attribute with a given name.
- hasAttributeNS (DOM2 only)
Returns true if this element has an attribute with a given qualified
- removeAttributeNS (DOM2 only)
Removes and returns an attribute node from this
element's list, based on its namespace-qualified
- setAttributeNS (DOM2 only)
Adds a new attribute to the element's list, given a
namespace-qualified name and a value.
- setAttributeNodeNS (DOM2 only)
Adds a new attribute node to the element's list with
a namespace-qualified name.
7.2.9. Attr Properties
- name
The attribute's name.
- specified
If the program or the document explicitly set the attribute, this
property is true. If it was set in the DTD as a default and not reset
anywhere else, then it will be false.
- value
The attribute's value, represented as a text node.
- ownerElement (DOM2 only)
The element to which this attribute belongs.
7.2.10. Text Methods
- splitText
Breaks the text node into two adjacent text nodes, each with part of
the original text content. Content in the first node is from the
beginning of the original up to, but not including, a character whose
position is given by offset. The second
node has the rest of the original node's content.
This method is useful for inserting a new element inside a span of
7.2.11. CDATASection
CDATA Section is like a text
node, but protects its contents from being parsed. It may contain
markup characters (<, &) that would be illegal in text nodes.
Use generic Node methods to access data.
7.2.12. ProcessingInstruction Properties
- target
The target value for the node.
- data
The data value for the node.
7.2.13. Comment
This is a class representing comment nodes. Use the
generic Node methods to access the data.
7.2.14. EntityReference
This is a reference to an entity defined by an
Entity node. Sometimes the parser will be
configured to resolve all entity references into their values for
you. If that option is disabled, the parser should create this node.
No explicit methods force resolution, but some actions to the node
may have that side effect.
7.2.15. Entity
This class provides access to an entity in the document, based on
information in an entity declaration in the DTD. Properties
- publicId
A public identifier for the resource (if the entity is external to
the document).
- systemId
A system identifier for the resource (if the entity is external to
the document).
- notationName
If the entity is unparsed, its notation reference is listed here.
7.2.16. Notation
Notation represents a notation declaration
appearing in the DTD. Properties
- publicId
A public identifier for the notation.
- systemId
A system identifier for the notation.
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