
Table of Contents

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Obtaining Documentation
Support for Cisco Interface Specifications and APIs
Obtaining Technical Assistance



This guide is written for personnel responsible for configuring and maintaining the Building Broadband Service Manager (BBSM). The guide explains how to configure and define specific characteristics for BBSM networks. After BBSM has been configured, it is ready to be used at each site.


The purpose of this guide is to help configure BBSM for operation on a site-by-site basis. During daily operation, BBSM uses the information provided during configuration to recognize the sites, ports, switches, and other related network equipment. The result allows service providers to offer Internet services on a port-by-port basis.

Note   Note that the term customer refers to the individual or organization that purchased BBSM. The term end user refers to the service provider's or property owner's customer that is accessing the Internet through the BBSM system.


This guide is organized into the following chapters and appendixes.

Chapter/Appendix Description
No. Title



Lists the software features and deployment options of this release. It provides examples of how the BBSM server is integrated into a network.


Preconfiguration and Setup

Provides the necessary steps to prepare the BBSM system for configuration, including setting up a Site Controller.


Basic BBSM Configuration (WEBconfig)

Describes how to configure the BBSM server by using the WEBconfig feature accessed under the Administration section on the BBSM Dashboard.


Testing the PMS Interface (WEB PMS Test)

Describes how to test the PMS interface by using the WEB PMS Test feature accessed under the Administration section on the BBSM Dashboard.


Installing Service Packs, Patches, and Upgrades (WEBpatch)

Describes how to install service packs, patches, and upgrades by using the WEBpatch feature accessed under the Administration section on the BBSM Dashboard.


BBSM Operations

Describes the four functions under the Operations section of the BBSM Dashboard: Port Control, Map Rooms, Subscription Port Control, and Access Code Management.


Viewing and Printing BBSM Reports

Discusses the reporting options available from the BBSM Dashboard.


Customizing Your BBSM System

Describes the additional features and options of your BBSM system.


Web Printing

Explains how to add a web printing option for end users.


BBSM Basics

Describes the features and options that make up the BBSM architecture.


Using the BBSM Interfaces

Describes the two GUI interfaces—the BBSM Dashboard and WEBconfig—that are key to the configuring and using BBSM.


Installing an SSL Certificate

Describes how to acquire and install an SSL certificate to provide Internet security through the BBSM server.


Using RADIUS Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

Explains how to use RADIUS with the BBSM system.


Understanding Port Hopping

Describes port hopping as it applies to the BBSM system.


BBSD Feature

Describes the Building Broadband System Director (BBSD) feature.


Configuring a Laptop for Room Mapping

Explains how to configure your laptop so it can be used to map the room ports.


This publication uses the following conventions to convey instructions and information:

Notes and cautions use these conventions and symbols:

Note   This note symbol means take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.

Caution   This caution symbol means be careful. This action can result in equipment damage, loss of data, or interruption of service.

Related Publications

These documents provide complete information about the BBSM:

To ensure you have the latest information on BBSM, before installing, configuring, or upgrading the BBSM server, refer to the release notes on

Obtaining Documentation

These sections explain how to obtain documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

BBSM documentation is available from this website:

All release notes for BBSM 5.1 are located at the following URL:

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Obtaining Technical Assistance

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Cisco TAC Web Site

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Cisco TAC Escalation Center

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Posted: Fri Mar 7 14:33:32 PST 2003
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