
Table of Contents

Basic BBSM Configuration (WEBconfig)
Planning Your BBSM Software Configuration
Configuring the Initial Settings for Site 1
Adding BBSM Sites
Mapping Rooms and Port Testing
Completing the Configuration

Basic BBSM Configuration (WEBconfig)

Cisco recommends that you install the basic elements and features of the BBSM system before configuring the advanced options. This chapter covers the basic steps to ensure a successful configuration.

Caution   The configuration of your BBSM server is an intricate process that must be followed exactly to assure success. Before proceeding, be sure you have verified all the configuration considerations and completed all activities in "Preconfiguration and Setup." Failure to do so could result in a loss of data and delays and will most likely result in your server not working properly.

The following flowchart gives a sample diagram of the basic steps needed to configure a BBSM server for use.

Figure 3-1   BBSM Software Configuration Flowchart

Planning Your BBSM Software Configuration

The following simplified outline shows the basic procedures for configuring your BBSM system. You perform these procedures in WEBconfig, which is accessed from the dashboard (called Dashboard) on your BBSM server. The specific WEBconfig web page where the changes are made is shown in parentheses at the end of the procedure.

Note   For details on installing a customer-installed BBSM server or reinstalling the BBSM software, see the Cisco Building Broadband Service Manager and Director Installation Guide.

1. Establish the initial settings for Site 1.

    a. Enter the internal client IP addresses (BBSM Port IP Addresses).

    b. Enable Bandwidth Manager (BBSM Server).

    c. Configure the basic site information (BBSM Sites).

    d. If using a routed solution, enter the router information (BBSM Routers).

    e. Set up the switches for the site (BBSM Switches).

    f. If you have created a custom page set, input your page set name. (BBSM Page Sets). For additional information about modifying or creating custom page sets, refer to the Cisco BBSM SDK Developer Guide.

    g. Generate a port map (BBSM Port Map)

    h. Modify the port test settings (BBSM Port Tests).

    i. Configure any other items that apply to your configuration, such as the following:

· Configuring a credit card server (BBSM Server).

· Adding walled gardens (BBSM Walled Garden).

· Configuring RADIUS servers (RADIUS)—WLAN only.

· Configuring BBSM for port hopping (BBSM Port Map)—WLAN only.

    j. Map the rooms and test the ports.

2. Add and configure any additional sites.

    a. Establish the initial settings for the new site.

    b. Generate a port map for the new site (BBSM Port Map).

    c. Map the new site's rooms and test the ports.

3. Complete the BBSM configuration by addressing any special needs, such as the following:

    a. Configure a PMS connection for billing (BBSM Sites).

    b. If desired, enable local bill printing (BBSM Sites).

    c. Configure the call type (BBSM Call Types).

    d. Change the policies for special-use ports such as meeting rooms (BBSM Port Map).

Configuring the Initial Settings for Site 1

The first step in configuring a BBSM server is creating and setting up the primary site, called Site 1. You will use the WEBconfig interface to configure most of the settings.

Accessing the Dashboard and WEBconfig

The BBSM server is configured by using WEBconfig, which is located on the Dashboard. (The Dashboard can be accessed locally at the server or remotely.)

Note   BBSM web pages are accessed on port 9488 instead of the default web server port 80. This port is accessed by adding ":9488" after the BBSM server IP address or host name in the http request (for example, If you are on the internal BBSM network, you must activate a session to get access to these pages.

Accessing BBSM through Remote Access

This procedure describes how to access BBSM remotely. It can be run from the Internet or from inside the BBSM network.

Note   If you are accessing WEBconfig from within the local subnet, you can use a private IP address. If you are accessing it remotely through the Internet, BBSM's external NIC must have a one-to-one NAT to publicly routable IP addresses.

Step 1   Open Internet Explorer. If necessary, activate a session.

Step 2   In the IE browser Address field, enter http://<IP_address>:9488/www , where IP_address is one of the following:

Step 3   Enter the username and password. The Dashboard appears.

Step 4   Click WEBconfig. The WEBconfig screen appears, defaulted to the BBSM Port IP Addresses web page.

Accessing BBSM through Local Access

Use the following procedure for local access of the Dashboard from the BBSM console.

Step 1   On the desktop, double-click the BBSM Dashboard icon. The Dashboard appears. (You can also choose Start > BBSM Dashboard to access the dashboard.)

Step 2   Click WEBconfig. The WEBconfig screen appears, defaulted to the BBSM Port IP Addresses web page.

Entering Client IP Address Ranges

When you click WEBconfig on the Dashboard, the web page that appears is the BBSM Port IP Addresses web page. This is the starting point for configuring the BBSM server. (See Figure 3-2.) The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page can also be accessed by clicking the Port IPs button in WEBconfig. The IP addresses that BBSM accesses—end-user clients (DHCP and Foreign addresses) and network equipment (Management addresses)—are configured by using this web page.

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Figure 3-2   BBSM Port IP Addresses Web Page

Note   The Port IP configuration is a server-wide configuration. Only one Port IP configuration exists for each BBSM server. The BBSM external TCP/IP Properties fields are read only and cannot be changed. If these fields are incorrect, see Running the Address Change Wizard to change them.

Use the following procedure to configure the BBSM Port IP addresses.

Caution   Note that the external TCP/IP properties cannot be changed or updated in the Port IP Addresses web page. If the TCP/IP properties are not correctly set, BBSM will not function properly.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Enter the DHCP IP range, Foreign IP range, and Management IP range settings.

Step 3   Confirm that the BBSM TCP/IP Properties information is correct.

Step 4   Click Update.

Enabling the Bandwidth Manager

With BBSM, property managers and service providers can adjust policies to manage bandwidth on a per-port or per-site basis. To enable the bandwidth management by the BBSM server, you must enable the Bandwidth Manager feature. This option is located on the BBSM Server web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-3.)

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Figure 3-3   BBSM Server Web Page

Use the following procedure to configure the BBSM Server web page.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Server button. The BBSM Server web page appears.

Step 3   Under Network Configuration, check the Bandwidth Manager check box.

Step 4   Change default settings or add data to complete all applicable fields.

Step 5   Click Update.

Configuring BBSM Sites

You configure one or more BBSM sites by using the BBSM Sites web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-4.) You can also delete a site and its related stacks, port map, and call types by using this web page.

Caution   Be careful when modifying data on the BBSM Sites page. If you are creating a new site, be sure to change the site number. Otherwise, data for Site 1 can inadvertently be changed when you attempt to create Site 2.

Deleting site records on the Sites web page also deletes the related stacks, port maps, and call types. Creating port map information is very time consuming, because rooms must be manually mapped again.

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Figure 3-4   BBSM Sites Web Page

Note   If you need to edit the Operator Account or Report Account usernames or passwords, refer to your Windows documentation.

Be sure that the Athdmn service has been started if you are using a site controller to access PMS.

Use the following procedure to configure the BBSM Sites web page for the first site (Site 1).

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Sites button. Enter the new site number, then click on another field (or click tab). The Accounts Permissions Form appears. (See Figure 3-5.)

Figure 3-5   Accounts Permission Form

Step 3   Create the site Operator and Reports user groups and add the group users. (For additional information about user privileges, see the "User Groups and Permissions" section.)

    a. Enter the site's Operator Account group name and password. Retype the password.

    b. Enter the site's Report Account group name and password. Retype the password.

    c. Click Submit.

Step 4   Confirm that the Site Number is 1.

Step 5   Enter the correct Site 1 information based on the network topology being used:

    a. In the General section, enter the site identification information.

    b. If you are using web printing, in the Printing section, enter the printer information for Site 1.

Note    If the Printing fields are grayed out, KeyView Pro 6.5 has not been installed, and web printing will not work.

    c. If you are using credit card billing, in the Credit Card section, type in the Merchant ID number.

    d. In the Hotel Billing section, enter the appropriate hotel billing information.

Step 6   Click Update.

Configuring Routers

BBSM servers that are attached to routed networks can be configured by using the BBSM Routers web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-6.) Refer to your network configuration information for your particular network topology to complete the fields on this web page.

Note   For additional information about routed networks, see the "Routed Network" section. For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Figure 3-6   BBSM Routers Web Page

Use the following procedure to configure a BBSM router. To add additional routers to this site, make sure that they are physically installed before attempting to configure them.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Routers button. The BBSM Routers web page appears.

Step 3   In the BBSM Routers fields, enter the desired settings:

    a. In the Router Number field, enter the router number. Note that the BBSM server is always number zero (0). For this reason, to add router numbers for additional routers and for the fields on this web page to be configurable, a router number other than zero must be entered in this field; that is, not a BBSM server.

    a. Enter the IP addresses and the subnet mask.

    b. If you are using a router that supports SNMP, check the Router Supports SNMP check box.

    c. In the SNMP Password field, enter the password. Make sure the SNMP password matches the router SNMP community string. Note that certain restrictions apply when using Router Supports SNMP. See the "Restrictions When Using the Router Supports SNMP Feature" section.

    d. If BBSM is your DHCP server, check the Create DHCP Scope check box. If you are using another DHCP server or a router for DHCP, leave this check box unchecked.

Step 4   Click Update.

Configuring BBSM Switches and Switch Stacks

Network elements and any switch stacks for each site are configured by using the BBSM Switches web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-7.) Note that network elements can consist of hardware other than switches, because BBSM also supports wireless access points, DSL, and cable modems. (Note that a switch stack is a set of switches managed by the same IP address, and stackable switches are the switches that support the switch stack. Most switches are not stackable.)

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Figure 3-7   BBSM Switches Web Page

The IP address for a switch remains reserved even if the switch is disabled. If you need to reuse the IP address of a disabled switch for a different switch, be sure to change the IP address of the disabled switch temporarily; otherwise, you will not be able to update the WEBconfig database.

Most installations have two types of switches: a base switch with client switches connected to it and client switches for connections to client computers. Unused ports on the base switch can be used as client ports if the base switch is added to the BBSM Switches web page and the number of clients on the switch equals the number of client ports.

Use the following procedure to configure the BBSM switches and switch stacks. (If you need to make substantial changes to your switch configuration, contact the Cisco TAC. See the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section in the Preface to this user guide.)

Note   For your future reference, we recommend that you print out all of the web page screens (if possible) or write down the information as you enter the network elements and/or switch stacks.

The procedure assumes that the switches are physically connected to the server and that the site number indicates the site number being configured.

Use the following procedure to configure each BBSM switch.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Switches button. The BBSM Switches web page appears.

Step 3   For each site, configure the switches and switch stacks.

Step 4   For each site, enter a unique stack number for each switch stack.

Step 5   In the SNMP Password field, note that SNMP community string (password) matches the SNMP Read/Write Community String password for the switch. All switches that share the same stack; that is, matrixed switches, must be installed with the same password.

Caution   We strongly recommend that you change the default passwords for the switches and for the BBSM server immediately. The default SNMP Read/Write Community String password that is configured in the switch hardware is well known and could be used to compromise network security.

Step 6   For all other applicable fields, change the default settings or add data.

Step 7   Click Update.

Generating a Port Map

The page sets and bandwidths that you want to associate with each room number or location can be specified by using the BBSM Port Map web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-8.) This data is used to populate the table that maps port IDs with the switch stacks and room numbers for a selected site.

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Figure 3-8   BBSM Port Map Web Page

Use the following procedure to specify the desired page sets and bandwidths.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Port Map button. The BBSM Port Map web page appears.

Step 3   If this is the first site, in the Site Number field, verify that the site number is 1.

Caution   Selecting the Clear Existing Port Map check box permanently removes all port data. Only select Clear Existing Port Map if you are creating a new site port map or completely replacing an existing one.

Step 4   If necessary, check the Clear Existing Port Map check box.

Step 5   In the First room number field, enter a placeholder room number.

Step 6   From the Page Set drop-down menu, select the desired page set. The initial BBSM page sets are provided as templates from which your web developer can create custom page sets. The default page set is DailyHotel.

Step 7   For wireless installations, check the Enable Port Hop check box.

Step 8   Click Generate. This generates a port map with port hopping enabled for all ports (in this case, the first site). (During the initial configuration, WEBconfig creates a port map with dummy room numbers to establish each port's initial settings.)

Step 9   To verify the port map entries, perform the following steps:

    a. In the upper right-hand corner of the web page, click Dashboard.

    b. Click Reporting Pages.

    c. Click Room Mappings. The mapped ports with dummy room numbers appear. (See Figure 3-9.)

Figure 3-9   Room Mappings (View List)

Step 10   To return to the Dashboard and continue configuring your system, in the upper right-hand corner of the web page, click Dashboard. The Dashboard appears.

Configuring the Port Test Parameters

Caution   Even if no changes are necessary, the WEBconfig Port Tests button must be clicked to populate the database and activate the port testing feature for room mapping.

To perform accurate port testing, network elements require different test parameters like the number of pings to transmit, interpacket delay, and echo data size, depending on the device type. These parameters are configured by using the BBSM Port Tests web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-10.) Because this test feature is hardware dependent, only the BBSM administrator has permission to perform these tests.

The test parameters can be configured per switch type in which all switch ports have the same test parameters.

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

The first four items shown on the web page were derived from the information entered on the BBSM Switches web page. To change any of these items, see "Configuring BBSM Switches and Switch Stacks" section.

Figure 3-10   BBSM Port Tests Web Page

Use the following procedure to configure the port test parameters.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Port Tests button.

Step 3   Use the navigation buttons to locate the switch you want to change.

Step 4   From the Switch Mode drop-down menu, select 10Mbps or higher.

Step 5   Click Update.

Configuring Optional System Settings

Depending on the type of deployment, certain other options and features might need configuring. Table 3-1 shows the optional features that can be configured.

Table 3-1   Optional Deployment Features

Deployment Feature


Walled gardens

Wireless hot spots


Credit card server

Configuring a Credit Card Server

When using credit card billing, a credit card authorization server must be selected and entered by using the BBSM Server web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-3.)

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Use the following procedure to configure credit card billing.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Server button. The BBSM Server web page appears.

Step 3   In the Billing Server Address field, enter the IP address for the credit card server.

Step 4   For the Backup Billing Server Address, leave this field blank, because this information is no longer needed in this release.

Step 5   In the Connect Timeout Seconds field, enter the desired number of seconds before the connection times out.

Step 6   From the Currency Type drop-down menu, select the local currency type. Note that the currency type that you select on the BBSM Server web page will be the designated currency type for the entire BBSM server.

Step 7   Click Update.

Step 8   Click the Sites button. The BBSM Sites web page appears.

Step 9   Under Credit Card Billing, in the Merchant ID field, enter the Merchant ID.

Step 10   Click Update.

Configuring Walled Gardens

The Walled Garden feature allows end users to view external websites before they agree to pay for the Internet service or before the system has authenticated them. The Walled Garden is essentially a "free zone" of Internet services that end users can always access. A network IP address and a network subnet mask define these Internet services in BBSM. The Walled Garden feature operates on a BBSM per-server basis.

A web page developer creates web pages with embedded links to free sites. These web pages represent the pages displayed to end users when the Walled Garden feature is in use before the end user clicks to be authorized for a pay service.

The pages can be grouped for all sites that BBSM services, or they can be designed to contain site-specific data. When the pages are site specific, you create a web page for each site where you have Walled Garden data.

Caution   Configuring too many Walled Garden sites can impact performance.

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

The path for each free site where walled garden pages are located and where end users are granted access is established by using BBSM Walled Garden web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-11.)

Figure 3-11   BBSM Walled Garden Web Page

Use the following procedure to configure the walled gardens.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Select the Walled Gardens button.

Step 3   In the Host Name field, enter the host name.

Step 4   In the Network Address field, enter the network address.

Step 5   In the Network Mask field, enter the network mask.

Step 6   Click Update.

Configuring RADIUS Servers

The BBSM server can operate as a RADIUS client, which allows BBSM clients and dial-up routers to be authenticated against a RADIUS server. RADIUS servers are often used to maintain username and password information for Internet service providers (ISPs). The RADIUS server options are configured by using the BBSM Servers web page in WEBconfig. (See Figure 3-12.)

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces." For additional information using RADIUS, see "Using RADIUS Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting."

Figure 3-12   RADIUS Servers Web Page

Use the following procedure to configure RADIUS.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Select the RADIUS Servers button.

Step 3   In the Server Name field, enter the RADIUS Server IP address or DNS name.

Step 4   In the Secret field, enter the password for the RADIUS server.

Step 5   In the Timeout field, enter the number of seconds that the BBSM server waits before attempting to access the RADIUS server a second or third time or before going to the next RADIUS server that is not responding. Note that BBSM will attempt to contact each RADIUS server three times before attempting to contact the next RADIUS server. The default for this setting is 5 seconds.

Caution   The IIS default ASP Script timeout period is 90 seconds. This timeout period is the number of seconds that the browser will attempt to access the Internet before timing out. This time period is important to note, because if you increase the RADIUS Servers Timeout period (in Step 5 above) and more than one RADIUS server is unavailable, the total time period during which BBSM attempts to contact the RADIUS servers may be greater than the timeout period for the browser itself. Then the browser will time out.

For example, if the timeout period set in Step 5 is 20 seconds and two RADIUS servers are not responding, BBSM attempts to contact the first RADIUS server three times within 60 seconds. If BBSM cannot contact the first RADIUS server, it tries to contact the second server three times, again within 60 seconds. However, because the timeout period for IIS is 90 seconds, the browser will time out before BBSM finishes searching for the second RADIUS server.

Step 6   In the Rank field, enter the order in which the BBSM server attempts to contact RADIUS servers to authenticate a user. The BBSM server contacts servers in ascending order of rank. The default is 30.

Step 7   Verify the other items as appropriate for your network configuration.

Step 8   Click Update.

Configuring BBSM for Port Hopping

Port hopping is enabled, configured, and enabled/disabled on a port basis, by using the WEBconfig web pages.

Note   For additional information about port hopping, see "Understanding Port Hopping."

If you are using BBSM page sets for the Subscription access service, enable or disable the Port Hop feature through the Subscription Port Control option on the Dashboard.

Use the following procedure to enable or disable port hopping for specific ports and configure the port hop delay.

Step 1   To enable or disable port hopping for specific ports, follow the steps below:

    a. On the Dashboard, click Port Control. The Port Control List web page appears.

    b. In the # column, click the desired port number. The Port Control Form web page appears.

    c. In the Enable Port Hop field, click the True or False radio button, as desired:

    d. Click Update to save the change.

Step 2   To configure the Port Hop Delay parameter, follow the steps below:

    a. From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

    b. Click the Sites button. The BBSM Sites button appears.

    c. In the Port Hop Delay (minutes) field, enter the number of desired minutes between 1 and 60 that BBSM will search for the end user after the user (active session) has been disconnected from the original port. If the user is not found within this time frame, the BBSM session is terminated. Note that the port hopping feature must be enabled. The default number of minutes is 20.

    d. Click Update to save the change.

Adding BBSM Sites

BBSM sites can be added by using the BBSM Sites web page in WEBconfig. After the site is created, the other WEBconfig web pages can be used to configure the site.

Note   When adding new sites on the BBSM Sites web page, type the new information over the old text in the fields and click Update.

Use the following procedure to add a new BBSM site.

Step 1   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Sites button. The BBSM Sites web page appears.

Step 3   In the Site Number field, enter the new site number.

Step 4   Press Tab. The WEBconfig - Accounts Permissions Form appears. (See Figure 3-5.)

Step 5   In the Operator Account Name field, enter the Operator account group name for this site.

Step 6   In the Operator Account Password field, enter the password for this site, then retype the password.

Step 7   In the Report Account Name field, enter the Report account group name for the site.

Step 8   In the Report Account Password field, enter the password for the site, then retype the password.

Step 9   Click Submit. The BBSM Sites web page reappears.

Step 10   Complete the appropriate data fields for the new site.

Step 11   Click Update.

Step 12   Using the appropriate WEBconfig web pages, configure the rest of the site parameters.

Mapping Rooms and Port Testing

During the initial configuration, WEBconfig creates a port map with dummy room numbers to establish initial settings for each port. Completing the procedures in this section allows you to replace the dummy room numbers in the port map with the actual room numbers and verify the connectivity to each room.

Verify that you have completed the following steps:

Caution   Before you can map the rooms, the switch mode must be set. See the "Configuring the Port Test Parameters" section.

Use the following procedure to map each room. Repeat the procedure until all of the ports have been mapped and tested.

Step 1   Connect a laptop to the in-room jack.

Step 2   Launch the web browser. You are redirected to the BBSM Connect page.

Step 3   Click Connect to be authenticated by the BBSM server.

Step 4   Access the Dashboard using the address http://<serverIP>:9488/www where <server IP> is the IP address of the BBSM server.

Step 5   Click Map Rooms. The Map Rooms web page appears. (See Figure 3-13.)

Figure 3-13   Map Rooms Web Page

Note    The first time you perform the room mapping procedure (enterroom.asp) on an installer's laptop, BBSM automatically installs AtBroadcast.exe, which is used to run the port tests. Follow the wizard to complete the installation.

Step 6   Enter the room number of the room port that you are mapping. (If you need to correct the room number, click Reset.)

Step 7   If the room being mapped is a meeting room and not a guest room, check the Is this a Meeting Room check box.

Step 8   Click Submit. A confirmation web page appears, indicating that the port was mapped correctly. (See Figure 3-14).

Note    If the room to port mapping failed, the port number will show ERROR rather than a valid port number. If this message appears, the current room-to-port mapping will not be changed.

Figure 3-14   Correctly Mapped Room Confirmation Web Page

Step 9   Click Port Test. Wait several seconds for the test to complete. A test confirmation web page appears, indicating that the test was successful. (See Figure 3-15.)

Note    Make sure the administrator has updated the Port Tests web page in WEBconfig. Otherwise, the test will fail.

Figure 3-15   Port Test Confirmation Web Page

Note    If the port test fails, repeat this step. If repeated attempts to map the ports fail, contact the Cisco TAC. See the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section in the Preface to this user guide.)

Step 10   When the port test is complete, click Disconnect.

Step 11   Close the browser.

Step 12   Disconnect from the in-room jack or BBSM connectivity device.

Completing the Configuration

After the rooms have been mapped, only the following procedures remain before the system is ready to use:

Configuring BBSM for Hotel Billing

This section explains how to configure your BBSM server for hotel property PMS or local billing for single or multiple sites. It also describes how to configure the PMS call type codes.

Whether you are using single or multiple sites, BBSM supports two types of property billing:

Note    If your PMS protocol is not supported, you can create a custom PMS module by using the BBSM SDK. For a list of the PMS modules that BBSM supports, see "Testing the PMS Interface (WEB PMS Test)." You can download the Cisco BBSM SDK software through See the following URL:

If you are using a multiple sites, the configuration is different from the configuration when using a single site:

Figure 3-16   BBSM Configuration for a Single Site

Figure 3-17   BBSM Configuration for a Multiple Sites

Use the following procedure to configure the BBSM server for hotel billing.

Step 1   Open a DOS window to clear any pending charges that may have been generated during room mapping.

    a. Type the following commands to display any pending hotel charges:

osql -E -d atdial (You will be at a 1> prompt.)
select * from pendinghotelsale

    b. Type the following commands to clear these charges:

delete from pendinghotelsale

Figure 3-18 shows an example of pending hotel charges and the DOS commands that are used to delete them.

Figure 3-18   DOS Commands for Deleting Pending Charges

Step 2   Start the Athdmn service. From the Windows task bar, choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services > athdmn. Click Play to start the service.

Note    For hotel billing using either a PMS or a local printer, the Athdmn service must be started to post charges to the PMS or the local printer. By default, the service is set to manual and is not started. The reason is that if the Athdmn service were started automatically, charges would accumulate when rooms are being mapped. (Charges also accumulate when the PMS or printer is offline so that charges are not lost.)

Step 3   From the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 4   Click the Sites button. The BBSM Sites web page appears.

Step 5   In the Hotel Billing section, make the desired billing selections, as described in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2   BBSM Sites, Hotel Billing Options

Option Description

Athdmn IP Address

Choose one of the following options:

  • If BBSM supports one site and the connection between BBSM and the PMS is a direct serial connection, leave this field blank. Athdmn is only used for remote connections through a site controller.
  • If BBSM supports multiple sites and the connection between BBSM is remote and uses site controllers, enter the IP address of the site controller where the hotel PMS interface software resides.

PMS Billing

If you are using PMS billing, check this check box.

PMS Protocol

If you are using PMS billing, selected the desired PMS protocol from the drop-down menu.

Print Billing

If you are using local billing (printing to a local printer), check this check box to print to a local printer. BBSM supports a serial, USB, or LAN connection.

Billing Printer

If you are using local billing, enter the printer name. Note that the printer name entered in this field must exactly match the default printer name as it is defined in the Printers folder for printing to work.

Step 6   Click Update.

Step 7   Click Dashboard in the upper right-hand corner. The Dashboard appears.

Step 8   If you are using PMS billing and you want to add, change, or delete PMS call types, follow the steps below. Note that you do not need to make any changes to the call types:

    a. Contact the hotel or the PMS integrator to find out what call types are defined for the PMS.

    a. On the BBSM server, from the Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

    b. Click the Call Types button. The BBSM Call Types web page appears. (See Figure 3-19.)

Figure 3-19   Call Types Web Page

Step 9   Configure the call types, based on the information shown in Table 3-3. Note that multiple call types can exist for the same site number; for example, A for Internet charges and W for web printing.

Table 3-3   BBSM Call Type Options

Option Description

Site Number

Enter the site number for the call type you want to add or change. The default site number is the "1."


For the existing call type code, keep the default description, which is the word "Default." As mentioned above, a default call type record is automatically created when a site record is created on the BBSM Sites web page. You can create a new call type description with a new call type code (letter). However, to change the name of the existing call type description from the word Default, you must change the name in the page set.

Call Type

Specify the one-letter call type code:

  • If you are not given another specific value to use with your hotel PMS, enter the letter "A," which is the default call type code. For information on changing page sets, refer to the Cisco BBSM SDK Developer Guide.
  • If the hotel PMS uses other codes, enter the one-letter values for them.

Step 10   Click Update.

BBSM Page Sets

BBSM ships with default page sets. These default web pages can be used to represent the Internet service that you are offering, or your web developers can create customized page sets by modifying the BBSM default web pages or creating entirely new web pages. The BBSM Page Sets web page specifies the location of the customized page sets that your web developers designed. (See Figure 3-20.)

Page sets are specified on a per-port basis. Any new page set name that you establish by using the BBSM Page Sets web page will appear in the list of page sets on the BBSM Port Map web page.

Note   For complete details and field descriptions, see "Using the BBSM Interfaces."

Caution   Before attempting to use a nonstandard (custom) page set, see the Cisco BBSM SDK Developer Guide. If needed, contact the Cisco TAC to be sure that your web page can be supported. See the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section in the Preface to this user guide.)

Figure 3-20   BBSM Page Sets Web Page Main Component

Posted: Fri Mar 7 14:40:44 PST 2003
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