
Table of Contents

Testing the PMS Interface (WEB PMS Test)
Verifying the BBSM-PMS Configuration
Testing the BBSM-to-PMS Interface
Testing the PMS Charge Posting

Testing the PMS Interface (WEB PMS Test)

This chapter discusses how to test the serial connection and delivery of data from the BBSM server to the PMS by using the WEB PMS Test feature accessed under the Administration feature on the BBSM Dashboard. Table 4-1 describes the WEB PMS Test web page options. Figure 4-1 shows the WEB PMS Test web page with an example Bell Hobic protocol output.

Table 4-1   WEB PMS Test Options

Option Description


Sends a test charge posting to the PMS.


In the WEB PMS Test web page data area, clears the contents of the "Dir," "Time UTC," and "Data" columns.

Config Data

Enables the Hotel Data area of the web page to become visible, which enables you to specify the data for a charge posting that you want to send to the PMS.

Config Proto

This feature is for internal use only. For additional information, contact the Cisco TAC. See the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section in the Preface to this user guide.

Config COM

Enables the COM Port Data of the web page to become visible, which enables you to specify the serial communication settings for the selected PMS protocol.

PMS Protocol

Selects the protocol used by your PMS. Possible drop-down menu selection values are BellHobic, Fidelio Serial, Hilton, and Xiox.


Commits the changes made to Config Data, Config Proto, or Config COM.

Note   For information on connecting BBSM to a PMS, see "Connecting to a PMS" section. For information on configuring the PMS connection, see "Configuring BBSM for Hotel Billing" section on.

Figure 4-1   WEB PMS Test Web Page

The following PMS systems are currently supported:

Verifying the BBSM-PMS Configuration

Check to make sure that all of the BBSM and PMS settings are correct.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Sites button.

Step 3   Verify that PMS Billing is checked.

Step 4   Click Call Types.

Step 5   Verify that the correct call type is entered for your vendor. (Note that the PMS vendor determines the call type settings.)

Testing the BBSM-to-PMS Interface

To ensure that your PMS is communicating clearly with the BBSM system, the interface between the BBSM server and the PMS interface must be tested before the system becomes operational.

Use the following procedure to set up the test parameters and send a simulated charge posting from BBSM to the PMS interface.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click WEB PMS Test. The WEB PMS Test web page appears.

Step 2   From the PMS Protocol drop-down menu, select the desired PMS protocol.

Step 3   Click Config COM. The COM Port Data area of the web page appears. (See Figure 4-2.)

Figure 4-2   COM Port Data Area of WEB PMS Test Web Page

Step 4   Configure the serial communication parameters according to the PMS vendor's hotel specifications.

Step 5   Click Update to view the changes.

Step 6   Click Config Data. The Hotel Data area of the web page appears. (See Figure 4-3.)

Figure 4-3   Updated Hotel PMS Data

Step 7   Configure the test charge posting data to be sent to the PMS.

Step 8   Click Update to view the changes.

Step 9   To test the BBSM to PMS interface, send a simulate posting a charge to PMS:

    a. Confirm that the selected PMS protocol is correct.

    b. To send a charge posting to the PMS, click Send. If the charge posts successfully, PMS protocol data specific to each kind of protocol appears in the data area of the web page. (See Figure 4-4.)

Figure 4-4   PMS Protocol Data Displayed

    c. To erase the contents of the Dir, Time (UTC), and Data columns, click Clear.

    d. Close the browser to exit the program.

Testing the PMS Charge Posting

To test the PMS configuration, two engineers need to work together to post a charge through the Internet from BBSM to the PMS. One engineer, the installation engineer, is located in a room on the property. The other engineer is located at the BBSM server to post an charge through the Internet from BBSM to the PMS.

Use the following procedure to run the test:

Step 1   In the room, the installation engineer performs the following steps:

    a. Connect a laptop with an Ethernet cable to the BBSM wall jack or Ethernet connection device in the room.

    b. Open Internet Explorer and connect to the Internet through the Connect screen.

Step 2   At the BBSM server, the BBSM engineer then performs the following steps:

    a. On the BBSM Dashboard, click Reporting Pages. A splash screen appears, followed by the BBSM Reporting web page.

    b. On the navigation bar, click Active Ports. The Active Ports web page appears. (See Figure 4-5.)

Figure 4-5   Active Ports Report

    c. Verify that the active port matches the room where the installation engineer is connected.

Step 3   In the room, the installation engineer performs the following steps:

    a. Disconnect from the Internet.

    b. If the "Thank You, You are disconnected" web page appears, but the port is still active, clear all the cached pages on the laptop and retry the disconnect.

Step 4   At the BBSM server, the BBSM engineer clicks Refresh and verifies the disconnection. The hotel charges should now post to the Hotel PMS.

Step 5   Ask the hotel staff to print out a copy of the PMS charge to the room. Then ask the hotel staff to delete the fake room charge.

Posted: Fri Mar 7 14:39:59 PST 2003
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