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BBSD Feature

BBSD Feature

The Building Broadband Service Director (BBSD) is a standalone feature module included with the BBSM software package. The BBSD software enables a central system in the data center to manage remote BBSM systems. The primary functions include backing up key BBSM system data, performing centralized reporting across a group of BBSM servers, and pushing BBSM web content pages (ASP files sometimes called BBSM page sets) across a group of BBSM servers in the field. BBSD stores BBSM server configuration data, which enables you to restore a BBSM server and provides an interface for sending minor software patches to BBSM Servers.

Note   The BBSD software should operate on a standalone server system in a secure central data center.

The Cisco BBSD package comes with a default database called Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE), which is adequate for evaluation purposes but is not intended for production BBSD environments. We recommend that you upgrade the BBSD system to use the full Microsoft SQL Server software prior to putting the system in a production mode.

Caution   When BBSM is installed, the user is prompted for a BBSD username and password. BBSM creates a Windows user account and an SQL Server login using this username and password. Both logins are required for BBSD to function. BBSD stores a username and password for each BBSM server. For the BBSD to connect to each BBSM server, the stored username and password must match both the Windows BBSD login and the SQL Server login on the BBSM server.

For complete information on setting up and configuring BBSD, see the Cisco Building Broadband Service Director Software Configuration Guide.

Posted: Fri Mar 7 15:04:12 PST 2003
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