
Table of Contents

BBSM Operations
Port Control
Mapping Rooms
Subscription Port Control
Access Code Management

BBSM Operations

The Operations section of the BBSM Dashboard allows you to view port data, perform port maintenance, change port assignments, and manage access codes on an operating BBSM server. The following four Operations options require administrator or operator privileges for access:

These options are described in the sections that follow.

Port Control

The Port Control web pages allow you to view port control data and perform port maintenance for all policies except for subscription policies. Port control information is displayed in either the List View format or the Form View format. The List View is the default format that is used to view the port information. The Form View is used to change the port information for a specific port. Note that administrator or operator privileges are required to access the Form View web pages.

Note   To use either of the port control web pages, you must first generate a port map.

Using the Port Control List View

The Port Control List View allows you to view the behavior of individual ports. It displays all the ports for a site in groups of ten.

Note   Information cannot be changed in List View. You must switch to Form View for editing.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click Port Control. The List View web page appears. (See Figure 6-1.)

Figure 6-1   Port Control List View Web Page

Step 2   Use the navigation buttons to scroll through the list until you find the desired entry.

Using the Port Control Form View

The BBSM port settings for access policies, except for a Subscription access policies, can be viewed and/or changed by using the Form View of the Port Control option, which is accessed on the BBSM Dashboard. The Form View displays the settings for a single port in a data entry form. It is accessed from the List View web page.

Note   Only those with administrator or operator privileges can access and use the Form View.

Use the following procedure to view and/or change the Port Control Form View data for each port.

Step 1   From the List View web page, click the desired port number (below the # column). The Port Control Form View web page appears. (See Figure 6-2.)

Caution   Before making any changes, be sure the Port ID and room number shown correspond to the port you want to change. If they do not, use the navigation buttons or the List View to find the correct port.

Figure 6-2   Port Control Form View Web Page

Step 2   In the Port Control Form fields, enter the appropriate information. (See Table 6-1.)

Table 6-1   Port Control Form View Descriptions

Field Description

Port ID

Unique number assigned to each port using the Switches web page. This number cannot be changed. The port ID incorporates the stack, switch, and port number on the switch. Usually recorded as xxxxyyyyzzzzz. Where xxxx is the stack, yyyy is the switch, and zzzzz is the port.

Uplink Port

Select True or False. Indicates whether or not the port is used as an uplink to another switch. BBSM ignores MAC addresses learned on uplink ports so that it does not report that clients are connected to these ports.

Room Number

Type the room number associated with this port. You can also enter text rather than a number.

Time of Last Sale

Enter the time of the last transaction on this port. You must use the standard time format. The BBSM server maintains this number. This field does not usually need to be changed.

Time of Last Configure

Enter the time of the last configuration changes made on this port. You must use the standard time format. The BBSM server maintains this number. This field does not usually need to be changed.

Start Authorized Period

Enter the start date and time of the interval during which the port is authorized for use if port is configured for Subscription page sets. Use the standard time format. Note that the default entry is the time that the port map was generated.

End Authorized Period

Enter the end date and time of the interval during which the port is authorized for use if port is configured for Subscription page sets. Use the standard time format. Note that the default entry is the time that the port map was generated.

Bandwidth Kbps

This field is only used with the Subscription and RADIUS access methods. When it is used, it specifies the bandwidth (in kbps) that the port uses if the bandwidth is not specified through the web page. The value is an integer from 1 to 2000000 (2 Gbps) or 0 to represent the maximum bandwidth available. The default entry is "0 Full."

Page Set

Select the desired page set. This field specifies the page set used by the site.

Start Page

The URL that the BBSM system client software displays at the start of the session. The user can click Connect to request access to the Internet. See the Start Page field on the Port Map web page for more details.

Enable Port Hop

Select True or False. Indicates whether or not a user is allowed to hop to another port.

Modem MAC Address

This field is used in cable modem or DSL installations. Type the physical Ethernet address of the modem that connects this port to the system. The BBSM server maintains this number.


Blank area for entering extra information concerning this port.

Step 3   Click Update. The Port Control update confirmation web page appears. (See Figure 6-3.)

Figure 6-3   Port Control Update Confirmation Web Page

Step 4   Click List View to return to the Port Control List.

Tip You can click Requery at any time to refresh the list.

Port Test

You can test the port using the information at the bottom of the Port Control Form View web page. (See Figure 6-4.)

The information at the bottom of the page shows the "Time of the last port test" and "Packet Loss" in the left column and the related information displayed in the right column. Below the table is the Port Test button. When you click this button, the port is tested and the results are shown in the table.

Note   A client must be active on the port for the port test to work.

Figure 6-4   Port Test Information on the Form View Web Page

Mapping Rooms

Room can be mapped or remapped by using the Map Rooms option under Operations on the BBSM Dashboard. This option is allows you to change port assignments for a room, meeting room, or public space. Because this option is part of the initial BBSM configuration, it is discussed in detail in the "Mapping Rooms and Port Testing" section.

Subscription Port Control

The Subscription Port Control option allows you to view port control data and/or perform maintenance for ports that are associated with a Subscription access policy. For access policies other than the Subscription access policy, use the Port Control option.

Using the Subscription Port Control option, you can obtain information to:

Subscription Port Control information is displayed in either List View format or Form View format. The List View is the default format and is used to view the port information. The Form View is used to change the port information on a specific port. Note that administrator or operator privileges are required to access the Form View web pages.

Note   To use either of the port control web pages, you must first generate a port map.

Using the Subscription Port Control List View

Subscription Port Control Lists are on a site basis and are used to view port information. It displays all the ports for a site using a subscription access policy in groups of ten.

Note   Information cannot be changed in List View. You must switch to Form View for editing.

Use the following procedure to view and/or change the Subscription Port Control List View data for each port.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click Subscription Port Control.

Step 2   If prompted, enter a valid user login and password. The Subscription Port Control List View web page appears. (See Figure 6-5.)

Figure 6-5   Subscription Port Control List View Web Page

Step 3   Use the navigation buttons to scroll through the list until you find the desired entry.

Using the Subscription Port Control Form View

The BBSM port settings for a Subscription access policy can be viewed and/or changed by using the Form View of the Subscription Port Control option, which is accessed on the BBSM Dashboard. The Form View displays the settings for a single port in a data entry form. It is accessed from the List View web page.

Note   Only users with administrator or operator privileges can access and use the Form View.

Use the following procedure to view and/or change the Subscription Port Control Form View data for each port.

Step 1   From the List View web page, do one of the following.

Caution   Before making any changes, be sure that the Port ID and location number shown correspond to the port you want to change. If they do not, use the navigation buttons or List View to find the correct port.

Figure 6-6   Subscription Port Control Form View Web Page

Step 2   In the Subscription Port Control Form fields, enter the appropriate information. (See Table 6-2.)

Table 6-2   Subscription Port Control Form View Descriptions

Field Description


Record number

Port ID

ID of the port as defined when the property is port mapped. For reference only. You can't change this field from the BBSM Subscription Port Control page.

The port ID incorporates the stack, switch, and port number on the switch. Usually recorded as xxxxyyyyzzzzz. Where xxxx is the stack, yyyy is the switch, and zzzzz is the port.

Location Number

Location number of the port (for example, an apartment number or meeting room, or default) as defined when the property is port mapped. This is for reference only. You cannot change this field from the BBSM Subscription Port Control page.

This is known as the room number on other reports. Location number appears because the Subscription method is often used with apartments.

Start Authorized Period

Starting date and time during which this BBSM port can be used. (The port cannot be used before this date and time.)

Default: The time that the port map was generated.

End Authorized Period

Ending date and time during which this BBSM port can be used. (The port cannot be used after this date and time.)

Default: The time that the port map was generated.


Bandwidth in kilobits per second that the port will use if the bandwidth is not specified. This applies to the Subscription model only.

Start Page

Specify the starting Active Server Page (asp) file associated with the value you selected for the Page Set. The Start Page provides the path to the first page that the client sees.

Enable Port Hop



A user-defined comment describing this port (optional).

Step 3   Click Update. The Subscription Port Control update confirmation web page appears. (See Figure 6-7.)

Figure 6-7   Subscription Port Control Update Confirmation Web Page

Step 4   Click Form View.

Step 5   Click List View to return to the Subscription Port Control List.

Tip You can press Requery at any time to refresh the list.

Subscription Port Control Port Test

You can test a specific port using the information at the bottom of the Subscription Port Control Form View web page. (See Figure 6-8.)

The information at the bottom of the page shows the "Time of the last port test" and "Packet Loss" in the left column and the related information is displayed in the right column. Below the table is the Port Test button. When you click this button, the port is tested and the results are shown in the table.

Figure 6-8   Port Test Information on the Form View Web Page

Note   A client must be active on the port for the port test to work.

Access Code Management

The Access Code Management option under Operations on the Dashboard allows you to provide high-speed Internet access for meeting or conference rooms. It also allows you generate, edit, and delete access codes. This option also provides control and accountability for end users viewing access codes and retrieving transaction history.

Configuring Access Codes for Meeting Rooms

The administrator or operator can configure access so that either multiple users or only one person at a time can use a particular access code. This is determined by the page set selected for the meeting room site or ports:

BBSM Access Code Management can be configured one of two ways:

Note that configuring your meeting rooms by site or by port does not depend on the physical layout of the property but on how you want to manage your BBSM server.

Note   When using access codes, all of the BBSM sites must be located in the same time zone.

Configuring Site 1 to Only Support Meeting Rooms

If you want to configure your meeting rooms so that they are all on the same site, use the following steps. Assuming that your guest rooms are in Site 1, the following steps use Site 2 for meeting rooms.

Note   Site 1 must be created before it can be configured.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click WEBconfig. The BBSM Port IP Addresses web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Port Map button.

Step 3   Verify that the site number is "2."

Step 4   From Page Set drop-down menu, select MeetingRoom or AccessCode.

Step 5   Make all other necessary selections for your site.

Step 6   Click Generate.

Configuring Individual Ports as Meeting Rooms

If you want to configure your meeting rooms in the same sites as your guest rooms, you must configure the port for each meeting room separately. Use the following procedure to configure each port as a meeting room.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click Port Control. The Port Control List View web page appears. (See Figure 6-9.)

Figure 6-9   Port Control List View Web Page

Note    The user must be a member of the BBSM Operator or Administrators group to access the Port Control web page.

Step 2   Use the navigation buttons to select the meeting room port. Note that the meeting room ports can be identified by their page sets, which will be either MeetingRoom or AccessCode.

Step 3   In the Port Control List View web page, click the desired port number (below the # column). The Port Control Form View web page appears. (See Figure 6-2.)

Step 4   From the Page Set drop-down menu, select MeetingRoom.

Note    The Start Page field is automatically set based on the Page Set selection.

Step 5   Enter any other changes as needed.

Step 6   Click Update, which is located in the top right corner of the web page.

Step 7   Close the browser when finished.

Access Code Functions

The Access Code Management screens are designed to be used to issue access codes to clients. A local administrative computer is typically configured within the property, and the default home page of the browser is set to http://localhost:9488/accesscodes.

The BBSM Access Code Management provides three different functions:

Generating Access Codes

This option provides the hotel manager or administrator with the ability to generate access codes from the BBSM Access Code Management startup web page. Access codes are generated for the end user for a specific date, bandwidth, and price (if applicable).

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click Access Code Management. The Access Code Management startup web page appears. (See Figure 6-10.)

Figure 6-10   BBSM Access Code Management Start Up Web Page

Step 2   From the primary navigation buttons, click Generate Codes. The Generate Codes web page appears. (See Figure 6-11.)

Figure 6-11   Generate Codes

Step 3   Enter the desired values or select from drop-down menus.

Step 4   Click Generate Codes.

Note    If the default MeetingRoom page set is being used, another user cannot use access codes at the same time.

The following table explains the fields and various settings available on the Access Codes Management Generate Codes page.

Table 6-3   Generate Codes Field Descriptions

Field Description

Customer Name

Enter the name of the end user being supplied with the access codes. Note that customer names can be reused. Punctuation, such as apostrophes and quotation marks, in customer names cannot be used, because they are reserved characters.

Number of Access Codes Required

Enter the quantity of access codes being assigned or sold to this end user. If a particular end user is requesting more than one bandwidth option, access codes must be generated separately for each bandwidth option.

Start Date and Start Time

Select the start date from the drop-down menu. The start time settings are available in hour and minute increments. The default date is the current date. The default time is "12:01 AM."

End Date and End Time

Select the end date from the drop-down menu. The end time settings are available in hour and minute increments. The default date is the current date plus one day. The default time is "12:00 PM."

Price (per each access code)

The administrator sets the price value.

Please Select Bandwidth (Kbps)

Select the desired bandwidth speed from the drop-down menu: Full-Speed, 512 Kbps, 256 Kbps, 128 Kbps, or 64 Kbps. If Bandwidth Manager on the Server web page is enabled, the bandwidth options are displayed. If Bandwidth Manager is not enabled, this field is grayed out.

Note that the settings are only bandwidth maximums and not guaranteed speeds. The default speed is Full-Speed.

Editing Access Codes

Use the following procedure to edit the access codes, if necessary.

Step 1   From the primary navigation bar for Access Code Management, click Edit Codes.

Step 2   Select Customer Name from the drop-down menu.

Step 3   Click Find Codes. The Verify Codes to Edit web page appears. (See Figure 6-12.)

Figure 6-12   Verify Codes to Edit Web Page

Step 4   Locate the set of access codes to edit.

Step 5   Click Edit. The Edit Codes web page appears. (See Figure 6-13.)

Figure 6-13   Edit Codes Web Page

Step 6   Enter any desired changes.

Step 7   Click Submit Changes. The Code Attributes Changed web page appears. (See Figure 6-14.)

Figure 6-14   Code Attributes Changed Web Page

Deleting Access Codes

Follow this procedure to delete access codes.

Step 1   From the primary navigation bar for Access Code Management, click Delete Codes.

Step 2   From the Select Customer Name from the drop-down menu.

Step 3   Click Find Codes. The Verify Codes to Delete web page appears. (See Figure 6-15.)

Figure 6-15   Verify Codes to Delete Web Page

Step 4   Locate the set of access codes to delete.

Step 5   Click Delete. A warning dialog box appears. (See Figure 6-16.)

Figure 6-16   Deletion Warning Dialog Box

Step 6   Click OK. A confirmation dialog box appears. (See Figure 6-17.)

Figure 6-17   Access Codes Deleted Confirmation Web Page

Generating Access Codes Example

The following is an example of how to generate access codes. To use this example, enter the field values on the Generate Codes web page, as indicated in the following steps. (See Figure 6-11.)

Example 6-1   Generating Access Codes for Acme Industries

Acme Industries wants five access codes for $250 each at 256 Kbps bandwidth on August 6, 2001 from midnight to midnight. In addition, they want five access codes for $500 each at 512 Kbps bandwidth, also on August 6th, 2001 from midnight to midnight.

1. Launch Access Code Management from the BBSM Dashboard.

2. Click Generate Codes from the primary navigation bar.

3. Enter the following information:

4. Click Generate Access Codes. The access code information appears. (See Figure 6-18.)

Figure 6-18   Acme Industries 256 Kbps Access Code Confirmation

5. To generate additional access codes for Acme Industries, click Main Menu in the upper right corner of the web page. The Access Code Management web page appears.

6. Click Generate Codes again.

7. Enter the following information:

8. Click Generate Access Codes. The access code information appears. (See Figure 6-19.)

Figure 6-19   Acme Industries 512 Kbps Access Code Confirmation

Posted: Fri Mar 7 14:49:13 PST 2003
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