
Table of Contents

Installing Service Packs, Patches, and Upgrades (WEBpatch)
Accessing WEBpatch
Using the WEBpatch Web Pages
Viewing Installed Service Packs
Installing Service Packs
Removing Service Packs
Viewing WEBpatch Logs

Installing Service Packs, Patches, and Upgrades (WEBpatch)

This chapter describes how to install, transfer, and remove service packs, patches, and upgrades for the BBSM software by using the WEBpatch feature accessed under the Administration section on the BBSM Dashboard. The feature also allows the user to view any current or previous installation log entries.

Note that only administrators can install BBSM service packs.

Caution   Make sure that the proper file is selected when transferring, installing, or removing a service pack. Selecting an incorrect file can corrupt the database or prevent BBSM from operating correctly. Install service packs during low-use time periods to minimize service interruptions and ensure proper functionality.

Accessing WEBpatch

WEBpatch is accessed on the Dashboard of your BBSM server or directly through a web-based GUI. After clicking WEBpatch on the Dashboard, the WEBpatch splash screen appears, followed by the WEBpatch Patches web page. Note that you can click the splash screen to skip it. (See Figure 5-1.)

Step 6   Note that you can access WEBpatch from a remote location or locally. In the IE browser Address field, enter http://<IP_address>:9488/www , where IP_address is one of the following:

Figure 5-1   Patches Web Page

Using the WEBpatch Web Pages

Four WEBpatch web pages can be accessed through WEBpatch. These are accessed by clicking the navigation bar at the top of any of the WEBpatch web pages.

Table 5-1   WEBpatch Web Page Buttons

Web Page Description


Shows the specifics of previously installed service packs and allows for the removal of selected service packs. This is the initial page shown when WEBpatch is launched.


Moves a service pack onto the server and prepares it for installation.

Install Patch

Installs a selected service pack.

Patch Log

Displays message log information that can be sorted.

Viewing Installed Service Packs

Installed service packs can be viewed by selecting the Patches button. When you select a service pack and click the Go button, the remaining fields are populated with the service pack specifics.

Table 5-2   WEBpatch Patches Web Page Fields

Field Description

Installed patches

Used to select an installed service pack.

Install Date

Shows the date that the service pack was originally installed.


Lists the BBSM release for which the service pack is intended.


Displays a brief description of the service pack.

Release Dependencies

Indicates the release or range of releases for BBSM that must be installed on the target server before installing the service pack.

Patch Dependencies

Lists the previous service packs that must be installed before the current service pack can be implemented.


Shows the Microsoft hotfixes that are installed with the service pack.

Database Commands

Displays the commands performed to modify or update the BBSM database during the service pack installation.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click WEBpatch. The WEBpatch splash screen appears, followed by the Patches web page appears.

Step 2   From the Installed patches drop-down menu, select the desired service pack. (Note that the navigation buttons near the bottom of the web page can also be used to select a service pack.)

Step 3   Click Go. The fields on the page are populated with the data for the specified service pack, and the Remove Patch and View Log Entries buttons are activated for the service pack.

Installing Service Packs

Installing a service pack is a two-step process. First the file is transferred using the Transfer web page. Then it is installed from the Install Patch web page. Multiple files can be transferred to the BBSM server before they are installed.

Caution   Transfer and install only service packs properly obtained from Cisco Systems to ensure successful updates to the BBSM server.

Step 1   Confirm that the service pack executable file is accessible. Most BBSM service packs are available over the Internet. Be sure the file has been downloaded before continuing.

Step 2   From the BBSM Dashboard, click WEBpatch. The WEBpatch splash screen appears, followed by the Patches web page appears.

Step 3   Click the Transfer button. The BBSM Transfer web page appears. (See Figure 5-2.)

Figure 5-2   Transfer Web Page

Step 4   In the BBSM Transfer field, click the Browse... button.

Step 5   Navigate to the service pack being installed and select it. Click Open. The service file name appears in the BBSM Transfer field.

Step 6   Click the Transfer button under the service pack file name.

Figure 5-3   BBSM WEBpatch Transferred Web Page

Step 7   To install the service pack at this time, click Go to Install. If more than one service pack is being transferred at this time, click the Transfer button again to continue transferring files. After all files are transferred, continue with the install.

Step 8   To install the files at a later time, follow the steps below:

    a. Click the BBSM Install Patch button. The BBSM Install Patch web page appears. (See Figure 5-4.)

    b. At the BBSM Install Patch web page, from the drop-down menu, select the desired service pack.

Figure 5-4   Install Patch Web Page

Step 9   Click the Install button. The service pack is automatically verified and installed.

Step 10   If desired, click the Patch Log button and review the patch log for confirmation and any messages.

Note    After the service pack or patch has been installed, the BBSM server may automatically reboot. While the server is rebooting, you cannot access the BBSM server

Removing Service Packs

If necessary, service packs can be removed from the Patches web page, although we do not recommend removing them. (See Figure 5-1.) Note that service packs can no longer be removed if you have installed the MSFix1 patch.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click WEBpatch. The WEBpatch splash screen appears, followed by the Patches web page appears.

Step 2   From the Installed patches drop-down menu, select the service pack to be removed.

Step 3   Click Go.

Step 4   Click Remove Patch.

Note    If the server needs to be rebooted to finish the removing the service pack, a message appears telling you to reboot. Click the appropriate button to continue. Access to the BBSM server and WEBpatch is not available while the server is rebooting.

Viewing WEBpatch Logs

All WEBpatch activity log entries for the BBSM server can be viewed by using the Patch Log web page in WEBpatch. (See Figure 5-5.) Selected messages are retrieved by using the three drop-down menus at the top part of the page. (See Table 5-3.)

Figure 5-5   WEBpatch Patch Log Page

Table 5-3   Patch Log Parameters for Retrieving Messages

Parameter Options for Retrieval


  • All (default setting)—Shows messages for all service packs
  • <service_pack_number>—Shows only PatchLog entries for the specific service pack

Trace Level

  • All—Shows all trace levels
  • Summary (default setting)—Lists only the high level summary
  • Detail—Shows all the messages for all actions performed during WEBpatch activities.
  • Debug—Not applicable (used by Cisco Support)

Log Type

  • All (default setting)—Shows all entries for all log types
  • Transfer—Shows only entries for file transfers
  • Install—Lists only installation related entries
  • Remove—Shows messages concerning files removed
  • Other—Displays messages generated by Windows and other programs during WEBpatch activities

Use the following procedure to view the WEBpatch logs.

Step 1   From the BBSM Dashboard, click WEBpatch. The WEBpatch splash screen appears, followed by the Patches web page appears.

Step 2   Click the Patch Log button. (This page can also be accessed from the Patches page by using the View Log Entries button.)

Step 3   From the Patches drop-down menu, select the desired service pack (or All).

Step 4   From the Trace Level drop-down menu, select the desired trace level data.

Step 5   From the Log Type drop-down menu, select the desired log type.

Step 6   Click Go. The messages are displayed in the Patch Log Data table. If needed, scroll to view all the messages. Note that if no log information meets the selected criteria, a dialog box appears, stating that there are no records for the selected criteria. (See Figure 5-6.) Click OK to return to the Patch Log page to change the search parameters.

Figure 5-6   WEBpatch Patch Log Page

Note   Clicking the Default button selects All patches, the Summary trace level, and All log types and then automatically displays the appropriate messages.

Posted: Fri Mar 7 14:44:12 PST 2003
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