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Index: Z
- .Z file extension (compress program): 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
- Z shell (see zsh)
- zap script (interactively killing processes): 24.16.2. zap
- zcat command: 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
- ZDOTDIR environment variable: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- zero string length, testing for: 35.30. Using Shell Functions in Shell Scripts
- zeros in /dev/zero file: 43.12. What Can You Do with an Empty File?
- Zip disks
- backing up to: 38.5.3. Backing Up to Floppies or Zip Disks
- mounting: 44.6. Mounting and Unmounting Removable Filesystems
- zless command (less for compressed files): 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
- .zlogin file: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- zmore script: 35.17. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
- arguments for: 35.20.1. With the "$@" Parameter
- for loops in: 35.21. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop
- zombies: 24.7.2. BSD
- 24.12. Destroying Processes with kill
- 24.19. Why You Can't Kill a Zombie
- .zprofile file: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- zsh (Z shell): 1.6. There Are Many Shells
- 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- 27.1. What the Shell Does
- { } (pattern-expansion characters), building strings with: 28.4. Build Strings with { }
- aliases: 29.2. Introduction to Shell Aliases
- 29.4. Setting and Unsetting Bourne-Type Aliases
- 29.6. zsh Aliases
- &! and &| operators for background processes: 23.11. Disowning Processes
- arrays: 9.23.1. Using the Stored Lists
- expanding ranges: 9.23.2. Expanding Ranges
- bg_nice option: 24.20. The Process Chain to Your Window
- built-in arithmetic: 29.11.4. Functions Calling Functions: Factorials
- cd +n and cd -n commands, moving directory in stack: 31.7. The Shells' pushd and popd Commands
- command-line editing: 30.14.6. zsh Editing
- completion features: 28.6. Automatic Completion
- command-specific: 28.6.3. Command-Specific Completion
- configuration files: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- disown command: 23.11. Disowning Processes
- editing history substitutions: 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators
- environment variable for shell function, changing: 29.12. Shell Function Specifics
- exit status of command line, reversing: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
- fc -l command, listing previous commands with: 30.7. History by Number
- foreach loop: 28.9.1. A foreach Loop
- FPATH search path for shell functions: zsh
- globbing (wildcard expansion): 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
- histchars variable: 30.15. Changing History Characters with histchars
- history file: 30.12.1. bash, ksh, zsh
- limiting file size: 15.5.1. limit and ulimit
- login shells, creating: 3.19. Making a "Login" Shell
- MULTIOS option: 43.8. Send Output Two or More Places
- options, resetting for shell functions: 29.12. Shell Function Specifics
- passing command history to: 30.13. Pass History to Another Shell
- pre-prompt commands: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
- PRINT_EXIT_VALUE option: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
- prompts
- %!, getting history number with: 4.3. Dynamic Prompts
- dynamic: 4.4. Simulating Dynamic Prompts
- right-side: 4.11. Right-Side Prompts
- secondary, showing names of continuing constructs: 28.12. Multiline Commands, Secondary Prompts
- setting: 4.2. Static Prompts
- redirecting standard I/O: 43.1. Using Standard Input and Output
- repeating commands with repeat loop: 28.8. Repeating Commands
- SAVEHIST variable: 30.12. Picking Up Where You Left Off
- shell variables, read-only: 35.9. Shell Variables
- SHLVL environment variable: 4.12. Show Subshell Level with $SHLVL
- special characters/operators: 27.17. "Special" Characters and Operators
- wildcards, failing to match: 33.4. What if a Wildcard Doesn't Match?
- .zshenv file: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- .zshrc file: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
- 4.6. Faster Prompt Setting with Built-ins
- 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
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