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Table of Contents
- # character in a prompt 1-6
- > 1-6
- > character in a prompt 1-5
- ? command 1-12
- ^ character 1-13
- 155 Mbps interfaces
- manually configuring 8-3
- SM and MM, configuring 8-2
- 4xDMT, setting SNR margins 4-25
- 8-bit character set 2-11
- aaa authentication ppp command 7-23
- aaa authorization command 7-25
- aaa new-model command 7-23
- abbreviating commands 1-2
- accept dialin command 7-29
- Access Concentrator 7-27, 7-28
- address classes 3-12
- address-family configuration mode 1-9
- address pool names, creating 7-9
- address pools, obtaining IP addresses 7-6
- administrative interface, configuring 3-24
- Agent remote ID suboption 7-17
- AIS 8-5
- alarms
- ATU-C line card port failure alarm 4-14
- enabling and disabling 4-14
- line rate, set by Cisco IOS 4-23
- Near End LOCD alarm 4-14
- Near End LOF alarm 4-14
- Near End LOS alarm 4-14
- up and/or downstream bitrate alarm 4-14
- alarms command 4-15
- asynchronous interfaces 7-31
- ATM 3-8
- configuring address 3-6
- encapsulations, configuring 7-31
- inverse ARP, in networks using PVCs 5-4
- PPPoE for ATM
- configuration, example) 7-32
- point-to-point subinterface 7-31
- PVCs
- PPPoE for ATM 7-31, 7-32
- virtual templates
- PPPoE for ATM, creating and configuring 7-30
- ATM accounting file configuration mode 1-10
- ATM accounting file mode 1-4
- ATM accounting selection configuration mode 1-10
- ATM accounting selection mode 1-4
- atm address command 3-8
- configuring 5-2
- atm arp-server nsap command 5-2
- ATM E.164 translation table configuration mode 1-4, 1-10
- atm esi-address command 5-2
- ATM local loopback
- enabling and disabling 4-47
- atm maxvci-bits command 8-3, 8-6
- atm maxvpi-bits command 8-3, 8-6
- atm ni2-switch trunk atm command 8-10
- atm nsap-address command 5-2, 5-7
- atm pvc command 5-4, 5-5
- ATM route-bridged encapsulation 7-1, 7-2
- atm route-bridged ip command 7-16
- atm route command 5-2
- ATM router configuration mode 1-3, 1-8
- ATM signaling diagnostics configuration mode 1-4, 1-11
- atm uni command 8-3, 8-6
- ATU-C line card port failure alarm, enabling and disabling 4-14
- audience, for guide xix
- authentication
- local 7-23
- RADIUS 7-24
- auto-ferf command 8-6
- auxiliary port, configuring 2-2
- banner command 2-15
- banner exec command 2-14
- banner incoming command 2-14
- banner motd command 2-14
- banners 2-14
- disabling or enabling on a line 2-15
- incoming message 2-14
- line number, displaying 2-12
- message-of-the-day 2-14
- MOTD 2-14
- BGP PE to CE routing sessions
- configuring 6-13
- bootfile command 7-12
- BOOTP server, configuration 3-5
- bridged IP packets 7-1
- buffers
- editor, pasting from 1-16
- callbacks on PPP 7-31
- caution, definition xxi
- character
- padding, setting 2-12
- set, international 2-11
- chat scripts for asynchronous lines, configuring 2-9
- chipset
- CMVs, contents 4-3
- circuit IDs
- assigning 4-3
- Cisco IOS DHCP server
- address pool configuration, example 7-14
- benefits 7-7
- boot file, specifying 7-12
- configuration task list 7-8
- database agent configuration, example 7-14
- enabling 7-13
- manual bindings configuration, example 7-15
- monitoring and maintaining 7-13
- overview 7-6
- ping
- number of packets 7-12
- timeout value 7-13
- prerequisites 7-8
- clear ip dhcp binding command 7-13
- clear ip dhcp conflict command 7-13
- clear ip dhcp server statistics command 7-13
- client's hardware address, specifying 7-12
- client-identifier command 7-12
- client-name command 7-12
- clocking
- loop-timed 3-14
- network derived 3-14
- clock source command 8-6, 8-11
- CMVs, chipset, contents 4-3
- Command 1-2
- command history
- disabling 1-14
- recalling commands using 1-14
- setting buffer size 1-14
- using features of 1-13
- command mode
- address-family configuration 1-9
- VRF configuration 1-9
- command modes
- accessing 1-2
- ATM E.164 translation table configuration mode 1-10
- ATM router configuration 1-8
- ATM signaling diagnostics configuration mode 1-11
- global configuration 1-6
- interface description 1-7
- line 2-15
- PNNI node configuration 1-8
- privileged EXEC 1-5
- profile 1-7
- ROM monitor 1-6
- user EXEC 1-5
- command names, completion help 1-16
- commands
- abbreviating 1-2
- atm address 3-8
- atm arp-server nsap 5-2
- atm route 5-2
- command syntax checking 1-13
- command syntax help 1-12
- communication parameters, terminal 2-2
- community string
- defining 3-31
- configuration, Ethernet interface 3-11
- configuration commands, line 2-2
- configuring
- L2TP 7-3
- PPP 7-23
- PPPoA 7-22
- PPP virtual template 7-22
- VPDN on the LAC 7-3
- configuring PVCs 7-24
- connections
- configuring rotary groups 2-8
- reverse Telnet 2-9
- console port, configuring 2-2
- context-sensitive help
- displaying 1-12
- using 1-11
- cursor, moving 1-15
- Daemon Creation on a Line with No Modem Control (figure) 2-5
- databits command 2-2, 2-11
- data-character-bits command 2-11
- debugging information for a port
- displaying 4-3
- debug ip dhcp server command 7-13
- debug modem command 2-8
- default router, specifying 7-11
- default-router command 7-11
- default-value exec-character-bits command 2-11
- default-value special-character-bits command 2-11
- understanding 7-6
- dhcpack 7-7
- dhcpdecline 7-7
- dhcpdiscover 7-6
- dhcpoffer 7-6
- DHCP Option 82 7-17
- DHCP relay feature 7-16
- DHCP relay support for Unnumbered Interfaces 7-16
- dhcprequest 7-7
- dialin PPPoE sessions 7-32
- configuration, example 7-32
- dialup connections 7-31
- digital subscriber lines (DSLs)
- displaying status 4-48
- digital subscriber lines (DSLs), configuring 4-1
- disconnect character, setting 2-10
- Discovery 7-28
- Discovery Stage protocol 7-28
- dmt check-bytes command 4-35
- dmt codeword-size command 4-33
- dmt encoding-trellis command 4-36
- dmt interleaving-delay command 4-29
- dmt margin command 4-25
- dmt operating-mode command 4-41
- dmt overhead-framing command 4-37
- dmt training-mode command 4-42
- dns-server command 7-10
- documentation, related xxii
- domain-name command 7-10
- domain name for the client, specifying 7-10
- DS3+T1/E1 IMA NI-2 card 3-4, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9
- DS3 and E3 Interface
- manually configuring 8-6
- DS3 and E3 Interfaces
- configuring 8-4
- dsl circuit command 4-3
- dsl-copy-profile command 4-11
- dsl profile command 4-12
- dsl-profile command 4-10, 4-35
- DSL profiles
- attaching or detaching 4-12
- copying 4-11
- creating, modifying, or deleting 4-10
- displaying 4-13
- using 4-9
- DSLs
- displaying status 4-48
- DSLs, configuring 4-1
- dsl subscriber command 4-2
- editing command 1-15, 2-12
- editor
- completing a command 1-16
- controlling capitalization 1-18
- deleting entries 1-17
- designating a keystroke as a command entry 1-18
- disabling enhanced mode 1-19
- enabling enhanced mode 1-15
- features 1-15
- keys and functions 1-18
- line-wrap feature 1-16
- moving the cursor 1-15
- pasting from buffer 1-16
- redisplaying a line 1-18
- scrolling down a display 1-17
- transposing characters 1-18
- encapsulation command 7-31
- encapsulation ppp command 7-30
- escape character, setting 2-10
- escape-character command 2-10
- example 5-3
- Ethernet interface configuration 3-11, 5-1
- exec-banner command 2-15
- exec-character-bits command 2-12
- EXEC command mode
- privileged 1-5
- EXEC commands
- user level 1-5
- exit, ending a session 1-19
- FEC check (redundancy) bytes
- setting 4-34
- FIFO 7-30
- FIFO, queuing 7-30
- first in/first out 7-30
- flow control
- hardware, setting 2-3
- high-speed modems 2-8
- software, setting 2-3
- flowcontrol command 2-3, 2-8
- framing command 8-6
- front-ending 2-9
- global configuration command mode 1-6
- global configuration mode 1-2
- hardware-address command 7-12
- hardware components
- displaying 4-49
- hardware flow control, configuring 2-3
- hardware verifying 3-4
- help
- command syntax 1-12
- configuring for terminal sessions 1-11
- context-sensitive, using 1-11
- word 1-12
- help command 1-12
- high-speed modem, configuring 2-5, 2-8
- history size command 1-14
- hold character, setting 2-10
- host command 7-12
- hunt groups 2-8
- description 2-8
- ICP cells 8-7
- idle terminal message 2-15
- IMA 8-7
- IMA groups 3-4, 8-7
- IMA Interface 8-11
- in-band management
- configuring 5-1
- in-band management in a PVC environment
- configuring 5-4
- incoming message banner 2-14
- initial IP configuration, testing 3-14, 3-46
- installed software and hardware, verifying 3-4
- interface
- troubleshooting 8-19
- interface atm command 7-31
- interface configuration command mode 1-7
- interface configuration mode 1-3
- interface loopback command 7-16
- interface virtual-template command 7-22, 7-30
- interleaving delay
- setting 4-28
- international character set 2-11
- IP
- address classes 3-12
- address for interface 3-12
- ip address command 5-2, 5-4
- IP addresses
- obtaining automatically 7-6
- static 7-7
- ip command 5-5, 5-7
- IP configuration
- testing initial 3-46
- ip dhcp conflict logging command 7-9
- ip dhcp database command 7-9
- ip dhcp excluded-address command 7-9
- ip dhcp ping packets command 7-12
- ip dhcp ping timeout command 7-13
- ip dhcp pool command 1-4, 7-9, 7-12
- ip dhcp-server command 7-22
- ip host-routing command 5-5, 5-7
- ip local pool command 7-22
- ip route command 5-5
- ip unnumbered command 7-22
- ip unnumbered ethernet command 7-30
- L2F 7-3
- L2TP
- configuring 7-3
- monitoring 7-4
- overview 7-3
- troubleshooting 7-4
- L2TP access concentrator
- See LAC
- LAC, configuring VPDN on 7-3
- Layer 2 tunnel protocol 7-3
- lbo command 8-6
- lease, specifying 7-13
- lease command 7-11
- length command 2-10
- line
- activation message, displaying 2-14
- auxiliary port, configuring 2-2
- console port, configuring 2-2
- defining transport protocol 2-3
- password, assigning 2-13
- line card port failure alarm, enabling and disabling 4-14
- line cards
- displaying status 4-50
- linecode command 8-10
- line command 2-2
- line configuration commands 2-2
- line numbers
- banners, displaying 2-12
- Link Access Procedure, Balanced
- See LAPB
- local authentication 7-23
- LOCD alarm 4-14
- LOF alarm 4-14
- login command 2-13
- login local command 2-13
- login tacacs command 2-13
- loopback diagnostic command 4-47
- loop-timed clocking 3-14
- LOS alarm 4-14
- MAC address 7-32
- map-group command 5-5, 5-7
- map list
- example 5-6, 5-7
- map-list command 5-5, 5-7
- message-of-the-day banner 2-14
- messages
- idle terminal 2-15
- line activation 2-14
- vacant terminal 2-15
- RFCs 3-28
- MIB II variables 3-28
- modem
- connections, closing 2-7
- dial-in and dial-out, supporting 2-5
- high-speed, configuring 2-8
- line configuration
- for continuous CTS (figure) 2-7
- for incoming and outgoing calls (figure) 2-6
- line timing, configuring 2-6
- modem answer-timeout command 2-6
- modem cts-required command 2-7
- modem in-out command 2-5
- modem ri-is-cd command 2-6
- monitoring, VPDN and L2TP 7-4
- monitoring and maintaining commands 7-5
- MOTD banner 2-14
- MPLS VPN Mapping of Routed Sessions 6-1
- names
- assigning to ports 4-2
- NAS IP address 7-18
- NAS port field 7-18
- Near End LOCD alarm 4-14
- Near End LOF alarm 4-14
- Near End LOS alarm 4-14
- netbios-name-server command 7-10
- NetBIOS name servers available to the client 7-10
- NetBIOS node type, selecting 7-11
- netbios-node-type command 7-11
- network access server 7-18
- network clocking priorities, configuring 3-16
- network-clock-select command 8-6
- network command 7-10
- network derived clocking 3-14
- network routing configuration 3-19
- no history size command 1-14
- note, definition xxi
- no terminal history size command 1-14
- NRP authentication 7-23
- local 7-23
- RADIUS 7-24
- NSAP Address
- example 5-2
- number of symbols per Reed-Solomoncodeword
- setting 4-32
- OAM 7-31
- operating mode
- modifying 4-41
- Operations, Administration and Maintenance 7-31
- organization, of this guide xix
- overhead framing mode
- setting 4-37
- packet size
- setting for SNMP 3-33
- padding command 2-12
- PADI 7-28
- PADO 7-28
- PADR 7-28
- PADS 7-28
- parity, configuring for a line 2-2
- parity command 2-2
- password command 2-13
- passwords
- assigning, examples 2-13
- assigning for a line 2-13
- password checking on a line, enabling 2-13
- payload-scrambling command 4-17
- peer default ip address pool command 7-22
- PNNI node configuration mode 1-3, 1-8
- point-to-point subinterface
- PPPoE for ATM 7-31
- port
- DSL, displaying status 4-48
- enabling and disabling 4-1
- port numbers, for reverse connections 2-9
- ports
- assigning circuit IDs 4-3
- assigning names 4-2
- AAA authentication, configuring 7-23
- configuring RADIUS server 7-24
- ppp authentication chap command 7-30
- ppp authentication command 7-22
- configuring 7-22
- configuring PVCs 7-24
- example 7-25
- troubleshooting 7-26
- verifying 7-26
- virtual template 7-22
- PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation 7-28
- PPPoE Active Discovery Offer 7-28
- PPPoE Active Discovery Request 7-28
- PPPoE Active Discovery Session
- 7-28
- PPPoE for ATM 7-28
- configuration,example 7-32
- configuration task list 7-29
- enabling 7-29
- point-to-point subinterface 7-31
- PPPoE client 7-28
- PVCs 7-31
- supported platforms 7-29
- VPDN subgroup, enabling 7-29
- PPP over ATM 7-32
- PPP Session Stage protocol 7-28
- PPP virtual template
- configuring 7-22
- PPTP 7-3
- preface xix
- privileged EXEC mode 1-2, 1-5
- Profile 4-9
- profile
- attaching or detaching 4-12
- copying 4-11
- displaying 4-13
- profile command mode 1-7
- profile configuration mode 1-3
- profiles
- creating, modifying, or deleting 4-10
- prompts, system 1-2
- protocol address to a PVC
- mapping 5-5
- protocol command 7-32
- protocol pppoe command 7-29
- protocols
- defining transport 2-3
- PVC based map-list
- configuring 5-5
- pvc command 7-16, 7-31
- PVCs
- PPPoE over ATM 7-32
- PVCs, enabling 7-32
- quitting a session 1-19
- RADIUS, configuring NRP to use 7-24
- RADIUS server, configuring for PPP 7-24
- radius-server attribute nas-port command 7-24
- radius-server host command 7-24
- radius-server key command 7-24
- related documentation xxii
- request-dialin command 7-3
- reverse connection mode 2-9
- reverse connections, configuring 2-9
- 1157, SNMPv1 3-29
- 1213 3-28
- 1215, SNMP traps 3-28
- 1901, SNMPv2C 3-29
- obtaining full text 3-28
- RFC 2131 7-16
- ROM monitor mode 1-2, 1-6
- rotary command 2-8
- rotary groups
- configuring 2-8
- description 2-8
- rxspeed command 2-2
- scrambling, payload 4-17
- scrambling command 8-6
- service dhcp command 7-13
- service linenumber command 2-13
- sessions
- SNMP 3-36
- sessions, limiting number per line 2-4
- session-timeout command 2-4
- show atm addresses command 8-19
- Show ATM ARP
- example 5-3
- Show ATM MAP
- example 5-3
- show atm pvc ppp command 7-26
- show controller atm command 4-3
- show dsl int atm command 4-48
- show dsl profile command 4-13
- show dsl status command 4-48
- show hardware command 4-49
- show history command 1-14
- show ima interface command 8-12
- show interface virtual-access command 7-26
- show ip dhcp binding command 7-14
- show ip dhcp conflict command 7-14
- show ip dhcp database command 7-14
- show ip dhcp server statistics command 7-14
- show line command 2-8
- show oir status command 4-50
- show rmon command 3-16, 3-46
- show snmp command 3-33, 3-37
- show snmp pending command 3-37
- show snmp sessions command 3-37
- show vpdn tunnel all, new field descriptions (table) 7-5
- show vpdn tunnel all command 7-4
- shutdown command 4-2, 7-30
- Simple Network Management Protocol
- See SNMP
- slot
- configuring 4-7
- slot command 4-7
- Manager, enabling 3-37
- Agent
- disabling 3-34
- Agent, settings 3-33
- communities 3-31
- configuration task list 3-30
- controlling access to 3-31
- description 3-24
- Manage, description 3-36
- management, enabling 3-24
- monitoring status of 3-33
- notification types, authenticationFailure 3-36
- RFCs supported 3-30
- security models 3-29
- server groups 3-32
- sessions 3-36
- SNMPv1 3-29
- SNMPv2C 3-29
- SNMPv3 3-29
- supported MIBs 3-28
- TFTP servers, limiting 3-33
- traps, description 3-26
- traps, sending 3-34
- view records 3-31
- snmp-server chassis-id command 3-33
- snmp-server community command 3-31
- snmp-server contact command 3-33
- snmp-server enable command 3-35
- snmp-server enable traps snmp command 3-36
- snmp-server group command 3-32
- snmp-server host command 3-35
- snmp-server informs command 3-35
- snmp-server location command 3-33
- snmp-server manager command 3-37
- snmp-server manager session-timeout command 3-37
- snmp-server packetsize command 3-33
- snmp-server queue-length command 3-35
- snmp-server tftp-server-list command 3-33
- snmp-server trap-source command 3-35
- snmp-server trap-timeout command 3-35
- snmp-server view command 3-31
- snmp trap link-status command 3-36
- SNR, displaying 4-3
- SNR margins
- setting for 4DMT 4-25
- SNR margins, setting 4-24
- socket numbers 2-9
- software
- displaying version of 3-4
- flow control, setting 2-3
- verifying 3-4
- sonet command 8-3
- special-character-bits command 2-12
- speed command 2-2
- start-character command 2-3
- stopbits command 2-2
- stop-character command 2-3
- subnetting
- mask bits 3-12
- with subnet address zero 3-12
- SVC-based map list
- configuring 5-6
- SVC environment
- configuring in-band management in 5-1
- system prompts 1-2
- T1/E1 3-4, 8-7
- T1/E1 interface 8-11
- T1/E1 interfaces 8-10
- T1/E1 multiplexing over ATM 8-7
- Tab key
- using to recall complete command name 1-16
- Tab key, using to recall complete command name 1-12
- login tacacs command 2-13
- user ID 2-13
- TCP port numbers for reverse connections 2-9
- Telnet
- port numbers for reverse connections 2-9
- terminal
- character padding, setting 2-12
- communication parameters, setting 2-2
- disconnect character, setting 2-10
- escape character, setting 2-10
- hardware flow control, configuring 2-3
- hold character, setting 2-10
- international character set, configuring 2-11
- parity, setting 2-2
- screen length, setting 2-10
- screen width, setting 2-10
- session limits, setting 2-4
- software flow control, setting 2-3
- type, setting 2-10
- terminal editing command 1-15, 1-19
- terminal history size command 1-14
- terminal no editing command 1-19
- terminal sessions
- configuring help for 1-11
- terminal-type command 2-10
- testing the configuration 3-44
- timeout interval
- modem line, setting 2-6
- session, setting 2-4
- timing, configuring for modem line 2-6
- tip, definition xxi
- training mode
- modifying 4-42, 4-44
- transmit power boost 4-3
- transport command 2-3
- transport input command 2-3
- transport output command 2-3
- transport preferred command 2-3
- transport protocol
- defining for a line 2-3
- transposed characters, correcting 1-18
- trap operations
- defining for SNMP 3-35
- trellis coding
- enabling and disabling 4-36
- troubleshooting
- interfaces 8-19
- PPPoA 7-26
- using ping command 3-44
- VPDN and L2TP 7-4
- troubleshooting commands
- VPDN (table) 7-6
- trunk and subtended interfaces
- configuring 8-1
- trunk interface 8-9
- txspeed command 2-2
- up and/or downstream bitrate alarm 4-14
- user EXEC mode 1-2
- user ID, TACACS 2-13
- user interface 1-1
- username command 2-13
- vacant-message command 2-15
- vacant terminal message 2-15
- verifying installed software and hardware 3-4
- verifying PPPoA 7-26
- view records
- creating and deleting 3-31
- virtual access interfaces 7-30, 7-32
- virtual-template command 7-29
- virtual templates 7-22, 7-30
- PPPoE for ATM
- creating and configuring 7-30
- static IP assignment (caution) 7-22
- VPDN 7-3
- monitoring 7-4
- troubleshooting commands (table) 7-6
- vpdn enable command 7-3, 7-29
- vpdn group command 7-29
- vpdn-group command 7-3
- VPDN maintaining commands (table) 7-5
- VPDN monitoring 7-5
- VPDN on the LAC 7-3
- VPI/VCI authentication 7-21
- VRF configuration mode 1-9, 6-7
- WAN interface 8-9
- warning, definition xxi
- width command 2-10
- word help 1-12

Posted: Mon Dec 9 15:06:40 PST 2002
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