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This chapter describes how to configure in-band management on Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2.
This chapter includes the following sections:
The DSLAM allows in-band management via the trunk interface. In-band management uses the IP over ATM protocol. The DSLAM is a client in an IP over ATM environment; it provides none of the ARP server functions found in the LS1010. SNMP is used above the IP layer to provide management functionality. This section describes configuring a port on a switch to allow in-band management of the switch CPU.
This section describes in-band management in an SVC environment. In-band management requires configuring the DSLAM with its own ATM address and that of a single ATM Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) server.
In-band management in an SVC environment is configured by the DSLAM in the following process:
1. The initial IP packet sent by client A triggers a request to the ARP server to look up the IP address and the corresponding ATM address of client B in the ARP server ARP table.
2. The ARP server sends back a response to client A with the matching ATM address.
3. Client A uses the ATM address it just obtained from the ARP server to set up an SVC directly to client B.
4. When client B replies with an IP packet to client A, it also triggers a query to the ARP server.
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Note When client B receives the ATM address for client A, client B usually discovers it already has a call set up to the client A ATM address and does not set up another call. |
After the connection is known to both clients, they communicate directly over the SVC.
The ATM ARP client (the DSLAM) tries to maintain a connection to the ATM ARP server. The ATM ARP server can remove the connection, but the client attempts once each minute to bring the connection back up. No error messages are generated for a failed connection, but the client does not route packets until the ATM ARP server is connected and translates IP network addresses.
For each packet with an unknown IP address, the client (the DSLAM) sends an ATM ARP request to the ARP server. Until that address is resolved, any IP packet routed to the ATM interface causes the client to send another ATM ARP request.
In an SVC environment, configure the ATM ARP mechanism on the interface by performing these tasks, beginning in global configuration mode:
Command | Task | |
Step 1 | interface atm slot/port[.sub_inter#]
| Select the interface to be configured. |
Step 2 | atm
nsap-address nsap-address | Specify the NSAP ATM address of theinterface. |
Step 3 | ip address
address mask
| Specify the IP address of the interface. |
Step 4 | atm arp-server nsap
| Specify the ATM address of the ATM ARPserver. |
Step 5 | exit
| Exit interface configuration mode. |
Step 6 | atm route
{addr-prefix1} atm 0/0 internal
| Configure a static route through the switch to the CPU interface. See the note. |
1First 19 bytes of the NSAP address. |
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Note You need to specify only a static route when configuring an ARP client using a network service access point (NSAP) address. |
This example shows how to configure CPU interface 0/0 of client A using the NSAP address:
Client A(config)#interface atm 0/0
Client A(config-if)#$dress 47.0091.8100.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00
Client A(config-if)#ip address
Client A(config-if)#$dress 47.0091.8100.0000.1111.1111.1111.2222.2222.2222.00
Client A(config-if)#exit
Client A(config)#$0.0000.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111 atm 0/0 internal
These commands
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Note In the preceding example, some of the commands extended beyond the single line of the screen and the command line shifted ten spaces to the left. The dollar sign ($) indicates this shift. |
This example shows how to configure CPU interface 0/0 of client A (Figure 5-2), using the ESI:
Client A(config)#interface atm 0/0
Client A(config-if)#atm esi-address 0041.0b0a.1081.40
Client A(config-if)#ip address
Client A(config-if)#$7.0091.8100.0000.1111.1111.1111.2222.2222.2222.00
Client A(config-if)#exit
These commands
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Note In the preceding example, one command extended beyond the single line of the screen and the command line shifted ten spaces to the left. The dollar sign ($) indicates this shift. |
In this example, the show atm arp command displays the configuration of the switch interface 0/0:
Switch#show atm arp
Note that a '*' next to an IP address indicates an active call
IP Address TTL ATM Address
* 19:21 4700918100567000000000112200410b0a108140
This example displays the map-list configuration of the switch static map and IP-over-ATM interfaces:
Switch#show atm map
arp maps to NSAP 36.0091810000000003D5607900.0003D5607900.00
, connection up, VPI=0 VCI=73, ATM0/0
ip maps to NSAP 36.0091810000000003D5607900.0003D5607900.00
, broadcast, connection up, VPI=0 VCI=77, ATM0/0
Map list ip : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
This section describes how to configure in-band management in a PVC environment. The ATM Inverse ARP mechanism is applicable to networks that use PVCs, where connections are established but the network addresses of the remote ends are not known.
In a PVC environment, configure the ATM Inverse ARP mechanism by performing the tasks:
Command | Task | |
Step 1 | interface atm slot/port
| Select the interface to be configured. |
Step 2 | ip address
address mask
| Specify the IP address of the interface. |
Step 3 | atm pvc vpi vci
encap aal5snap [inarp minutes]
| Create a PVC and enable Inverse ARP onit. |
Repeat these tasks for each PVC you want to create.
The inarp minutes interval specifies how often Inverse ARP datagrams are sent on this virtual circuit. The default value is 15 minutes.
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Note The ATM ARP and Inverse ATM ARP mechanisms work with IP only. All other protocols require map-list command entries to operate. |
This example configures an IP-over-ATM interface in a PVC environment and displays the map-list configuration of the switch static map and in-band management interfaces.
These commands
DSLAM(config)#interface atm 0/0
DSLAM(config)#ip address
DSLAM(config-if)#atm pvc 0 100 encap aal5snap inarp 10 interface atm 0/0 50 100
DSLAM#show atm map
Map list yyy : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
Map list zzz : PERMANENT
Map list a : PERMANENT
Map list 1 : PERMANENT
arp maps to NSAP 47.009181005670000000001122.00410B0A1081.40
, connection up, VPI=0 VCI=85, ATM0/0
ip maps to NSAP 47.009181005670000000001122.00410B0A1081.40
, broadcast, ATM0/0
The ATM interface supports a static mapping scheme that identifies the ATM address of remote hosts or switches. This IP address is specified as a PVC or as an NSAP address for SVC operation. Configuration for both PVC and SVC map lists are described in these sections:
This section describes how to map a PVC to an address, which is a required task if you are configuring a PVC.
You can enter mapping commands as groups. To do so, create a map list and then associate the map list with an interface. Begin with the following steps:
Command | Task | |
Step 1 | ip host-routing
| Enable IP host based routing. |
Step 2 | interface atm slot/port[.sub_inter#]
| Specify an ATM interface and enter interface configuration mode. |
Step 3 | ip address
| Enter the IP address and subnet mask associated with this interface. |
Step 4 | map-group name
| Enter the map group name associated with this PVC. |
Step 5 | atm pvc vpi vci
[encap aal5lane aal5mux aal5snap]
[upc upc] [pd pd] [rx-cttr index]
[tx-cttr index] interface atm
slot/port[ | Configure the PVC. |
Step 6 | exit
| Exit interface configuration mode. |
Step 7 | ip route
A.B.C.D mask [A.B.C.D | atm |
ethernet | null]
| Configure an IP route to the router. |
Step 8 | map-list name
| Create a map list by naming it, and enter map-list configuration mode. |
Step 9 | ip A.B.C.D atm-nsap address | atm-vc
| Associate a protocol and address to a specific virtual circuit. |
You can create multiple map lists, but only one map list can be associated with an interface. Different map lists can be associated with different interfaces.
Figure 5-1 illustrates a connection configured with a PVC map list.
The commands used to configure the connection in Figure 5-1 are
DSLAM(config)#ip host-routing
DSLAM(config)#interface atm 0/0
DSLAM(config-if)#ip address
DSLAM(config-if)#map-group yyy
DSLAM(config-if)#atm pvc 0 200 encap aal5snap interface atm 0/1 100 300
DSLAM(config)#ip route
DSLAM(config)#map-list yyy
DSLAM(config-map-list)#ip atm-vc 200
These commands enable IP host-based routing to
This example displays the map-list configuration of the DSLAM at interface 0/0:
DSLAM#show atm map
Map list yyy : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
This section describes how to map an SVC to an NSAP address. This is a required task if you are configuring an SVC.
You can enter mapping commands as groups. To do so, create a map list and then associate it with the map list interface. Perform the following steps:
Command | Task | |
Step 1 | ip host-routing
| Enable IP host-based routing. |
Step 2 | interface atm slot/port[.sub_inter#}
| Specify an ATM interface and enter interface configuration mode. |
Step 3 | atm
nsap-address 20-octet NSAP address
| Configure the interface NSAP address. |
Step 4 | ip address
A.B.C.D mask
| Enter the IP address and subnet mask associated with this interface. |
Step 5 | map-group name
| Enter the map-group name associated with this PVC. |
Step 6 | exit
| Exit interface configuration mode. |
Step 7 | map-list name
| Create a map list by naming it, and enter map-list configuration mode. |
Step 8 | ip A.B.C.D atm-nsap address | atm-vc
vci {aal5mux encapsulation |
broadcast pseudo-broadcast | class
| Associate a protocol and address to a specific virtual circuit. |
You can create multiple map lists, but only one map list can be associated with an interface. Different map lists can be associated with different interfaces.
Figure 5-2 illustrates an SVC connection configured with a map list.
This example shows the commands used to configure the connection in Figure 5-2:
DSLAM(config)#ip host-routing
DSLAM(config)#interface atm 0/0
DSLAM(config-if)#ip address
DSLAM(config-if)#map-group zzz
DSLAM(config-if)#atm nsap-address 47.0091.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.1111.00
DSLAM(config)#ip route
DSLAM(config)#map-list zzz
DSLAM(config-map-list)#ip atm-nsap
These commands
This example displays the map-list configuration of the DSLAM at interface 0/0:
DSLAM#show atm map
Map list yyy : PERMANENT
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
ip maps to VPI=0 VCI=200
Map list zzz : PERMANENT
Posted: Fri Oct 19 06:31:32 PDT 2001
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