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Configuring Digital Subscriber Lines

Configuring Digital Subscriber Lines

This chapter describes how to configure Cisco digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAMs) with NI-2 for digital subscriber line (DSL) service. The chapter contains the following sections:

Configuring Line Card Elements

The following sections discuss configuring ports and slots on line cards:

Enabling and Disabling a Port

This section describes how to enable or disable a port.

To enable a port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Go to interface configuration mode and specify the port you want to enable.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# no shutdown

Enable the specified port.

To disable a port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Go to interface configuration mode and specify the port you want to disable.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# shutdown

Disable the specified port.


This example enables port 1 on slot 20 and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 20/1 DSLAM(config-if)# no shutdown DSLAM(config-if)# end DSLAM# show dsl interface atm 20/1 Port Status: Subscriber Name: Circuit ID:    IOS admin: UP oper: UP Card status: Present Last Change: 36352 days, 13 hrs, 51 min, 47 sec No. of changes: 0 Line Status: TRAINED Test Mode: NONE ADSL Chipset Self-Test: NONE CO Modem Firmware Version: 0x1319BE02 . . .
Note   The admin status is modified by the shutdown and no shutdown commands. The oper (operational) status is a function of the ATM switch fabric and the DSL line state.

Assigning Port Names

This section describes how to assign a name to a DSL subscriber port. The name can contain up to 64 printable characters. Alphanumerics and most special characters (underscores, hyphens, and ampersands, for example) are allowed. Spaces and quotes are not allowed.

To assign a name to a DSL subscriber port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Specify the slot and port.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# dsl subscriber name

Assign name to the port.


In this example, the name "curley" is assigned to slot 9, port 2.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 9/2 DSLAM(config-if)# dsl subscriber curley

Assigning Circuit IDs

This section describes how to assign an identifier to a DSL circuit. The circuit ID may contain up to 32 printable characters. Alphanumerics and most special characters (underscores, hyphens, and ampersands, for example) are allowed. Spaces and quotes are not allowed.

To assign an identifier to a DSL circuit, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Specify the slot and port.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# dsl circuit circuit-id

Assign circuit-id to the port.


In this example, the circuit ID 341 is assigned to slot 9, port 2.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 9/2 DSLAM(config-if)# dsl circuit 341

Displaying Debugging Information for a Port

This section describes how to display debugging information for a port.

To display debugging information for a port, follow this step:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# show controllers atm slot/port

Display debugging information for the selected port.

The output for this command varies with the interface type. It provides low level diagnostic information specific to the physical layer chipset.

Command output for a DMT interface, for example, includes these items:


In this example, the command displays debugging information for ATM 0/1 and ATM 5/2:

DSLAM> show controllers atm 0/1 IF Name: ATM0/1 Chip Base Address: B3809000 Port type: OC3 Port rate: 155000 kbps Port medium: SM Fiber Alarms: Source: ATM0/1 working Severity: CRITICAL Description: 5 Loss of Pointer local peer (working) (protection) ACTIVE INACTIVE --------------- --------------- Port status PATH LOP Not available Loopback None Not available Flags 0x8000 Not available TX clock source network-derived Not available Framing mode stm-1 Not available Cell payload scrambling Off Not available Sts-stream scrambling Off Not available TX Led: Off Not available RX Led: On Not available TST Led: Off Not available OC3 counters: cells transmitted 1839247 0   cells received 2024203 0 cells sent to peer 1839247 0 cells received from peer 0 0 section BIP-8 errors 9645705 0 line BIP-8 errors 21155177 0 path BIP-8 errors 12760636 0 OOCD errors (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE errors 46129207 0 path FEBE errors 35186798 0 correctable HEC errors 325812 0 uncorrectable HEC errors 5844870 0 OC3 errored seconds: section BIP-8 703612 0 line BIP-8 706598 0 path BIP-8 703393 0 OOCD (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE 1107288 0 path FEBE 1108785 0 correctable HEC 177587 0 uncorrectable HEC 588255 0 OC3 error-free secs:   section BIP-8 414959 0 line BIP-8 411973 0 path BIP-8 415178 0 OOCD (not supported) 0 0 line FEBE 11283 0 path FEBE 9786 0 correctable HEC 940984 0 uncorrectable HEC 530316 0 local peer local peer ----- ---- ----- ---- Per chip registers mr 0x69 0x00 | mmc 0x6B 0x00 mcmr 0x6F 0x00 | cscsr 0x54 0x00 ictl 0x5F 0x00 | opc 0x00 0x00 pop0sr 0x3E 0x00 | pop1sr 0x06 0x00 pop2sr 0x3E 0x00 | pop3sr 0x06 0x00 Per port registers mcfgr 0x70 0x00 | misr 0x21 0x00 mctlr 0x50 0x00 | crcsr 0x20 0x00 transs 0x00 0x00 | rsop_cier 0x66 0x00 rsop_sisr 0x58 0x00 | rsop_bip80r 0x74 0x00 rsop_bip81r 0xBB 0x00 | tsop_ctlr 0xC0 0x00 tsop_diagr 0xC0 0x00 | rlop_csr 0x00 0x00 rlop_ieisr 0x04 0x00 | rlop_bip8_240r 0x76 0x00 rlop_bip8_241r 0x38 0x00 | rlop_bip8_242r 0x31 0x00 rlop_febe0r 0x00 0x00 | rlop_febe1r 0x00 0x00 rlop_febe2r 0x00 0x00 | tlop_ctlr 0x20 0x00 tlop_diagr 0x20 0x00 | tx_k1 0x00 0x00 tx_k2 0x00 0x00 | rpop_scr 0x60 0x00 rpop_isr 0x03 0x00 | rpop_ier 0x00 0x00 rpop_pslr 0xFF 0x00 | rpop_pbip80r 0x49 0x00 rpop_pbip81r 0x7C 0x00 | rpop_pfebe0r 0x67 0x00 rpop_pfebe1r 0x48 0x00 | rpop_pbip8cr 0x00 0x00 tpop_cdr 0x00 0x00 | tpop_pcr 0x00 0x00 tpop_ap0r 0x00 0x00 | tpop_ap1r 0x08 0x00 tpop_pslr 0x13 0x00 | tpop_psr 0x00 0x00 racp_csr 0x86 0x00 | racp_iesr 0x00 0x00 racp_mhpr 0x00 0x00 | racp_mhmr 0x00 0x00 racp_checr 0x00 0x00 | racp_uhecr 0x00 0x00 racp_rcc0r 0x00 0x00 | racp_rcc1r 0x00 0x00 racp_rcc2r 0x00 0x00 | racp_cfgr 0xFC 0x00 tacp_csr 0x06 0x00 | tacp_iuchpr 0x01 0x00 tacp_iucpopr 0x6A 0x00 | tacp_fctlr 0x10 0x00 tacp_tcc0r 0xAE 0x00 | tacp_tcc1r 0x63 0x00   tacp_tcc2r 0x65 0x00 | tacp_cfgr 0x08 0x00 rase_ie 0x06 0x00 | rase_is 0x00 0x00 rase_cc 0x00 0x00 | rase_sfap1 0x08 0x00 rase_sfap2 0x00 0x00 | rase_sfap3 0x00 0x00 rase_sfst1 0xFF 0x00 | rase_sfst2 0xFF 0x00 rase_sfdt1 0x45 0x00 | rase_sfdt2 0x42 0x00 rase_sfct1 0x86 0x00 | rase_sfct2 0x82 0x00 rase_rK1 0xAD 0x00 | rase_rK2 0x71 0x00 rase_rS1 0x0E 0x00 APS control register: 0x0051 | 0x0000 Local bus timeouts detected: 0 Remote bus timeouts detected: 0 UTOPIA bus parity errors detected: 0 DSLAM> show controllers atm 5/2 ATM 5/2 Upstream SNR (in Tenths of dB) Sub Channel SNR Sub Channel SNR 0 0 16 250 1 0 17 270 2 0 18 269 3 0 19 286 4 0 20 279 5 0 21 307 6 0 22 313 7 0 23 312 8 0 24 328 9 0 25 323 10 0 26 349 11 282 27 349 12 271 28 366 13 278 29 356 14 258 30 349 15 262 31 353 Upstream Bit Allocation Sub Channel Bits Allocated Sub Channel Bits Allocated 0 0 16 2 1 0 17 2 2 0 18 2 3 0 19 3 4 0 20 3 5 0 21 3 6 0 22 3 7 0 23 2 8 0 24 2 9 0 25 2 10 0 26 2 11 2 27 3 12 2 28 2 13 2 29 2 14 2 30 2 15 2 31 3 Upstream TX Gain (in Tenths of dB) Sub Channel TX Gain Sub Channel TX Gain 0 0 16 0 1 0 17 0 2 0 18 0 3 0 19 0 4 0 20 0 5 0 21 0 6 0 22 0 7 0 23 0 8 0 24 0 9 0 25 0 10 0 26 0 11 0 27 0 12 0 28 0 13 0 29 0 14 0 30 0 15 0 31 0 Downstream Bit Allocation 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 Downstream TX Gain (in Tenths of dB) 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Configuring a Slot

To configure a slot for a specific card type, use these commands:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# slot slot# cardtype

Configure the slot# to the desired cardtype.

The slot number range varies by platform; the maximum range is 1 to 38. These card types are available:


This example configures slot 12 for a 4-port SDSL card and displays the hardware associated with the slot.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# slot 12 STUC-4-2B1Q-DIR-1 DSLAM(config)# exit DSLAM# show hardware slot 12 Slot 12: STUC-4-2B1Q-DIR-1 Hardware Revision : 2.0 Part Number : 800-07416-02 Board Revision : A0 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 02 PCB Serial Number : FX900561224 RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 CLEI Code : VALITKFBAC Asset Identifier : Platform features : 48 79 AD 35 56 41 4C 49 54 4B 46 42 41 43 BC C1 7B 12 41 E8 E1 85 0C 41 EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 40 01 D6 41 02 00 C0 46 03 20 00 1C F8 02 0x10: 42 41 30 80 00 00 00 00 02 02 C1 8B 46 58 39 30 0x20: 30 35 36 31 32 32 34 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 0x30: C6 8A 56 41 4C 49 54 4B 46 42 41 43 CC 20 00 00 0x40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C9 18 0x60: 48 79 AD 35 56 41 4C 49 54 4B 46 42 41 43 BC C1 0x70: 7B 12 41 E8 E1 85 0C 41 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

If the detected card type matches the slot provisioning for ATU-C or STU-C, the respective card type is displayed. When a provisioned slot is empty or does not match the slot provisioning, the word "Missing" is displayed.

Note   If you attempt to provision an empty slot, the major alarm "Provisioned slot is empty" is asserted.

Intermixing Line Cards

The line coding used by the 4-port flexi line card is spectrally incompatible with the line coding for both the 8-port IDSL line card and the 4-port SDSL (STU-C) line card. If you install spectrally incompatible cards in the same half of the chassis, the lines served by those cards can suffer reduced performance.

The 8xDMT line card is not spectrally compatible with SDSL or IDSL. Place these cards in a separate chassis half when using them in the same chassis as 8xDMT line cards. For best performance in a chassis with a mixture of line card types, always install flexi or 8xDMT cards in one half of the chassis and install IDSL and SDSL cards on the opposite side.

In the Cisco 6160 and Cisco 6260 chassis, you can mix DMT line cards and G.SHDSL line cards by chassis quadrant instead of chassis half. You can mix the 4xDMT, 4xFlexi DMT, and 8xDMT cards in the same quadrant. For example, you can install 24 DMT cards in quadrants 1, 2, and 3 and 6 G.SHDSL cards in quadrant 4.

Note   See the hardware installation guide for your specific DSLAM system for more detailed information about line card intermixing.


Card mismatch error conditions occur under the following circumstances:

Using DSL Profiles

The following sections discuss using the DSL profiles:

With the exception of a few dynamic operational modes, port configuration takes place through a configuration profile rather than by direct configuration. A profile is a named list of configuration parameters with a value assigned to each parameter. You can change the value of each parameter in the profile. To configure a subscriber, you need only attach the desired profile to that subscriber. When you change a parameter in a profile you change the value of that parameter on all ports using that profile. If you want to change a single port or a subset of ports, you can copy the profile, change the desired parameters, and then assign the new profile to the desired ports.

Note   If you modify an existing profile, that change takes effect on every asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) port linked to that profile.

This profile configuration approach is consistent with ADSL management information base (MIB) standards.

The DSLAM implementation uses the dynamic profile approach as opposed to the static profile approach. The dynamic profile approach supports a many-to-one correspondence between ports and profiles; that is, multiple ports can share the same profile but not vice versa. Also, with the dynamic approach, profiles are created and destroyed dynamically (with the exception of a special profile named "default"). Direct configuration of port parameters is not allowed.

Note   When you create a profile, it inherits all of the configuration settings of the special profile named "default" at the time of creation. If you subsequently modify the special profile "default," the changes do not propagate to profiles created by the original default profile.

Using profiles introduces a new command mode, profile mode. Use the command dsl-profile to enter profile mode. When you are in profile mode, changes you make to parameters affect only the profile you specify.

The following example sets the interleaved forward error correction (FEC) check bytes for a profile named "test" to 6 upstream and 4 downstream. Other profiles do not change:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile test DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt check-bytes interleaved downstream 4 upstream 6

Creating, Modifying, or Deleting a Profile

This section describes how to create or delete a profile, and how to select a profile for modification.

To create a profile, or to select a profile for modification, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Create a profile named profile-name, or select an existing profile named profile-name formodification.

To delete a profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# no dsl-profile profile-name

Deleted profile-name.


The following example creates a DSL profile named "fast2." After you execute these steps, you can modify the parameters for this profile:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile fast2 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)#

Copying a Profile

To copy a profile to an identical profile with a different name, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-copy-profile [force] source source-profile destination new-profile

Copy the profile named source-profile to a profile named new-profile. Force lets you overwrite the destination profile, if itexists.

If the destination profile indicated in this command does not exist, dsl-copy-profile creates it. The command then copies all nondefault configurations defined for the source profile to the destination profile.


This example copies the default profile to a profile named "fast" and displays the results. If "fast" does not exist, the command creates it. Use the command show dsl profile to confirm the existence and parameters for the new profile:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-copy-profile force source default destination fast DSLAM(config)# exit DSLAM# show dsl profile fast dsl profile fast:       Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 8032/kbs, upstream: 480/kbs Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled SDSL profile parameters . . .

Attaching or Detaching a Profile

This section describes how to attach a profile to or detach a profile from a slot or port.

To attach a profile from a slot or port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Go to interface configuration mode and specify the slot/port to which you want to attach the profile.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# dsl profile profile-name

Attach profile-name to the slot/port.

To detach a profile from a slot or port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Go to interface configuration mode and specify the slot/port from which you want to detach theprofile.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# no dsl profile profile-name

Detach profile-name from the specified slot/port.


This example attaches the profile "test1" to slot 20, port 1, and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 20/1 DSLAM(config-if)# dsl profile test1 DSLAM(config-if)# exit DSLAM(config)# exit DSLAM# show dsl interface atm 20/1 Port Status: Subscriber Name: Circuit ID: IOS admin: UP oper: UP Card status: Present Last Change: 36352 days, 13 hrs, 51 min, 47 sec No. of changes: 0 Line Status: TRAINED Test Mode: NONE ADSL Chipset Self-Test: NONE CO Modem Firmware Version: O.21 Configured: DMT Profile Name: fast Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled . . .

Displaying a Profile

To display a profile and all the ports currently connected to it, complete the following task:

Command Task
DSLAM# show dsl profile profile-name

Display a profile and all the ports currently connected to it.

Note   If you omit the profile-name argument, this command displays profile information for all existing DSL profiles.


This example displays the profile "fast":

DSLAM# show dsl profile fast dsl profile fast: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: YES ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled SDSL profile parameters . . .

Setting DSL Profile Parameters

The following sections describe the various parameters that can be set within a DSL profile:

Enabling and Disabling Alarms

You can enable and disable alarms for a selected DSL profile using a single command. The alarms apply to these event classes:

DSL alarms are disabled by default.

To enable DSL alarms, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Specify a profile.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# alarms

Enable alarms for that profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To disable DSL alarms, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to the global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Specify a profile.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no alarms

Disable alarms for that profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


This example enables alarms for the default profile and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# alarms DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl profile default dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: YES ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640/kbs, upstream: 128/kbs Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0/kbs, upstream: 0/kbs . . .

Enabling and Disabling LinkUp/Down Traps

You can enable and disable linkUp/Down traps for a selected DSL profile using a single command. The linkUp/Down traps are generated only when the global configuration, the profile configuration and the interface level configuration are all enabled. The traps are disabled on a profile by default.

To enable the linkUp/Down traps follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global config mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profilename

Specify a profile.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# snmp trap link-status

Enable traps for that profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile config mode.

To disable the linkUp/Down traps, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global config mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profilename

Specify a profile.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no snmp trap link-status

Enable traps for that profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile config mode.


This example enables linkUp/Down traps for the default profile and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# snmp trap link-status DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl profile default dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: YES Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates:

Enabling and Disabling Payload Scrambling

This section describes how to enable and disable cell payload scrambling on a DMT subscriber port. Payload scrambling is enabled by default.

To disable payload scrambling, complete the following steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Specify the profile-name for which you want to disable payloadscrambling.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no payload-scrambling

Disable payload scrambling.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configurationmode.

To enable payload scrambling, complete the following steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Specify the profile-name for which you want to enable payloadscrambling.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# payload-scrambling

Enable payload scrambling.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configurationmode.

The two ends of a connection must have the same payload scrambling value—that is, payload scrambling must be enabled at both ends or disabled at both ends. Otherwise, the line does not train.

Enabling or disabling payload scrambling does not cause the port to retrain.

Setting CAP Upstream and Downstream Baud Rate Margins

This section describes how to configure upstream and downstream baud rate margins for ATU-C CAP, and ATU-C flexi CAP interfaces.

Cisco IOS supports provisioning additional baud rates for interface line codes. The following rules apply:

In addition to the existing upstream 136 kilobaud rate, Cisco IOS also supports an upstream 17 kilobaud rate and an upstream 68 kilobaud rate. You can independently enable or disable the new baud rates.

The following list contains the valid upstream/downstream pairs within the available rates:

Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 show the upstream and downstream baud rates and their corresponding bit rates for the ATU-C CAP and ATU-C flexi CAP interfaces.

Table 4-1: ATU-C CAP and ATU-C Flexi CAP Upstream Baud Rates and Corresponding Bit Rates
Module Upstream Baud Rate Upstream Bit Rate (kbps)


136 kilobaud

1088, 952, 816, 680, 544, 408, 272 91

68 kilobaud

544, 476, 408, 340, 272, 204, 136, 46

17 kilobaud

136, 119, 102, 85, 68, 51, 34, 12

Table 4-2: ATU-C CAP and ATU-C Flexi CAP Downstream Baud Rates and Corresponding Bit Rates
Module Downstream Baud Rate Downstream Bit Rate (kbps)


952 kilobaud

7168, 6272, 4480, 2688

680 kilobaud

5120, 4480, 3200, 1920

340 kilobaud

2560, 2240, 1920, 1600, 1280, 960, 640

136 kilobaud—RS1 enabled

1024, 896, 768, 640, 512, 384, 256

136 kilobaud—RS disabled

1088, 952, 816, 680, 544, 408, 272

1Reed-Solomon coding—long/short interleave

The following information applies to Table 4-1 and Table 4-2:

To enable baud rates, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to enable baud rates.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap baud {downstream baudrate | upstream baudrate}

Enable one or more baud rates for the designated CAP profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To disable baud rates, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to disable baud rates.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no cap baud {downstream baudrate | upstream {baudrate| baudrate }}

Disable one or more baud rates for the specified CAP profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

Setting Upstream and Downstream Bit Rates

This section describes how to configure upstream and downstream bit rates for ATU-C CAP and ATU-C flexi CAP, DMT, STU-C, and SHTU-C interfaces.

Setting Bit Rate Parameters for ATU-C CAP Interfaces

To set the downstream and upstream minimum or maximum bit rates for a CAP interface, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the bit rate.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap bitrate {minimum | maximum} downstream int upstream int

Set the bit rate for downstream and upstream for the CAP interface for this profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To return the downstream and upstream bit rates for a CAP interface to their default values, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the default bit rate.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no cap bitrate {minimum | maximum } downstream int upstream int

Set this profile to the default bit rate.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


The following list shows the defaults for minimum and maximum downstream and upstream bit rates for the ATU-C CAP interface.

Value Type Default

Minimum downstream

0 kbps

Minimum upstream

0 kbps

Maximum downstream

640 kbps

Maximum upstream

91 kbps

The alarm subsystem uses the minimum bit rate settings. Cisco IOS software asserts an alarm if the line card trains at a rate below the configured minimum bit rate.


In this example, the command sets the maximum downstream and upstream bit rates to 7168 kbps, and 1088 kbps, respectively:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap bitrate maximum downstream 7168 upstream 1088 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

In this example, the command sets the maximum downstream and upstream bit rates to the default values for that particular interface. In this case, it is a quad-port ATU-C flexi CAP.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap bitrate maximum downstream 640 upstream 91 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Setting Bit Rate Parameters for DMT Interfaces

To set the maximum allowed bit rate for interleaved-path DMT parameters for a specific profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the maximum allowed bitrate for interleaved-path DMT profile parameters.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt bitrate max interleaved downstream dmt-bitrate upstream dmt-bitrate

Set the maximum allowed downstream and upstream bit rates for interleaved-path DMT profile parameters to dmt-bitrate.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To set the minimum allowed bit rate for interleaved-path DMT parameters for a specific profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the minimum allowed bit rate for interleaved-path DMT profile parameters

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt bitrate min interleaved downstream dmt-bitrate upstream dmt-bitrate

Set the maximum allowed downstream and upstream bit rates for interleaved path DMT profile parameters to dmt-bitrate.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

The Cisco IOS software does not send minimum bit rate settings to the line card. The software uses these settings locally to determine if a line rate alarm should be set for a port.

Setting the DMT minimum bit rate to 0 disables the associated minimum DMT bit rate alarm.

Table 4-3 lists the allowable ranges and default values for DMT bit rate.

Table 4-3: Allowable Ranges and Default Values for DMT Bit Rates
Downstream Bit Rate Upstream Bit Rate
Configuration Parameter Data Path Aggregate Range (kbps) Path Range (kbps) Path Default (kbps) Aggregate Range (kbps) Path Range (kbps) Path Default (kbps)

DMT bit rate max


8064 to 32

8064 to 32


1024 to 32

1024 to 0


DMT bit rate min


8064 to 32

8064 to 0


1024 to 32

1024 to 0


DMT bit rate max


8064 to 32

8064 to 32


1024 to 32

1024 to 0


DMT bit rate min


8064 to 32

8064 to 0


1024 to 0

1024 to 0


Caution   The dmt bitrate command causes the port to retrain when you change the value of the bit rate parameter.

If you set a parameter to its current value, the port does not retrain. If a port is training when you change the parameter, the port stops training and retrains to the new parameter.


This example sets the maximum interleaved path bit rate of the default profile to 640 kbps downstream and 128 kbps upstream, and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt bitrate interleaved downstream 640 upstream 128 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl-profile dsl profile default: Alarms Enabled: NO DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640/kbs, upstream: 128/kbs Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0/kbs, upstream: 0/kbs Margin: downstream: 3 db, upstream: 3 db Interleave Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs FEC Redundancy Bytes: Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 RS Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Enabled Overhead Framing: Mode 1 Bit-Swap: Enabled Bit-Swap From Margin: 3 dB Bit-Swap To Margin: 3 dB Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Standard SDSL profile parameters

In this example, the command sets the maximum fast bit rate of the default profile to 3200 kbps downstream and 640 kbps upstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(config-dsl-prof)# dmt bitrate maximum fast downstream 3200 upstream 640

Setting DMT Minrate Blocking

To specify the bit rate below which a DMT port does not retrain, use the dmt minrate-blocking command.

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode andspecify the profile-name for which you want to set the maximum allowed bitrate for interleaved-path DMT profileparameters.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt minrate-blocking

Force a port not to retrain when actual bit rates fall below the values configured in the command.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

Setting Bit Rate Parameters for STU-C Interfaces

To set the bit rate for STU-C parameters for a profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode, specifying the profile-name for which you want to set the maximum allowed bit rate.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# sdsl bitrate bitrate

Set the downstream and upstream bit rates for the profile. The STU-C downstream and upstream bit rates are identical. The loop characteristics determine the achievable rate.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


In this example, the command sets the bit rate of the default profile to 528 kbps downstream and upstream:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# sdsl bitrate 528

The Cisco IOS software does not send minimum bit rate settings to the STU-C line card. The software uses the settings locally to determine if a line rate alarm should be set for a port.

The following allowable STU-C bit rate values occur in units of kilobits per second:











Caution   The sdsl bitrate bitrate command causes the port to retrain when you change the parameter.

Setting a parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change the parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter value.

Setting Bit Rate Parameters for SHTU-C Interfaces

To set the bit rate for SHTU-C parameters for a profile, use the following procedure that modifies the default bit rate parameters in your DSL profile:

Command Purpose

Step 1 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin

Enter DSL profile configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# shdsl bitrate rate

Configure a bit rate in kbps. The valid rates are 72, 136, 200, 264, 392, 520, 776, 1032, 1160, 1544, 2056, and 2312 kbps.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


The following example shows how to use the shdsl bitrate command to configure the upstream and downstream bandwidth at 2312 kbps:

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-prof)# shdsl bitrate 2312

Setting Signal-to-Noise Ratio Margins

This section describes how to set signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins for both downstream and upstream traffic for ATU-C CAP, ATU-C flexi CAP, ATU-C flexi DMT, 4xDMT, and SHTU-C interfaces. The higher the SNR margin the more protection there is against data corruption. The higher the SNR margin the lower the data rate a given loop can support.

ATU-C CAP and ATU-C Flexi CAP Interfaces

Use the following profile configuration commands to set the SNR value for a selected ATU-C CAP or ATU-C flexi CAP profile:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set SNRmargins.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap margin downstream 0-12 upstream 0-12

Set the SNR downstream and upstream margins to integers 0 through 12.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configurationmode.

To set the SNR margin values for an ATU-C CAP interface to the default values of 3 dB downstream and 6 dB upstream, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set SNR margins.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no cap margin {downstream | upstream}

Set the SNR downstream or upstream margins to the default value (3 dB downstream and 6 dB upstream).

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


In this example, the command sets the SNR margin at 8 dB downstream and 5 dB upstream for the DSL "issis" profile:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap margin downstream 8 upstream 5 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

ATU-C 4DMT and 8xDMT Interfaces

The range of DMT margin values is 0 to 15 dB in each direction. The default value for each direction is 6 dB.

To set SNR margins for a 4xDMT or 8xDMT interface, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set SNR margins.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt margin downstream dmt-margin upstream dmt-margin

Set the SNR downstream and upstream margins todmt-margin.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

This command retrains the port if you change the parameter value. Setting a parameter to its previous value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter value.


This example sets the SNR margins of the default profile to 6 dB upstream and 6 dB downstream and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt margin downstream 6 upstream 6 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! ! version XX.X no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption ! hostname DSLAM ! slot 1 atuc-1-4dmt . . . slot 32 atuc-1-4dmt enable password lab ! ! dsl-profile default ! dsl-profile fast dmt training-mode quick dmt margin downstream 6 upstream 6 dmt bitrate maximum interleaved downstream 8032 upstream 480 network-clock-select 1 ATM0/1 network-clock-select 2 system . . .

SHTU-C Interfaces

You can set SNR margins for minimum, target, and threshold on selected SHTU-C profiles.

To set SNR margins for an 8xG.SHDSL interface, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set SNR margins.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# shdsl margin min 0 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# shdsl margin target 3 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# shdsl margin threshold 0

Configure SNR margin values for the DSL profile.

Note   We suggest that you use the default configuration shown in this step.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


The following example shows you how to configure the shdsl margin values min 2, threshold 10, and target 0:

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-prof)# shdsl margin min 2 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-prof)# shdsl margin threshold 10 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-prof)# shdsl margin target 0

Monitoring Signal-to-Noise Ratio

DMT rate adaptation monitors upstream and downstream DMT ports for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins during specified time intervals. If an unacceptable SNR margin is detected, the port is retrained at a lower bit rate to improve the SNR margins. To change the intervals during which a DMT port is monitored for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins, use the dmt rate adaptation interval command in DSL profile configuration mode.

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set SNR margins.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt rate-adaptation enable

Enable rate adaptation on a DMT port.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)dmt rate-adaptation interval {downshift [downstream number-of eoc-updates upstream seconds]}

Change the intervals during which a DMT port is monitored for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins.

Step 5 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


The following example enables dmt rate-adaptation with default interval and margin values:

DSLAM# config terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt rate-adaptation enable

Setting DMT Power-Management-Additional-Margin

Often, the capacity of a customer line is greater than the data rate of the customer service. This situation generally manifests itself as an SNR margin that is in excess of the target margin. In such a case, you should reduce the excess margin and bring it closer to the target margin, by reducing power. Power cutback is desirable for both a reduction in power dissipation and a reduction in cross talk.

The 8xDMT line card can run in power-management mode in the G.dmt or the T1.413 mode. Only 8xDMT line cards support power management. All CPE may not support the DSL functionality for power management to function correctly. Check with a Cisco customer representative to verify CPE compatibility with the 8xDMT power management.

You control the Power Management feature by issuing a dmt power-management-additional-margin command inside a profile and assigning that profile to a line card interface. This IOS command allows you to set the additional margin for each channel from 0 dB (off) to 15 dB. This sets the additional margin that will be added to the target margin. If the sum of the target margin and additional margin exceeds 15dB, it is capped at 15dB. If the actual margin of the line is higher than the sum of the configured target and additional margin, then power management attempts to reduce the actual margin, and as a consequence the power level as well.

Not all CPE support power management. If you connect an unsupported CPE to a port on which power management is turned on, you will not see a reduction in the actual margin or power level. The operating modes supported by power management are T1.413and g-992-1 (g.dmt). A reduction in the power level occurs if there is excess margin on the line. For the downstream direction, if there is excess margin, then IOS displays a reduction in margin for the modes listed above, and a reduction in transmit power for T1.413 mode. For the upstream direction, if there is excess margin, then IOS displays a reduction in the margin for g-992-1 mode only. IOS will not display a reduction in transmit power for the upstream direction.

To set power management mode for a DMT profile, use the dmt power-management-additional-margin command.

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set power management mode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt power-management-additional-margin downstream dmt margin upstream dmt margin

Set the downstream and upstream power management margins for the profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


In the following example, power management would begin at 9 dB because the original margin is 6 dB and the additional margin is 3 dB:

DSLAM# config terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt margin downstream 6 upstream 6 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt power-management-additional-margin downstream 3 upstream 3

Setting the Interleaving Delay

This section describes how to set the interleaving delay for both the upstream and downstream traffic for DMT and CAP interfaces.

If possible, the DSLAM sets the actual interleaving delays to match the values configured in the profile. However, depending upon the bit rate to which the port finally trains, some settings of interleaving delay may not be achievable. In this case, the DSLAM chooses an actual interleaving delay that is closest (numerically) to the configured interleaving delay. Table 4-4 lists the values of interleaving delay that are achievable for all bit rates.

DMT Interfaces

Interleaving delay helps protect against impulse noise and clipping, but adds delay, which might not be tolerable for some applications.

The allowable values for configured interleaved delay are 0, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, and 16000 microseconds. The default interleaved delay (the value assigned when a DSL profile is created) is 16000 microseconds for both upstream and downstream directions.

Table 4-4: Achievable Combinations of Interleaving Delay and Symbols per Reed Solomon Codeword for Different Bit Rate Ranges
Bit Rate Range (kbps) Symbols per RS Codeword Allowed Interleaving Delay Allowed (microseconds)

8032 to 3616


0, 500, 1000, 2000, 8000, 16000

3584 to 3168

1 or 2

0, 500, 1000, 2000, 8000, 16000

Note   A value of 500 is allowed only when symbols per codeword = 1.

3136 to 1760


0, 1000, 2000, 8000, 16000

1728 to 1568

2 or 4

0, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000

Note   A value 1000 is allowed only when symbols per codeword = 2. A value of 4000 is allowed only when symbols per codeword = 4.

1536 to 832


0, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000

800 to 768

4 or 8

0, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000

Note   A value of 2000 is allowed only when symbols per codeword = 4.

736 to 384


0, 4000, 8000, 16000

352 to 0


0, 8000, 16000

To set upstream and downstream interleaving delay for a specific DMT profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configurationmode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the interleavingdelay.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt interleaving-delay downstream delay-in-usecs upstream delay-in-usecs

Set the downstream and upstream interleaving delay times as delay-in-usecs.

This command retrains the port if you change the parameter value. Setting a parameter to its previous value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter value.


This example sets the interleaving delay of the profile named "fast" to 2000 usec downstream and 4000 usec upstream, and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile fast DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt interleaving-delay downstream 2000 upstream 4000 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# exit DSLAM(config)# exit DSLAM# show dsl profile fast dsl profile fast: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 2000 usecs, upstream: 4000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled . . .

CAP Interfaces

Table 4-5 shows the amount of delay (in milliseconds) that results from various combinations of baud rate, constellation, and cap interleaving-delay settings (short or long) on a 4-port flexi card configured for CAP. Interleaving delay is applied only in the downstream direction. Interleaving is not used on upstream traffic.

Table 4-5: Downstream Interleaving Delay
Constellation Short or Long Delay 136 Kbaud 340 Kbaud 680 Kbaud 952 Kbaud



4.4 ms

4.4 ms




49 ms

49 ms





3.0 ms

3.0 ms

3.0 ms

2.7 ms


31 ms

31 ms

16 ms

11 ms



2.3 ms

2.3 ms




24 ms

24 ms





1.9 ms

1.9 ms

1.8 ms

1.7 ms


19 ms

19 ms

9.6 ms

6.8 ms



1.6 ms

1.6 ms




16 ms

16 ms





1.4 ms

1.4 ms

1.4 ms

1.2 ms


14 ms

14 ms

6.8 ms

5.0 ms

256 uncorrected


1.3 ms

1.3 ms

1.2 ms

1.0 ms


12 ms

12 ms

6.0 ms

4.3 ms

You can choose the interleaving-delay option none only when 136 k downstream baud rate is enabled. If you configure the interleaving-delay as none but the line card trains at a downstream bit rate that uses a baud rate that is other than 136 k, the actual interleaving-delay value is short.

The following table shows the relationship between the interleaving-delay value chosen and the state of the Reed-Solomon error correction function.

Interleave Value Reed-Solomon Relationship


RS error correction on


RS error correction on


RS error correction off

Note   If you set interleaving delay to none, the subscriber line might provide service at a higher bit rate than the one configured. This can happen because setting interleaving delay to none turns off Reed-Solomon error correction, and turning off error correction reduces the overhead on the line, leaving more bandwidth available to the subscriber.

To set the interleaving delay for a specific CAP profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the interleaving delay.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap interleaving-delay {short | long | none}

Set interleaving-delay for a designated CAP profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Return to privileged EXEC mode.

To return the interleaved delay to its default (long) setting, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the interleaving delay.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no cap interleaving-delay

Set interleaving-delay to the default value (long) for a designated CAP profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


This example shows how to set the interleaving-delay value to none for the profile named "issis":

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap interleaving-delay DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

This example shows how to set the default interleaving delay value for the profile named "issis".

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no cap interleaving-delay none DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Setting the Number of Symbols per Reed-Solomon Codeword

This section describes how to set the number of symbols per Reed-Solomon codeword. This information applies to DMT interfaces only.

The allowable values for configured symbols per codeword are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or auto. If you select auto (automatic), the line card chooses the optimum symbols per codeword based upon the bit rate to which the line trains. The optimum value keeps the ratio of user data to error correction bytes roughly constant. The default symbols per codeword setting (the value assigned when a DSL profile is created) is auto for both upstream and downstream directions.

If the symbols per codeword is set explicitly (any value other than auto), the DSLAM attempts to match the configured symbols per codeword. However, depending upon the bit rate to which the port finally trains, some settings of symbols per codeword may not be achievable. When this occurs, the DSLAM chooses an actual symbols-per-codeword value that is closest (numerically) to the configured symbols per codeword. Table 4-6 lists the values of symbols per codeword that are allowable for various bit rate ranges.

Table 4-6: Symbols-per-Codeword Values for Different Bit Rate Ranges
Bit Rate Range (kbps) Symbols per RS Codeword for Auto Symbols per RS Codeword Allowed

8032 to 3616



3584 to 3168


1 or 2

3136 to 1760



1728 to 1568


2 or 4

1536 to 832



800 to 768


4 or 8

736 to 384



352 to 0



When the training mode is set to quick, the modem DSP automatically chooses the codeword size. The one exception is that if check bytes is set to 0 and the training mode is quick, the codeword size is always 1.

To set the number of symbols per Reed-Solomon codeword, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to the global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default

Go to the profile mode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt codeword-size downstream {symbols | auto} upstream {symbols | auto}

Set codeword size. The allowable values for codeword size (in symbols per RS codeword) are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, orauto.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

If you set the codeword size to auto, the number of symbols per codeword depends upon the actual DMT bit rate. The default codeword size is auto.

This command retrains the port if you change the parameter value. Setting a parameter to its previous value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter value.


This example sets the number of symbols per Reed-Solomon codeword to 8 upstream and 16 downstream and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt codeword-size downstream 16 upstream 8 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl profile default dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 4, upstream: 6 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: 16, upstream: 8 Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled . . .

Setting FEC Check (Redundancy) Bytes

This section describes how to set upstream and downstream interleaved FEC check (redundancy) bytes per Reed-Solomon (RS) codeword for a specific profile for DMT interfaces. The higher the check byte setting, the better the error correction, but the check bytes subtract from user bytes.

The configured number of FEC check bytes must be an even number in the range 0 to 16. The default (the value assigned when a DSL profile is created) is 16 check bytes for both the upstream and downstream directions.

If possible, the DSLAM sets the actual number of FEC check bytes to match the value configured in the profile. However, depending upon the bit rate to which the port finally trains, some settings of FEC check bytes may not be achievable. In this case, the DSLAM chooses an actual number of FEC check bytes that is closest (numerically) to the configured number of FEC check bytes. Table 4-7 lists the values of FEC check bytes that are achievable for all bit rates.

Table 4-7: Achievable Combinations of FEC Check Bytes and Symbols per Reed-Solomon Codeword for Different Bit Rate Ranges
Bit Rate Range (kbps) Symbols per RS Codeword Allowed FEC Check Bytes Allowed

8032 to 3616


0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

3584 to 3168

1 or 2

0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

3136 to 1760


0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

1728 to 1568

2 or 4

0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

Note   A value of 2, 6, 10, or 14 is allowed only when symbols per RS codeword = 2.

1536 to 832


0, 4, 8, 12, 16

800 to 768

4 or 8

0, 4, 8, 12, 16

Note   A value of 4 or 12 is allowed only when symbols per RS codeword = 4.

736 to 384


0, 8, 16

352 to 0


0, 16

To set upstream and downstream FEC check (redundancy) bytes for a specific profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set FEC checkbytes.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt check-bytes {fast | interleaved} downstream bytes upstream bytes

Set the check bytes on the specified latency path to the specified number of bytes downstream and bytesupstream.

This command retrains the port if you change the parameter value. Setting a parameter to its previous value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter value.

It is normally desirable to keep the ratio of check bytes to user bytes roughly constant regardless of the bit rate. This requires you to change both the check bytes and the codeword size parameters.

When the training mode is set to quick, the DSLAM automatically chooses the check bytes value. However, if check bytes is set to zero and the training mode is quick, the system always uses a check bytes value of 0.


This example sets the FEC check bytes for the default profile to 6 upstream and 4 downstream and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt check-bytes interleaved downstream 4 upstream 6 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl profile default dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 4, upstream: 6 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled . . .

Enabling and Disabling Trellis Coding

To enable trellis coding, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Specify the profile-name for which you want to enable trellis coding.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt encoding trellis

Enable trellis coding.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To disable trellis coding, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Specify the profile-name for which you want to disable trellis coding.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no dmt encoding trellis

Disable trellis coding.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

This command retrains the port if you change the parameter value. Setting a parameter to its previous value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter value.

The system can use trellis coding only if the profile enables it and the CPE supports trellis coding.


This example turns off trellis encoding for the default profile and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no dmt encoding trellis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl profile dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: YES ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 4, upstream: 6 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: 16, upstream: 8 Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 2 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled . . .

Setting the Overhead Framing Mode

To set the overhead framing mode of a DMT profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the overhead framing mode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt overhead-framing
{mode0 | mode1 | mode2 | mode3}

Set the overhead framing mode.

Note   If you use a mode other than mode3, the following warning appears: "Not all Framing Modes are supported by each Line Card or CPE. Verify actual framing mode once the CPE has trained with show dsl interface atm.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

This command does not retrain the port when you change the parameter value.

If the actual framing mode used is the mode the ATU-C port requested, or if the ATU-R CPE does not support the ATU-C choice, then the highest mode the ATU-R does support is used.


This example sets the overhead framing mode in the default profile to mode3 and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt overhead-framing mode3 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl profile dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 R-S Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled SDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 784 kbps SHDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 776 kbps SNR margin threshold: 3 dB SNR margin target: 0 dB SNR margin min: 0 dB Masktype: symmetric Annex: auto Rate mode: fixed CAP profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 91 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 3 dB, upstream: 6 dB PSDM: downstream: -40 dBm/Hz, upstream: -38 dBm/Hz Interleaving Delay: Long (Reed-Solomon enabled) 136K Baud DS Rates: Enabled 68K Baud US Rates: Disabled 17K Baud US Rates: Disabled CPE Signature: 0 IDSL profile parameters Bitrate: 128 kbit/sec Encapsulation: llc-ppp Frame Relay parameters: UPC intent: pass Bc default: 32768 bytes LMI type: cisco lmi-n392dce: 2 events lmi-n393dce: 2 events lmi-t392dce: 15 seconds dsl profile austin: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 R-S Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled SDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 784 kbps SHDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 776 kbps SNR margin threshold: 3 dB SNR margin target: 0 dB SNR margin min: 0 dB Masktype: symmetric Annex: auto Rate mode: fixed CAP profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 91 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 3 dB, upstream: 6 dB PSDM: downstream: -40 dBm/Hz, upstream: -38 dBm/Hz Interleaving Delay: Long (Reed-Solomon enabled) 136K Baud DS Rates: Enabled 68K Baud US Rates: Disabled 17K Baud US Rates: Disabled CPE Signature: 0 IDSL profile parameters Bitrate: 128 kbit/sec Encapsulation: llc-ppp Frame Relay parameters: UPC intent: pass Bc default: 32768 bytes LMI type: cisco lmi-n392dce: 2 events lmi-n393dce: 2 events lmi-t392dce: 15 seconds dsl profile name: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 R-S Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled SDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 784 kbps SHDSL profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: 776 kbps SNR margin threshold: 3 dB SNR margin target: 0 dB SNR margin min: 0 dB Masktype: symmetric Annex: auto Rate mode: fixed CAP profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 91 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 3 dB, upstream: 6 dB PSDM: downstream: -40 dBm/Hz, upstream: -38 dBm/Hz Interleaving Delay: Long (Reed-Solomon enabled) 136K Baud DS Rates: Enabled 68K Baud US Rates: Disabled 17K Baud US Rates: Disabled CPE Signature: 0 IDSL profile parameters Bitrate: 128 kbit/sec Encapsulation: llc-ppp Frame Relay parameters: UPC intent: pass Bc default: 32768 bytes LMI type: cisco lmi-n392dce: 2 events lmi-n393dce: 2 events lmi-t392dce: 15 seconds

Modifying the Operating Mode

To modify the operating mode of a DMT profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to modify the operatingmode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt operating-mode {auto | g992-1 | g992-2 | t1-413}

Set an operating mode for the selected profile.

4xDMT—g992-1 and t1-413.

8xDMT —auto, g992-1, g992-1, or t1-413.

4xflexi—auto, g992-1, g992-1, or t1-413.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To set the operating mode of a DMT profile to the default mode, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to modify the operatingmode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no dmt operating-mode

Force the operating mode to the default mode, auto.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

An ADSL line uses one of these operating modes:

This command retrains the port if you change the parameter value. Setting a parameter to its previous value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter value.


This example sets the operating mode of the default profile to G992.1 and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt operating-mode G992.1 DSLAM# show dsl profile default

dsl profile default:

Link Traps Enabled: NO

Alarms Enabled: NO

ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled

DMT profile parameters

Maximum Bitrates:

Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s

Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s

Minimum Bitrates:

Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s

Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s

Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB

Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs

Check Bytes (FEC):

Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16

Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0

R-S Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto

Trellis Coding: Disabled

Overhead Framing: Mode 3

Operating Mode: G992-1

Training Mode: Quick

Minrate blocking: Disabled

SNR Monitoring: Disabled

Modifying the DMT Training Mode

To modify the training mode of a DMT profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to modify the trainingmode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt training-mode {standard | quick}

Modify the training mode. The choices are standard and quick.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To set the training mode of a DMT profile to its default value, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to modify the trainingmode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no dmt training-mode

Set the training mode to its default value.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

The above procedures specify the mode employed by the ATU-C port when it is training to an ATU-R CPE. There are two training modes:

This command does not retrain the port when you change the parameter value.


This example sets the training mode of the default profile to quick and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# dmt training-mode quick DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end DSLAM# show dsl profile default dsl profile default: Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: YES ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 4, upstream: 6 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: 16, upstream: 8 Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 2 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled SDSL profile parameters . . .

Modifying the G.SHDSL Training Mode

To modify the training mode of a G.SHDSL profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to modify the trainingmode.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# shdsl; ratemode {fixed | adaptive}

Fixed—In fixed training mode, no rates are negotiated. The line rate selected is the line rate to which the port attempts to train. If the port is unable to attain that line rate, it does not train.

Adaptive—In adaptive training mode, the rate is negotiated during training. If the line cannot train at the selected rate, the line trains at the next best rate. Rates are negotiated in 64 kbps decrements.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


In the following example the training mode is configured as adaptive:

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# shdsl ratemode adaptive

Setting the Power Spectral Density Mask for ATU-C CAP and ATU-C flexi CAP

This section describes how to set the ATU-C CAP and ATU-C flexi CAP power spectral density mask (PSDM) upstream and downstream values.

To set the ATU-C CAP and ATU-C flexi CAP PSDM upstream and downstream values, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode, specifying the profile-name for which you want to set the PSDM value.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap psdm downstream psdm upstream psdm

Set the PSDM rate downstream and upstream for this profile.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


The default decibel values for PSDM rates are as follows:


In this example, the command sets the CAP PSDM value at -37 dB downstream and -41 dB upstream for the "issis" profile.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap psdm downstream -37 upstream -41 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

In this example, the command sets the CAP PSDM value to the default downstream and upstream settings of -40 dB and -38 dB for the "issis" profile.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile issis DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# no cap psdm downstream -40 upstream -38 DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Setting the Power Spectral Density Mask for SHTU-C

This section describes how to set the SHTU-C power spectral density mask (PSDM).

To set the SHTU-C PSDM, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode, specifying the profile-name for which you want to set the PSDM value.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# shdsl masktype symmetric

Set the DSL mask type as symmetric.

Note   In future software releases, asymmetric masks will be supported for certain bit rates.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


The following example shows you how to configure a symmetric mask type:

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-prof)# shdsl masktype symmetric

Setting SHTU-C Annex

You can set the SHTU-C annex type for each configuration profile. Use Annex A in North American network implementations. Annex B is appropriate for European SHDSL implementations. Use auto to allow the CO to detect the CPE side annex during training.

To set the annex type for a designated profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the CPE signature value.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# annex a


DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# annex b


DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# auto

Configure SHDSL annex type A.

Configure SHDSL annex type B.

Allow the CO to detect and then select the CPE side annex type during training.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.


The following example shows how to configure SHDSL Annex B:

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile austin DSLAM(cfg-dsl-prof)# shdsl annex b

Setting the ATU-C CAP CPE-Signature

You can set the customer premises equipment (CPE) signature for each configuration profile. The CPE signature indicates the CPE equipment supported feature set. To set the CAP CPE-signature for a designated profile, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile profile-name

Go to profile configuration mode and specify the profile-name for which you want to set the CPE signature value.

Step 3 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# cap cpe-signature 0-127

Set the CPE signature value.

Step 4 

DSLAM(cfg-dsl-profile)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

Enabling and Disabling ATM Local Loopback

When you enable the loopback functionality, loopback cells are inserted on designated VPCs/VCCs. The NI-2 notifies you through the management information base (MIB) or Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) if loopback cells do not return.

This section describes how to enable and disable ATM local loopback on a port.

To enable ATM local loopback on a port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Go to interface configuration mode and specify the port for which you want to enable local loopback.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# loopback diagnostic

Enable the loopback diagnostic for the selected port.

Step 4 

DSLAM(config-if)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

To disable ATM local loopback on a port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# configure terminal

Go to global configuration mode.

Step 2 

DSLAM(config)# interface atm slot/port

Go to interface configuration mode and specify the port for which you want to enable local loopback.

Step 3 

DSLAM(config-if)# no loopback diagnostic

Disable the loopback diagnostic for the selected port.

Step 4 

DSLAM(config-if)# end

Exit from profile configuration mode.

This command retrains the port if you change the parameter. Setting a parameter to its previous value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change this parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter.


This command disables ATM local loopback for port 1 on slot 1 and displays the results:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 1/1 DSLAM(config-if)# no loopback diagnostic DSLAM(config-if)# end DSLAM# show dsl interface atm 1/1 Port Status: Subscriber Name: Circuit ID: IOS admin: UP oper: UP Card status: Present Last Change: 36352 days, 13 hrs, 51 min, 47 sec No. of changes: 0 Line Status: TRAINED Test Mode: NONE Loopback: NONE ADSL Chipset Self-Test: NONE CO Modem Firmware Version: 0x1319BE02 . . .

Displaying DSL and ATM Status

To display DSL status for a line card and ATM status for a port, follow these steps:

Command Task

Step 1 

DSLAM# show dsl status line card type

Display the administrative and operational status of the line card, the actual line rates, the subscriber name and circuit ID assigned to the port, and the subtend ID for the specified line card.

Step 2 

DSLAM# show dsl interface atm slot/port

Display the information provided by show dsl status, plus configured profile parameters and actual parameter values for the specifiedslot/port.


This example displays the DSL status for a 4xDMT line card and the ATM status for port 1 in slot 4:

DSLAM# show dsl status dmt DSLAM# show dsl interface atm 4/1 Port Status: Subscriber Name: Circuit ID: IOS admin: UP oper: DOWN Card status: ATUC-1-4DMT Last Change: 00 days, 00 hrs, 12 min, 33 sec No. of changes: 684 Line Status: NO CPE DETECTED Test Mode: NONE ADSL Chipset Self-Test: NONE CO Modem Firmware Version: 0x30CCBE05 Configured: DMT Profile Name: default Link Traps Enabled: NO Alarms Enabled: NO ATM Payload Scrambling: Enabled DMT profile parameters Maximum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 640 kb/s, upstream: 128 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Minimum Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 6 dB, upstream: 6 dB Interleaving Delay: downstream: 16000 usecs, upstream: 16000 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 16, upstream: 16 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 R-S Codeword Size: downstream: auto, upstream: auto Trellis Coding: Disabled Overhead Framing: Mode 3 Operating Mode: Automatic Training Mode: Quick Minrate blocking: Disabled SNR Monitoring: Disabled Power Management Additional Margin:                             downstream: 2 dB, upstream: 3 dB Status: Bitrates: Interleave Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Fast Path: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Attainable Aggregate Bitrates: downstream: 0 kb/s, upstream: 0 kb/s Margin: downstream: 0 dB, upstream: 0 dB Attenuation: downstream: 0 dB, upstream: 0 dB Interleave Delay: downstream: 0 usecs, upstream: 0 usecs Check Bytes (FEC): Interleave Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 Fast Path: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 RS Codeword Size: downstream: 0, upstream: 0 Trellis Coding: Not In Use Overhead Framing: Mode 0 Line Fault: NONE Operating Mode: Unknown Line Type: Fast and Interleaved Alarms: status: NONE ATM Statistics: Interleaved-Path Counters: Cells: downstream: 0 upstream: 0 HEC errors: downstream: 0 upstream: 0 LOCD events: near end: 0 far end: 0 Fast-Path Counters: Cells: downstream: 0 upstream: 0 HEC errors: downstream: 0 upstream: 0 LOCD events: near end: 0 far end: 0 DSL Statistics: Init Events: 341 Transmitted Superframes: near end: 0 far end: 0 Received Superframes: near end: 0 far end: 0 Corrected Superframes: near end: 0 far end: 0 Uncorrected Superframes: near end: 0 far end: 0 CPE Info Serial Number: 00000000 Vendor ID: 0 Version Number: 0

Displaying Hardware Information

This section describes how to display information about the DSLAM hardware components.

To display a list of the cards in the chassis and the chassis type, and to indicate whether the power supply and fan interfaces are present, complete the following task:

Command Task
DSLAM# show hardware

Display the type of card in each slot in the chassis and the chassis type, and indicate whether the power supply and fan interfaces arepresent.

To display the name of the card in the specified slot, complete the following task:

Command Task
DSLAM# show hardware slot slot

Display the name of the card in the specified slot.

To display the manufacturing information for the card in the slot, including chassis type, chassis name, H/W revision, Serial #, Asset ID, Alias, and CLEI code, complete the following task:

Command Task
DSLAM# show hardware chassis

Display the manufacturing information for the DSLAM: chassis type, chassis name, H/W revision, Serial #, Asset ID, Alias, and CLEI code.

To display the online insertion and removal (OIR) status of the line cards, complete the following task:

Command Task
DSLAM# show oir status [slot]

Display the line card status and timer running delay.

The show oir status command reports the status of line card slots in the DSLAM chassis. The reported status is one of the following:

When the NI-2 cannot communicate with a line card, the NI-2 provides no entry for the slot where the card is located. The show oir status command displays a history of attempts to communicate with the line card.


This example displays the physical card in the chassis and the chassis type and indicates if the power supply and fan interfaces are present:

DSLAM# show hardware Chassis Type:C6160 Slot 1 :EMPTY Slot 18:EMPTY Slot 2 :EMPTY Slot 19:ATUC-4FLEXICAP Slot 3 :EMPTY Slot 20:EMPTY Slot 4 :EMPTY Slot 21:ATUC-1-4DMT Slot 5 :EMPTY Slot 22:ATUC-4FLEXIDMT Slot 6 :EMPTY Slot 23:EMPTY Slot 7 :EMPTY Slot 24:EMPTY Slot 8 :EMPTY Slot 25:EMPTY Slot 9 :EMPTY Slot 26:EMPTY Slot 10:NI-2-DS3-DS3 Slot 27:EMPTY Slot 11:EMPTY Slot 28:EMPTY Slot 12:STUC-4-2B1Q-DIR-1 Slot 29:EMPTY Slot 13:EMPTY Slot 30:EMPTY Slot 14:EMPTY Slot 31:EMPTY Slot 15:EMPTY Slot 32:EMPTY Slot 16:EMPTY Slot 33:EMPTY Slot 17:EMPTY Slot 34:EMPTY Fan Module 1: Present 2: Present Power Supply Module 1: 6260-PEM-AC Power Supply Module 2: 6260-PEM-AC

This example displays information on the cards in slots 20 and 21:

DSLAM# show hardware slot 20 Slot 20:EMPTY DSLAM# show hardware slot 21 Slot 21: ATUC-1-4DMT Hardware Revision : 1.0 Part Number : 800-05262-03 Board Revision : A0 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 03 PCB Serial Number : SAL04300VR2 RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 CLEI Code : DML2GGCAAB Asset Identifier : EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 40 01 53 41 01 00 C0 46 03 20 00 14 8E 03 0x10: 42 41 30 80 00 00 00 00 02 03 C1 8B 53 41 4C 30 0x20: 34 33 30 30 56 52 32 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 0x30: C6 8A 44 4D 4C 32 47 47 43 41 41 42 CC 20 00 00 0x40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

This example displays the manufacturing information for the DSLAM, including information on the NI-2 card, backplane, I/O card, and power modules:

DSLAM# show hardware chassis Chassis Type: C6260 NI2 Daughtercard EEPROM: Hardware Revision : 1.0 Part Number : 73-3952-05 Board Revision : A0 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 02 PCB Serial Number : 00010218817 RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 Unknown Field (type 0086): 00 00 00 00 EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 40 01 4F 41 01 00 82 49 0F 70 05 42 41 30 0x10: 80 00 00 00 00 02 02 C1 8B 30 30 30 31 30 32 31 0x20: 38 38 31 37 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 86 00 00 0x30: 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x40: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x50: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF NI2 Motherboard EEPROM: Hardware Revision : 1.0 Part Number : 800-05631-05 Board Revision : 01 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 03 PCB Serial Number : 00010218817 RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 CLEI Code : unassigned Asset Identifier : 00000000000000000000000000000000 Processor type : 00 EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 40 01 94 41 01 00 C0 46 03 20 00 15 FF 05 0x10: 42 30 31 80 00 00 00 00 02 03 C1 8B 30 30 30 31 0x20: 30 32 31 38 38 31 37 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 0x30: C6 8A 75 6E 61 73 73 69 67 6E 65 64 CC 20 30 30 0x40: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0x50: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 09 00 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF BackPlane EEPROM: Hardware Revision : 1.0 Part Number : 73-3999-05 Board Revision : A0 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 04 PCB Serial Number : SAA04090051 RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 Chassis Serial Number : SCA041007X7 CLEI Code : DMM3BH0ERA Asset Identifier : EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 41 01 00 82 49 0F 9F 05 42 41 30 80 00 00 0x10: 00 00 02 04 C1 8B 53 41 41 30 34 30 39 30 30 35 0x20: 31 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 C2 8B 53 43 41 30 0x30: 34 31 30 30 37 58 37 C6 8A 44 4D 4D 33 42 48 30 0x40: 45 52 41 CC 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x60: 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x80: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x90: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xA0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xB0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xC0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xD0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xE0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xF0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF I/O Card EEPROM: Hardware Revision : 1.0 Part Number : 800-08690-01 Board Revision : 01 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 01 PCB Serial Number : SAD04350CBB RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 Chassis MAC Address : 0001.64ff.a97f MAC Address block size : 1024 CLEI Code : ABCDEFGHIJ Asset Identifier : EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 40 02 43 41 01 00 C0 46 03 20 00 21 F2 01 0x10: 42 30 31 80 00 00 00 00 02 01 C1 8B 53 41 44 30 0x20: 34 33 35 30 43 42 42 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 0x30: C3 06 00 01 64 FF A9 7F 43 04 00 C6 8A 41 42 43 0x40: 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A CC 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x80: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x90: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xA0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xB0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xC0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xD0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xE0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xF0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1 Power Module EEPROM: Hardware Revision : 1.0 Part Number : 34-1695-01 Deviation Number : 0-0 RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 Chassis Serial Number : 00000000562 Power Supply Type : AC CLEI Code : Asset Identifier : EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 41 01 00 82 22 06 9F 01 80 00 00 00 00 03 0x10: 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 C2 8B 30 30 30 30 30 30 0x20: 30 30 35 36 32 0B 00 C6 8A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x30: 00 00 00 CC 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x50: 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x80: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x90: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xA0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xB0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xC0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xD0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xE0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xF0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 2 Power Module EEPROM: Hardware Revision : 1.0 Part Number : 34-1695-01 Deviation Number : 0-0 RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 Chassis Serial Number : 00000000552 Power Supply Type : AC CLEI Code : Asset Identifier : EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 41 01 00 82 22 06 9F 01 80 00 00 00 00 03 0x10: 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 C2 8B 30 30 30 30 30 30 0x20: 30 30 35 35 32 0B 00 C6 8A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x30: 00 00 00 CC 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0x50: 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x80: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x90: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xA0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xB0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xC0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xD0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xE0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0xF0: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

Posted: Mon Dec 9 15:04:02 PST 2002
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