
Table Of Contents

Getting Started

How to Install SCA BB

The SCA BB Installation Package

Installing SCA BB Application Components


How to Install SCA BB Front Ends

How to Upgrade SCA BB

Upgrading from Version 2.5 to Version 3.1.0

Upgrading from Version 3.0.x to Version 3.1.0

Upgrading the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility

How to Install Protocol Packs

Protocol Packs

Updating Protocols

Hitless Upgrade of the SLI

Launching the Console

Using the Console

The Network Navigator Tool

The Service Configuration Editor Tool

The Signature Editor Tool

The Subscriber Manager GUI Tool

The Reporter Tool

Accessing Online Help

Quick Start with the Console

Getting Started

This module guides you through the process of getting started with the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB).

This chapter:

Guides you through the process of installing or upgrading the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB)

Explains how to launch the various components of the Console

Describes the concept of the Console as a collection of tools, presents each tool and its role, and describes how to navigate between the tools

Concludes with a Quick Start that describes how to apply your first service configuration and generate your first report

How to Install SCA BB

You install SCA BB in two stages:

1. Install the SCA BB front ends:

The SCA BB Console

The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility, the SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility, and the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility

2. Install the SCA BB application components:

The SCA BB Service Modeling Language Loadable Image (SLI) and the SCA BB Service Control Engine (SCE) applicative management plug-in

The SCA BB Subscriber Manager applicative management plug-in (for systems with a Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Subscriber Manager (SM))

If you are upgrading an existing installation of SCA BB, see Upgrading from Version 2.5 to Version 3.1.0 or Upgrading from Version 3.0.x to Version 3.1.0.

The SCA BB Installation Package

The SCA BB installation package is a ZIP file located in the CCO.

The installation package consists of the following files:

The installer for the Console: scas-bb-console- <version>-<build>.exe.

A Cisco installation application package file (PQI file) for each platform:

A PQI file for each type of SCE platform. Each PQI file is located in a subfolder whose name is the platform name.

A PQI file for the SM, located in the SM subfolder.

The file scas_bb_util.tgz , which contains the files for the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility ( servconf ), the SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility ( sigconf ), and the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility ( rtmcmd ) (together with real-time monitoring report templates).

The file PCubeEngageMib.mib , which defines the SCAS BB MIB, located in the SNMP subfolder.

The SCA BB Service Configuration Java API distribution file: serviceconfig-java-api-dist.tgz.

The file surfcontrol.xml , which lists the content categories for content filtering using SurfControl Content Port Authority, located in the URL Filtering subfolder.

Installing SCA BB Application Components

SCA BB has two software components that reside on the SCE platform:

The SCA BB SLI, which performs traffic processing

The SCA BB SCE applicative management plug-in, which performs some service configuration operations

SCA BB also has one software component that resides on the SM device:

The SCA BB SM applicative management plug-in, which performs some application-specific subscriber management operations

To install these components from the Console, see Installing PQI Files on SCE Devices and Installing PQI Files on SM Devices.

To install these components from a command line, see Installing PQI Files from the Command Line.


Before installing SCA BB, verify that the SCE platform and, if used, the SCMS-SM are operational and are running appropriate versions of their software.

To Verify that the SCE Platform is Operational:

Step 1 Verify that the status LED on the SCE flashes green. (Orange—booting up; flashing orange—warning; red—failure.)

To Verify that the SCE Platform is Running an Appropriate Version of the OS:


1. At the SCE platform CLI prompt ( SCE# ), type show version.

2. press Enter.


Step 1 At the SCE platform CLI prompt ( SCE# ), type show version.

Step 2 press Enter.

The response shows the version of the OS running on the SCE platform.

To Verify that the SM is Correctly Installed


1. Open a Telnet session to the SM.

2. Go to the SM bin directory and type p3sm --sm-status.

3. press Enter.


Step 1 Open a Telnet session to the SM.

Step 2 Go to the SM bin directory and type p3sm --sm-status.

Step 3 press Enter.

The response to this command displays the operational status of the SM.

To Verify that an Appropriate Version of the SM is Running

Step 1 Open a Telnet session to the SM.

Step 2 Go to the SM bin directory and type p3sm version.

Step 3 Press Enter.

The response to this command displays the SM version.

How to Install SCA BB Front Ends

You should install the following SCA BB front ends:

The Console

The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility ( servconf ), the SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility ( sigconf ), and the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration tool ( rtmcmd ) (together with associated real-time monitoring report templates)

servconf requires access to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (see Installing the Java Runtime Environment ).

Hardware Requirements

At least 1024 MB RAM is required to run the Console

The minimal supported screen resolution for the Console is 1024x768 pixels.

Installing the Java Runtime Environment

The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility, servconf, requires access to JRE version 1.4 or 1.5.

You can download a JRE from the Sun™ website at

To verify that the JRE is installed, run java -versionfrom the command prompt. The Java version should start with 1.4 or 1.5.

If a different version of JRE is also installed on the workstation, you may need to tell servconf where to find the appropriate JRE. Do this by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the JRE 1.4 installation directory. For example:

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_08

Installing the Console


1. Navigate to the Console installation file, scas-bb-console-3.1.0.exe , and double-click it.

2. Click Next.

3. Click Browseand choose a different destination folder.

4. Click Next.

5. Enter a different Start Menu folder in the Start Menu Folder field.

6. Check the Do not create shortcutscheck box.

7. Click Install.

8. Wait until installation is complete.

9. Click Next.

10. Click Finish.


Step 1 Navigate to the Console installation file, scas-bb-console-3.1.0.exe , and double-click it.

The Welcome view of the SCA BB Console 3.1.0 Setup Wizard appears.

Figure 4-1

Step 2 Click Next.

The Install Location screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 4-2

Step 3 Click Browseand choose a different destination folder.

Step 4 Click Next.

The Start Menu Folder screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 4-3

Step 5 Enter a different Start Menu folder in the Start Menu Folder field.

Step 6 Check the Do not create shortcutscheck box.

Step 7 Click Install.

The Installing screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 4-4

Step 8 Wait until installation is complete.

The Next button is enabled.

Step 9 Click Next.

The Installation Complete screen of the Setup Wizard opens.

Figure 4-5

Step 10 Click Finish.

The SCA BB Console 3.1.0 Setup Wizard closes.

The Console is now installed on the machine.

Installing the SCA BB Configuration Utilities

Step 1 From the SCA BB installation package, extract the file scas_bb_util.tgz , and copy it to a Windows, Solaris, or Linux workstation.

Step 2 Unpack the file to a new folder.

The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility ( servconf ), the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility ( rtmcmd ) (and associated real-time monitoring report templates), and the SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility ( sigconf ) are located under the bin folder.

How to Upgrade SCA BB

Upgrading from Version 2.5 to Version 3.1.0 

Upgrading from Version 3.0.x to Version 3.1.0 

Upgrading the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility 

Upgrading from Version 2.5 to Version 3.1.0

Upgrading SCA BB includes upgrading each of the following software components:

The Console

The SCE PQI file

The SM PQI file

Note This section describes the upgrade of SCA BB application components only. For a full description of the entire Cisco solution upgrade procedure, consult the solution upgrade document accompanying the formal release.


1. Using a SCAS BB 2.5 Console, retrieve the service configuration (PQB) from the SCE platform, and save it to the local hard disk.

2. Install the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console, see Installing the Console.

3. Open the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console.

4. Use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SCE PQI file on the SCE platform:

5. Create an SCE device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Managing Sites.)

6. Install the PQI file. (See Managing SCE Devices '.)

7. Verify that the installation was successful by retrieving the SCE platform's online status. (See Managing SCE Devices.)

8. If your system includes an SM, use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SM PQI file on the SM device:

9. Create an SM device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Managing Sites.)

10. Install the PQI file. (See Installing PQI Files on SM Devices.)

11. Using the 3.1.0 Service Configuration Editor tool, open the service configuration saved in Step 1.

12. Check the release notes for a list of new signature-based protocols, and manually assign these protocols to a service.

13. Apply the service configuration to the SCE platform.


Step 1 Using a SCAS BB 2.5 Console, retrieve the service configuration (PQB) from the SCE platform, and save it to the local hard disk.

Note The upgrade procedure does not require uninstalling the SCAS BB 2.5 Console.

Step 2 Install the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console, see Installing the Console.

Step 3 Open the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console.

Step 4 Use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SCE PQI file on the SCE platform:

a. Create an SCE device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Managing Sites.)

b. Install the PQI file. (See Managing SCE Devices '.)

c. Verify that the installation was successful by retrieving the SCE platform's online status. (See Managing SCE Devices.)

Step 5 If your system includes an SM, use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SM PQI file on the SM device:

a. Create an SM device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Managing Sites.)

b. Install the PQI file. (See Connecting to SM Devices.)

Step 6 Using the 3.1.0 Service Configuration Editor tool, open the service configuration saved in Step 1.

Step 7 Check the release notes for a list of new signature-based protocols, and manually assign these protocols to a service.

When you upgrade old PQB files, new signature-based protocols are not assigned to any service (and are therefore classified as Generic TCP).

Step 8 Apply the service configuration to the SCE platform.

When you upgrade old PQB files, some protocol IDs are changed automatically. Messages such as the following may be displayed to indicate the change:

Protocol ID of BaiBao changed from 80 to 43
Protocol ID of PPLive changed from 81 to 44

New SCA BB versions do not use the default Dynamic Signature Script (DSS) file ( The Default DSS File that was installed for a previous SCA BB version.

If a protocol pack for the new version is available, install it (see Installing a Protocol Pack with the Network Navigator ) after the product installation is complete. Do not install an old protocol pack on top of a new product installation.

Upgrading from Version 3.0.x to Version 3.1.0

Upgrading SCA BB includes upgrading each of the following software components:

The Console

The SCE PQI file

The SM PQI file

Note This section describes the upgrade of SCA BB application components only. For a full description of the entire Cisco solution upgrade procedure, consult the solution upgrade document accompanying the formal release.


1. Using a SCA BB 3.0.x Console, retrieve the service configuration (PQB) from the SCE platform, and save it to the local hard disk.

2. Install the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console, see Installing the Console.

3. Open the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console.

4. Use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SCE PQI file on the SCE platform:

5. Create an SCE device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Managing SCE Devices.)

6. Install the PQI file. (See Installing PQI Files on SCE Devices.)

7. Verify that the installation was successful by retrieving the SCE platform's online status. (See Retrieving the Online Status of CM Devices.)

8. If your system includes an SM, use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SM PQI file on the SM device:

9. Create an SM device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Adding SM Devices to a Site.)

10. Install the PQI file. (See Connecting to SM Devices.)

11. Using the 3.1.0 Service Configuration Editor tool, open the service configuration saved in Step 1.

12. Check the release notes for a list of new signature-based protocols, and manually assign these protocols to a service.

13. Apply the service configuration to the SCE platform.


Step 1 Using a SCA BB 3.0.x Console, retrieve the service configuration (PQB) from the SCE platform, and save it to the local hard disk.

Note The upgrade procedure does not require uninstalling the SCA BB 3.0.x Console.

Step 2 Install the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console, see Installing the Console.

Step 3 Open the SCA BB 3.1.0 Console.

Step 4 Step 4 Use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SCE PQI file on the SCE platform:

a. Create an SCE device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Managing SCE Devices.)

b. Install the PQI file. (See Installing PQI Files on SCE Devices.)

c. Verify that the installation was successful by retrieving the SCE platform's online status. (See Retrieving the Online Status of CM Devices.)

Step 5 If your system includes an SM, use the Network Navigator tool to install a version 3.1.0 SM PQI file on the SM device:

a. Create an SM device in the Network Navigator tool. (See Adding SM Devices to a Site.)

b. Install the PQI file. (See Installing PQI Files on SM Devices.)

Step 6 Using the 3.1.0 Service Configuration Editor tool, open the service configuration saved in Step 1.

Step 7 Check the release notes for a list of new signature-based protocols, and manually assign these protocols to a service.

When you upgrade old PQB files, new signature-based protocols are not assigned to any service (and are therefore classified as Generic TCP).

Step 8 Apply the service configuration to the SCE platform.

When you upgrade old PQB files, some protocol IDs are changed automatically. Messages such as the following may be displayed to indicate the change:

Protocol ID of BaiBao changed from 80 to 43
Protocol ID of PPLive changed from 81 to 44

New SCA BB versions do not use the default Dynamic Signature Script (DSS) file ( The Default DSS File that was installed for a previous SCA BB version.

If a protocol pack for the new version is available, install it (see Installing a Protocol Pack with the Network Navigator ) after the product installation is complete. Do not install an old protocol pack on top of a new product installation.

Upgrading the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility

Step 1 Install the new version of the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility, servconf, in an empty directory.

See Installing the SCA BB Configuration Utilities.

How to Install Protocol Packs

SCA BB uses stateful Layer 7 capabilities for classification of traffic flows.

When a traffic flow is handled by the system, it is assigned a signature ID according to the set of Layer 3 to Layer 7 parameters (the signature) characterizing this flow. Typically, these signatures come embedded in SCA BB.

In order to enable rapid response to the ever-changing protocol environment, SCA BB was enhanced to allow signatures to be updated dynamically. You can load a protocol support plug-in onto an operational system, enhancing the system's protocol support without compromising the stability of the system (no update of an existing software component is required) and without any service downtime.

Protocol Packs

Periodically, Cisco publishes protocol packs containing new and improved protocol signatures for SCA BB. A typical protocol pack is a file containing signatures for detecting network worms, popular peer-to-peer applications, and other relevant protocols. When loaded into SCE platforms, these signatures improve SCA BB classification abilities.

Note You can install a protocol pack on an SCE platform only if a PQI is already installed on the platform.

A protocol pack for SCA BB may be either a DSS file or an SPQI file:

Loading a DSS file to the SCE platform requires no downtime of SCA BB or the platform.

Loading an SPQI file to the SCE platform entails updating the SCE application:

If hitless upgrade (see Hitless Upgrade of the SLI ) is enabled, there is no downtime of the SCE platform when loading the SPQI file.

If hitless upgrade is not enabled, loading an SPQI file requires a short downtime (up to one minute) of the SCE platform. During that time, network traffic bypasses the platform and is neither controlled nor reported.

Note If hitless upgrade is disabled, SPQI installation can cause the loss of the following subscriber data from all subscribers: package ID, real-time monitoring flag, and quota settings. Subscribers are assigned default values for these properties.

Updating Protocols

Distributing Protocol Packs 

Verifying Version Compatibility for Protocol Packs 

Installing a Protocol Pack with the Network Navigator 

Distributing Protocol Packs

You install a protocol pack on an SCE platform using one of the following:

Information About The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility 

The Network Navigator tool. See Installing a Protocol Pack on a Single SCE Platform.

Note If the protocol pack is an SPQI file you can enable and configure the hitless upgrade option using Hitless Upgrade CLI commands. (See Hitless Upgrade of the SLI.)

The tool or utility performs the following steps:

1. Retrieves the current service configuration from the SCE platform and (optionally) stores a backup copy in a folder that you specify.

2. Imports the signatures that are in the DSSor SPQI file into the service configuration. This overwrites any DSS that was previously imported into the service configuration.

3. For each new signature that includes a Buddy Protocol attribute (an attribute that points to an existing protocol) (see The Buddy Protocol )—Adds the new signature to all services that include the buddy protocol.

4. If the protocol pack is an SPQI file—Replaces the SCE application. This causes a short (up to one minute) downtime in SCE platform service.

5. Applies the new service configuration to the SCE platform.

If the protocol pack is an SPQI file and the hitless upgrade option is enabled, you can monitor the progress of the upgrade using Hitless Upgrade CLI Commands.

Verifying Version Compatibility for Protocol Packs

A protocol pack is compatible only with specific versions of the SCE application. When working with protocol packs, you should verify that the protocol pack version matches the SCE application version. For example, only use a protocol pack for 3.1.0 on SCE application version 3.1.0.

The version compatibility information for each protocol pack is included in the protocol pack's release notes.

Step 1 Verify that the correct version of servconf is installed and running correctly.

From the command prompt, type servconf --version .

Press Enter .

The version of the utility should match that of the protocol pack.

Step 2 Verify that the correct version of the SCE application is installed.

At the SCE platform CLI prompt (SCE#), type show version .

Press Enter .

The application version should match that of the protocol pack.

Step 3 Verify that a service configuration (PQB) is applied to the SCE platform.

In the Console, retrieve and view the current PQB.

Installing a Protocol Pack with the Network Navigator

The Network Navigator allows easy installation of protocol packs.

You can install protocol packs on one, several, or all SCE platforms at one or more selected sites.

Installing a Protocol Pack on a Single SCE Platform 

Installing a Protocol Pack on Multiple SCE Platforms 

Verifying the Installation of a Protocol Pack 

Installing a Protocol Pack on a Single SCE Platform


1. In the Site Manager tree, right-click the SCE where the protocol pack is to be installed.

2. From the popup menu that appears, select Update Dynamic Signature Pack.

3. Click Browse.

4. From the Files of type drop-down list, select *.spqior *.dss, according to the file to be installed.

5. Browse to the file to be installed.

6. Click Open.

7. (Recommended) Check the Backup the current configuration check box, click Browse, and select a backup file.

8. Click Finish.

9. Enter the appropriate password.

10. Click Update.


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click the SCE where the protocol pack is to be installed.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Update Dynamic Signature Pack.

The Update Dynamic Signature Pack dialog box appears.

Figure 4-6

Step 3 Click Browse.

A Select file dialog box appears.

Step 4 From the Files of type drop-down list, select *.spqi or *.dss, according to the file to be installed.

Step 5 Browse to the file to be installed.

Step 6 Click Open.

The Select file dialog box closes.

Step 7 (Recommended) Check the Backup the current configurationcheck box, click Browse, and select a backup file.

Step 8 Click Finish.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 9 Enter the appropriate password.

For more information, refer to Password Management.

Step 10 Click Update.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Update Dynamic Signature Pack progress bar appears.

The service configuration on the SCE platform is updated.

Installing a Protocol Pack on Multiple SCE Platforms

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, select sites or SCE devices where the protocol pack will be installed, and right-click one of them

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, choose Update Dynamic Signature Pack.

The Update Dynamic Signature Pack dialog box appears.

Step 3 Select the protocol pack to be installed.

Step 4 (Recommended) Check the Backup the current configurationcheck box and select a backup directory.

Note The backup files will be named backupPolicy_<SCE platform IP address>.pqb.

Step 5 Click Finish.

A separate Password Management dialog box appears for each SCE device that you selected.

Step 6 For each SCE device, enter the password and click Update.

The protocol pack is installed on each SCE platform in turn.

Verifying the Installation of a Protocol Pack

Step 1 At the SCE platform CLI prompt (SCE#), type show version .

Step 2 Press Enter

The response shows the version of the OS running on the SCE platform. This includes information about the installed protocol pack version.

Step 3 Retrieve the PQB from the SCE platform and view it using the Console.

Verify that the new protocols from the protocol pack were added to the service configuration.

The problems that may cause the installation of a protocol pack to fail and their remedies include:

Missing or incorrect version of the JRE—Install the correct version of the JRE, see Installing the Java Runtime Environment 

Incorrect or missing SCE application version on the SCE platform—Verify that the correct SCE application is installed, see Verifying Version Compatibility for Protocol Packs.

No service configuration (PQB) is applied to the SCE platform—Create a new PQB and apply it using the Console.

servconf failed to import the new signatures into the PQB—Use the --force-signature update signature option when running servconf .

When reporting problems to Cisco, please include the servconf log file, located at <user.home>\.p-cube\servconf.log. On Windows, this usually maps to C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.p-cube\servconf.log.

Hitless Upgrade of the SLI

Hitless upgrade is the SCA BB method of upgrading the software components that reside on the SCE platform without incurring any service downtime.

Hitless upgrade is available on SCE 2000 and SCE 1000_2U platforms.

Hitless upgrade is not available on SCE 1000_1.5U platforms.

If hitless upgrade is enabled, classification, reporting, and control continue uninterrupted when you install an SPQI file (see How to Install Protocol Packs ). You can install SPQI files using either the Console or servconf , the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility. An SPQI file is a package that includes the required (SLI) files. After the new application is loaded on the SCE platform:

The new application services all new flows and bundles.

The old application continues to service existing flows (and new flows that belong to bundles of existing flows).

Both applications share available memory.

Until all old flows die or are killed, the hitless upgrade is considered to be in progress. In order to make the hitless upgrade process bounded, you can set criteria that will trigger the explicit killing of all flows still executing on the old application. Two such criteria exist:

When a specified amount of time has passed since the process started.

When the number of old flows goes below a specified threshold.

The default value for the first criterion is 60 (minutes); the default value for the second is zero (flows). This means that the replace operation is guaranteed to complete after no more than one hour (sooner, if all old flows die naturally), but no old flows are killed by the application before one hour passes.

These criteria are configurable by CLI commands.

You can initiate the explicit killing of all old flows using a manual command.

Entering Line Interface Configuration Mode

Hitless Upgrade CLI Commands 

Description of Hitless Upgrade CLI Commands 

Hitless Upgrade CLI Commands

You can configure, monitor, and control hitless upgrade using the SCE platform Command-Line Interface (CLI). For more information about the SCE platform CLI, see the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference .

The commands listed here are explained in the following section.

Use the following CLI commands to configure the criteria for completing a hitless upgrade:

replace completion time <minutes>
no replace completion time
default replace completion time
replace completion num-flows <num>
no replace completion num-flows
default replace completion num-flows

These commands are line interface configuration commands. To run these commands you must enter line interface configuration mode and see the SCE(config if)# prompt displayed.

Description of Hitless Upgrade CLI Commands

The following table gives a description of the hitless upgrade CLI commands listed in the previous section.

Table 4-1 Hitless Upgrade CLI Commands  


replace completion time <minutes>

Sets the time criterion for killing all old flows and completing the hitless upgrade.

Specifying a value of zero disables this criterion—the hitless upgrade is completed only when the number-of-flows criterion is met.

no replace completion time

Sets the time criterion for completing the hitless upgrade to zero.

default replace completion time

Resets the time criterion for completing the replace operation to the default value of 60.

replace completion num-flows <num>

Sets the number-of-flows criterion for completing the hitless upgrade operation.

When the number of old flows drops below the number specified by this criterion, the remaining flows are killed and the hitless upgrade is complete.

no replace completion num-flows

Sets the number-of-flows criterion for completing the hitless upgrade to zero.

default replace completion num-flows

Resets the number-of-flows criterion for completing the hitless upgrade to the default value of zero.

show applications slot <num>replace

Shows the current hitless upgrade state:

Current replace stage

Current completion criteria

Current completion status (elapsed time and number of flows on each traffic processor)

Whether this is an upgrade or a downgrade

Values for spare memory

application slot <num>replace force completion

Forces the current hitless upgrade process to complete (killing all old flows).

Step 1 At the SCE platform CLI prompt (SCE#), type: configure.

Step 2 Press Enter .

The SCE(config)# prompt appears.

Step 3 Type: interface LineCard 0.

Step 4 Press Enter .

The SCE(config if)# prompt appears.

Note The following two CLI commands are EXEC mode commands.

Note Use the following CLI command to monitor the progress of a hitless upgrade:

show applications slot <num>replace

Note Use the following CLI command to force immediate completion of a hitless upgrade:

application slot <num>replace force completion

Launching the Console

The SCA BB Console Setup Wizard adds a shortcut to the start menu for the Console.

Step 1 Choose Start >All Programs >Cisco SCA >SCA BB Console 3.1.0 >SCA BB Console 3.1.0.

The Cisco Service Control SCA BB Console splash screen appears.

Figure 4-7

After the Console has loaded, the main window of the Console appears, with the Network Navigator tool open.

Figure 4-8

Note When you close the Console, it will remember which tools are open and which is the active tool, and apply this the next time you launch the Console.

Using the Console

The Console is the front end of SCA BB. You use it to configure the services that the SP offers its clients.

The Console consists of the following tools:

Network Navigator tool

Service Configuration Editor tool

Signature Editor tool

Subscriber Manager GUI tool

Reporter tool

The Console GUI has a menu bar and a standard toolbar. Underneath the toolbar is another bar that displays the button of any open Console tool. When you launch a tool, a button is added to this bar. To switch between open tools, click the appropriate button on the bar.

The Network Navigator Tool

Figure 4-9

Note The title of the Console window shows the active tool and the active service configuration.The Network Navigator Tool

The Network Navigator is a tool that allows you to create and manage a simple model of all local and remote devices that are part of the Cisco Service Control solution.

For more information about the Network Navigator, see Using the Network Navigator.

Opening the Network Navigator Tool 

Closing the Network Navigator Tool 

Opening the Network Navigator Tool

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Tools >Network Navigator.

The Network Navigator tool opens.

Figure 4-10

Closing the Network Navigator Tool

Step 1 Right-click the Network Navigatorbutton.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Close.

The Network Navigator tool closes.

The Service Configuration Editor Tool

The Service Configuration Editor is a tool that allows you to create service configurations. A service configuration is a data structure that defines how the SCE platform analyses network traffic, what rules apply to the traffic, and what actions the SCE platform takes to enforce these rules.

Most of this document discusses using the Service Configuration Editor. See Using the Service Configuration Editor.

Opening the Service Configuration Editor Tool

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Tools >Service Configuration Editor.

A No Service Configuration Is Open dialog box appears.

Figure 4-11

Step 2 Click Yes.

A New Service Configuration Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 4-12

Step 3 Select one of the System Operational Moderadio buttons:

Transparent—The system does not generate RDRs and does not enforce active rules on the network traffic.

Report only—The system generates RDRs only. No active rule enforcement is performed on the network traffic.

Full functionality—The system enforces active rules on the network traffic and performs reporting functions (that is, generates RDRs).

Note You can change the system operational mode at any time.

Step 4 (Highly recommended if your system has a high proportion of unidirectional flows) To switch to asymmetric routing classification mode, check the Enable the Asymmetric Routing Classification Modecheck box.

Note It is recommended that you do not change the routing classification mode after creating a service configuration, as this causes loss of service configuration data. (See Routing Classification Mode ( Asymmetric Routing Classification Mode.)

Step 5 Click OK.

A default service configuration opens in the Service Configuration Editor tool.

Figure 4-13

Closing the Service Configuration Editor Tool

Step 1 Right-click the Service Configuration Editorbutton.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Close.

The Service Configuration Editor tool closes.

The Signature Editor Tool

The Signature Editor is a tool that allows you to create and modify files that can add and modify protocols and protocol signatures in SCA BB.

For more information about the Signature Editor, see Using the Signature Editor.

Opening the Signature Editor Tool 

Closing the Signature Editor Tool 

Opening the Signature Editor Tool

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Tools >Signature Editor.

The Signature Editor tool opens.

Figure 4-14

Closing the Signature Editor Tool

Step 1 Right-click the Signature Editorbutton.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Close.

The Signature Editor tool closes.

The Subscriber Manager GUI Tool

The Subscriber Manager (SM) GUI is a tool that allows you to connect to an SCMS-SM and then manage subscribers, assign packages to subscribers, edit subscriber parameters, and manually add subscribers.

For more information about connecting to an SCMS-SM and using the SM GUI, see Using the Subscriber Manager GUI Tool.

For more information about the SCMS-SM, see the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Subscriber Manager User Guide .

Opening the SM GUI Tool

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Tools >Subscriber Manager.

The SM GUI tool opens.

Figure 4-15

Closing the SM GUI Tool

Step 1 Right-click the Subscriber Managerbutton.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Close.

The SM GUI tool closes.

The Reporter Tool

The Cisco Service Control Application (SCA) Reporter is a tool that allows you to query the Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Collection Manager (CM) RDR database, and present the results in a chart or a table. This valuable tool helps you to understand the habits and resource consumption of the applications and subscribers that use your network. It also helps you evaluate the efficacy of various rules and the possible impact of their implementation on the network. You can view the reports in both tabular and chart formats, export them, save them, and edit their appearance.

You can run the SCA Reporter as a standalone or inside the Reporter tool in the Console. For more information about the SCA Reporter, see the Cisco Service Control Application Reporter User Guide .

Opening the Reporter Tool 

Closing the Reporter Tool 

Opening the Reporter Tool

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Tools >Reporter.

The Reporter tool opens.

Figure 4-16

Note You can use the SCA Reporter to generate reports only if the Console is connected to a database. (See Making Databases Accessible to the SCA Reporter.)

Closing the Reporter Tool

Step 1 Right-click the Reporterbutton.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Close.

The Reporter tool closes.

Accessing Online Help

You can access relevant parts of this user guide from the Console.

Accessing Online Help 

Searching Online Help 

Accessing Online Help

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Help >Help Contents.

Online help opens in a separate window.

Searching Online Help

You can also search online help from the current tool.


1. From the Console main menu, choose Help >Search.

2. Enter a word, phrase, or more complex search expression in the Search expressionfield.

3. Click Go.

4. Click a help topic to view its contents.

5. By clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of the Help view, you can switch to:


Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Help >Search.

The Help view opens next to the current tool.

Figure 4-17

Step 2 Enter a word, phrase, or more complex search expression in the Search expressionfield.

The Go button is enabled.

Note Click >>( Expand) for an explanation of how to construct search expressions.

Step 3 Click Go.

Help topics containing your search expression are listed under Local Help.

Step 4 Click a help topic to view its contents.

You can bookmark topics for later reference.

Step 5 By clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of the Help view, you can switch to:

All topics

Related topics


Quick Start with the Console

This Quick Start section will help you get started with the Console. You will add an SCE device to the default site and apply the default service configuration to the SCE.

Step 1 Launch the Console.

Choose Start >All Programs >Cisco SCA >SCA BB Console 3.1.0 >SCA BB Console 3.1.0.

Step 2 Open the Network Navigator.

From the Console main menu, choose Tools >Network Navigator.

This step sets up the Console for network device operations.

Note The Network Navigator tool is open the first time you launch the Console.

You should now be able to see the default site displayed in the Network Navigator view.

Step 3 Add an SCE device to the default site.

a. Right-click the default site, and, from the popup menu that appears, select New >SCE.

The Create new SCE wizard appears.

In the Address field, enter the actual IP address of an SCE platform.

b. Click Finish.

The Create new SCE wizard closes.

The new device is added to the site.

Step 4 Check the SCE platform version and operational state.

a. Right-click the SCE device and, from the popup menu that appears, select Online Status.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

b. Enter the username and password for managing the SCE and click Extract.

The SCE online status is retrieved.

c. Check that the system and application versions are correct, and that the operational state is Active.

Step 5 Open the Service Configuration Editor.

From the Console main menu, choose Tools >Service Configuration Editor.

The Service Configuration Editor opens.

A No Service Configuration Is Open dialog box appears.

Step 6 Create a new service configuration.

a. Click Yesin the No Editor Is Open dialog box.

A New Service Configuration Settings dialog box appears.

b. Click OK.

A default service configuration opens in the Service Configuration Editor tool.

Step 7 Apply the service configuration to the SCE platform.

a. From the toolbar, select ( Apply Service Configuration to SCE Devices).

A Password Management dialog box appears.

b. Enter the username and password for managing the SCE and click Apply.

The service configuration is applied to the SCE platform.


Posted: Wed May 30 12:27:54 PDT 2007
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