
Table Of Contents

Using the Service Configuration Editor: Traffic Classification

Managing Services

Service Parameters

Information About Adding and Defining Services

Editing Services

Deleting Services

Managing Service Elements

Managing Protocols

Viewing Protocols

Adding Protocols

Editing Protocols

Deleting Protocols

Managing Protocol Elements

Managing Zones

Viewing Zones

Adding Zones

Editing Zones

Deleting Zones

Managing Zone Items

Managing Protocol Signature

Viewing Signatures

Filtering Signature Settings

Dynamic Signatures

Managing Flavors

Flavor Types and Parameters

Viewing Flavors

Adding Flavors

Editing Flavors

Deleting Flavors

Managing Flavor Items

Managing Content Filtering

Content Filtering Overview

Configuring the RDR Formatter

Installing the SurfControl CPA Server

The Content Filtering CLI

Description of CPA Client CLI Commands

Managing Content Filtering Settings

Importing Content Filtering Categories

Importing Content Filtering Categories Using the HTTP Content Filtering Settings Dialog Box

HTTP Content Category Flavors

Using the Service Configuration Editor: Traffic Classification

Traffic classification is the first step in creating a Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB) service configuration. Traffic is classified according to services.

For each commercial service that providers offer to their subscribers, a corresponding service is defined in the Cisco Service Control solution. You can use this service to classify and identify the traffic, report on its usage, and control it.

This module explains how to work with services and their elements and subelements.

Managing Services 

Managing Protocols 

Managing Zones 

Managing Protocol Signature 

Managing Flavors 

Managing Content Filtering 

Managing Services

Services are used to classify controlled traffic.

A service consists of one or more service elements; different network traffic transaction types are mapped to different service elements.

Traffic is classified on the basis of some or all of the following:

Protocol—The protocol used by the transaction, as identified by the Service Control Engine (SCE) platform

Initiating side—Where the transaction was initiated

Zone—IP address of the network-side host of the transaction

Flavor—Specific Layer 7 properties of the transaction; for example, hostnames of the network-side host of the transaction

A service configuration can contain up to 500 services and 10,000 service elements. Every service element in a service configuration must be unique.

Service Parameters

A service is defined by the following parameters:

General parameters:

Name—A unique name

Description—(Optional) A description of the service

Hierarchy parameters:

Parent Service

The default service, which is the base of the service hierarchy, does not have a parent.

Note The parent service is important when services share usage counters (see next parameter).

Service Usage Counters—Used by the system to generate data about the total use of each service. A service can use either its own usage counters, or those of the parent service.

Each usage counter has:

A name assigned by the system (based on the service name).

Note An asterisk is appended to a service usage counter name whenever the counter applies to more than one service.

A unique counter index—A default value of the counter index is provided by the system. Do not modify this value.

Advanced parameter:

Service Index—A unique number by which the system recognizes the service (changing the service name does not affect SCE platform activity). A default value of the service index is provided by the system. Do not modify this value.

These parameters are defined when you add a new service (see Adding and Defining Services ). You can modify them at any time (see Editing Services ).

Information About Adding and Defining Services

Adding and Defining Services 

Defining Hierarchical Settings for a Service 

Setting the Service Index 

Viewing Services 

Adding and Defining Services

A number of services are predefined in the Console installation. You can add additional services to a service configuration, subject to the limit of 500 services (including predefined services) per service configuration.

After you have added and defined a new service, you can add service elements to the service (see Adding Service Elements ).

Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree. This service will be the parent of the service you are adding.

Step 2 In the left pane, click ( Add Service).

The Service Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-1

Step 3 In the Name field, enter a unique and relevant name for the service.

Step 4 (Optional) In the Description field, enter a meaningful and useful description of the service.

Step 5 To set exclusive usage counters for this service, or to change the parent service you selected when adding the service, continue with the instructions in the section Defining Hierarchical Settings for a Service.

Step 6 To specify an index for this service, continue with the instructions in the section Setting the Service Index.

Note The system automatically assigns a free number for the new service. Modify this number only where a specific index value must be assigned to a specific service.

Step 7 Click OK.

The Service Settings dialog box closes.

The service is added to the service tree as a child to the service you selected in the hierarchy.

Defining Hierarchical Settings for a Service

Step 1 In the Service Settings dialog box, click the Hierarchy tab.

The Hierarchy tab opens.

Figure 7-2

Step 2 To set a different parent service, select the desired parent from the Parent Service drop-down list.

Step 3 By default, a new service uses its parent's global usage counter. To define an exclusive global usage counter, check the Map this Service to an exclusive Global usage counte rcheck box.

The name in the read-only Global counter of this service field changes to reflect your choice.

The Counter Index drop-down list is enabled.

(Optional) Select a value for the counter index from the Counter Index drop-down list.

Note A default value of the counter index is provided by the system. Do not modify this value.

Step 4 By default, a new service uses its parent's subscriber usage counter. To define an exclusive subscriber usage counter, check the Map this Service to an exclusive Subscriber usage counter check box.

The name in the read-only Subscriber counter of this service field changes to reflect your choice.

The Counter Index drop-down list is enabled.

(Optional) Select a value for the counter index from the Counter Index drop-down list.

Note A default value of the counter index is provided by the system. Do not modify this value.

Step 5 To specify an index for this service, continue with the instructions in the section Setting the Service Index.

Note The system automatically assigns a free number for the new service. Modify this number only where a specific index value must be assigned to a specific service.

Step 6 Click OK.

The Service Settings dialog box closes.

The service is added to the service tree as a child to the service selected in the Parent Service drop-down list.

Setting the Service Index

Step 1 In the Service Settings dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

The Advanced tab opens.

Figure 7-3

Step 2 From the Set the Index for this Service drop-down list, select a service index.

The service index must an integer in the range 1 to 499; zero is reserved for the default service.

Note The system automatically assigns a free number for the new service. Modify this number only where a specific index value must be assigned to a specific service.

Step 3 Click OK.

The Service Settings dialog box closes.

The service is added to the service tree as a child to the service selected in the Parent Service drop-down list.

Viewing Services

You can view a hierarchy tree of all existing services and see their associated service elements.

Step 1 In the current service configuration, click the Services tab.

The Services tab appears.

Figure 7-4

A list of all services is displayed in the service tree (left pane).

Step 2 Click a service in the hierarchy to display its service elements.

A list of all service elements defined for this service is displayed in the right (Service Element) pane.

Figure 7-5

Step 3 To view more information about a service, select a service from the service tree and click ( Edit Service).

The Service Settings dialog box appears.

Editing Services

You can modify the parameters of a service, even those included in the Console installation.

To add, modify, or delete service elements, see Managing Service Elements.

Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree.

Step 2 In the left pane, click ( Edit Service).

The Service Settings dialog box appears.

Step 3 To give a new name to the service, enter a new name in the Name field.

Step 4 To give a new description for the service, enter a new description in the Description field.

Step 5 To change hierarchical settings, click the Hierarchy tab.

The Hierarchy tab opens.

a. To set a different parent service, select the desired service from the Parent Service drop-down list.

b. To share a global usage counter with the parent service, uncheck the Map this Service to an exclusive Global usage counter check box.

The name of the parent service's counter is displayed in the Global counter used by this service field.

c. To define an exclusive global usage counter:

Check the Map this Service to an exclusive Global usage counter check box.

The name in the read-only Global counter of this service field changes to reflect your choice.

The Counter Index drop-down list is enabled.

Note A default value of the counter index is provided by the system. Do not modify this value.

d. To share a subscriber usage counter with the parent service, uncheck the Map this Service to an exclusive Subscriber usage counter check box.

The name of the parent service's counter is displayed in the Subscriber counter used by this service field.

e. To define an exclusive subscriber usage counter:

Check the Map this Service to an exclusive Subscriber usage counter check box.

The name in the read-only Subscriber counter of this service field changes to reflect your choice.

The Counter Index drop-down list is enabled.

f. Select a value for the counter index from the Counter Index drop-down list.

A default value of the counter index is provided by the system. Do not modify this value.

Step 6 To change the service index:

a. In the Service Settings dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

The Advanced tab opens.

b. From the Set the Index for this Service drop-down list, select a service index.

The service index must an integer in the range 1 to 499; zero is reserved for the default service.

Note A default value of the service index is provided by the system. Do not modify this value.

Step 7 Click OK.

The Service Settings dialog box closes.

The changes to the service are saved.

Deleting Services

You can delete all services, even those in the Console installation, with the exception of the default service.

Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree.

Step 2 In the left pane, click ( Delete Service).

Step 3 A Service Warning message appears.

Figure 7-6

Step 4 Click Yes.

If any package has a rule for this service (see Managing Rules ), a second Service Warning message appears.

Figure 7-7

Click Yes.

The service is deleted and is no longer displayed in the service tree. Any rules for the service are also deleted.

Children of the deleted service are not deleted; they move up one level in the service tree.

Managing Service Elements

A service is a collection of service elements; to complete the definition of a service, you must define its service elements. A service element maps a specific protocol, initiating side, zone, and flavor to the selected service.

For more information, see Managing Protocols, Managing Zones, and Managing Flavors.

A service configuration can contain up to 10,000 service elements. Every service element must be unique.

A traffic flow is mapped by a service element to the service element's service if it meets all five of the following criteria:

The flow uses the specified protocol of the service element.

The flow is initiated by the side (network, subscriber, or either) specified for the service element.

The destination of the flow is an address that belongs to the specified zone of the service element.

The flow matches the specified flavor of the service element.

The service element is the most specific service element satisfying the first four criteria.

Adding Service Elements

When necessary, you can add new service elements to a service. (The most useful service elements are included in the Console installation.) A service may have any number of service elements (subject to the limit of 10,000 service elements per service configuration).

Note Every service element must be unique; if, at any stage, the new service element is the same as an existing one, an error message is displayed in the dialog box and the Finish button is dimmed. If this occurs, modify the value in at least one field.


Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree.

Step 2 In the right (Service Elements) pane, click ( Add Service Element).

The New Service Element dialog box appears.

Figure 7-8

Step 3 To change the service to which this service element is assigned, click the Select button next to the Service field.

The Select a Service dialog box appears, displaying a list of all services.

Figure 7-9

Step 4 Select a service from the list.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Select a Service dialog box closes.

The selected service is displayed in the Service field of the New Service Element dialog box.

Step 6 Click the Selectbutton next to the Protocol field.

Note The default value (an asterisk, *) means that no protocol checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this service element.

The Select a Protocol dialog box appears, displaying a list of all protocols.

Figure 7-10

Step 7 Select a protocol from the list. You can type in the field at the top of the dialog box to help locate the desired protocol.

Step 8 Click OK.

The Select a Protocol dialog box closes.

The selected protocol is displayed in the Protocol field of the New Service Element dialog box.

Step 9 In the Initiating Side field, click the drop-down arrow.

Figure 7-11

Step 10 Select the appropriate initiating side from the drop-down list. The following options are available:

Subscriber-Initiated —Transactions are initiated at the subscriber side towards (a server at) the network side.

Network-Initiated —Transactions are initiated at the network side towards (a server at) the subscriber side.

Initiated by either side

Step 11 Click the Select button next to the Zone field.

Note The default value (an asterisk, *) means that no zone checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this service element.

The Select a Zone dialog box appears, displaying a list of all zones.

Figure 7-12

Step 12 Select a zone from the list.

Step 13 Click OK.

The Select a Zone dialog box closes.

The selected zone is displayed in the Zone field of the New Service Element dialog box.

Step 14 Click the Select button next to the Flavor field.

The default value (an asterisk, *) means that no flavor checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this service element.

The Select a Flavor dialog box appears, displaying a list of all flavors.

Figure 7-13

Step 15 Select a flavor from the list.

Step 16 Click OK.

The Select a Flavor dialog box closes.

The selected flavor is displayed in the Flavor field of the New Service Element dialog box.

Step 17 Click Finish.

The New Service Element dialog box closes.

The new service element is added to the service.

A new row, representing the service element, is added to the service element list in the Service Elements pane.

Duplicating Service Elements

Duplicating an existing service element is a useful way to add a new service element similar to an existing service element. It is faster to duplicate a service element and then make changes than to define the service element from scratch.

Note Every service element must be unique; if, at any stage, the new service element is the same as an existing one, an error message is displayed in the dialog box and the Finish button is dimmed. If this occurs, modify the value in at least one field.

To duplicate a service element:

Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree.

A list of associated service elements is displayed in the Service Elements pane.

Step 2 In the Service Elements pane, select a service element to duplicate.

Step 3 Click (Duplicate Service Element).

The Copy Service Element dialog box appears.

Figure 7-14

Step 4 Modify the service element (see Editing Service Elements ).

Note Before you can save the new service element, you must change the value in at least one field.

Editing Service Elements

You can modify all service elements, even those included in the Console installation.

Note Every service element must be unique. If, at any stage, the modified service element is the same as an existing one, an error message is displayed in the dialog box and the Finish button is dimmed. If this occurs, modify the value in at least one field.

To edit a service element:

Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree.

A list of associated service elements is displayed in the Service Elements pane.

Step 2 In the Service Elements pane, select a service element to edit.

Step 3 In the Services Elements pane, click ( Edit Service Element).

The Edit Service Element dialog box appears.

Figure 7-15

Step 4 To change the service to which this service element is assigned, click the Select button next to the Service field.

The Select a Service dialog box appears, displaying a list of all services.

Step 5 Select a service from the list.

Step 6 Click OK.

The Select a Service dialog box closes.

The selected service is displayed in the Service field of the Edit Service Element dialog box.

Step 7 To change the protocol of this service element, click the Select button next to the Protocol field.

Note An asterisk (*) means that no protocol checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this service element.

The Select a Protocol dialog box appears, displaying a list of all protocols.

Step 8 Select a protocol from the list; you can type in the field at the top of the dialog box to help locate the desired protocol.

Step 9 Click OK.

The Select a Protocol dialog box closes.

The selected protocol is displayed in the Protocol field of the Edit Service Element dialog box.

Step 10 To change the initiating side of this service element, click the drop-down arrow in the Initiating Side field.

Step 11 Select the appropriate initiating side from the drop-down list. The following options are available:

Subscriber-Initiated —Transactions are initiated at the subscriber side towards (a server at) the network side.

Network-Initiated —Transactions are initiated at the network side towards (a server at) the subscriber side.

Initiated by either side

Step 12 To change the zone of this service element, click the Select button next to the Zone field.

Note An asterisk (*) means that no zone checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this service element.

The Select a Zone dialog box appears, displaying a list of all zones.

Step 13 Select a zone from the list.

Step 14 Click OK.

The Select a Zone dialog box closes.

The selected zone is displayed in the Zone field of the Edit Service Element dialog box.

Step 15 To change the flavor of this service element, click the Select button next to the Flavor field.

Note An asterisk (*) means that no flavor checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this service element.

The Select a Flavor dialog box appears, displaying a list of all flavors.

Step 16 Select a flavor from the list.

Step 17 Click OK.

The Select a Flavor dialog box closes.

The selected flavor is displayed in the Flavor field of the Edit Service Element dialog box.

Step 18 Click Finish.

The Edit Service Element dialog box closes.

The changes to the service element are saved.

The changes to the service element appear in the service element list in the Service Elements pane.

Deleting Service Element

You can delete all service elements, even those included in the Console installation.

To delete a service element:

Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree.

A list of associated service elements is displayed in the Service Elements pane.

Step 2 In the Service Elements pane, select a service element to delete.

Step 3 In the Service Elements pane, click ( Delete Service Element).

A Service Warning message appears.

Figure 7-16

Step 4 Click Yes.

The service element is deleted and is no longer part of the selected service.

Moving Service Elements

You can move an existing service element from one service to a different service.

To move a service element:

Step 1 In the Services tab, select a service from the service tree.

A list of associated service elements is displayed in the Service Elements pane.

Step 2 In the Service Elements pane, select a service element to move.

Step 3 Click ( Move Service Element to Another Service).

The Move Service Element dialog box appears, displaying the complete service tree.

Figure 7-17

Step 4 From the service tree, select a service.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Move Service Element dialog box closes.

The service element is moved to the selected service.

Managing Protocols

A protocol is composed of an application protocol signature, the destination port or ports, a unique name, and an optional description.

Protocols are used to define service elements (see Managing Service Elements ).

You can add new protocols (for example, to classify a new gaming protocol that uses a specific port). You can also edit or delete existing ones.

A service configuration can contain up to 10,000 protocols.

SCA BB supports many commercial and common protocols. For a complete list of protocols included with the current release of SCA BB, see "Protocols" in the "Default Service Configuration Reference Tables" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference Guide. As new protocols are released, Cisco provides files containing the new protocol signatures so that you can add the signatures to your service configuration. (See Adding Signatures to a Service Configuration.)

Viewing Protocols

How to View Protocols 

Filtering the List in the Protocols View Tab 

How to View Protocols

You can view a list of all protocols and their associated protocol elements.

The protocols are listed in ASCII sort order (that is, 0 ... 9, A ... Z, a ... z).

The protocol elements are not sorted; they are listed in the order in which they were added to the protocol.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-18

The Protocols tab displays a list of existing protocols.

Step 2 To view the description and ID of a protocol:

a. Double-click a protocol.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears, displaying the protocol name, description, and ID.

Figure 7-19

b. Click Cancel.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Step 3 To view a list of protocol elements, select a protocol in the list in the Protocol Settings dialog box.

protocol elements are displayed in the Protocol Elements tab.

Step 4 Click Close.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Filtering the List in the Protocols View Tab

How to Filter the List in the Protocols View Tab

You can filter the protocols by type, so that the Protocols tab displays only the selected type of protocol.

There are nine categories of protocols:

Generic Protocols—Generic IP, Generic TCP, and Generic UDP protocols, used for transactions that are not specifically mapped to a protocol by any other protocol type.

IP Protocols—Protocols (such as ICMP), other than TCP and UDP protocols, identified according to the IP protocol number of the transaction.

Port-Based Protocols—TCP and UDP protocols, classified according to their well-known ports. The default service configuration includes more than 750 common port-based protocols.

Signature-Based Protocols—Protocols classified according to a Layer 7 application signature. Includes the most common protocols, such as HTTP and FTP, and a large group of popular P2P protocols.

P2P Protocols—Peer-to-peer file-sharing application protocols classified according to a Layer 7 application signature.

VOIP Protocols—Voice-over-IP application protocols classified according to a Layer 7 application signature.

SIP Protocols—Protocols classified according to a Layer 7 application signature that is SIP or has SIP characteristics.

Worm Protocols—Protocols classified according to a Layer 7 application signature that is based on traffic patterns of internet worms.

Packet Stream Pattern Based Protocols—Protocols classified according to a Layer 7 application signature that is based on the pattern of the packet stream (for example, the stream's symmetry, average packet size, and rate) rather than on the packet's payload content.

Unidirectionally Detected Protocols—Protocols having a unidirectional signature.

Note Some protocols belong to more than one category. In particular, all predefined P2P, VOIP, SIP, Worm, and Packet Stream Pattern-Based Protocols are also defined as Signature-Based Protocols.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 From the drop-down list in the Protocols tab, select the type of protocol to display.

The protocols of the selected type appear in the Protocols tab.

Step 3 Click Close.

Step 4 The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Note The setting in the drop-down list is not saved. The next time you open the Protocol Settings dialog box, all protocols will be displayed.

Adding Protocols

You can add new protocols to a service configuration, subject to the limit of 10,000 protocols per service configuration.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Protocols tab, click ( Add Protocol).

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-20

Step 3 In the Name field, enter a unique name for the new protocol.

Step 4 (Optional) From the Protocol ID drop-down list, select an ID for the protocol.

The protocol ID must be an integer in the range 5000 to 9998; lower values are reserved for protocols provided by SCA BB.

Note The value of the protocol ID is supplied automatically by the system. Do not modify this field.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

The new protocol is displayed in the Protocols tab. You can now add protocol elements to it. See Adding Protocol Elements.

Editing Protocols

You can modify the parameters of a protocol, even those included in the Console installation.

To add, modify, or delete protocol elements, see Managing Protocol Elements.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Protocols tab, double-click a protocol.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-21

Step 3 Modify fields in the dialog box:

In the Name field, enter a new name for the protocol.

From the Protocol ID drop-down list, select an ID for the protocol.

The protocol ID must be an integer in the range 5000 to 9998; lower values are reserved for protocols provided by SCA BB.

Note The value of the protocol ID is supplied automatically by the system. Do not modify this field.

Step 4 Click OK.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

The new values of the protocol parameters are saved.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Deleting Protocols

You can delete all protocols, even those included in the Console installation.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Protocols tab, select a Protocol.

Step 3 In the Protocols tab, click ( Delete Protocol).

A Protocol Warning message appears.

Figure 7-22

Step 4 Click Yes.

If any service element maps the selected protocol to a service (see Managing Service Elements ), a second Protocol Warning message appears (even if the service is not used by any package).

Figure 7-23

Click Yes.

The Protocol is deleted from the Protocols tab.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Managing Protocol Elements

A protocol is a collection of protocol elements .

To complete the definition of a protocol, you must define its protocol elements. A protocol element maps a specific signature, IP protocol, and port range to the selected protocol. Every protocol element in a service configuration must be unique.

A traffic flow is mapped to a specific protocol if it meets all four of the following criteria:

The flow belongs to the specified signature of the protocol element.

The flow protocol is the specified IP protocol of the protocol element.

(If the IP protocol is TCP or UDP) The destination port is within the specified port range of the protocol element.

The protocol element is the most specific protocol element satisfying the first three criteria.

Adding Protocol Elements

You can add any number of protocol elements to a protocol.

Note When you set the parameters of the protocol element, the values of the parameters are saved as you enter them.


Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Protocols tab, select a protocol.

Step 3 In the Protocol Elements tab, click ( Add Protocol Element).

A protocol element is added to the protocol.

A new row, representing the protocol element, is added to the protocol element list in the Protocol Element tab.

Step 4 Click in the Signature cell of the protocol element, and then click the Browse button that appears in the cell.

Note The default value (an asterisk, *) means that no signature checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this protocol element.

Figure 7-24

Step 5 Select a signature from the list.

Note Select the Generic signature to allow a flow that has no matching signature in the protocol signature database to be mapped to this protocol element (if the flow also matches the IP protocol and port range of the protocol element).

Step 6 Click OK.

The Select a Signature dialog box closes.

The selected signature is displayed in the Signature cell of the Protocol Settings dialog box.

Step 7 Click in the IP Protocol cell of the protocol element, and then click the Browse button that appears in the cell.

Note The default value (an asterisk, *) means that no IP protocol checking is performed when testing if a flow maps to this protocol element.

The Select an IP Protocol dialog box appears, displaying a list of all IP protocols.

Figure 7-25

Step 8 Select an IP protocol from the list.

Step 9 Click OK.

The Select an IP Protocol dialog box closes

The selected IP protocol is displayed in the IP Protocol cell of the Protocol Settings dialog box.

Step 10 In the Port Range cell, enter a port or range of ports. (For a range of ports, use a hyphen between the first and last ports in the range.)

Note Specifying a port range is only possible when the specified IP protocol is either TCP or UDP (or undefined, taking the wild-card value, *).

Only a flow whose port matches one of these ports will be mapped to this protocol element.

The protocol element is defined.

Step 11 Click Close.

If the protocol element that you have defined is not unique in this service configuration, a Protocol Error message appears.

Figure 7-26

a. Click OK.

b. Modify or delete the protocol element.

c. Click Close

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Editing Protocol Elements

You can modify all protocol elements, even those included in the Console installation.

Note All changes to the protocol element are saved as you make them.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Protocols tab, select a protocol.

Step 3 In the Protocol Elements tab, select a protocol element.

Step 4 Click in the Signature cell of the protocol element, and then click the Browse button that appears in the cell.

The Select a Signature dialog box appears.

Step 5 Select a signature from the list.

Step 6 Click OK.

The Select a Signature dialog box closes.

Step 7 Click in the IP Protocol cell of the protocol element, and then click the Browse button that appears in the cell.

The Select an IP Protocol dialog box appears.

Step 8 Select an IP protocol from the list.

Step 9 Click OK.

The Select an IP Protocol dialog box closes.

Step 10 In the Port Range cell of the protocol element, enter a port or range of ports.

Changes to the protocol element are saved as you make them.

Step 11 Click Close.

If the protocol element that you have modified is not unique in this service configuration, a Protocol Error message appears.

a. Click OK.

b. Modify or delete the protocol element.

c. Click Close.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Deleting Protocol Elements

You can delete all protocol elements, even those included in the Console installation.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Protocols.

The Protocol Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 Select a protocol in the Protocols tab.

Step 3 In the Protocol Elements tab, select a protocol element.

Step 4 In the Protocol Elements tab, click ( Delete Protocol Element).

A Protocol Warning message appears.

Figure 7-27

Step 5 Click Yes.

The protocol element is deleted from the Protocol Elements tab.

Step 6 Click Close.

The Protocol Settings dialog box closes.

Managing Zones

A zone is a collection of destination IP addresses; usually the addresses in one zone will be related in some way.

Zones are used to classify network sessions; each network session is assigned to a service element based on its destination IP address.

A service configuration can contain up to 10,000 zone items. Every zone item must be unique.

Viewing Zones 

Adding Zones 

Editing Zones 

Deleting Zones 

Managing Zone Items 

Viewing Zones

You can view a list of all zones and their associated zone items.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Zones.

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

The Zones tab displays a list of all zones. The first zone in the list is selected, and its zone items are displayed in the Zone Items tab.

Figure 7-28

Step 2 Click a zone in the list to display its zone items.

The zone items of the selected zone are displayed in the Zone Items tab.

Step 3 Click Close.

The Zone Settings dialog box closes.

Adding Zones

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Zones.

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Zones tab, click ( Add Zone).

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-29

Step 3 In the Name field, enter a unique name for the new zone.

Step 4 (Optional) From the Zone ID drop-down list, select an ID for the zone.

The zone ID must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 32767.

Note The value of the zone ID is supplied automatically by the system. Do not modify this field.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Zone Settings dialog box closes.

The new zone is added to the Zones tab. You can now add zone items. (See Adding Zone Items.)

Editing Zones

You can modify zone parameters at any time.

To add, modify, or delete zone items, see Managing Zone Items.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Zones.

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Zones tab, select a zone.

Step 3 Click ( Edit Zone).

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

Step 4 Modify fields in the dialog box:

In the Name field, enter a new name for the zone.

From the Zone ID drop-down list, select an ID for the zone.

The zone ID must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 32767.

Note The value of the zone ID is supplied automatically by the system. Do not modify this field.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Zone Settings dialog box closes.

The new values of the zone parameters are saved.

Step 6 Click Close.

The Zone Settings dialog box closes.

Deleting Zones

You can delete any or all zones.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Zones.

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Zones tab, select a zone.

Step 3 In the Zones tab, click ( Delete Zone).

A Zone Warning message appears.

Figure 7-30

Step 4 Click OK.

If any service element references the selected zone, a second Zone Warning message appears.

Figure 7-31

Click Yes.

Every service element that references the selected zone is deleted.

The zone is deleted and is no longer displayed in the Zones tab.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Zone Settings dialog box closes.

Managing Zone Items

A zone is a collection of related zone items .

A zone item is an IP address or a range of IP addresses.

A service configuration can contain up to 10,000 zone items. Every zone item must be unique.

Adding Zone Items 

Deleting Zone Items 

Adding Zone Items

You can add any number of zone items to a zone (subject to the limitation of 10,000 zone items per service configuration).

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Zones.

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Zones tab, select a zone.

Step 3 In the Zone Items tab, click ( Add Zone Item).

A new line is added to the Zone Items table.

Step 4 Double-click the new list item and enter a valid value.

Valid values are single IP addresses (for example, or a range of IP addresses (for example,

Step 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other IP addresses that will be part of this zone.

Step 6 Click Close.

If the zone item that you have defined is not unique in this service configuration, a Zone Error message appears.

a. Click OK.

b. Modify or delete the zone item.

c. Click Close.

The Zone Settings dialog box closes.

Deleting Zone Items

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Zones.

The Zone Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the Zones tab, select a zone.

Step 3 In the Zone Items tab, select a zone item.

Step 4 In the Zone Items tab, click ( Delete Zone Item).

The zone item is deleted.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Zone Settings dialog box closes.

Managing Protocol Signature

Viewing Signatures 

Filtering Signature Settings 

Dynamic Signatures 

Viewing Signatures

You can view a list of all signatures and the protocol to which each is assigned.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Signatures Settings.

The Signatures Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-32

Step 2 Click Close.

The Signatures Settings dialog box closes.

Filtering Signature Settings

How to Filter Signature Settings

You can filter the signature by type, so that the Signatures Settings dialog box lists only the selected type of signature.

There are eight categories of signatures:

DSS Contributed Signatures

Not Assigned to any Protocol

P2P Signatures

VOIP Signatures

SIP Signatures

Worm Signatures

Packet Stream Pattern Based Protocols Signatures

Unidirectionally Detected Signatures

Note Some signatures belong to more than one category.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Signatures Settings.

The Signatures Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 From the drop-down list, select the type of signature to display.

The signatures of the selected type appear in the dialog box.

Step 3 Click Close.

The Signatures Settings dialog box closes.

Dynamic Signatures

New protocols are being introduced all the time. Dynamic signatures is a mechanism that allows new protocols to be added to the protocol list and, from there, to service configurations. This is especially useful for classifying the traffic of a new protocol (for example, a new P2P protocol in a P2P-Control solution).

Installing new signatures to an active service configuration is described in How to Install Protocol Packs.

Creating and modifying signatures is described in Using the Signature Editor.

Using servconf, the SCA BB Server Configuration Utility, to apply signatures is described in Information About The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility.

Dynamic Signature Script Files

Dynamic signatures are provided in special Dynamic Signatures Script (DSS) files that you can add to a service configuration using either the Console or the Service Configuration API. After a DSS file is imported into a service configuration, the new protocols it describes:

Appear in the protocol list

May be added to services

Are used when viewing reports

To simplify the configuration of new protocols added by a DSS, the DSS may specify a Buddy Protocol for a new protocol. If, when loading a DSS, the application encounters the Buddy Protocol, it automatically duplicates the set of service elements that use the Buddy Protocol, and replaces all references to the Buddy Protocol with references to the new protocol. The association of the new protocol to services will match that of the Buddy Protocol.

The following configuration actions are performed automatically when you import a DSS into a service configuration:

Signatures are updated and new signatures are loaded

Protocol elements are created for new signatures of existing protocols

New protocols are added to the protocol list, and protocol elements are created for them

Service elements are created for new protocols according to the configuration of Buddy Protocols

The import procedure preserves all service and protocol settings.

Note The import procedure preserves all service and protocol settings.

DSS files are periodically released by Cisco or its partners in accordance with customer requirements and market needs. DSS files contain new protocols and signatures, and update previously defined signatures. Updating a service configuration with the new DSS is explained in Adding Signatures to a Service Configuration.

Note You can create your own DSS files or modify the Cisco release DSS file using the Signature Editor tool (see Information About Managing DSS Files ).

Viewing Current Dynamic Signatures Information

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Signatures Settings.

The Signatures Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 Click the Signatures Script tab.

The Signatures Script tab opens.

If no DSS file was imported into the current service configuration, the Signatures Settings dialog box displays a message informing you of this.

Figure 7-33

If a DSS file was imported into the current service configuration, the Signatures Settings dialog box displays information about the current dynamic signatures and the DSS file from which they were imported.

Figure 7-34

Step 3 Click Close.

The Signatures Settings dialog box closes.

Adding Signatures to a Service Configuration

Adding Signatures to a Service Configuration 

Removing Dynamic Signatures 

Adding Signatures to a Service Configuration

You can import signatures into a service configuration from a DSS file provided by Cisco or one of its partners (described in this section), or from a DSS file that you have created or modified using the Signature Editor tool ( see Information About Managing DSS Files ).

Note It is recommended that you import the latest default DSS file (see Importing Dynamic Signatures from the Default DSS File ) when creating a service configuration, and that you use this option only to apply a new DSS to existing service configuration.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Signatures Settings.

The Signatures Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 Click the Signatures Scripttab.

The Signatures Script tab opens.

Step 3 Click Import from File.

An Import Warning message appears.

Figure 7-35

Step 4 Click Yes.

The Import from file dialog box appears.

Step 5 Browse to the DSS file and click Open.

The Import from file dialog box closes.

The signatures in the DSS file are imported into the service configuration.

Information about the imported signatures and their DSS file is displayed in the Signatures Settings dialog box.

Step 6 Click Close.

The Signatures Settings dialog box closes.

Removing Dynamic Signatures

You can remove the installed dynamic signatures from a service configuration.

Note The DSS file is not deleted.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Signatures Settings.

The Signatures Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 Click the Signatures Scripttab.

The Signatures Script tab opens.

Step 3 Click Remove.

A Dynamic Signature Script Confirmation message appears.

Figure 7-36

Step 4 Click OK.

If any service element references a protocol whose signature is included in the imported DSS file, a Dynamic Signature Script Removal Error message appears.

Figure 7-37

Click Yes.

Every service element that references a protocol whose signature is included in the imported DSS file is deleted.

The dynamic signatures are removed from the service configuration.

The Remove button is dimmed.

If the dynamic signatures were imported from the default DSS file, the Import Default DSS button is enabled.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Signatures Settings dialog box closes.

The Default DSS File

Whenever a protocol pack becomes available from Cisco (or one of its partners), you should update offline service configurations (stored as PQB files on the workstation). The Protocol Packs is provided as either an SPQI file or a DSS file.

Either offer updates automatically to every service configuration created or edited at the workstation or apply them from the workstation to the SCE platform. You make the latest update available by installing the most recent DSS or SPQI file as the default DSS file. You can install the file on the workstation either from the Console or by using Information About The SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility.

The default DSS file is automatically offered for import when you perform any service configuration operation (such as creating a new service configuration or editing an existing one) from the Console on a service configuration that was not yet updated.

The default DSS file is imported by default when any service configuration operation (such as applying an existing service configuration) is performed using servconf, Information About The SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility. You can disable this option.

Note Users are expected to update the default DSS on their management workstation whenever they obtain a new protocol pack, as explained in the following section.

Setting the Default DSS File

The default DSS file should normally be the latest protocol pack provided by Cisco (or one of its partners). If necessary, modify the protocol pack using the Signature Editor tool (see Editing DSS Files ) to add signatures of new protocols until they become available from Cisco.

Whenever a new protocol pack becomes available, set it as the default DSS file. There is no need to clear the current default DSS file; it will be overwritten by the new protocol pack.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

Step 2 From the menu tree in the left pane of the dialog box, choose Service Configuration >Default DSS.

The Default DSS area opens in the right pane of the dialog box.

Figure 7-38

Step 3 Click Choose File.

An Open dialog box appears.

Step 4 From the Files of type drop-down list, select the file type of the protocol pack.

Step 5 Browse to the protocol pack.

Step 6 Click Open.

The Open dialog box closes.

Information about the default DSS file is displayed in the Default DSS area of the Preferences dialog box.

Figure 7-39

Step 7 Click OK.

The DSS file is copied to C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\.p-cube\default3.1.0.dss as the default DSS file.

The Preferences dialog box closes.

Clearing the Default DSS File:

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Window >Preferences.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

Step 2 From the menu tree in the left pane of the dialog box, choose Service Configuration >Default DSS.

The Default DSS area opens in the right pane of the dialog box.

Step 3 Click Clear Default DSS.

The default DSS file, C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\.p-cube\default3.1.0.dss is deleted.

All information is deleted from the Default DSS area.

Note Deleting the default DSS file does not remove the imported dynamic signatures from the current service configuration.

Step 4 Click OK.

The Preferences dialog box closes.

Importing Dynamic Signatures from the Default DSS File

If a default DSS file is installed, the application offers to import the dynamic signatures from the file when you create a new service configuration or when you open an existing service configuration that has not imported the signatures. Alternatively, you can manually import the dynamic signatures.

Step 1 Open an existing service configuration or create a new one.

A Default Signature message appears.

Figure 7-40

Step 2 Do one of the following:

Click Yesto import the default DSS file.

Click Noto continue without importing the default DSS file.

Importing the Default DSS File Manually:

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Signatures Settings.

The Signatures Settings dialog box appears

Step 2 Click the Signatures Script tab.

The Signatures Script tab opens, with the Import Default DSS button enabled.

Figure 7-41

Step 3 Click Import Default DSS.

An Import Warning message appears.

Figure 7-42

Step 4 Click Yes.

The signatures in the default DSS file are imported into the service configuration.

The Import Default DSS button is dimmed.

Information about the imported signatures and the default DSS file is displayed in the Signatures Settings dialog box.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Signatures Settings dialog box closes.

Managing Flavors

Flavors are advanced classification elements that are used to classify network sessions.

Flavors are based on specific Layer 7 properties. For example, users can associate an HTTP flow with a service based on different parts of the destination URL of the flow.

Flavors are supported only for small number of protocols, and for each such protocol there are different applicable flavor types. Flavor types are listed in the table in the following section.

There is a maximum number of flavor items for each flavor type (see Maximum Number of Flavor Items per Flavor Type ). For each flavor type, every flavor item must be unique.

Note If the active service configuration is running in asymmetric routing classification mode, flavors are not used for traffic classification.

Flavor Types and Parameters

The following table lists available flavor types.

Table 7-1 SCA BB Flavors  

Flavor Type
Valid Values

HTTP User Agent

Prefix string


<host suffix, path prefix, path suffix, URL parameters prefix>

Host—From the beginning of the URL till the first "/"

Path—The section from the first "/" to the "?"

URL parameters—Any string following the "?" (You do not need to start the parameters prefix with "?")

HTTP Composite

<HTTP User Agent flavor, HTTP URL flavor>

HTTP Content Category

Value selected from Select a Content Category dialog box

RTSP User Agent

Prefix string

RTSP Host Name

Host suffix

RTSP Composite

<RTSP User Agent flavor, RTSP Host Name flavor>

SIP Source Domain

Host suffix

SIP Composite

<SIP source domain, SIP destination domain>

SMTP Host Name

Host suffix

Note Composite Flavors are pairs of two defined flavors.

Viewing Flavors

You can view a list of all flavors and their associated flavor items.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Flavors.

The Flavor Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-43

The left area displays a tree showing all flavors of each flavor type.

Step 2 Click a flavor in the tree to display its flavor items.

Figure 7-44

The flavor items are displayed in the right area.

Step 3 Click OK.

The Flavor Settings dialog box closes.

Adding Flavors

You can add any number of flavors to a service configuration.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Flavors.

The Flavor Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the flavor tree, select a flavor type.

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 Click .

A new flavor of the selected type is added to the flavor tree.

Figure 7-45

Step 4 In the Name field, enter a name for the new flavor.

Note You can use the default name for the flavor. It is recommended that you enter a meaningful name.

Step 5 In the Index field, enter a unique integer value.

Note SCA BB provides a value for the Index. There is no need to change it.

The flavor index must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 32767. You have defined the flavor. You can now add flavor items. (See Adding Flavor Items.)

Editing Flavors

You can modify flavor parameters at any time.

To add, modify, or delete flavor items, see Managing Flavor Items.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Flavors.

The Flavor Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the flavor tree, select a flavor.

The name and index of the flavor (and its flavor items) are displayed in the right area.

Step 3 Modify fields in the dialog box:

In the Name field, enter a new name for the flavor.

In the Index field, enter a new, unique index for the flavor.

flavor index must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 32767.

Step 4 Click OK.

The Flavor Settings dialog box closes.

Deleting Flavors

You can delete any or all flavors.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Flavors.

EnableThe Flavor Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the flavor tree, right-click a flavor.

A popup menu appears.

Step 3 Click ( Delete).

A Confirm Delete message appears.

Figure 7-46

Step 4 Click OK.

If any service element references the selected flavor, a Confirm References Delete message appears.

Figure 7-47

Click Yes.

Every service element that references the selected flavor is deleted.

The flavor is deleted and is no longer displayed in the flavor tree.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Flavor Settings dialog box closes.

Managing Flavor Items

A flavor is a collection of related flavor items .

A flavor item is a value of a property or properties of a flow. These properties depend on the flavor type ( see Flavor Types and Parameters ).

There is a maximum number of flavor items for each flavor type (see the following section). For each flavor type, every flavor item must be unique.

Maximum Number of Flavor Items per Flavor Type

The following table lists the maximum number of flavor items for each flavor type.

Table 7-2 Maximum Number of Flavor Items per Flavor Types  

Flavor Type
Maximum No. of Flavor Items

HTTP Composite


HTTP User Agent




HTTP Content Category

RTSP Composite


RTSP User Agent


RTSP Host Name


SIP Composite


SIP Source Domain


SIP Destination Domain


SMTP Host Name


Adding Flavor Items

You can add any number of flavor items to a flavor (subject to the limitation of the total number of each type of flavor item per service configuration, as listed in the previous section).

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Flavors.

The Flavor Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the flavor tree, click a flavor.

Step 3 Above the flavor item list, click ( Create New Flavor Item).

Figure 7-48

A new flavor item is added to the flavor item list. The number and type of parameters in the flavor item depend on the flavor type (see Flavor Types and Parameters ).

The new flavor item has a default value of all wild cards (*, asterisks).

Step 4 For each cell of the new flavor item, do one of the following:

Click the asterisk and then enter an appropriate value.

(For composite flavors and for the HTTP Content Category flavor)

a. Click the asterisk.

A Browse button is displayed in the cell.

b. Click the Browsebutton.

A Select dialog box appears, displaying all valid values for the parameter.

Figure 7-49

c. Select an appropriate value from the list.

d. Click OK.

The Select dialog box closes.

The selected value is displayed in the cell.

Step 5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other flavor items.

Step 6 Click OK.

The Flavor Settings dialog box closes.

Editing Flavor Items

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Flavors.

The Flavor Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the flavor tree, select a flavor.

Step 3 In the flavor item list, select a flavor item.

Step 4 For each cell of the new flavor item, do one of the following:

Click the asterisk and then enter an appropriate value.

(For composite flavors and for the HTTP Content Category flavor)

a. Click the asterisk.

A Browse button is displayed in the cell.

b. Click the Browsebutton.

A Select dialog box appears, displaying all valid values for the parameter.

c. Select an appropriate value from the list.

d. Click OK.

The Select dialog box closes.

The selected value is displayed in the cell.

Step 5 Click OK.

The Flavor Settings dialog box closes.

Deleting Flavor Items

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Flavors.

The Flavor Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 In the flavor tree, select a flavor.

Step 3 In the flavor item list, right-click anywhere in a flavor item.

A popup menu appears.

Step 4 Click ( Delete).

The flavor item is deleted and is no longer displayed in the flavor item list.

Step 5 Click Close.

The Flavor Settings dialog box closes.

Managing Content Filtering

Content filtering involves classification and control of HTTP flows according to the requested URL. The classification of the URL is performed by accessing an external database.

SCA BB provides content filtering by integrating with a SurfControl Content Portal Authority (CPA) server.

Note Content filtering is not supported when the active service configuration is running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

Content Filtering Overview 

Description of CPA Client CLI Commands 

Configuring the RDR Formatter 

Installing the SurfControl CPA Server 

The Content Filtering CLI 

Managing Content Filtering Settings 

Importing Content Filtering Categories 

Importing Content Filtering Categories Using the HTTP Content Filtering Settings Dialog Box 

HTTP Content Category Flavors 

Content Filtering Overview

The Cisco HTTP Content Filtering solution consists of:

The SCE application—The Cisco service control application that runs on the SCE platform. It forwards HTTP URLs that it extracts from traffic to the CPA client and uses the categorization results to classify the original HTTP flow to a service. This classification is then used for the normal SCA BB traffic control and reporting.

Cisco CPA Client—The CPA client runs on the SCE platform. It sends URL queries to the CPA server for categorization, and updates SCA BB with categorization results.

SurfControl CPA Server—The CPA server runs on a dedicated machine. It receives categorization requests from the CPA client, connects to the SurfControl Content Database, and responds with the category ID of the queried URL.

The SCE application classifies the HTTP flow according to the category returned by the CPA server. This classification is then used for SCA BB traffic control and reporting. For example, users can define a rule to block browsing of the "Adult/Sexually Explicit" category or to generate reports on the volume consumed by browsing the "Kids" or "Shopping" categories.

Configuring the RDR Formatter

The SCE application communicates with the CPA client using Raw Data Records (RDRs). To enable the RDR formatter to issue HTTP categorization requests, configure the RDR formatter on the SCE platform using the SCE platform CLI:

#>RDR-formatter destination port 33001 category number 4 priority 100

For more information about configuring the RDR formatter, see the "Configuring the RDR Formatter" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide .

Installing the SurfControl CPA Server

The SurfControl CPA Server is installed on a separate server that must be accessible from the SCE platform.

The details of the installation are not within the scope of this document.

The Content Filtering CLI

You can configure content filtering using SurfControl CPA and monitored using the SCE platform Command-Line Interface (CLI). For more information about the SCE platform CLI, see the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference .

The commands listed here are explained in the following section.

Use the following CLI commands to configure the Cisco CPA client:

[no] cpa-client

cpa-client destination <address>[port <port>]

cpa-client retries <number_of_retries>

These commands are line interface configuration commands. To run these commands you must enter line interface configuration mode and see the SCE( config if) # prompt displayed.

Step 1 At the SCE platform CLI prompt ( SCE #), type configure.

Step 2 press Enter.

The SCE( config )# prompt appears.

Step 3 Type interface LineCard 0.

Step 4 Press Enter.

The SCE(config if)# prompt appears.

Use the following CLI command in EXEC mode to monitor the status of the Cisco CPA client:

show interface LineCard <slot>cpa-client

Description of CPA Client CLI Commands

The following table gives a description of the Cisco CPA client CLI commands listed in the previous section and their default values.

Table 7-3 CPA Client CLI Commands

Default Value

[no] cpa-client

Enables or disables the CPA client


cpa-client destination<address>[port <port>]

Enables the CPA client and sets the CPA server IP address and port

Address—not defined


cpa-client retries <number_of_retries>

Sets the number of retries to send to the CPA server


show interface LineCard <slot>cpa-client

Monitors the CPA client status (See the following table)

The following table displays the information shown when monitoring the Cisco CPA client.

Table 7-4 CPA Client: Monitored Parameters  



Enabled or disabled

CPA Address


CPA Port


CPA Retries



(If enabled) Active or error (and last error description)


Number of successful queries

Number of queries that failed because of no server response

Number of pending queries

Rate of queries per second (average over the last 5 seconds)


CPA started

Last query

Last response

Last error

Managing Content Filtering Settings

Applying HTTP URL content filtering requires the following steps in the Service Configuration Editor:

Step 1 Import the content filtering configuration file into your service configuration.

By default, SCA BB creates a separate flavor (of type HTTP Content Category) for each content category and a service element for each new flavor. A new top-level service, "HTTP Browsing with Categories", is created, comprising these service elements.

Step 2 Create new services and map the new category flavors to them.

Step 3 Add content filtering rules to existing packages or create new packages that include content filtering rules.

Step 4 Enable content filtering for selected packages.

Step 5 Apply the service configuration.

Importing Content Filtering Categories

Before you can control HTTP flows based on content, you must import an XML file provided with the installation.

After you unzip the installation package, this file is located in the URL Filtering subfolder.

You can import content filtering categories using either the File >Importmenu option or the Configuration >Content Filteringmenu option.

You cannot import content filtering categories when asymmetric routing classification mode is enabled.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose File >Import.

The Import dialog box appears.

Figure 7-50

Step 2 From the import source list, select Import content filtering database settings from XML file.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Import Content Filtering Database Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 7-51

Step 4 Click the Browse button next to the Select a XML file field.

An Open dialog box appears.

Step 5 Browse to the folder containing the file to import, and select it.

Note For SurfControl's CPA, the file is named surfcontrol.xml.

Step 6 Click Open to select the file.

The Open dialog box closes.

Information about the content of the XML file is displayed in the Database Settings pane of the Import Content Filtering Database Settings dialog box.

Step 7 By default, SCA BB creates a separate flavor (of type HTTP Content Category) for each content category when importing the XML file.

To disable this option, uncheck the Create a distinct Flavor for each Content Category check box.

Note It is recommended that you do not disable this option.

Step 8 By default, SCA BB creates a service element for each flavor created in the previous step. A new top-level service, HTTP Browsing with Categories, is created, comprising these service elements.

To disable this option, uncheck the Create a Service Element for each Content Category Flavor in Service `HTTP Browsing with Categories' check box.

Note It is recommended that you do not disable this option.

Step 9 Click Finish.

The Import Content Filtering Database Settings dialog box closes.

Importing Content Filtering Categories Using the HTTP Content Filtering Settings Dialog Box

Note This is equivalent to the previous procedure.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Content Filtering.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box appears.

Step 2 Click the Database Settingstab.

The Database Settings tab opens.

Step 3 Click Import.

The Import Content Filtering Database Settings dialog box appears.

Step 4 Perform steps 4 to 8 of the preceding procedure.

Step 5 Click Finish.

The Import Content Filtering Database Settings dialog box closes.

Information from the imported file is displayed in the Database Settings tab of the HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box.

Figure 7-52

Step 6 Click OK.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box closes.

HTTP Content Category Flavors

By default, SCA BB creates a separate flavor (of type HTTP Content Category) for each content category when importing the XML file.

Figure 7-53

You can create additional HTTP Content Category Flavors that include two or more content categories. (See Adding Flavors.)

HTTP Browsing with Categories Service Elements

By default, SCA BB creates a service element for each flavor created in the previous step. A new top-level service, HTTP Browsing with Categories, is created, comprising these service elements.

Figure 7-54

Note To view this new service you must save and close the service configuration and then reopen it.

Configuring Content Filtering

You can specify the packages where content filtering will be enabled. For packages where content filtering is disabled, HTTP flows will be classified normally.

Step 1 SFrom the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Content Filtering.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box appears.

The Package Settings tab displays a list of all packages defined for the current service configuration.

Figure 7-55

Step 2 Check the Enable HTTP content filtering check box.

Step 3 Check the check box next to each package for which content filtering is to be applied.

Step 4 Click OK.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box closes.

Viewing Content Filtering Settings

You can view whether content filtering is enabled and to which packages content filtering is applied, and information about the content filtering vendor and the vendor's content categories.

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Content Filtering.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box appears.

The Package Settings tab displays a list of all packages defined for the current service configuration, and shows for which packages content filtering is enabled.

Step 2 Click the Database Settingstab.

The Database Settings tab opens.

This tab displays information about the content filtering vendor and the vendor's content categories.

Step 3 Click OK.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box closes.

Removing Content Filtering Settings

You can remove all content filtering settings at any time.

Removing the settings:

Removes content category flavor items from flavors

Deletes all the content category flavor items

Disables content filtering

Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose Configuration >Content Filtering.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box appears..

Step 2 Click the Database Settingstab.

The Database Settings tab opens.

Step 3 Click Remove.

A Confirm Content Filtering Settings Removal dialog box appears.

Figure 7-56

Step 4 Click OK.

All content filtering settings are removed.

Vendor Name, Vendor Information, and Content Categories are deleted from the HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box.

Step 5 Click OK.

The HTTP Content Filtering Settings dialog box closes.


Posted: Wed May 30 13:24:44 PDT 2007
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