
Table Of Contents

Using the Network Navigator

The Network Navigator Tool

Network Settings Requirements

Firewall/NAT Requirements

User Authentication

Managing Sites

 Adding a Site to the Site Manager

Adding Devices to a Site

Adding SM Devices to a Site

Adding CM Devices to a Site

Adding Database Devices to a Site

Deleting Devices

Deleting Sites

Managing Devices

Password Management

Managing SCE Devices

Managing CM Devices

Managing Database Devices

Working with Network Navigator Configuration Files

Exporting a Network Navigator Configuration

Importing a Network Navigator Configuration

Using the Network Navigator

To manage a network entity—Service Control Engine (SCE) platform, Subscriber Manager (SM), or Collection Manager (CM)—from the Console, you must first define it as a device in the Network Navigator.

This chapter describes how to use the Network Navigator tool to create a simple model of all local and remote sites and devices that are part of the Cisco Service Control solution, and how to manage the devices remotely.

The Network Navigator Tool 

Network Settings Requirements 

Managing Sites 

Deleting Sites 

Managing Devices 

Working with Network Navigator Configuration Files 

The Network Navigator Tool

The Network Navigator tool contains four views:

Network Navigator view—Displays, in the Site Manager tree, all sites and devices that you have defined as part of your system

Properties view—Displays the editable properties of the node selected in the Site Manager tree in the Network Navigator view

ProgressView view—When you perform an operation on a site or device in the Site Manager tree, displays a progress bar

Console view—Displays log messages concerning actions performed in the Network Navigator tool

Figure 5-1

Network Settings Requirements

Firewall/NAT Requirements 

User Authentication 

Firewall/NAT Requirements

The following table lists the firewall/NAT open port settings required for the Network Navigator to operate properly.

Table 5-1 Required Firewall/NAT Settings  



SCE port 14374/TCP

PRPC—Required for all SCE operations


Workstation port 21/TCP

FTP—Required for the following SCE operations:

Install OS

Generate Tech Support Info File


Workstation ports 21000/TCP to 21010/TCP

FTP—Alternative to port 21/TCP, required if port 21/TCP is already used by another application on the workstation


SM port 14374/TCP

PRPC—Required for all SM operations


CM port 14375/TCP

PRPC—Required for the CM Online Status operation and for CM authentication

The SCA Reporter may have additional requirements for connecting to the database. See the Cisco Service Control Application Reporter User Guide for more information .

User Authentication

User authentication is performed when a PRPC connection is made to an SCE platform, a CM, or an SM. For authentication to succeed, a PRPC server must be running at the destination, and you must know the username and password of a user of the server.

You define the username and password using a command-line utility in the SM and CM, or the user/password mechanism in the SCE platform.

For more information about defining users, see the following:

CM—"Managing Users" in the "Managing the Collection Manager" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Collection Manager User Guide

SM—"p3rpc Utility" in the "Command-Line Utilities" appendix of the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Subscriber Manager User Guide

SCE—"TACACS+ Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting" in the "Configuring the Management Interface and Security" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide

Managing Sites

You can manage an SCE, SM, or CM from the Console only if the network entity is defined as a device in the Network Navigator. After a device is added to the Network Navigator, you can perform management and monitoring operations on the device.

You can also perform operations on a group of devices. For example, you can apply the same service configuration to a group of SCE platforms. The Network Navigator allows you to group devices by adding them under the same site. A site is a group of devices that can be managed together. At installation, the Network Navigator contains a default site with no devices. You can add devices to this site or add additional sites, as described in the following sections.

Grouping devices in sites can also help to manage the passwords for these devices (see Password Management ).

 Adding a Site to the Site Manager

Before adding devices, you must add your sites to the Site Manager.

Step 1 In the Network Navigator view, right-click the Site Manager node.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-2

Step 2 From the menu, select New >Site.

A new Site node is added to the Site Manager.

Step 3 In the Properties view, enter a name for the site in the Name cell.

Step 4 (Optional) In the Version cell, enter a version number.

Adding Devices to a Site

You can add SCE, SM, CM, or database devices to a site.

Adding SCE Devices to a Site

To use the Network Navigator to configure, monitor, and update the software of an SCE platform, you must first add the SCE platform to a site.

To add an SCE device to a site:


1. In the Site Manager tree, right-click a site.

2. From the menu, select New >SCE.

3. In the Address field, enter the IP address of the SCE.

4. (Optional) In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the SCE.

5. Click Finish..


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a site.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-3

Step 2 From the menu, select New >SCE.

The Create New SCE wizard appears.

Step 3 In the Address field, enter the IP address of the SCE.

Step 4 (Optional) In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the SCE.

Step 5 Click Finish.

The Create new SCE wizard closes.

The new device is added to the site.

Adding SM Devices to a Site

To use the Network Navigator to configure, monitor, and update the software of an SM, you must first add the SM to a site.

To add an SM device to a site:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a site.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select New >SM.

The Create New SM wizard appears.

Step 3 In the Address field, enter the IP address of the SCMS-SM.

Step 4 (Optional) In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the SM.

Step 5 Click Finish.

The Create new SM wizard closes.

The new device is added to the site.

Adding CM Devices to a Site

To use the Network Navigator to monitor a CM, you must first add the CM to a site.

To add a CM device to a site:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a site.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select New >CM.

The Create New CM wizard appears.

Step 3 In the Address field, enter the IP address of the CM.

Step 4 (Optional) In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the CM.

Step 5 Click Finish.

The Create new CM wizard closes.

The new device is added to the site.

Adding Database Devices to a Site

To use the Reporter tool to produce reports, you must first connect to a database.

To add a database device to a site:


1. In the Site Manager tree, right-click a site.

2. From the menu, select New >Database.

3. In the Address field, enter the IP address of the database.

4. (Optional) In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the database.

5. From the Database type drop-down list, select a database type.

6. (Optional) Check the Enable Advanced Settingscheck box and enter new values in the Url, Driver, User, and Password fields.

7. Click Finish.


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a site.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select New >Database.

The Create New Database wizard appears.

Figure 5-4

Step 3 In the Address field, enter the IP address of the database.

Step 4 (Optional) In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the database.

Step 5 From the Database type drop-down list, select a database type.

Step 6 (Optional) Check the Enable Advanced Settingscheck box and enter new values in the Url, Driver, User, and Password fields.

Step 7 Click Finish.

The Create New Database wizard closes.

The new device is added to the site.

Deleting Devices

To delete a device:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a device.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select Delete.

The device is deleted and removed from the Site Manager tree.

Deleting Sites

To delete a site:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a site in the Site Manager tree.

A popup menu appears.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 From the menu, select Delete.

The site and all its devices are deleted and the site is removed from the Site Manager tree.

Managing Devices

The Network Navigator allows you to manage SCE, SM, CM, and database devices.

Password Management 

Managing SCE Devices 

Managing CM Devices 

Managing Database Devices 

Password Management

Normally, before you can access a device (SCE, SM, CM, or database), you must enter its password. When you try to perform any operation on a site device, the Network Navigator first asks for the device username and password. (Repeating the same operation on the same device does not always require a second entry of the password.)

When performing operations on multiple devices, password entry can become tedious. The Site Master Password can help you remember some or all of your element's usernames and passwords by storing them as part of the site's data, and entering them for you automatically when you connect to an element.

The Site Master Password protects saved usernames and passwords in the password manager. The Console prompts you for the site's master password when you wish to activate the site password manager. If you have multiple sites, each site will require a separate master password.

Figure 5-5

For each site, when the Password Management dialog box appears, check the Enable Site Master Passwordcheck box.

Managing SCE Devices

Generating Tech Support Info Files for SCE Devices 

Retrieving the Online Status of SCE Devices 

Installing Protocol Packs on SCE Devices 

Managing SM Devices 

Generating Tech Support Info Files for SCE Devices

This operation generates the SCE platform's support file, for the use of Cisco technical support staff.

To generate a techsupport info file for an SCE:


1. In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SCE device.

2. From the menu, select Generate Tech Support Info File.

3. Click Browse.

4. Browse to the folder where you want to save the tech support info file.

5. In the File name field, enter a new file name, or select an existing ZIP file.

6. Click Open to select the file.

7. To add log files to the output tech support info file, check the Add GUI Console log filescheck box.

8. Check the Open file after it is fetched check box.

9. Click Finish.

10. Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

11. Click Generate.


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SCE device.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-6

Step 2 From the menu, select Generate Tech Support Info File.

The Generate Tech Support Info File dialog box appears.

Figure 5-7

Step 3 Click Browse.

A Select File dialog box appears.

Step 4 Browse to the folder where you want to save the tech support info file.

Step 5 In the File name field, enter a new file name, or select an existing ZIP file.

Step 6 Click Open to select the file.

If the file exists, it will be overwritten when you generate the tech support info.

The Select File dialog box closes.

Step 7 To add log files to the output tech support info file, check the Add GUI Console log filescheck box.

Step 8 Check the Open file after it is fetched check box.

Step 9 Click Finish.

The Generate Tech Support Info File dialog box closes.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 10 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 11 Click Generate.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

A Generate tech support info file progress bar appears.

The file is generated.

Retrieving the Online Status of SCE Devices

This operation provides information about the SCE platform's current software version and operational status.

To retrieve the online status of an SCE device:


1. In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SCE device.

2. From the menu, select Online Status.

3. Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

4. Click Extract.


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SCE device.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select Online Status.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 4 Click Extract.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Extracting info progress bar appears.

The SCE online status is retrieved.

Figure 5-8

Installing Protocol Packs on SCE Devices

You can install a protocol pack on a single SCE platform, on selected SCE platforms, or on all SCE platforms at one or more selected sites (see How to Install Protocol Packs ).

Applying Service Configurations to SCE Devices 

Applying Service Configuration to Multiple SCE Platforms: 

Retrieving Service Configurations from SCE Devices 

Retrieving Service Configurations from Multiple SCE Platforms: 

Installing PQI Files on SCE Devices 

Installing the SCE OS Software Package on SCE Devices 

Applying Service Configurations to SCE Devices

You can apply a service configuration to a single SCE platform, to selected SCE platforms, or to all SCE platforms at one or more selected sites.

Note The service configuration that you are applying must be open in the Service Configuration Editor.

To apply a service configuration to a single SCE platform:


1. In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SCE device.

2. From the menu, select Apply Service Configuration.

3. Select a service configuration from the list.

4. Click OK.

5. Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

6. Click Apply.


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SCE device.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select Apply Service Configuration.

The Choose Policy dialog box appears, listing all service configurations that are open in the Service Configuration Editor.

Note If only one service configuration is open in the Service Configuration Editor, a Password Management dialog box appears. Continue at step 5. (If no service configurations are open in the Service Configuration Editor, an error message is displayed.)

Figure 5-9

Step 3 Select a service configuration from the list.

Step 4 Click OK.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 5 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 6 Click Apply.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Applying service configuration to SCE progress bar appears.

The service configuration is applied to the selected SCE platform.

Applying Service Configuration to Multiple SCE Platforms:

To apply a service configuration to multiple SCE platforms:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, select sites or SCE devices to which you are applying the service configuration and right-click one of them.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Apply Service Configuration.

The Choose Policy dialog box appears, listing all service configurations that are open in the Service Configuration Editor.

Note If only one service configuration is open in the Service Configuration Editor, a Password Management dialog box appears. Continue at step 4. (If no service configurations are open in the Service Configuration Editor, an error message is displayed.)

Step 3 Select a service configuration from the list and click OK.

A separate Password Management dialog box appears for each SCE device that you have selected.

Step 4 For each SCE device, enter the password and click Apply.

Step 5 The service configuration is applied to each selected SCE platform in turn.

Retrieving Service Configurations from SCE Devices

You can retrieve service configurations from a single SCE platform, from selected SCE platforms, or from all SCE platforms at one or more selected sites.

To retrieve a service configuration from a single SCE platform:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SCE device.

A popup menu appears.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 From the menu, select Retrieve Service Configuration.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 4 Click Retrieve.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

A Retrieving from SCE progress bar appears.

The service configuration is retrieved from the SCE platform and opened in the Service Configuration Editor.

Retrieving Service Configurations from Multiple SCE Platforms:

To retrieve service configurations from multiple SCE platforms:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, select sites or SCE devices whose service configurations you want to retrieve, and right-click one of them.

Step 2 From the popup menu that appears, select Retrieve Service Configuration.

A separate Password Management dialog box appears for each SCE device that you have selected.

Step 3 For each SCE device, enter the password and click Retrieve.

The service configuration is retrieved from each SCE platform in turn, and is opened in the Service Configuration Editor.

Installing PQI Files on SCE Devices

This operation installs the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB) on the SCE platform. For more information, see How to Install SCA BB.

Note Installing a PQI file usually takes a few minutes.

To install a PQI file on an SCE device:


1. In the Site Manager tree, select an SCE device.

2. From the Console main menu, choose Network >Install PQI.

3. Click Browse.

4. Browse to the PQI file that you are installing.

5. Click Open.

6. Click Finish.

7. Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

8. Click Apply.


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, select an SCE device.

Step 2 From the Console main menu, choose Network >Install PQI.

The Update Software dialog box appears.

Figure 5-10

Step 3 Click Browse.

A Select file dialog box appears.

Step 4 Browse to the PQI file that you are installing.

Step 5 Click Open.

The Select file dialog box closes.

Step 6 Click Finish.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 7 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 8 Click Apply.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Updating software to SCE progress bar appears.

The PQI file is installed on the selected SCE.

Installing the SCE OS Software Package on SCE Devices

This operation installs the SCE OS software package (the operating system software and firmware of the SCE platform).

For more information, see "Upgrading SCE Platform Firmware" in the "Operations" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide.

To install an operating system (OS) file on an SCE device:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, select an SCE device.

Step 2 From the Console main menu, choose Network >Install OS.

The Update OS dialog box appears.

Figure 5-11

Step 3 Click Browse.

A Select file dialog box appears.

Step 4 Browse to the PKG file containing the OS that you are installing.

Step 5 Click Open.

The Select file dialog box closes.

Step 6 Click Finish.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 7 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 8 Click Apply.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Updating software to SCE progress bar appears.

The PQI file is installed on the selected SCE.

Managing SM Devices

Generating Tech Support Info Files for SM Devices 

Retrieving the Online Status of SM Devices 

Connecting to SM Devices 

Installing PQI Files on SM Devices 

Generating Tech Support Info Files for SM Devices

This operation generates the SM's support file, for the use of Cisco technical support staff.

To generate a tech support info file for an SM:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SM device.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-12

Step 2 From the menu, select Generate Tech Support Info File.

The Generate Tech Support Info File dialog box appears.

Step 3 Click Browse.

A Select File dialog box appears.

Step 4 Browse to the folder where you want to save the tech support info file.

Step 5 In the File name field, enter a new file name, or select an existing ZIP file.

Step 6 Click Opento select the file.

If the file exists, it will be overwritten.

The Select File dialog box closes.

Step 7 (Optional) To add log files to the output tech support info file, check the Add GUI Console log files check box.

Step 8 (Optional) Check the Open file after it is fetched check box.

Step 9 Click Finish.

The Generate Tech Support Info File dialog box closes.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 10 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 11 Click Generate.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

A Generate tech support info file progress bar appears.

The file is generated.

Retrieving the Online Status of SM Devices

This operation provides information about the SM's current software version and operational status.

To retrieve the online status of an SM device:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SM device.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select Online Status.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 4 Click Extract.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Extracting info progress bar appears.

The SCMS-SM online status is retrieved.

Figure 5-13

Connecting to SM Devices

In order to manage subscribers using the SM GUI tool, you must connect to an SM device.

Note The SM GUI tool performs authentication on the SCMS-SM by opening a PRPC connection to port 14374 and attempting to log in using the username and password that you entered in the Password Management dialog box. If a PRPC server with this user is not running on the SCMS-SM, authentication will fail.

To connect to an SM device:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click an SM device.

A popup menu appears.

Step 2 From the menu, select Manage Subscribers.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 4 Click Connecting.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

A Connecting to progress bar appears.

You connect to the SM, and the Console switches to the SM GUI tool.

See Using the Subscriber Manager GUI Tool for an explanation of how to proceed.

Installing PQI Files on SM Devices

Note Installing a PQI file usually takes a few minutes.

To install a PQI file on an SM device:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, select an SM device.

Step 2 From the Console main menu, choose Network >Install PQI.

The Update Software dialog box appears.

Figure 5-14

Step 3 Click Browse.

A Select file dialog box appears.

Step 4 Browse to the PQI file that you are installing.

Step 5 Click Open.

The Select file dialog box closes.

Step 6 Click Finish.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 7 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 8 Click Apply.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Updating software to SM progress bar appears.

The PQI file is installed on the selected SM.

Managing CM Devices

Retrieving the Online Status of CM Devices 

Retrieving the Online Status of CM Devices

This operation provides information about the CM's current software version and operational status.

To retrieve the online status of a CM device:

Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a CM device.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-15

Step 2 From the menu, select Online Status.

A Password Management dialog box appears.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate password. (For more information, refer to Password Management.)

Step 4 Click Extract.

The Password Management dialog box closes.

An Extracting info progress bar appears.

The SCMS-CM online status is retrieved.

For an example of a retrieved online status window (for an SCE platform), see Retrieving the Online Status of SCE Devices.

Managing Database Devices

Making Databases Accessible to the SCA Reporter

Note An alternative procedure is described in "Configuring a Database Connection" in the "Using the SCA Reporter" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application Reporter User Guide .

To make databases accessible to the SCA Reporter:


1. In the Site Manager tree, right-click a database device.

2. From the menu, select Add to Reporter.

3. Click Add.

4. Select one of the Choose definition moderadio buttons:

5. Click Next.

6. Fill in all the fields.

7. Click Finish.

8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 for other databases.

9. Remove database connection information, if necessary.

10. Make sure that the correct database is activated.

11. Click OK.


Step 1 In the Site Manager tree, right-click a database device.

A popup menu appears.

Figure 5-16

Step 2 From the menu, select Add to Reporter.

The Preferences dialog box appears.

Figure 5-17

Step 3 Click Add.

The Add Database wizard appears.

Figure 5-18

Step 4 Select one of the Choose definition moderadio buttons:



Step 5 Click Next.

The Define new database connection screen of the Add Database wizard opens.

If you selected Simple in step 4, the Define new database connection screen looks like this:

Figure 5-19

If you selected Advanced in step 4, the Define new database connection screen looks like this:

Figure 5-20

Step 6 Fill in all the fields.

Step 7 Click Finish.

The Add Database wizard closes.

The definition of the database is added to the list in the Preferences dialog box.

Step 8 Repeat steps 3 to 7 for other databases.

Step 9 Remove database connection information, if necessary.

Step 10 Make sure that the correct database is activated.

Step 11 Click OK.

The Preferences dialog box closes.

Working with Network Navigator Configuration Files

After you add sites and devices to the Network Navigator, you can export this data to a file to back up your settings and to share them with other users, who can import your Network Navigator settings into their Console.

If you use the Site Master Password to store the passwords of the network devices, the passwords are also exported, in encrypted form. This means that other users who import this data need only provide the Site Master Password to access the devices.

Exporting a Network Navigator Configuration 

Importing a Network Navigator Configuration 

Exporting a Network Navigator Configuration

To export a Network Navigator configuration to a file:


1. From the Console main menu, choose File >Export.

2. From the export destination list, select Network Navigator Configuration to a file.

3. Click Next.

4. Select the sites to export, using the check boxes and the select buttons.

5. In the Select the export destination area, click Browse.

6. Browse to the folder where you want to save the configuration file.

7. In the File name field, enter a new file name, or select an existing site_xml file.

8. Click Opento select the file.

9. Click Finish.


Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose File >Export.

The Export dialog box appears.

Figure 5-21

Step 2 From the export destination list, select Network Navigator Configuration to a file.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Export Network Navigator Configuration to a file dialog box appears.

Figure 5-22

The Available sites pane lists all of the sites in the configuration.

Step 4 Select the sites to export, using the check boxes and the select buttons.

Step 5 In the Select the export destination area, click Browse.

An Open dialog box appears.

Step 6 Browse to the folder where you want to save the configuration file.

Step 7 In the File name field, enter a new file name, or select an existing site_xml file.

Step 8 Click Opento select the file.

Note If the file exists, it will be overwritten.

The Open dialog box closes.

Step 9 Click Finish.

The Export Network Navigator Configuration dialog box closes.

The configuration is saved to the file.

Importing a Network Navigator Configuration

To import a Network Navigator configuration to a file:


1. From the Console main menu, choose File >Import.

2. From the import source list, select Network Navigator Configuration from file.

3. Click Next.

4. Click Browse.

5. Browse to the folder containing the file to import, and select a site_xml file.

6. Click Opento select the file.

7. Click Finish.


Step 1 From the Console main menu, choose File >Import.

The Import dialog box appears.

Figure 5-23

Step 2 From the import source list, select Network Navigator Configuration from file.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Import Network Navigator Configuration from file dialog box appears.

Figure 5-24

Step 4 Click Browse.

An Open dialog box appears.

Step 5 Browse to the folder containing the file to import, and select a site_xml file.

Step 6 Click Opento select the file.

The Open dialog box closes.

Step 7 Click Finish.

The Import Network Navigator Configuration dialog box closes.

The configuration is imported from the file.


Posted: Wed May 30 12:25:02 PDT 2007
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