
Table Of Contents

Additional Management Tools and Interfaces

Information About The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility

Using the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility

SCA BB Service Configuration Utility Examples

Information About The SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility

Using the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility

SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility Examples

The User Configuration File

rtmcmd User Configuration File Example

Information About The SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility

Using the SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility

SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility Examples

Information About SNMP, MIB, and Traps: Overview




Installing PQI Files from the Command Line

How to Install a SCA BB PQI File on an SCE Platform

How to Install a SCA BB PQI File on an SM Device

Managing Subscribers via Other System Components

Anonymous Subscriber Mode

Selecting Subscribers for Real-Time Usage Monitoring

Additional Management Tools and Interfaces

Information About The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility 

Information About The SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility 

Information About The SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility 

Information About SNMP, MIB, and Traps: Overview 

Installing PQI Files from the Command Line 

Managing Subscribers via Other System Components 

Information About The SCA BB Service Configuration Utility

The Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB) Service Configuration Utility (servconf) is a command-line utility (CLU) for applying and retrieving service configurations. Use it in a scripting environment to automate service configuration tasks on multiple Service Control Engine (SCE) platforms.

The Service Configuration Utility can run in Windows, Solaris, and Linux environments.

For installation instructions, see Installing the SCA BB Configuration Utilities.

Using the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility

The command-line syntax of the SCA BB Service Configuration Utility is:

servconf <operation>[<option>] [<option>] ...

The following tables list the servconf operations and options.

Table 13-1 servconf Operations  

Abbreviation (if applicable) Description



Copies the specified service configuration file to the specified SCE platforms and activates it



Retrieves the current service configuration



Updates a Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Collection Manager (CM) with service configuration values



Shows the service configuration status on the SCE platform



Updates the SCE platform with a new protocol pack



Updates the SCE platform with a new SPQI protocol pack



Shows information about the Dynamic Signature Script (DSS) file



Displays help, then exits



Displays the program version number, then exits

Table 13-2 servconf File Options

File Option

--file= filename


Specifies a service configuration file or DSS file

--backup-directory= directory


Specifies the directory to which to save the retrieved PQB file before applying a new protocol pack

Table 13-3 servconf Connection Options  

File Option

--se= address


Specifies the IP address of the destination SCE platform.

To specify multiple SCE platforms, list the IP addresses separated by semicolons (see Example 1 in the following section).

When using a semicolon in a Unix command line, the command-line argument must be enclosed in quotation marks.

--dc= address


Specifies the IP address of the destination SCMS-CM platform (required only for the --update-dc operation).

--password= password


Specifies the password for connecting to the SCE platform.

--username= username


Specifies the username for connecting to the SCE platform. If this option is not specified, the following default values are used:




Table 13-4 servconf Reference SCE Option

File Option

--refer-se= address

Specifies the IP address of the SCE platform to which the service configuration values refer (required only for --update-dc operation)

Table 13-5 servconf Apply Options

File Option


(Optional) Specifies that the --apply operation should not automatically update the SCMS-CM with service configuration values.


Applies the service configuration without adding the default DSS to it.


Forces the replacement of the DSS in the retrieved PQB with the default DSS, even if the signatures of the existing DSS are mapped to services. Without this flag, trying to update a PQB containing a DSS will fail.

Table 13-6 servconf Update Signature Option

File Option


Forces replacement of the DSS in the retrieved PQB, even if the signatures of the existing DSS are mapped to services. Without this flag, trying to update a PQB containing a DSS will fail.

SCA BB Service Configuration Utility Examples

Example 1

To copy the service configuration file config.pqb from the local machine to two SCE platforms (at and, and activate this configuration:

servconf "--se=;" --username Alice --password ***** --apply --file config.pqb

Example 2

To retrieve the current service configuration from the SCE platform at, and save it in file my_files\config.pqb on the local machine:

servconf -S -U Bob -P ***** --retrieve --file my_files\config.pqb

Example 3

To update the SCMS-CM at with service configuration values from file config.pqb , as if they were applied to the SCE platform at (but without actually applying them to the SCE platform):

servconf -D -U Alice -P ***** --update-dc --refer-se --file config.pqb

Example 4

To distribute the protocol pack file new_signature.spqi to the SCE platforms at and

servconf --update-signature-pqi -f new_signature.spqi -S ";" -U user123 -P *****

Information About The SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility

SNMP-based monitoring tools, such as MRTG, allow network administrators to monitor the activity and health of network devices in real time. SCA BB includes an SNMP-based real-time monitoring solution, which is implemented using MRTG and a graphics utility (RRDTool).

The SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility ( rtmcmd ) is a command-line utility (CLU) for automating the production of the files required by the MRTG tool.

For installation instructions, see Installing the SCA BB Configuration Utilities. For more information about installing and using the SCA BB SNMP-based real-time monitoring solution, see the Cisco SCA BB SNMP Real-Time Monitoring User Guide .

Using the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility 

SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility Examples 

The User Configuration File 

rtmcmd User Configuration File Example 

Using the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility

The command-line syntax of the SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility is:

rtmcmd --sce <SCE (SNMP) addresses>{--file <PQB filename>| (--pqb-sce<SCE (PQB) addresses>--username <username>--password <password>)} --source-dir <dir>--dest-dir <dir>--config-file <file>

The following table lists the rtmcmd options.

Table 13-7 rtmcmd Options  


--sce address


Specifies the IP address or hostname of the SCE platform from which SNMP data will be collected.

To specify multiple SCE platforms, list the IP addresses separated by semicolons.

When using a semicolon in a Unix command line, the command-line argument must be enclosed in quotation marks.

--file filename


(Required if --pqb-sce is not included) Specifies the service configuration file to use when generating the configuration and report files. If this option is specified, the --username/-U and --password/-P options are prohibited.

--pqb-sce address


(Required if --file is not included) Specifies the hostname or IP address of the SCE platform from which the service configuration should be retrieved. This option requires the --username/-U and --password/-P options.

--username <username>


(Required if --pqb-sce is included) Specifies the username for connecting to the SCE platform.

--password <password>


(Required if --username is included) Specifies the password for connecting to the SCE platform.

--source-dir <dir>


Specifies the location of the report template files.

--dest-dir <dir>


Specifies the directory where the processed report templates should be stored.

--config-file <file>


Specifies The User Configuration File.

You can invoke additional operations to display information about the rtmcmd using the following syntax:

rtmcmd <operation>

Table 13-8 rtmcmd Operations



Displays the program version number, then exits


Displays help, then exits

SCA BB Real-Time Monitoring Configuration Utility Examples

Example 1

To use the service configuration file servicecfg.pqb to create configuration and report files for the collecting and reporting of SNMP information from two SCE platforms (at and

rtmcmd --sce=";" --file=servicecfg.pqb --source-dir=/rtm-templates --dest-dir=/rtm-output -c ./rtmcmd.cfg

Example 2

To use the service configuration loaded on the SCE platform at to create configuration and report files for the collecting and reporting of SNMP information from two SCE platforms (at and

rtmcmd -S ";" -U user123 -P **** --pqb-sce= --source-dir=/rtm-templates --dest-dir=/rtm-output -c ./rtmcmd.cfg

The User Configuration File

The user configuration file contains user-specific information required by the rtmcmd utility. The SCA BB utilities distribution package contains a sample configuration file, named rtmcmd.cfg. You should edit this file according to the details of your setup.

The following table lists the configuration parameters that should be present in the user configuration file:

Table 13-9 User Configuration File Parameters  

Parameter Description
Required/ Optional


The absolute path to the directory where RRDTool and RRDCGI binary files are installed.




The absolute path to the directory where RRD archives and CGI files are stored. This is under the web server web directory.




The absolute path to the directory where MRTG binary files are installed.

This location is used to create MRTG invocation commands in the crontab sample file.




The SNMP community string to use when accessing the SCE platforms.



The configuration text file is a listing of key-value pairs, where the key is one of the parameters listed above, in the following format:

Each key-value pair is on a separate line.

A key-value pair may be extended across several adjacent lines by putting a backslash character, "\", at the end of each line.

To use an actual backslash in the value (as in directory names on Windows), the backslash should be escaped with a second backslash, like this: "\\" (or use a slash "/").

To comment a line, add "#" or "!" at the beginning of the line.

For example:

# This is a comment line. # Directory names should use escape backslashes: rtm_dir=D:\\PROGRA~1\\APACHE~1\\Apache2.2\\htdocs

rtmcmd User Configuration File Example

#The absolute path to the RRD tool's execution files folder #Use '\\' or '/' as path separator rrdtool_bin_dir=C:/rrdtool-1.2.15/rrdtool/Release #The absolute path where RTM files will be placed. #This path will be used by MRTG to create and update the RRD files #Note: path must not contain white spaces! rtm_dir=C:/PROGRA~1/APACHE~1/Apache2.2/htdocs #The absolute path to the MRTG bin folder. #This path will be used to create file crontab.txt mrtg_bin_dir=C:/mrtg-2.14.5/bin #The SCE's community string snmpCommunityString=public

Information About The SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility

The SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility ( sigconf ) is a command-line utility for installing and managing the default DSS.

The Signature Configuration Utility can run in Windows, Solaris, and Linux environments.

For installation instructions, see Installing the SCA BB Configuration Utilities.

Using the SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility

The command-line syntax of the SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility is:

sigconf <operation>[--file <filename>]

The following tables list the sigconf operations and options.

Table 13-10 sigconf Operations  




Installs the default DSS on this workstation



Uninstalls the default DSS from this workstation



Fetches the default DSS installed on this workstation



Displays help, then exits

Table 13-11 sigconf File Option

File Option

--file= filename


Specifies DSS file

SCA BB Signature Configuration Utility Examples

Example 1

To install the file new_signature.dss as the default DSS:

sigconf --set-default-dynamic-signature --file new_signature.dss

Example 2

To retrieve the installed default DSS file, and save it as default_backup.dss :

sigconf --get-default-dynamic-signature --file default_backup.dss

Information About SNMP, MIB, and Traps: Overview

Cisco provides complete network FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security) Management.

Two interfaces are provided for network management:

Command-line interface (CLI)—Accessible through the console port on the front panel of the SCE platform or through a Telnet connection to the SCE platform, the CLI is used for configuration and security functions.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)—Provides fault management (via SNMP traps) and performance monitoring functionality.


SNMP is a set of protocols for managing complex networks. SNMP works by sending messages, called protocol data units (PDUs), to different parts of a network. SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data about themselves in Management Information Bases (MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP requesters.

The SCE platform operating system includes an SNMP agent. Configuring the SNMP agent parameters and enabling the SNMP interface is described in the "Configuring the Management Interface and Security" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide .


Management Information Bases (MIBs) are databases of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. SNMP uses standardized MIB formats that allow standard SNMP tools to monitor any device defined by a MIB.

The SCE platform supports the following MIBs:

MIB-II—Defined in RFC 1213 , Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets

Cisco Service Control Enterprise MIB—Described by a number of MIB files


Traps are unsolicited messages generated by the SNMP agent that resides inside the SCE platform. Traps are generated when an event occurs. When the Network Management System receives the trap message, it can take suitable actions, such as logging the occurrence or ignoring the signal.

The SCE platform supports two general categories of traps:

Standard SNMP traps—As defined in RFC 1157 and using the conventions defined in RFC 1215

Proprietary Cisco Service Control Enterprise traps—As defined in the Cisco proprietary MIB

For a description of the SNMP traps and an explanation of how to configure the SNMP trap managers, see "SNMP Configuration and Management" in the "Configuring the Management Interface and Security" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide .

Installing PQI Files from the Command Line

How to Install a SCA BB PQI File on an SCE Platform 

How to Install a SCA BB PQI File on an SM Device 

How to Install a SCA BB PQI File on an SCE Platform

You can install a SCA BB PQI file on an SCE platform using the SCE platform Command-Line Interface (CLI).

Step 1 Do one of the following:

Locate the PQI file on the SCE platform.

Upload the appropriate PQI file to the SCE via FTP.

Step 2 At the SCE platform CLI prompt (SCE#), type configure.

Step 3 Press Enter.

The SCE(config)# prompt appears.

Step 4 Type interface LineCard 0.

Step 5 Press Enter.

The SCE(config if)# prompt appears.

Step 6 Type pqi install file engXXXXX.pqi.

Step 7 Monitor the installation progress until it is completed.

The PQI file is now installed.

Note After you install the Console, you can use the Network Navigator tool to install PQI files. See Using the Network Navigator.

How to Install a SCA BB PQI File on an SM Device

You can install a SCA BB PQI file on a Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Subscriber Manager (SM) using the SM Command-Line Utility (CLU).

Step 1 Upload the appropriate PQI file to the SM via FTP.

Step 2 Open a Telnet session to the SM.

Step 3 Go to the SM bin directory and type p3inst --install --file=sm_engXXXXX.pqi.

Step 4 Press Enter.

Step 5 Monitor installation progress until installation is completed.

The PQI file is now installed.

Note After you install the Console, you can use the Network Navigator tool to install PQI files. See Using the Network Navigator.

Managing Subscribers via Other System Components

Other components of the Cisco Service Control solution offer alternatives for subscriber management (as opposed to using the Subscriber Manager GUI tool in the Console):

The Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Subscriber Manager (SM) has options that are not available from the Console.

The SCE platform has a wide range of subscriber-related functions.

This section gives an overview of these alternatives, with emphasis on the SCA BB-specific subscriber management options. For in-depth explanations, see the appropriate Service Control documentation.

Anonymous Subscriber Mode

An anonymous subscriber is one with a name generated automatically by the SCE platform according to an anonymous subscriber group specification. An anonymous subscriber is always mapped to a single IP address. The actual identity of the customer is unknown to the system. (See Information About Subscribers and Subscriber Modes.)

An anonymous group is a specified IP range, possibly assigned a subscriber template. If an anonymous group is configured, the SCE platform generates anonymous subscribers for that group when it detects traffic with an IP address in the specified IP range. If a subscriber template is assigned to the group, the anonymous subscribers generated have properties defined by that template. If no subscriber template is assigned, the default template is used, which cannot be changed by template import operations. Initially, 32 templates are preconfigured, one for each package ID.

Anonymous subscriber groups and subscriber templates are managed using the SCE platform Command-Line Interface (CLI). You can enter CLI commands via a Telnet session. For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference .

Use the following commands to import anonymous subscriber groups and subscriber templates from CSV files and to export subscriber data to these files:

subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file

subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file

subscriber template import csv-file

subscriber template export csv-file

Note The preceding CLI commands are line interface configuration commands. You must enter line interface configuration mode and see the SCE(config if)# prompt displayed before entering a command.

Use the following commands to delete anonymous groups or subscriber templates from the system.

no subscriber anonymous-group [all] [name <groupname>]

clear subscriber anonymous

default subscriber template all

Note The preceding CLI commands are line interface configuration commands. You must enter line interface configuration mode and see the SCE(config if)# prompt displayed before entering a command.

Use the following commands to display anonymous subscriber information:

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber templates [index]

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber anonymous-group [all] [name <groupname>]

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber amount anonymous [name <groupname>]

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber anonymous [name <groupname>]

Selecting Subscribers for Real-Time Usage Monitoring

Real-Time Subscriber Usage RDRs report the network activity of a single subscriber per service per metric, in real-time. You must enable the generation of these subscriber usage RDRs separately for each subscriber that you wish to monitor.

Generating and collecting Real-Time Subscriber Usage RDRs for many subscribers can compromise performance. Enable Real-Time Subscriber Usage RDR generation only for subscribers that must be monitored.

Generation of Real-Time Subscriber Usage RDRs is controlled by the monitor subscriber property. By default, generation of these RDRs is disabled (monitor = 0). To enable generation of the RDRs, change the value of the property to 1.

You can modify this property for selected subscribers using either the SM Command-Line Utility (CLU) or the SCE platform CLI.

Managing Subscriber Monitoring via the SM

You can enable or disable the generation of the Real-Time Subscriber Usage RDRs using the SM p3subs utility. You can also create a file that processes a batch of subscribers. For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Subscriber Manager User Guide .

How to enable subscriber monitoring for subscriber Smith 

How to disable subscriber monitoring for subscriber Smith 

How to enable subscriber monitoring for a group of subscribers 

To see whether subscriber monitoring is enabled for subscriber Smith 

How to enable subscriber monitoring for subscriber Smith

Step 1 Run the following from the command line:

sm/server/bin/p3subs --set --subscriber Smith --property monitor=1

How to disable subscriber monitoring for subscriber Smith

Step 1 Run the following from the command line:

sm/server/bin/p3subs --set --subscriber Smith --property monitor=0

How to enable subscriber monitoring for a group of subscribers

Step 1 Create a text file (named monitor.txt in this example) containing the sequence of CLU invocations. The file would look something like this:

p3subs --set --subscriber Jerry --property monitor=1 p3subs --set --subscriber George --property monitor=1 p3subs --set --subscriber Elaine --property monitor=1 p3subs --set --subscriber Kramer --property monitor=1 p3subs --set --subscriber Newman --property monitor=1

Step 2 Run the following from the command line:

sm/server/bin/p3batch -f monitor.txt

To see whether subscriber monitoring is enabled for subscriber Smith

You can check to see whether subscriber monitoring is enabled for a specific subscriber.

Step 1 Run the following from the command line:

sm/server/bin/p3subs --show-property --subscriber Smith --property monitor

Managing Subscriber Monitoring via the SCE Platform

You can also enable or disable the generation of the Real-Time Subscriber Usage RDRs using the SCE platform. For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) CLI Command Reference .

(The prompt is included in these examples to illustrate how it changes. You must see the SCE(config if)# prompt to invoke the actual subscriber command.)

How to enable subscriber monitoring for subscriber "Smith" 

How to disable subscriber monitoring for subscriber Smith 

How to enable subscriber monitoring for a group of subscribers 

How to see whether subscriber monitoring is enabled for subscriber "Smith" 

How to enable subscriber monitoring for subscriber "Smith"

Step 1 Run the following from the command line:

SCE# configure
SCE(config)# interface LineCard 0
SCE(config if)# subscriber name Smith property monitor value 1

How to disable subscriber monitoring for subscriber "Smith"

Step 1 Run the following from the command line:

SCE# configure
SCE(config)# interface LineCard 0
SCE(config if)# subscriber name Smith property monitor value 0

How to enable subscriber monitoring for a group of subscribers

Step 1 Create a text file (named monitor.txt in this example) containing the sequence of CLI invocations, including the commands to access the appropriate CLI mode. The file would look something like this:

configure interface LineCard 0 subscriber name Jerry property monitor value 1 subscriber name George property monitor value 1 subscriber name Elaine property monitor value 1 subscriber name Kramer property monitor value 1 subscriber name Newman property monitor value 1

Step 2 Run the following from the command line:

SCE# script run monitor.txt

How to see whether subscriber monitoring is enabled for subscriber "Smith"

Step 1 Run the following from the command line:

SCE# show interface LineCard 0 subscriber name Smith properties

The properties are displayed; monitor is the relevant parameter.

Subscriber smith properties: subscriberPackage=0 monitor=1 Subscriber 'smith' read-only properties

Subscriber-Aware Mode

In subscriber-aware mode, each subscriber is a specific customer with an externally generated name. This externally generated name allows the subscriber to be mapped to more than one IP address and still be identified. Each traffic session (single IP flow, or a group of related IP flows) processed by the SCE platform is assigned to a recognized subscriber on the basis of the configured subscriber mappings.

There are three options for introducing and managing these subscribers:

Using the SM GUI Tool 

SCE Platform Subscriber CLI 

Using the SM CLU to manage subscribers 

SCE Platform Subscriber CLI 

Using the SM CLU to manage subscribers 

SCE Platform Subscriber CLI

Use the following commands to import subscriber data from CSV files and to export subscriber data to these files:

subscriber import csv-file

subscriber export csv-file

Note The preceding CLI commands are line interface configuration commands. You must enter line interface configuration mode and see the SCE(config if)# prompt displayed before entering a command.

Use the following command to remove subscribers from the system.

no subscriber [all] [name <subscriber-name>]

Note The preceding CLI commands are line interface configuration commands. You must enter line interface configuration mode and see the SCE(config if)# prompt displayed before entering a command.

Use the following commands to display subscribers meeting various criteria:

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber [amount] [prefix <prefix>] [property <propertyname>equals|greater-than|less-than <property-val>]

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber [amount] prefix <prefix>

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber [amount] suffix <suffix>

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber mapping IP <iprange>

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber mapping VLANid <vlanid>

Use the following commands to display information about a specific subscriber:

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber properties

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber name <name>

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber name <name>mappings

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber name <name>counters

show interface LineCard 0 subscriber name <name>properties

Using the SM CLU to manage subscribers

Use the p3subs SM utility to manage subscribers. You can add or remove subscribers. You can also manage subscriber properties and mappings with this utility.

Step 1 For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Subscriber Manager User Guide At the Solaris shell prompt, enter a command having the following general format:

p3subs <operation>--subscriber=<Subscriber-Name>[--ip=<IP-address>] [--property=<property-name=value>] [--domain=<domain-name>] [--overwrite]

The following table lists the p3subs operations relevant to managing subscribers.

Table 13-12 p3subs Subscriber Operations




Adds a subscriber or replaces the existing subscriber configuration


Updates mappings and properties for the specified subscriber


Removes the specified subscriber


Displays information for specified subscriber

Managing CSV Files

Use the p3subsdb SM utility to import and export subscriber CSV files. You can import subscriber information for a group of subscribers from a CSV file into the SM database. You can also export subscriber information from the SM database to a CSV file.

For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Subscriber Manager User Guide .

CSV file structure is described in the "CSV File Formats" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband Reference Guide .

How to import CSV files:

Step 1 At the Solaris shell prompt, enter a command having the following general format:

p3subsdb --import filename

How to export CSV files:

Step 1 At the Solaris shell prompt, enter a command having the following general format:

p3subsdb --export filename

To export subscribers with filtering options to a specified CSV file:

p3subsdb --export --prefix=a --output=silverSubscriberFile.csv


Posted: Wed May 30 12:17:31 PDT 2007
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