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Index: S

salt string: 9.3. Authentication Using a Database
9.3. Authentication Using a Database Authentication script
scope: 2.10.2. Variable Scope
script tags, debugging and: 2.12.4. Other Common Problems
scripting languages: 1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP
1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP
(see also PHP scripting language)
engine for: 1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP
scripts: Adding a second or subsequent query
(see also PHP scripts)
adding multiple queries to: Adding a second or subsequent query
combined: 5.2.1. Combined Scripts
for customer management: 10.2. Customer Management
for the winestore application: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
11.1. The Winestore Home Page
11.2.1. Viewing the Shopping Cart
search.1 script (browsing wines): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
13.3. Searching and Browsing
searching: 13. Related Topics
(see also browsing)
Secure Socket Layer protocol: 9.5.1. The Secure Sockets Layer Protocol
(see also SSL protocol)
security: 5.1.4. Security and User Data
9. Authentication and Security
9.5. Protecting Data on the Web
importance of: 5.1.4. Security and User Data
5.1.4. Security and User Data
resources for further reading: E.4. Security and Cryptography Resources
sessions and: Security
select lists: 5.4. Case Study: Producing a select List
SELECT statement: 3.6. Querying with SQL SELECT
selectDistinct( ): 5.4. Case Study: Producing a select List
5.4.1. Implementing the selectDistinct Function
browsing and: 13.3. Searching and Browsing
client entry <form> and: 10.2.2. The Customer <form>
semicolon ending statements, debugging and: 2.12.4. Other Common Problems
send_confirmation_email( ): 12.2. HTML and Email Receipts
Sequel: History
serializing values: 8.3.3. Using Session Variables
server-side validation: 7.2. Server-Side Validation
performance and: 7.1.2. Models That Do Work
server variables: 5.1.5. How PHP Initializes Variables
session-based applications, building: 9.4.2. Building Session-Based Applications
session cookies: 8.1.2. Cookies
session handlers: D.2.2. Building User-Defined Session Handlers
registering: D.3.2.8. Registering session handlers
session hijacking: Session hijacking
session IDs (session identifiers): 8.2. Session Management Over the Web
8.3.1. Overview
session management: User tracking and session management
8. Sessions
configuring: 8.3.8. Configuration of PHP Session Management
database tier and: D. Managing Sessions in the Database Tier
security and: Security
session time-outs: 8.2. Session Management Over the Web Timeouts
session variables: 5.1.5. How PHP Initializes Variables
8.2. Session Management Over the Web
authorization script for: Authorizing other requests
saving last-entered values as: Saving last-entered values as a session variable
storing in database tier: Need for centralized session store
using: 8.3.3. Using Session Variables
sessionClose( ): D.3.2.5. sessionClose
session_destroy( ): 8.3.4. Ending a Session
8.3.7. Garbage Collection
D.3.2.6. sessionDestroy
session_id( ): 8.3.3. Using Session Variables Encoding the session ID as a GET variable
session_is_registered( ): 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
sessionOpen( ): D.3.2.2. sessionOpen
sessionRead( ): D.3.2.3. sessionRead
session_register( ): 8.3.3. Using Session Variables
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
sessions: 8.2. Session Management Over the Web
ending: 8.3.4. Ending a Session
PHP functions for accessing: 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
reasons for using/not using: 8.5. When to Use Sessions
starting: 8.3.2. Starting a Session
session_set_save_handler( ): D.2.2. Building User-Defined Session Handlers
session_start( ): 8.3.2. Starting a Session
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
session_unregister( ): 8.3.3. Using Session Variables
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
session_unset( ): 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
session.use_cookies parameter: Turning off cookies
sessionWrite( ): D.3.2.4. sessionWrite
setcookie( ): 8.1.2. Cookies
8.3.2. Starting a Session
debugging and: 2.12.3. Complaints About Headers
set_error_handler( ): Variable naming
10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers
setting/unsetting variables: Testing, setting, and unsetting variables
settype( ): 2.1.6. Type Conversion
setupQuery( ): 13.3. Searching and Browsing
shipping.1 script (email receipt): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts
shipping.2 script (HTML receipt): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts
shipping.3 script (order receipt): 13.2.1. Templates in the Shipping Module
shipping wines: 12. Ordering and Shipping at the Winestore
shopping cart: 11. The Winestore Shopping Cart
adding items to: 11.2.2. Adding Items to the Shopping Cart
converting items in to orders: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
12.1. Finalizing Orders
displaying contents of: 11.1. The Winestore Home Page
11.2.1. Viewing the Shopping Cart
emptying: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
11.2.3. Emptying the Shopping Cart
housekeeping for: 13.1. Automated Housekeeping
updating quantities in: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
11.2.4. Updating the Shopping Cart Quantities
short-circuit evaluation property: 2.2.3. Conditional Expressions
SHOW command: 3.4.4. Displaying Database Structure with SHOW
showCart( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page
showerror( ): 4.1.4. Error Handling of MySQL Database Functions
4.2. Formatting Results
10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers
show_HTML_receipt( ): The application logic
showLogin( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page
showMessage( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page
11.2.2. Adding Items to the Shopping Cart
showPanel( ): 11.1. The Winestore Home Page
showPricing( ): Fixing the queries
13.3. Searching and Browsing
showVarieties( ): Adding a second or subsequent query
10.4. The Winestore Include Files
11.1. The Winestore Home Page
browsing and: 13.3. Searching and Browsing
vs. showPricing( ): Fixing the queries
showWines( ): 13.3. Searching and Browsing
Smarty PHP template engine: 13.2. Templates
sort( ): Sorting with sort( ) and rsort( )
arrays: 2.5.5. Sorting Arrays
output: 3.6.3. Sorting and Grouping Output
space( ): String-comparison operators and functions
split( ): Splitting a string into an array
spreadsheets, vs. databases: 1.4.2. Why Use a DBMS?
sprintf( ): Creating formatted output with sprintf( ) and printf( )
SQL (Structured Query Language): 1.4.4. SQL
3.1.2. Terminology
3.10. More on SQL and MySQL
components of: SQL components
converting E/R model to: C.2.2. Converting an Entity-Relationship Model to SQL
queries and: 3.6. Querying with SQL SELECT
winestore application, creating with: Creating the winestore with SQL
working with MySQL and: 3.4. Managing Databases, Tables, and Indexes
SQL interpreter: 1.4.1. Database Management Systems
SQL server (Microsoft): 4.4.1. Microsoft SQL Server
srand( ): Subsecond times
2.9.7. Random Number Generation
SSL protocol: 9.5.1. The Secure Sockets Layer Protocol
installing Apache to use: A.3. Installing Apache to Use SSL
start/end tags
include statement and: 2.10.4. Reusing Functions with Include and Require Files
omitting: 2.1.1. PHP Basics
starvation problem: The LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements in MySQL
state: State
building applications to maintain: 8.1. Building Applications That Keep State
stateless applications, building: 9.4.1. Building Stateless Applications
stored procedures: 3.10.4. Limitations of MySQL
strcasecmp( ): 2.6.3. Comparing Strings
strcmp( ): 2.2.3. Conditional Expressions
2.6.3. Comparing Strings String-comparison operators and functions
strftime( ): 2.8.2. Formatting a Date
string assignments: 2.1.5. Expressions, Operators, and Variable Assignment
string clean( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files
string comparison operators/functions: String-comparison operators and functions
string crypt( ): 9.3. Authentication Using a Database
string getCustomerID( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files
string literals: String literals
2.6.1. String Literals
string mysql_tablename( ): Other functions
string session_id( ): 8.3.5. Functions for Accessing Sessions in PHP
string showWine( ): 10.4. The Winestore Include Files
strings: 2.6. Strings
comparing: 2.6.3. Comparing Strings
converting to timestamp: String to timestamp Validating dates
converting to/from integers: Validating dates
splitting into an array: Splitting a string into an array
stristr( ): Extracting a found portion of a string
strlen( ): Length of a string
strncasecmp( ): 2.6.3. Comparing Strings
strncmp( ): 2.6.3. Comparing Strings
str_pad( ): Padding strings
strpos( ): Finding the position of a substring Extracting multiple values from a string
strrchr( ): Extracting a found portion of a string
str_replace( ): Replacing substrings
strrpos( ): Finding the position of a substring
strstr( ): Extracting a found portion of a string
strtotime( ): String to timestamp Validating dates
strtr( ): Translating characters and substrings
Structured Query Language: 1.4.4. SQL
(see also SQL)
strval( ): Validating dates
subject string: Changing case
subsecond times: Subsecond times
substr( ): Extracting a substring from a string
5.1.4. Security and User Data
substring( ): String-comparison operators and functions
substrings: 2.6.4. Finding and Extracting Substrings
replacing: 2.6.5. Replacing Characters and Substrings Replacing substrings
substr_replace( ): Replacing substrings
superuser: The Apache HTTP server, Version 1.3
support functions: D.3.2.1. Support functions
swapping memory: Performance
switch statement: 2.2.2. switch Statement
synchronization, problems with caused by sessions: Timeouts
system( ): 5.1.4. Security and User Data
system requirements for the winestore application: System requirements

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