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Index: O

object mysql_fetch_field( ): Other functions
object mysql_fetch_object( ): Frequently used functions
objects: 2.11. Objects
OCIExecute( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
OCIFetch( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
OCILogon( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
OCIParse( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
OCIResult( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
octal system: 2.9.4. Number Systems
ODBC functions: 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
odbc_connect( ): 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
odbc_exec( ): 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
one-component querying: 5. User-Driven Querying
5.2.3. One-Component Querying
Open DataBase Connectivity functions: 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
certificates and: A.3.3. Creating a Key and Certificate
downloading/installing: A.3.1. Installing OpenSSL
operator precedence: Operator precedence
operators: 3.9. Functions
<option selected> element: 5.4.1. Implementing the selectDistinct Function
optional characters: Optional and repeating characters
Oracle 7/8: 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
3.7.1. Beware of the Cartesian Product
order.3 script (finalizing orders): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
12.1. Finalizing Orders
order.1 script (logon): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
10.3. Authenticating Users
order.2 script (logout): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
10.3. Authenticating Users
ordering wines: 12. Ordering and Shipping at the Winestore
receipts for: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
10.2.3. The Customer Receipt Page
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts
13.2.1. Templates in the Shipping Module
debugging and: 2.12.1. A Page That Produces Partial or No Output Missing output
with echo/print statements: Outputting data with echo and print
formatting: Creating formatted output with sprintf( ) and printf( )
sorting/grouping: 3.6.3. Sorting and Grouping Output
variable substitution and: Variable substitution

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