E.4. Security and Cryptography Resources
There are many books on Web
security and
cryptography. We
recommend the following books—in no particular
order—which cover topics relevant to those discussed in Chapter 9:
Web Security, L. Stein (Addison Wesley). An
excellent, comprehensive book with sufficient technical and
nontechnical depth.
Web Security and Commerce, S. Garfinkel and S.
Spafford (O'Reilly). A good introductory book that
explains the topics in nontechnical language.
Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source
Code in C, B. Schneier (John Wiley and Sons). Covers the
field of cryptography in technical depth.
The Code Book, S. Singh (Anchor Books). An
enjoyable popular science book.
The RSA encryption web site, http://www.rsa.com.
SSL extensions and patches for Apache: http://www.apache-ssl.org, http://www.modssl.org/, http://www.openssl.org/source/.
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