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Index: D

inserting: 3.5.1. Inserting Data
INSERT INTO ... SELECT statement and: 3.8.3. INSERTing with a SELECT Statement
outputting with echo/print statements: Outputting data with echo and print
passing for queries: 5.1. User Input
tainted: 5.1.4. Security and User Data
web security for: 9.5. Protecting Data on the Web
working with: 3.5. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data
writing to databases: Data entry and saving records to a database
6. Writing to Web Databases
data-access module: 1.4.1. Database Management Systems
Data Definition Language (DDL): SQL components
data entry, script for: 10.2.2. The Customer <form>
Data Manipulation Language (DML): SQL components
data versioning: The table-level locking paradigm in MySQL
database deletes: 6.1. Database Inserts, Updates, and Deletes
6.1.3. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data Deleting data
database-driven querying: Database-driven querying
(see also querying, database-driven)
database inserts: 6.1. Database Inserts, Updates, and Deletes
6.1.3. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data
sample script for: Case study: Inserts and updates in practice
database management system: 1.1. Three-Tier Architectures
(see also DBMS)
database recovery: What isn't covered here
database tier: 1.1. Three-Tier Architectures
1.4. The Database Tier
managing sessions in: D. Managing Sessions in the Database Tier
resources for further reading: E.3. Database Tier Resources
storing session variables in: Need for centralized session store
database updates: 6.1. Database Inserts, Updates, and Deletes
6.1.3. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data Updating data
sample script for: Case study: Inserts and updates in practice
database writes: 6. Writing to Web Databases
databases: 1.4.1. Database Management Systems
1.4.1. Database Management Systems
3.1.2. Terminology
creating: 3.4.1. Creating Databases
displaying structure of with SHOW command: 3.4.4. Displaying Database Structure with SHOW
inserting uploaded files into: 6.1.2. Uploading and Inserting Files into Databases
migrating data and: Transferring data between databases and DBMSs
non-MySQL, accessing: 4.4. Interacting with Other DBMSs Using PHP
vs. spreadsheets: 1.4.2. Why Use a DBMS?
terminology for: 3.1. Database Basics
using for authentication: 9.3. Authentication Using a Database
writing to: 6. Writing to Web Databases
datatypes: 3.4.2. Creating Tables
date( ): 2.8.2. Formatting a Date Validating dates
date and time: 2.8. Date and Time Functions
dates, validating: Validating dates
SQL functions for: Date and time functions
db.inc include file: 4.2.1. Using Include Files in Practice
10.4. The Winestore Include Files
clean( ) in: 5.1.4. Security and User Data
DBMS (database management system): 1.1. Three-Tier Architectures
1.1. Three-Tier Architectures
1.4.1. Database Management Systems
3. MySQL and SQL
components of: 1.4.1. Database Management Systems
migrating data and: Transferring data between databases and DBMSs
modifying: 3.8. Modifying the Database
reasons for using: 1.4.2. Why Use a DBMS?
DDL (Data Definition Language): SQL components
deadlock problem: The LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements in MySQL
equality operator vs. assignment operator and: 2.2.3. Conditional Expressions
flush( ) and: 2.12.1. A Page That Produces Partial or No Output
PHP scripts: 2.12. Common Mistakes
print_r( )/var_dump( ) for: Debugging with print_r( ) and var_dump( )
decode( ): Encrypting other data in a database
DELETE statement
limitations of: 3.10.4. Limitations of MySQL
vs. DROP statement: 3.5.2. Deleting Data
WHERE clause and: 3.6.2. WHERE Clauses
deletes: 6.1. Database Inserts, Updates, and Deletes
(see also database deletes)
data: 3.5.2. Deleting Data
indexes: 3.4.3. Altering Tables and Indexes
users: 3.10.3. Adding and Deleting Users
DES encryption method: 9.3. Authentication Using a Database
die( ): 4.1.4. Error Handling of MySQL Database Functions
digital certificates: Certificates and Certification Authorities
dirty read problem: 6.2.1. Transactions and Concurrency
12.1. Finalizing Orders
displayCart( ): 11.2.1. Viewing the Shopping Cart
displayWines( ): 4.2. Formatting Results
displayWinesList( ): 5.2. Querying with User Input
DML (Data Manipulation Language): SQL components
doublevalue( ): 2.10.2. Variable Scope
do...while loop: 2.3.2. do...while
downloads: A. Installation Guide
Apache server: The Apache HTTP server, Version 1.3
A.1.3. Installing Apache
ApacheSSL: A.3. Installing Apache to Use SSL
mod_ssl: A.3. Installing Apache to Use SSL
MySQL: A.1.1. Installing MySQL
OpenSSL: A.3.1. Installing OpenSSL
PHP: A.1.4. Installing PHP
sample scripts for: A.2. Installing the Winestore Examples
DROP DATABASE statement: Transferring data between databases and DBMSs
DROP INDEX statement: 3.4.3. Altering Tables and Indexes
DROP TABLE statement: 3.5.2. Deleting Data

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