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Table Of Contents
Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W -
802.11b endpoints
configuring IP subnet-based ERLs 5-33
troubleshooting 11-4
ERLs 5-28
onsite alert (security) personnel 5-27
switches 5-42
Add New ERL page A-14
Add New Manual Phone page A-42
Add New Synthetic Phone page A-45
Add Role page A-50
Add Subscriber page A-9
Add User Group page A-53
Add User page A-48
administration, troubleshooting 11-15
administrative interfaces 5-2
Admin Utility
using 9-1
web interface E-1
ALI (automatic location information)
definition 1-2
exporting 5-37
setting up 5-30
submission requirements 1-19
ALI Formatting Tool
generating a formatted ALI file 12-3
overview 12-1
ALI Formatting Tool page A-60
ALI Information page A-17
ANI (automatic number identification) 1-2
ERL to switch ports and phones 5-47
Audio Driver log B-16
audit trail, ERL 5-38
backing up configuration 11-31
Backup Device List page D-1
Backup History page D-5
Backup Status page D-6
Bell-Canada, using AFT for G-1
busy signal 11-7
call history
troubleshooting 11-10
viewing 5-57
Call History page A-54
calling search space
Cisco Emergency Responder 3-5, 4-5
CAMA (centralized automated message accounting)
definition 1-2
obtaining 1-17
CAM table use 5-39
capacity planning 1-15
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
Cisco ER server 11-30
switch requirements 5-39
CER Admin log B-16
Cerdbmon log B-17
CER Phone Tracking log B-16
CER Server log B-16
Certificate Management/IPSec log B-16
Certificate Monitor page C-13
deleting 7-8
displaying 7-7
downloading 7-7
downloading a signing request 7-11
managing 7-7
monitoring expiration dates 7-11
regenerating 7-8
uploading 7-9
Certificate Trust List
Cisco Emergency Responder
Admin Utility web interface E-1
backing up and restoring configuration 11-31
Cisco Unified CallManager configuration 3-1
Cisco Unified CallManager user 3-19
Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration 4-1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager user 4-19
clusters and groups 1-12
command line interface F-1
configuration overview 5-1
configuration settings reference A-1
configuring 5-1
configuring serviceability 6-1
data integrity and reliability 1-16
deploying 1-21
Disaster Recovery System web interface D-1
emergency call telephony configuration 3-4, 4-4
features 1-4
how it routes calls 1-8
installation procedure 2-3
logging into and out of 5-15
network overview 1-7
planning 1-1
preparing network 1-17
preparing users 10-1
serviceability settings reference B-1, C-1
terminology 1-2
troubleshooting 11-1
understanding 1-3
updating after adding devices 11-22
users 5-9
Cisco ER cluster
deleting group 11-22
identifying members 11-22
inter-Cisco ER-group route patterns 3-17, 4-17
phones moving between clusters 11-23
understanding Cisco ER 1-12
Cisco ER group
capacity planning 1-15
configuring 5-16
creating inter-Cisco ER-group route pattern 3-17, 4-17
deleting from cluster 11-22
identifying cluster members 11-22
telephony settings 5-18
understanding groups and clusters 1-12
Cisco ER Group Settings page A-3
Cisco ER server
configuring 5-19
starting and stopping 11-23
troubleshooting 11-15
Cisco ER Server Groups in Cluster page A-2
Cisco IP SoftPhone, supported version 1-4
Cisco Unified CallManager
configuring 3-1
configuring emergency calls 3-4
example setup 3-1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
changing version 9-2
configuring 4-1
configuring emergency calls 4-4
example setup 4-1
identifying supported clusters 5-21
troubleshooting 11-21
CiscoWorks2000, integrating with 11-29
See command line interface
CLI log B-16
CLM log B-16
cluster database host, updating 11-19
configuring 5-23
restoring 8-9
emergency call history logs 11-27
system logs 11-31
trace and debug information 11-27
command line interface F-1
CLI basics F-2
CLI commands F-4
completing commands F-2
ending a CLI session F-4
getting help F-3
starting a CLI session F-1
commands, CLI F-4
configuration, backing up 11-31
Configure IP Subnet page A-36
Cisco Emergency Responder 5-1
Cisco Emergency Responder overview 5-1
Cisco Emergency Responder Serviceability 6-1
Cisco ER group 5-16
Cisco ER group telephony settings 5-18
Cisco ER server 5-19
Cisco ER servers and groups 5-16
Cisco Unified CallManager 3-1
Cisco Unified Communicaitions Manager 4-1
Disaster Recovery System 8-1
SNMP 5-39
subnet ERLs 5-33
switches 5-39
switch ports 5-47
switch ports a few at a time 5-47
Control Center, using 6-1
Control Center page B-1
converting PS-ALI data 5-32
CPU and Memory Usage page B-11
CPU Log Files page B-13
alternate emergency call numbers 3-15, 4-15
calling search space 3-2, 3-5, 4-2, 4-5
Cisco Emergency Responder partition 3-4, 4-4
Cisco Emergency Responder route points 3-6, 4-6
Cisco ER cluster 1-12
Cisco ER users 5-9
Cisco Unified CallManager user 3-19
Cisco Unified Communications Manager user 4-19
ELIN route patterns 3-10, 4-10
ELIN translation patterns 3-11, 3-12, 4-11, 4-12
ERL (emergency response locations) 5-28
inter-Cisco ER-group route pattern 3-17, 4-17
applications, call forwarded by 1-11
downloading 7-7
managing 7-7
uploading 7-9
changing host details 9-3
updating the cluster database host 11-19
data integrity 1-16
Data Migration Assistant
debug, setting 11-27
phone manually 5-53
schedule 5-41
test ERLs 5-34
delete account command F-4
delete dns command F-4
delete ipsec command F-5
delete process command F-5
delete smtp command F-6
deleting Cisco ER group 11-22
one site, one PSAP 1-21
one site, satellite offices 1-23
one site, two or more PSAPs 1-22
overview 1-21
two or more sites 1-25
DID (direct inward dial)
definition 1-2
obtaining numbers 1-18
Disaster Recovery System
configuring 8-1
using D-1
web interface D-1
Disk Usage page B-15
troubleshooting 11-32
using the DMA tool 2-9
Download utility, using 5-6
DRS log B-16
ELIN (emergency location identification number)
creating route patterns 3-10, 4-10
creating translation patterns 3-11, 3-12, 4-11, 4-12
definition 1-2
obtaining DIDs 1-18
troubleshooting not sent to PSAP 11-6
Email Alert Settings page A-8
emergency call
busy signal 11-7
Cisco Unified CallManager configuration 3-4
Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration 4-4
collecting history 11-27
creating alternate numbers 3-15, 4-15
creating route points 3-6, 4-6
definition 1-2
history problems 11-10
how routed 1-8
not intercepted 11-5
troubleshooting 11-5
troubleshooting incorrect location information 11-9
troubleshooting not sent to correct PSAP 11-7
viewing history 5-57
emergency caller, definition 1-3
enhanced 911 (E911)
overview 1-1
terminology 1-2
understanding 1-1
ERL (emergency response locations)
administrator role 10-2
assigning to ports 5-47
definition 1-3
exporting 5-36
exporting port/ERL configuration 5-50, 5-56
identifying 5-28
identifying default 5-28
identifying onsite alert (security) personnel 5-27
importing 5-32
importing configuration 5-49, 5-55
management 5-26
manually-defined phones 5-53
understanding 5-25
unlocated phones 5-52
viewing audit trail 5-38
working with 5-24
ERL Audit Trail page A-55
ERL Configuration page A-12
ERL Debug Tool page A-59
ESZ (emergency service zone), definition 1-3
Ethernet Configuration page C-5
events, viewing 11-29
Event Viewer
message "No port to place call" 11-8
using 6-2
Event Viewer log B-16
Event Viewer page B-2
one site, one PSAP 1-21
one site, satellite offices 1-23
one site, two or more PSAPs 1-22
two or more sites 1-25
Export ERL Data page A-21
ALI 5-37
ERL 5-36
switches 5-45
switch port/ERL configuration 5-50, 5-56
Export IP Subnets page A-37
Export LAN Switch page A-29
Export Manual Phones page A-43
Export PS-ALI Records page A-56
Export Switch Ports page A-33
features, Cisco Emergency Responder 1-4
file check command F-6
file delete command F-6
file dump command F-7
file get command F-8
File I/O Reporting Service (FIOR) F-4
file list command F-9
File Management Utility page A-61
file search command F-10
file tail command F-11
file view command F-11
Find and List IP Subnets page A-35
Find and List Maunally Configured Phones page A-41
Find and List Roles page A-49
Find and List Synthetic Phones page A-45
Find and List User Groups page A-51
Find and List Users page A-46
Find ERL Data page A-12
gateway, configuring 3-16, 4-16
prerequisites, for installation 2-1
supported phones and switches 1-4
hardware status, viewing 7-2
Hardware Status page C-2
backup D-5
restore D-5
icons, control center 11-23
Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters 5-21
groups in Cisco ER cluster 11-22
onsite alert (security) personnel 5-27
switches 5-42
unlocated phones 5-52
See Informix Dynamic Server
Import ERL Data page A-21
ERLs 5-32
switches 5-44
switch port and ERL configuration 5-49, 5-55
Import IP Subnets page A-38
Import LAN Switch page A-30
Import Manual Phones page A-44
Import Switch Ports page A-34
Informix Dynamic Server, troubleshooting 11-20
Install/Upgrade log B-16
hardware and software prerequisites 2-1
on new system 2-3
overview 2-1
Install DB log B-17
installed software, viewing 7-2
with CiscoWorks2000 11-29
with network management systems 11-29
inter-Cisco ER-group route pattern 3-17, 4-17
changing policy 7-12
displaying policy 7-12
setting up new policy 7-13
IPSec Policy List page C-13
IP Subnet Phones page A-37
JTAPI log B-16
LAN Switch Details page A-28
License Manager page A-7
Linux upgrades, troubleshooting 11-33
log, emergency call history 11-27
logging into Cisco Emergency Responder 5-15
login, troubleshooting 11-15
system B-15
using 6-9
maintaining data integrity and reliability 1-16
ERLs 5-26
performance 11-29
phones 5-47
Manual Backup page D-4
Manually Configured Phones page A-41
Memory Log Files page B-13
MIB2 SystemGroup Configuration page B-11
Modify Role page A-50
Modify User Group page A-52
Modify User page A-47
monitoring subsystem status 11-30
MSAG (master street address guide), definition 1-3
NENA (National Emergency Number Association), definition 1-3
administrator's role 10-3
how Cisco ER fits into 1-7
management systems, integrating with 11-29
preparing 1-17
Network Configuration page C-3
network status, viewing 7-2
non-PSAP deployment 5-29
NTP Server List page C-6
NTP server settings 7-4
CAMA or PRI trunk 1-17
DIDs for ELINs 1-18
onsite alert (security) personnel
identifying 5-27
not getting calls 11-8
not getting email or page 11-9
preparing users 10-1
Onsite Alert Settings page A-10
call routing 1-8
Cisco ER groups and clusters 1-12
deployment 1-21
E911 1-1
features 1-4
installation 2-1
network 1-7
Cisco Emergency Responder 3-4, 4-4
performance, managing 11-29
assigning ERLs to 5-47
defining manually 5-53
identifying unlocated 5-52
managing 5-47
setting up route plan 3-1, 4-2
supported 1-4
troubleshooting 11-1
troubleshooting disappearance 11-4
troubleshooting undiscovered 11-2
troubleshooting unlocated 11-2
upgrading 1-19
phone tracking, defining schedule 5-41
Phone Tracking Schedule page A-24
ping 7-16
Ping Configuration page C-16
capacity 1-15
Cisco Emergency Responder 1-1
Point to a New Pubilsher page E-1
port, troubleshooting 11-16
Cisco Emergency Responder users 10-1
network 1-17
onsite alert (security) users 10-1
staff 1-20
PRI, obtaining 1-17
Processes page B-13
PS-ALI Converter page A-58
PS-ALI data, converting 5-32
PSAP (public safety answering point)
callback errors 11-8
definition 1-3
troubleshooting ELIN not sent to 11-6
troubleshooting emergency call not sent to 11-7
Publisher, pointing to a different 9-1
Qwest, using AFT for G-5
read community string 5-39
reliability 1-16
Remote Access Configuration page C-17
remote support
overview 7-17
setting up 7-17
Remote Support log B-16
Restore History page D-5
Restore Status page D-8
Restore Wizard D-7
restoring configuration 11-31
role-based user management 5-2
adding new 5-11
Cisco ER system administrator 10-4
creating 5-11
default 5-3
deleting 5-12
ERL administrator 10-2
modifying 5-12
network administrator 10-3
Roles Configuration page A-49
route pattern
alternate emergency call number 3-15, 4-15
inter-Cisco ER-group 3-17, 4-17
route plan, setting up 3-1, 4-2
route points, Cisco Emergency Responder 3-6, 4-6
run sql command F-12
Run Switch-Port and Phone Update page A-31
SBC-Ameritech, using AFT for G-2
SBC-PacBell, using AFT for G-3
SBC-Southwestern Bell, using AFT for G-4
schedule, defining 5-41
Schedule List page D-2
identifying personnel 5-27
preparing users 10-1
ServerGroup page C-1
Server Settings for CERServerGroup page A-6
Serviceability tools
Control Center 6-1
Event Viewer 6-2
using 6-1
Serviceability web interface B-1
service provider
ALI submission 1-19
DIDs for ELINs 1-18
ping 7-16
remote support
overview 7-17
setting up 7-17
Servm log B-16
set account command F-12
set commandcount command F-13
set ipsec command F-13
set logging command F-14
set network dhcp command F-14
set network dns command F-14
set network dns options command F-15
set network domain command F-15
set network failover command F-16
set network gateway command F-16
set network ip command F-16
set network max_ip_contrack command F-17
set network mtu command F-17
set network nic command F-17
set network pmtud command F-18
set network status command F-18
set password command F-19
set smtp command F-19
set timezone command F-19
Ethernet 7-3
NTP servers 7-4
time 7-5
setting up
ALI 5-30
default ERL 5-28
set trace command F-20
set web-security command F-21
set workingdir command F-21
show account command F-22
show cert command F-22
show firewall list command F-22
show hardware command F-23
show ipsec command F-23
show logins command F-24
show myself command F-24
show network command F-24
show open command F-25
show packages command F-26
show process list command F-27
show process load command F-26
show registry command F-28
show smtp command F-28
show stats io command F-28
show status command F-29
show tech all command F-29
show tech ccm_service command F-30
show tech database command F-30
show tech dbintegrity command F-30
show tech dbinuse command F-30
show tech dbschema command F-31
show tech dbstateinfo command F-31
show tech network command F-31
show tech prefs command F-31
show tech runtime command F-32
show tech systables command F-32
show tech system command F-32
show tech table command F-33
show tech version command F-33
show timezone command F-33
show trace command F-34
show version command F-34
show web-security command F-35
show workingdir command F-35
SMTP, configuring 7-5
SMTP Settings page C-7
configuring 5-39
monitoring subsystems 11-30
SNMP Community String Configuration page B-4
SNMP Notification Destination Configuration page B-6
SNMP Settings page A-22
SNMP User Configuration page B-7
SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration page B-9
prerequisites, for installation 2-1
requirements 1-4
from local source 7-14
from remote source 7-15
viewing installed software 7-2
Software Installation/Upgrade page C-15
Software Packages page C-4
staff, preparing 1-20
starting and stopping Cisco ER server 11-23
hardware 7-2
monitoring subsystems 11-30
system, viewing 7-3
viewing network status 7-2
submitting ALI 1-19
Subscriber node, adding A-9
adding one at a time 5-42
administrator's role 10-3
configuring 5-39
configuring ports 5-47
configuring ports a few at a time 5-47
exporting 5-45
exporting port/ERL configuration 5-50, 5-56
identifying 5-42
importing port/ERL configuration 5-49, 5-55
importing switches 5-44
supported 1-4
troubleshooting 11-16
understanding requirements 5-39
upgrading 1-19
switch-port and phone update
defining schedule 5-41
running manually 5-45
Switch Port Details page A-31
Synthetic Phones page, Find and List A-45
Syslog Collector 11-31
Syslog log B-16
system logs B-15
System Monitor tools
CPU and Memory Usage 6-7
using 6-6
system status, viewing 7-3
System Status page C-4
Telephony Settings page A-4
terminology 1-2
test ERL, configuring 5-34
time settings 7-5
Time Settings page C-8
Tomcat log B-16
trace, setting 11-27
tracking 802.11b endpoints 5-33
translation patterns, creating ELINs 3-11, 3-12, 4-11, 4-12
802.11b endpoints 11-4
administration 11-15
busy signal 11-7
call history 11-10
call routing overview 1-8
Cisco Emergency Responder 11-1
Cisco ER server status problem 11-23
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 11-21
DMA 11-32
ELIN for default ERL used for non-default ERLs 11-6
ELIN not transmitted to PSAP 11-6
emergency call not intercepted 11-5
emergency call not routed to correct PSAP 11-7
emergency call problems 11-5
ERL integrity 1-16
event viewer messages 11-29
incorrect location information 11-9
Linux upgrades 11-33
login problems 11-15
onsite alert (security) not getting calls 11-8
onsite alert (security) not getting email or page 11-9
performance 11-29
phone disappears from Cisco ER 11-4
phone-related problems 11-1
PSAP callback errors 11-8
shared line 11-4
switch and port configuration 11-16
system and administration 11-15
undiscovered phones 11-2
unlocated phones 11-2
Windows upgrades 11-33
CDP support in Cisco ER server 11-30
Cisco Emergency Responder 1-3
Cisco ER groups and clusters 1-12
Cisco ER system administrator's role 10-4
E911 1-1
emergency call routing 1-8
ERL (emergency response locations) 5-25
ERL administrator's role 10-2
how Cisco ER fits into network 1-7
network administrator role 10-3
switch requirements 5-39
terminology 1-2
Unlocated Phones page A-39
unset ipsec command F-35
unset network command F-36
Update Cluster DB Host page E-3
updating Cisco ER after adding devices 11-22
Upgrade CCM Version page E-2
upgrading switches and phones 1-19
Upload utility, using 5-6
adding 5-9
Cisco Emergency Responder 5-9
Cisco ER system administrator's role 10-4
Cisco Unified CallManager 3-19
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 4-19
ERL administrator's role 10-2
network administrator's role 10-3
preparing 10-1
User Configuration page A-46
user groups
creating 5-13
default 5-5
User Groups Configuration page A-51
user management 5-2
utils core analyze command F-36
utils core list command F-36
utils csa disable command F-37
utils csa enable command F-37
utils csa status command F-37
utils dbreplication repair command F-38
utils dbreplication reset command F-38
utils dbreplication status command F-38
utils disaster_recovery backup network command F-38
utils disaster_recovery backup tape command F-38
utils disaster_recovery cancel_backup command F-39
utils disaster_recovery restore network command F-40
utils disaster_recovery restore tape command F-39
utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles network command F-40
utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles tape command F-40
utils disaster_recovery show_registration command F-41
utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid command F-41
utils disaster_recovery status command F-41
utils fior disable F-42
utils fior enable F-42
utils fior list F-43
utils fior start F-43
utils fior status F-42
utils fior stop F-43
utils fior top F-44
utils iothrottle disable command F-45
utils iothrottle enable command F-45
utils iothrottle status command F-45
utils netdump client command F-45
utils netdump server command F-46
utils network arp command F-47
utils network capture eth0 command F-47
utils network host command F-48
utils network ping command F-48
utils network tracert command F-49
utils ntp command F-49
utils remote_account command F-49
utils reset_ui_administrator_password command F-50
utils service command F-51
utils service list command F-50
utils snmp test command F-51
utils system command F-52
utils system upgrade command F-53
Verizon, using AFT for G-5
versions, configuring 7-5
Version Settings page C-8
emergency call history 5-57
ERL audit trail 5-38
events 11-29
View Selected Processes page B-14
web interfaces 5-2
Windows upgrades, troubleshooting 11-33
working with ERLs 5-24
Posted: Fri Jun 8 00:40:18 PDT 2007
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