
Table Of Contents

Command Line Interface

Starting a CLI Session

CLI Basics

Completing Commands

Getting Help on Commands

Ending a CLI Session

Cisco Unified OS CLI Commands

delete account

delete dns

delete ipsec

delete process

delete smtp

file check

file delete

file dump

file get

file list

file search

file tail

file view

run sql

set account

set commandcount

set ipsec

set logging

set network dhcp

set network dns

set network dns options

set network domain

set network failover

set network gateway

set network ip

set network mtu

set network max_ip_contrack

set network nic

set network pmtud

set network status

set password

set smtp

set timezone

set trace

set web-security

set workingdir

show account

show cert

show firewall list

show hardware

show ipsec

show logins

show myself

show network

show open

show packages

show process load

show process list

show registry

show smtp

show stats io

show status

show tech all

show tech database

show tech dbintegrity

show tech dbinuse

show tech dbschema

show tech dbstateinfo

show tech network

show tech prefs

show tech runtime

show tech systables

show tech system

show tech table

show tech version

show timezone

show trace

show version

show web-security

show workingdir

unset ipsec

unset network

utils core list

utils core analyze

utils csa disable

utils csa enable

utils csa status

utils dbreplication status

utils dbreplication repair

utils dbreplication reset

utils disaster_recovery backup tape

utils disaster_recovery backup network

utils disaster_recovery cancel_backup

utils disaster_recovery restore tape

utils disaster_recovery restore network

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles tape

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles network

utils disaster_recovery show_registration

utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid

utils disaster_recovery status

utils fior status

utils fior enable

utils fior disable

utils fior start

utils fior stop

utils fior list

utils fior top

unset ipsec

utils iothrottle enable

utils iothrottle disable

utils iothrottle status

utils netdump client

utils netdump server

utils network arp

utils network capture eth0

utils network host

utils network ping

utils network tracert

utils ntp

utils remote_account

utils reset_ui_administrator_password

utils service list

utils service

utils snmp get

utils snmp getnext

utils snmp walk

utils system

utils system upgrade

Command Line Interface

This appendix describes Cisco Unified Operating System (OS) commands that you can use on the Cisco ER platform to perform basic operating system functions. The Cisco Unified OS Administration web interface also makes these functions available. Typically, you would use the command-line interface (CLI) only when a problem occurs while you are using the Cisco Unified OS Administration web interface.

These topics describe how to use the CLI:

Starting a CLI Session

CLI Basics

Cisco Unified OS CLI Commands

Starting a CLI Session

You can access the CLI remotely or locally using the following methods:

You can access the CLI remotely from a web client workstation, such as the workstation that you use for Cisco ER administration, by using SSH Secure Shell to connect securely to the Cisco ER.

You can access the CLI locally by using the monitor and keyboard that you used during installation or by using a terminal server that is connected to the serial port. Use this method if a problem exists with the IP address.

Before You Begin

Ensure you have the following information, which is defined during installation:

A primary IP address and hostname

An administrator ID

An administrator password

You will need this information to log in to the Cisco ER platform.

To start a CLI session, follow these steps:


Step 1 Depending on your method of access, do one of the following actions:

From a remote system, use SSH Secure Shell to connect securely to the Cisco ER platform. In your SSH client, enter

ssh adminname@hostname

where adminname specifies the Administrator ID and hostname specifies the hostname that was defined during installation.

For example, ssh admin@cer-1.

From a direct connection, you receive this prompt automatically:

cer-1 login:

where cer-1 represents the host name of the system.

Enter the administrator ID that was defined during installation.

In either case, the system prompts you for a password.

Step 2 Enter the password that was defined at installation.

The CLI prompt appears. The prompt represents the Administrator ID; for example:


You can now use any CLI command.

CLI Basics

The following topics describe how to perform basic functions using the command line interface.

Completing Commands

Getting Help on Commands

Ending a CLI Session

Completing Commands

To complete commands, use Tab:

Enter the start of a command and press Tab to complete the command. For example, if you enter se and press Tab, se is expanded to the set command.

Enter a full command name and press Tab to display all the commands or subcommands that are available. For example, if you enter set and press Tab, you see all the set subcommands. An asterisk (*) identifies the commands that have subcommands.

If you reach a command, keep pressing Tab, and the current command line repeats; this indicates that no additional expansion is available.

Getting Help on Commands

You can get two kinds of help on any command:

Detailed help that includes a definition of the command and an example of its use

Short query help that includes only command syntax

To get help on commands, follow these steps:


Step 1 To get detailed help, at the CLI prompt, enter

help command

where command specifies the command name or the command and parameter. See Example F-1.

Step 2 To query only command syntax, at the CLI prompt, enter


where command represents the command name or the command and parameter. See Example F-2.

Note If you enter a question mark (?) after a menu command, such as set, it functions like the Tab key and lists the commands that are available.

Example F-1 Detailed Help Example:

admin:help file list activelog

activelog help:
This will list active logging files

options are:
page - pause output
detail - show detailed listing
reverse - reverse sort order
date - sort by date
size - sort by size

file-spec can contain '*' as wildcards

admin:file list activelog platform detail
02 Dec,2004 12:00:59 <dir> drf
02 Dec,2004 12:00:59 <dir> log
16 Nov,2004 21:45:43 8,557 enGui.log
27 Oct,2004 11:54:33 47,916 startup.log
dir count = 2, file count = 2

Example F-2 Query Example:

admin:file list activelog?
file list activelog file-spec [options]
file-spec mandatory file to view
options optional page|detail|reverse|[date|size]

Ending a CLI Session

To end a CLI session, enter quit at the CLI prompt. If you are logged in remotely, you are logged off and the ssh session is dropped. If you are logged in locally, you are logged off and the login prompt returns.

Cisco Unified OS CLI Commands

The following sections list and describe the CLI commands that are available for the Cisco Unified OS running on the Cisco ER platform.

Note The File I/O Reporting Service (FIOR) provides a kernel-based daemon for collecting file I/O per process. It must be enabled from the CLI; it is disabled by default.

delete account

This command allows you to delete an administrator account.

Command Syntax

delete account account-name


account-name represents the name of an administrator account.


Command privilege level: 4

Allowed during upgrade: No

delete dns

This command allows you to delete the IP address for a DNS server.

Command Syntax

delete dns ip-address


ip-address represents the IP address of the DNS server you want to delete.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, this command causes a temporary loss of network connectivity.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

delete ipsec

This command allows you to delete IPSec policies and associations.

Command Syntax

delete ipsec

policy {ALL | policy-name}

association policy-name {ALL | association-name}


policy-name represents an IPSec policy.

association-name represents an IPSec association.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

delete process

This command allows you to delete a particular process.

Command Syntax

delete process process-id [force | terminate | crash]


process-id represents the process ID number.


force—Tells the process to stop

terminate—Tells the operating system to terminate the process

crash—Crashes the process and produces a crash dump

Usage Guidelines

Note Use the force option only if the command alone does not delete the process and use the terminate option only if force does not delete the process.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

delete smtp

This command allows you to delete the SMTP host.

Command Syntax

delete smtp


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during

file check

This command checks the /usr directory tree to see whether any files or directories have been added, removed, or changed in size since the last fresh installation or upgrade and displays the results.

Command Syntax

file check [detection-size-kb]


detection-size-kb specifies the minimum file size change that is required for the command to display the file as changed.

Usage Guidelines

The command notifies you about a possible impact to system performance and asks you whether you want to continue.

Caution Because running this command can affect system performance, Cisco recommends that you run the command during off-peak hours.

The display includes both deleted and new files.


The default value of detection-size-kb is 100 KB.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

file delete

This command deletes one or more files.

Command Syntax

file delete

activelog directory/filename [detail] [noconfirm]

inactivelog directory/filename [detail] [noconfirm]

install directory/filename [detail] [noconfirm]


activelog specifies a log on the active side.

inactivelog specifies a log on the inactive side.

install specifies an installation log.

directory/filename specifies the path and filename of the file(s) to delete. You can use the wildcard character (*) for filename.


detail—Displays a listing of deleted files with the date and time.

noconfirm—Deletes files without asking you to confirm each deletion.

Usage Guidelines

Caution You cannot recover a deleted file except, possibly, by using the Disaster Recovery System.

If you delete a TFTP data file on the inactive side, you may need to manually restore that file if you switch versions to the inactive side.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


The following example deletes the install log.

file delete install install.log

file dump

This command dumps the contents of a file to the screen, a page at a time.

Command Syntax

file dump

activelog directory/filename [detail] [hex]

inactivelog directory/filename [detail] [hex]

install directory/filename [detail] [hex]

sftpdetails directory/filename [detail] [hex]


activelog specifies a log on the active side.

inactivelog specifies a log on the inactive side.

install specifies an installation log.

sftp specifies an SFTP file.

directory/filename specifies the path and filename of the file to dump. You can use the wildcard character (*) for filename as long as it resolves to one file.


detail—Displays listing with the date and time

hex—Displays output in hexadecimal


Command privilege level: 1 for logs, 0 for TFTP files

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This command dumps contents of file _cdrIndex.idx.

file dump activelog cm/cdr/_cdrIndex.idx

file get

This command sends the file to another system by using SFTP.

Command Syntax

file get

activelog directory/filename [reltime] [abstime] [match] [recurs]

inactivelog directory/filename [reltime] [abstime] [match] [recurs]

install directory/filename [reltime] [abstime] [match] [recurs]


activelog specifies a log on the active side.

inactivelog specifies a log on the inactive side.

install specifies an installation log.

directory/filename specifies the path to the file(s) to delete. You can use the wildcard character (*) for filename as long as it resolves to one file.


abstime—Absolute time period, specified as hh:mm:MM/DD/YY hh:mm:MM/DD/YY

reltime—Relative time period, specified as months | weeks | days | hours | minutes value

match—Match a particular string in the filename, specified as string value

recurs—Get all files, including subdirectories

Usage Guidelines

After the command identifies the specified files, you get prompted to enter an SFTP host, username, and password.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This command gets all files in the activelog operating system directory that match the string "plat":

file get activelog platform match plat

This command gets all operating system log files for a particular time period:

file get activelog platform/log abstime 18:00:9/27/2005 18:00:9/28/2005

file list

This command lists the log files in an available log directory.

Command Syntax

file list

activelog directory [page] [detail] [reverse] [date | size]

inactivelog directory [page] [detail] [reverse] [date | size]

install directory [page] [detail] [reverse] [date | size]


activelog specifies a log on the active side.

inactivelog specifies a log on the inactive side.

install specifies an installation log.

directory specifies the path to the directory to list. You can use a wildcard character (*) for directory as long as it resolves to one directory.


page—Displays the output one screen at a time

detail—Long listing with date and time

reverse—Reverse sort direction

date | size—Sort by date or file size


Command privilege level: 1 for logs, 0 for TFTP files

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example lists operating system log files with details.

file list activelog platform/log page detail

This example lists directories created for Cisco ER logs.

file list activelog er/logs

This example lists Cisco ER logs in a specified directory by size.

file list activelog er/logs size

file search

This command searches the content of a log and displays the matching lines a page at a time.

Command Syntax

file search

activelog directory/filename reg-exp [abstime hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy] [ignorecase] [reltime {days | hours | minutes} timevalue]

inactivelog directory/filename reg-exp [abstime hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy] [ignorecase] [reltime {days | hours | minutes} timevalue]

install directory/filename reg-exp [abstime hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyy] [ignorecase] [reltime {days | hours | minutes} timevalue]


activelog specifies a log on the active side.

inactivelog specifies a log on the inactive side.

install specifies an installation log.

reg-exp represents a regular expression.

directory/filename represents the path to the file(s) to search. You can use the wildcard character (*) to represent all or part of the filename.


abstime—Specifies which files to search based on file creation time. Enter a start time and an end time.

days|hours|minutes—Specifies whether the file age is in days, hours, or minutes.

ignorecase—Ignores case when searching

reltime—Specifies which files to search based on file creation time. Enter the age of files to search.

hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yyyyAn absolute time, in the format hours:minutes:seconds month/day/year.

timevalueThe age of files to search. The unit of this value is specified with the {days | hours | minutes} option.

Usage Guidelines

Write the search term in the form of a regular expression, which is a special text string for describing a search pattern.

If the search term is found in only one file, the filename appears at the top of the output. If the search term is found in multiple files, each line of the output begins with the filename in which the matching line was found.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


file search activelog platform/log/platform.log Err[a-z] ignorecase

file tail

This command tails (prints the last few lines) of a log file.

Command Syntax

file tail

activelog directory/filename [detail] [hex] [lines]

inactivelog directory/filename [detail] [hex] [lines]

install directory/filename [detail] [hex] [lines]


activelog specifies a log on the active side.

inactivelog specifies a log on the inactive side.

install specifies an installation log.

directory/filename specifies the path to the file to tail. You can use the wildcard character (*) for filename as long as it resolves to one file.


detail—Long listing with date and time

hex—Hexadecimal listing

lines—Number of lines to display


Command privilege level: 1 for logs, 0 for TFTP files

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example tails the operating system CLI log file.

file tail activelog platform/log/cli00001.log

file view

This command displays the contents of a file.

Command Syntax

file view

activelog directory/filename

inactivelog directory/filename

install directory/filename


activelog specifies a log on the active side.

inactivelog specifies a log on the inactive side.

install specifies an installation log.

directory/filename specifies the path to the file to view. You can use the wildcard character (*) for filename as long as it resolves to one file.

Usage Guidelines

Caution Do not use this command to view binary files because this can corrupt the terminal session.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example displays the install log:

file view install install.log

This example displays a particular CDR file:

file view activelog er/logs/CERAdmin01.log

run sql

This command allows you to run an SQL command.

Command Syntax

run sql sql_statement


sql_statement represents the SQL command to run.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No


This example runs an SQL command:

run sql select * from cerserver

set account

This command sets up a new account on the operating system.

Command Syntax

set account name


name represents the username for the new account.

Usage Guidelines

After you enter the username, the system prompts you to enter the privilege level and password for the new account.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

set commandcount

This command changes the CLI command prompt, so it displays how many CLI commands have executed.

Command Syntax

set commandcount {enable | disable}


unit-name represents the name of the certificate that you want to regenerate.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set ipsec

This command allows you to set IPSec policies and associations.

Command Syntax

set ipsec

policy {ALL | policy-name}

association policy-name {ALL | association-name}


policy-name represents an IPSec policy.

association-name represents an IPSec association.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set logging

This command allows you to enable or disable logging.

Command Syntax

set logging {enable | disable}


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network dhcp

This command enables or disables DHCP for Ethernet interface 0. You cannot configure Ethernet interface 1.

Command Syntax

set network dhcp eth0 {enable | disable}


eth0 specifies Ethernet interface 0.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, this command causes the system to restart. Cisco also recommends that you restart all nodes whenever any IP address gets changed.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network dns

This command sets the IP address for the primary or secondary DNS server.

Command Syntax

set network dns {primary | secondary} ip-address


ip-address represents the IP address of the primary or secondary DNS server.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, this command causes a temporary loss of network connectivity.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network dns options

This command sets DNS options.

Command Syntax

set network dns options [timeout seconds] [attempts number] [rotate]


timeout sets the DNS request timeout.

attempts sets the number of times to attempt a DNS request before quitting.

rotate causes the system to rotate among the configured DNS servers, distributing the load.

seconds specifies the DNS timeout period, in seconds.

number specifies the number of attempts.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

set network domain

This command sets the domain name for the system.

Command Syntax

set network domain domain-name


domain-name represents the system domain that you want to assign.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, this command causes a temporary loss of network connectivity.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network failover

This command enables and disables Network Fault Tolerance.

Command Syntax

failover {enable | disable}


enable enables Network Fault Tolerance.

disable disables Network Fault Tolerance.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network gateway

This command enables you to configure the IP address of the network gateway.

Command Syntax

set network gateway ip-address


ip-address represents the IP address of the network gateway that you want to assign.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, this command causes the system to restart.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network ip

This command sets the IP address for Ethernet interface 0. You cannot configure Ethernet interface 1.

Command Syntax

set network ip eth0 ip-address ip-mask


eth0 specifies Ethernet interface 0.

ip-address represents the IP address that you want assign.

ip-mask represents the IP mask that you want to assign.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, this command causes the system to restart.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network mtu

This command sets the maximum MTU value.

Command Syntax

set network mtu mtu_max


mtu_max specifies the maximum MTU value.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, the system will temporarily lose network connectivity.

set network max_ip_contrack

This command sets the ip_conntrack_max value.

Command Syntax

set network max_ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_max


ip_conntrack_max specifies the value for ip_conntrack_max.

set network nic

This command sets the properties of the Ethernet interface 0. You cannot configure Ethernet interface 1.

Command Syntax

set network nic eth0 [auto en | dis] [speed 10 | 100] [duplex half | full]


eth0 specifies Ethernet interface 0.

auto specifies whether auto negotiation gets enabled or disabled.

speed specifies whether the speed of the Ethernet connection: 10 or 100 Mbps.

duplex specifies half-duplex or full-duplex.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Note You can enable only one active NIC at a time.

Caution If you continue, this command causes a temporary loss of network connections while the NIC gets reset.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set network pmtud

This command enables and disables Path MTU Discovery.

Command Syntax

set network pmtud [enable | disable]


enable enables Path MTU Discovery.

disable disables Path MTU Discovery.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, the system will temporarily lose network connectivity.

set network status

This command sets the status of Ethernet 0 to up or down. You cannot configure Ethernet interface 1.

Command Syntax

set network status eth0 {up | down}


eth0 specifies Ethernet interface 0.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, the system will temporarily lose network connectivity.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set password

This command allows you to change the administrator password.

Command Syntax

set password admin

Usage Guidelines

The systems prompts you for the old and new passwords.

Caution The password must contain at least six characters, and the system checks it for strength.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set smtp

This command sets the SMTP server hostname.

Command Syntax

set smtp hostname


hostname represents the SMTP server name.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

set timezone

This command lets you change the system time zone.

Command Syntax

set timezone timezone


timezone specifies the new timezone.

Usage Guidelines

Enter enough characters to uniquely identify the new time zone. Be aware that the time-zone name is case-sensitive.

Caution You must restart the system after you change the time zone.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No


This example sets the time zone to Pacific time.

set timezone Pac

set trace

This command sets trace activity for the specified task.

Command Syntax

set trace

enable Error tname

enable Special tname

enable State_Transition tname

enable Significant tname

enable Entry_exit tname

enable Arbitrary tname

enable Detailed tname

disable tname


tname represents the task for which you want to enable or disable traces.

enable Error sets task trace settings to the error level.

enable Special sets task trace settings to the special level.

enable State_Transition sets task trace settings to the state transition level.

enable Significant sets task trace settings to the significant level.

enable Entry_exit sets task trace settings to the entry_exit level.

enable Arbitrary sets task trace settings to the arbitrary level.

enable Detailed sets task trace settings to the detailed level.

disable unsets the task trace settings.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

set web-security

This command sets the web security certificate information for the operating system.

Command Syntax

set web-security orgunit orgname locality state country


orgunit represents the organizational unit.

orgname represents the organizational name.

locality represents the organization location.

state represents the organization state.

country represents the organization country.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

set workingdir

This command sets the working directory for active, inactive, and installation logs.

Command Syntax

set workingdir

activelog directory

inactivelog directory


activelog sets the working directory for active logs.

inactivelog set the working directory for inactive logs.

directory represents the current working directory.


Command privilege level: 0 for logs, 1 for TFTP

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show account

This command lists current administrator accounts, except the master administrator account.

Command Syntax

show account


Command privilege level: 4

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show cert

This command displays certificate contents and certificate trust lists.

Command Syntax

show cert

own filename

trust filename

list {own | trust}


filename represents the name of the certificate file.

own specifies owned certificates.

trust specifies trusted certificates.

list specifies a certificate trust list.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This command displays own certificate trust lists.

show cert list own

show firewall list

This command displays system aspects of the server.

Command Syntax

show firewall list [detail] [page] [file filename]


detail—Displays detailed statistics on every available device on the system

page—Displays the output one page at a time

file filename—Outputs the information to a file

Note The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. Ensure the file name does not contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show hardware

This command displays the following information on the platform hardware.

Command Syntax

show hardware

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the following information on the platform hardware:


Serial number

BIOS build level

BIOS manufacturer

Active processors

RAID controller status


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show ipsec

This command displays information on IPSec policies and associations.

Command Syntax

show ipsec


association policy

information policy association


policy displays all IPSec policies on the node.

association displays the association list and status for the policy.

information displays the association details and status for the policy.

policy represents the name of a specific IPSec policy.

association represents the association name.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: yes


This example displays IPSec policies.

show ipsec policy

show logins

This command lists recent logins to the server.

Command Syntax

show logins number


number specifies the number of most recent logins to display. The default is 20.

show myself

This command displays information about the current account.

Command Syntax

show myself


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show network

This command displays network information.

Command Syntax

show network

eth0 [options] [detail]

failover [detail] [page]

route [detail]

status [detail] [listen] [process] [all] [nodns] [search stext]

all [detail]


eth0 specifies Ethernet 0.

failover specifies Network Fault Tolerance information.

route specifies network routing information.

status specifies active Internet connections.

all specifies all basic network information.


options—Displays additional information

detail—Displays more detailed additional information

page—Displays information 1 page at a time.

listen—Displays only listening sockets

process—Displays the process ID and name of the program to which each socket belongs

all—Displays both listening and nonlistening sockets

nodns—Displays numerical addresses without any DNS information

search stext—Searches for the stext in the output

Usage Guidelines

The eth0 parameter displays Ethernet port 0 settings, including DHCP and DNS configurations and options.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example displays active Internet connections.

show network status

show open

This command displays open files and ports on the system.

Syntax Description

show open

files [all] [process processID] [regexp reg_exp]

ports [all] [regexp reg_exp]


files displays open files on the system.

ports displays open ports on the system.


all—Displays all open files or ports

process—Displays open files that belong to the specified process

processID—Specifies a process

regexp—Displays open files or ports that match the specified regular expression

reg_exp—A regular expression

show packages

This command displays the name and version for installed packages.

Command Syntax

show packages

active name [page]

inactive name [page]


name represents the package name. To display all active or inactive packages, use the wildcard character (*).


page—Displays the output one page at a time


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show process load

This command displays the CPU load for each active process.

Command Syntax

show process load [cont] [clear] [noidle] [num xx] [thread] [cpu | memory | time] [page]


cont—Command repeats continuously

clear—Clears screen before displaying output

noidle—Ignore idle or zombie processes

num xx—Sets the number of processes to display (Default=10, all = all processes)

thread—Displays threads

cpu—Displays output by CPU usage

memory—Sorts output by memory usage

time—Sorts output by time usage

page—Displays one page at a time


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example shows the CPU load for each process one page at a time.

show process load page

show process list

This command displays all processes.

Command Syntax

list [page] [short] [detail] [thread] [fd] [cont] [clear] [process id] [argument name] [owner name]


page—Displays one page at a time

short—Displays short listing

detail—Displays a detailed listing

thread—Include thread processes in the listing

fd—Show file descriptors that are associated with a process

cont—Command repeats continuously

clear—Clears screen before displaying output

process id—Shows only specific process number or command name

argument name—Show only specific process with argument name

owner name—Show only specific process with owner name


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example shows detailed process listing one page at a time.

show process list detail page

show registry

This command displays the contents of the registry.

Command Syntax

show registry system component [name] [page]


system represents the registry system name.

component represents the registry component name.

name represents the name of the parameter to show.

Note To display all items, enter the wildcard character (*).


page—Displays one page at a time


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example shows contents of the cm system, dbl/sdi component.

show registry cm dbl/sdi

show smtp

This command displays the name of the SMTP host.

Command Syntax

show snmp


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show stats io

This command displays system IO statistics.

Command Syntax

show stats io [kilo] [detail] [page] [file filename]


kilo—Displays statistics in kilobytes

detail—Displays detailed statistics on every available device on the system and overrides the kilo option

page—Displays one page at a time

file filename—Outputs the information to a file

Note The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. The file name cannot contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show status

This command displays basic platform status.

Command Syntax

show status

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the following basic platform status:

Host name


Time zone


Product version

Platform version

CPU usage

Memory and disk usage


Command privilege level: 0

show tech all

This command displays the combined output of all show tech commands.

Command Syntax

all [page] [file filename]


page—Displays one page at a time

file filename—Outputs the information to a file

Note The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. The file name cannot contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech database

This command creates a CSV file of the entire database.

Command Syntax

show tech database


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech dbintegrity

This command displays the database integrity.

Command Syntax

show tech dbintegrity

show tech dbinuse

This command displays the database in use.

Command Syntax

show tech dbinuse


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech dbschema

This command displays the database schema in a CSV file.

Command Syntax

show tech dbschema


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech dbstateinfo

This command displays the state of the database.

Command Syntax

show tech dbstateinfo

show tech network

This command displays network aspects of the server.

Command Syntax

show tech network [page] [file filename]


page—Displays one page at a time

file filename—Outputs the information to a file

Note The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. The file name cannot contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech prefs

This command displays all preferences files for Cisco ER and its database. This information is written to a file, which can be viewed subsequently using the file view CLI.

Command Syntax

show tech prefs

show tech runtime

This command displays runtime aspects of the server.

Command Syntax

show tech params runtime [page] [file filename]


page—Displays one page at a time

file filename—Outputs the information to a file

Note The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. The file name cannot contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech systables

This command displays the name of all tables in the sysmaster database.

Command Syntax

show tech systables


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech system

This command displays system aspects of the server.

Command Syntax

show tech system [page] [file filename]


page—Displays one page at a time

file filename—Outputs the information to a file

Note The file option saves the information to platform/cli/filename.txt. The file name cannot contain the "." character.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech table

This command displays the contents of the specified database table.

Command Syntax

show tech table table_name [page] [csv]


table_name represents the name of the table to display.


page—Displays the output one page at a time

csv—Sends the output to a comma separated values file


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show tech version

This command displays the version of the installed components.

Command Syntax

show tech version [page]


page—Displays the output one page at a time


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show timezone

This command displays time zone information.

Command Syntax

show timezone


list [page]


config displays the current time zone settings.

list displays the available time zones.


page—Displays the output one page at a time


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show trace

This command displays trace information for a particular task.

Command Syntax

show trace [task_name]


task_name represents the name of the task for which you want to display the trace information.

Note If you do not enter any parameters, the command returns a list of available tasks.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


This example displays trace information for CDP.

show trace cdps

show version

This command displays the software version on the active or inactive partition.

Command Syntax

show version




active displays the version running on the active partition.

inactive displays the version on the inactive partition.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show web-security

This command displays the contents of the current web-security certificate.

Command Syntax

show web-security


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

show workingdir

This command retrieves the current working directory for activelog, inactivelog, install, and TFTP.

Command Syntax

show workingdir


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

unset ipsec

This command allows you to disable IPSec policies and associations.

Command Syntax

unset ipsec

policy {ALL | policy-name}

association policy-name {ALL | association-name}


policy-name represents the name of an IPSec policy.

association-name represents the name of an IPSec association.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

unset network

This command unsets DNS options.

Command Syntax

unset network dns options [timeout] [attempts] [rotate]


timeout sets the wait time before the system considers a DNS query failed to the default.

attempts sets the number of DNS attempts to make before failing to the default.

rotate sets the method for selecting a nameserver to the default. This affects how loads are distributed across nameservers.

Usage Guidelines

The system asks whether you want to continue to execute this command.

Caution If you continue, the system will temporarily lose network connectivity.

utils core list

This command lists all existing core files.

Command Syntax

utils core list

utils core analyze

This command generates a backtrace for the specified core file, a thread list, and the current value of all CPU registers.

Command Syntax

utils core analyze core file name


core file name specifies the name of a core file.

Usage Guidelines

The command creates a file of the same name as the core file, with a .txt extension, in the same directory as the core file. This command works only on the active partition.

utils csa disable

This command stops Cisco Security Agent (CSA).

Command Syntax

utils csa disable


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils csa enable

This command enables Cisco Security Agent (CSA).

Command Syntax

utils csa enable

Usage Guidelines

The system prompts you to confirm that you want to enable CSA.

Caution You must restart the system after you start CSA.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils csa status

This command displays the current status of Cisco Security Agent (CSA).

Command Syntax

utils csa status

Usage Guidelines

The system indicates whether CSA is running.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils dbreplication status

This command displays the status of database replication.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication status

utils dbreplication repair

This command repairs database replication.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication repair

utils dbreplication reset

This command resets and restarts database replication.

Command Syntax

utils dbreplication reset

utils disaster_recovery backup tape

This command starts a backup job and stores the resulting tar file on tape.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery backup tape tapeid


tapeid represents the ID of an available tape device.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils disaster_recovery backup network

This command starts a backup job and stores the resulting tar file on a remote server.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery backup network path servername username


path represents the location of the backup files on the remote server.

servername represents the IP address or host name of the server where you stored the backup files.

username represents the username that is needed to log in to the remote server.

Usage Guidelines

Note The system prompts you to enter the password for the account on the remote server.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils disaster_recovery cancel_backup

This command cancels the ongoing backup job.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery cancel_backup

Usage Guidelines

The system prompts you to confirm that you want to cancel the backup job.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils disaster_recovery restore tape

This command starts a restore job and takes the backup tar file from tape.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery restore tape server tarfilename tapeid


server specifies the hostname of the server that you want to restore.

tarfilename specifies the name of the file to restore.

tapeid specifies the name of the tape device from which to perform the restore job.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils disaster_recovery restore network

This command starts a restore job and takes the backup tar file from a remote server.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery restore network restore_server tarfilename path servername username


restore_server specifies the hostname of the server that you want to restore.

tarfilename specifies the name of the file to restore.

path represents the location of the backup files on the remote server.

servername represents the IP address or host name of the server where you stored the backup files.

username represents the username that is needed to log in to the remote server.

Usage Guidelines

Note The system prompts you to enter the password for the account on the remote server.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles tape

This command displays information about the backup files that are stored on a tape.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles tape tapeid


tapeid represents the ID of an available tape device.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles network

This command displays information about the backup files that are stored on a remote server.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_backupfiles network path servername username


path represents the location of the backup files on the remote server.

servername represents the IP address or host name of the server where you stored the backup files.

username represents the username that is needed to log in to the remote server.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils disaster_recovery show_registration

This command displays the registered features and components on the specified server.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_registration hostname


hostname specifies the server for which you want to display registration information.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid

This command displays a list of tape device IDs.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery show_tapeid


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils disaster_recovery status

This command displays the status of the current backup or restore job.

Command Syntax

utils disaster_recovery status operation


operation specifies the name of the ongoing operation: backup or restore.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils fior status

This command will provide the status of the file I/O reporting service.

Command Syntax

utils fior status


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils fior enable

This command will enable the file I/O reporting service to be started automatically when the machine boots. This command will not start the service without a reboot. Instead, use utils fior start.

Command Syntax

utils fior enable


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils fior disable

This command will prevent the file I/O reporting service from being started automatically when the machine boots. This command will not stop a currently running service. Instead, use utils fior stop.

Command Syntax

utils fior disable


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils fior start

This command will start a previously stopped file I/O reporting service. Once it is started, the service will remain in this state until it is stopped or the machine is rebooted.

Command Syntax

utils fior start


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils fior stop

This command will stop the file I/O reporting service. Once stopped, the service will remain in this state either until it is started or the machine is rebooted.

Command Syntax

utils fior stop


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils fior list

This command will provide a chronological list, oldest to newest, of file I/O events.

Command Syntax

utils fior list [start=date-time] [stop=date-time]


date-time is the date and time of the event, in the form:

%H:%M, %H:%M:%S,

%a,%H:%M, %a,%H:%M:%S,

%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M, %Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils fior top

This command will provide a list of top processes that create file I/O. This list can be sorted by either the total number of bytes read, the total number of bytes written, the rate of bytes read, or the rate of bytes written.

Command Syntax

utils fior top n sort_by [start=date-time] [stop=date-time]


n is the number of processes

sort_by is read, write, read-rate, write-rate

date-time is of the form:

%H:%M, %H:%M:%S,

%a,%H:%M, %a,%H:%M:%S,

%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M, %Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

unset ipsec

This command allows you to disable IPSec policies and associations.

Command Syntax

unset ipsec

policy {ALL | policy-name}

association policy-name {ALL | association-name}


policy-name represents the name of an IPSec policy

association-name represents the name of an IPSec association


Optional. Default values the command uses.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils iothrottle enable

This command enables I/O throttling enhancements. When enabled, I/O throttling enhancements lower the impact of upgrades on an active system.

Command Syntax

utils iothrottle enable

utils iothrottle disable

This command disables I/O throttling enhancements. This could adversely affect the system during upgrades.

Command Syntax

utils iothrottle disable

utils iothrottle status

This command displays the status of I/O throttling enhancements.

Command Syntax

utils iothrottle status

utils netdump client

This command configures the netdump client.

Command Syntax

utils netdump client

start ip-address-of-netdump-server




start starts the netdump client.

status displays the status of the netdump client.

stop stops the netdump client.

ip-address-of-netdump-server specifies the IP address of the netdump server to which the client will send diagnostic information.

Usage Guidelines

In the event of a kernel panic crash, the netdump client sends diagnostic information about the crash to a netdump server.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils netdump server

This command configures the netdump server.

Command Syntax

utils netdump server

add-client ip-address-of-netdump-client

delete-client ip-address-of-netdump-client






add-client adds a netdump client.

delete-client deletes a netdump client.

list-clients lists the clients that are registered with this netdump server.

start starts the netdump server.

status displays the status of the netdump server.

stop stops the netdump server.

ip-address-of-netdump-client specifies the IP address of a netdump client.

Usage Guidelines

In the event of a kernel panic crash, a netdump-enabled client system sends diagnostic information about the crash to the netdump server.

netdump diagnostic information gets stored in the following location on the netdump server: crash/. The subdirectories whose names comprise a client IP address and a date contain netdump information.

You can configure each Cisco ER server as both a netdump client and server.

If the server is on another Cisco ER server, only the kernel panic trace signature gets sent to the server; otherwise, an entire core dump gets sent.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils network arp

This command lists, sets, or deletes Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table entries.

Command Syntax

utils network arp

list [host host] [page] [numeric]

set {host} {address}

delete host


list lists the contents of the address resolution protocol table.

set sets an entry in the address resolution protocol table.

delete deletes an entry in the address resolution table.

host represents the host name or IP address of the host to add or delete to the table.

address represents the MAC address of the host to be added. Enter the MAC address in the following format: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.


page—Displays the output one page at a time

numeric—Displays hosts as dotted IP addresses


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils network capture eth0

This command captures IP packets on the specified Ethernet interface.

Command Syntax

utils network capture eth0 [page] [numeric] [file fname] [count num] [size bytes] [src addr] [dest addr] [port num]


eth0 specifies Ethernet interface 0.


page—Displays the output one page at a time

When you use the page or file options, the complete capture of all requested packets must occur before the command completes.

numeric—Displays hosts as dotted IP addresses

file fname—Outputs the information to a file

The file option saves the information to platform/cli/fname.cap. The filename cannot contain the "." character.

count num—Sets a count of the number of packets to capture

For screen output, the maximum count equals 1000, and, for file output, the maximum count equals 10,000.

size bytes—Sets the number of bytes of the packet to capture

For screen output, the maximum number of bytes equals 128, for file output, the maximum of bytes can be any number or ALL.

src addr—Specifies the source address of the packet as a host name or IPV4 address

dest addr—Specifies the destination address of the packet as a host name or IPV4 address

port num—Specifies the port number of the packet, either source or destination


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils network host

This command resolves a host name to an address or an address to a host name.

Command Syntax

utils network host hostname [server server-name] [page] [detail] [srv]


hostname represents the host name or IP address that you want to resolve.


server-name—Specifies an alternate domain name server

page—Displays the output one screen at a time

detail—Displays a detailed listing

srv—Displays DNS SRV records.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils network ping

This command allows you to ping another server.

Command Syntax

utils network ping destination [count]


destination represents the hostname or IP address of the server that you want to ping.


count—Specifies the number of times to ping the external server. The default count equals 4.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils network tracert

This command traces IP packets that are sent to a remote destination.

Command Syntax

utils network tracert destination


destination represents the hostname or IP address of the server to which you want to send a trace.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils ntp

This command displays the NTP status or configuration.

Command Syntax

utils ntp {status | config}


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils remote_account

This command allows you to enable, disable, create, and check the status of a remote account.

Command Syntax

utils remote_account




create username life


username specifies the name of the remote account. The username can contain only lowercase characters and must be more than six-characters long.

life specifies the life of the account in days. After the specified number of day, the account expires.

Usage Guidelines

A remote account generates a pass phrase that allows Cisco Systems support personnel to get access to the system for the specified life of the account. You can have only one remote account that is enabled at a time.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: Yes


utils remote_account status

utils reset_ui_administrator_password

This command resets the Cisco ER Administration password.

Command Syntax

utils reset_ui_administrator_password

utils service list

This command retrieves a list of all services and their status.

Command Syntax

utils service list [page]


page—Displays the output one page at a time


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils service

This command stops, starts, or restarts a service.

Command Syntax

utils service

start service-name

stop service-name

restart service-name


service-name represents the name of the service that you want to stop or start:

System NTP

System SSH

Cisco IDS

Cisco Tomcat

Cisco Database Layer Monitor

Cisco Emergency Responder

Cisco Phone Tracking Engine

Cisco Tomcat

enable enables auto-restart.

disable disables auto-restart.

show shows the auto-restart status.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils snmp get

This command queries values for the given OIDs from the specified device.

Command Syntax

utils snmp get ipaddress snmp_community_string oid [oid2] ... [oidN]


ipaddress is the IP Address of the device which needs to be SNMP-queried.

snmp_community_string is the SNMP Read community string configured on the device.

oid, oid2, ... oidN are OIDs to be queried.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils snmp getnext

This command will query values for the lexicographical successors of the given OIDs from the specified device.


utils snmp getnext ipaddress snmp_community_string oid [oid2] ... [oidN]


ipaddress is the IP Address of the device which needs to be SNMP-queried.

snmp_community_string is the SNMP Read community string configured on the device.

oid, oid2, ... oidN are OIDs to be queried.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils snmp walk

This command will query values in the entire sub-tree of the given OIDs from the specified device.


utils snmp walk ipaddress snmp_community_string oid [oid2] ... [oidN]


ipaddress is the IP Address of the device which needs to be SNMP-queried.

snmp_community_string is the SNMP Read community string configured on the device.

oid, oid2, ... oidN are OIDs to be queried.


Command privilege level: 0

Allowed during upgrade: Yes

utils system

This command allows you to restart the system on the same partition, restart the system on the inactive partition, or shut down the system.

Command Syntax

utils system {restart | shutdown | switch-version}

Usage Guidelines

The utils system shutdown command has a 5-minute timeout. If the system does not shut down within 5 minutes, the command gives you the option of doing a forced shutdown.


Command privilege level: 1

Allowed during upgrade: No

utils system upgrade

This command allows you to upgrade the server.

Command Syntax

utils system upgrade



list {local | remote] path

get {local | remote} filename


start starts an upgrade with the upgrade file obtained with the get parameter.

cancel cancels the active upgrade.

list lists the available upgrade files.

local specifies that the upgrade files are on a local drive.

remote specifies that the upgrade files are on a remote system.

path is the path to the upgrade file(s).

get gets an upgrade file from which to upgrade.

filename is the name of the upgrade file.


Posted: Fri Jun 8 00:02:49 PDT 2007
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