
Table Of Contents

Serviceability Web Interface For Cisco Emergency Responder

Control Center

Event Viewer

SNMP Community String Configuration

SNMP V1/V2c Notification Destination Configuration

SNMP User Configuration

SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration

MIB2 SystemGroup Configuration

CPU and Memory Usage


Disk Usage

System Logs Menu

Serviceability Web Interface For Cisco Emergency Responder

These topics describe the fields on the pages of the Cisco Emergency Responder (Cisco ER) serviceability web interface.

Control Center

Event Viewer

SNMP Community String Configuration

SNMP V1/V2c Notification Destination Configuration

SNMP User Configuration

MIB2 SystemGroup Configuration

CPU and Memory Usage


Disk Usage

System Logs Menu

Control Center

The Control Center page appears when you select Tools > Control Center.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the Control Center page to view the services running on the server and then start, stop, and restart these services. This page displays a list of services currently running on the server. Radio buttons in front of each service name allows you to select each service to perform the desired action.

Table B-1 describes the Control Center page.

Table B-1 Control Center Page 


Start button

Start the selected service(s)

Stop button

Stop the selected service(s)

Restart button

Restart the selected service(s)

Refresh button

Refresh the list of currently running services on the selected server

Service Name

Names of the currently running services on the selected server. To select a service, click the radio button next to the service name.


Current status of the selected service

Related Topics

Starting and Stopping a Cisco Emergency Responder Server

Event Viewer

The Event Viewer page appears when you select Tools > Event Viewer.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the Event Viewer page to view Cisco ER events for the previous six months.

Table B-2 describes the Event Viewer page.

Table B-2 Event Viewer Page 


Type pulldown menu

Note This pulldown menu contains two options: Type and Module. When you choose either Type or Module, the pulldown menu to the right changes to display the available Type or Module options.

Allows you to select which type of event you want to view. The available types are:





These options are displayed in the pulldown menu to the right of the Type pulldown menu.

Module pulldown menu

Note This pulldown menu contains two options: Type and Module. When you choose either Type or Module, the pulldown menu to the right changes to display the available Type or Module options.

Allows you to select the Cisco ER module for which you want to view events. When you select Module from the pulldown menu, the menu to the right changes to show the available modules. The available options are:












Items Per Page menu

Allows you to select the number of events displayed per page. Options are 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 events.

Matching Records

Displays search results.

Note This area of the page is not visible until you perform a search operation.

Type column

Displays the type of event. The Type column will display one of the following:




Use the Up and Down arrows to perform an ascending or descending sort of the results.

Time column

Displays the time of the event. Use the Up and Down arrows to perform an ascending or descending sort of the results.

Module column

Displays the Cisco ER module to which the event applies. The modules are:











Use the Up and Down arrows to perform an ascending or descending sort of the results.

Message column

Displays the message associated with each event. Use the up and down arrows at the right of the text box to scroll through the message.

Related Topics

Using the Event Viewer

SNMP Community String Configuration

The SNMP Community String Configuration page appears when you select SNMP > V1/V2c Configuration > Community String.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the SNMP Community String Configuration page to view, add, update, and delete community strings. Community strings control access to the Cisco ER by clients using SNMP V1 and V2c.

Table B-3 describes the SNMP Community String Configuration page.

Table B-3 SNMP Community String Configuration Page 


Community String Name column

Lists all community strings defined for the selected server. Click on the name of the community string to update the information for that community string.

Add New button or icon

Add a new community string for the selected server. When you click on this button, Cisco ER opens a second SNMP Community String Configuration page.

Note Clicking the Add New button brings up the same screen displayed when you click on the Add New icon.

Delete Selected button or icon

Deletes the selected community strings. To delete a community string, you must first select it from the list of community strings. Click in the box to the left of the community string name to select it. To delete all community strings from the selected server, click on the box to the left of the Community String Name column heading.

Note Clicking the Delete Selected button initiates the same action as does clicking on the Delete icon at the top of the page.

Use the second SNMP Community String Configuration page to add new SNMP community strings and to update existing SNMP community strings.

Table B-4 describes the second SNMP Community String Configuration page.

Table B-4 SNMP Community String Configuration Page—2


Community String Name

If you are adding a new community string, type the name of the new community string into this text box. If you are updating information for an existing community string, the name of community string being updated is displayed.

Host IP Address Information

Accept SNMP Packets from any host

Click this radio button to allow any host to access the Cisco ER using SNMP.

Accept SNMP Packets only from these hosts

Click this radio button to specify which hosts can access the Cisco ER using SNMP. To add hosts that you want to have SNMP access, enter the IP addresses of the new hosts and click Insert; to remove hosts that you no longer want to have SNMP access, enter the IP addresses of the hosts and click Remove.

Access Privileges pulldown menu

When adding a new community string, allows you to specify the access privilege for the new community string. When updating a community string, displays the current access privilege level. The available access privilege levels are as follows:






Insert button or icon

Inserts a new community string for the selected server. You must fill in the other fields on this page before you can insert the new community string.

Clear button or icon

Clears the community string information displayed on the current page.

Related Topics

Configuring the SNMP Community String

SNMP V1/V2c Notification Destination Configuration

The SNMP Notification Destination Configuration page appears when you select SNMP > V1/V2c Configuration > Notification Destination.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the SNMP Notification Destination Configuration page to identify the destination to which the Cisco ER SNMP agent will send trap messages.

Table B-5 describes the SNMP Notification Destination Configuration page.

Table B-5 SNMP Notification Destination Configuration Page 


Server pulldown menu

Name of the server for which you want to view, add, update, or delete SNMP notification destination information. After you select a server, Cisco ER displays the currently configured information in the following format:

Destination IP Address

Port Number

SNMP Version

Community String Name

Notification Type

Click on a Destination IP Address to update the information for the device at that address.

Destination IP Address column

Lists the IP addresses of all notification destinations defined for the selected server. When you click on an IP address in this list, Cisco ER opens the Add/Update Notification Destination page.

Add New button or icon

Add a new notification destination for the selected server. When you click on this icon, Cisco ER opens the Add/Update Notification Destination page.

Delete Selected button or icon

Deletes the selected notification destinations. To delete a notification destination, you must first select it from the list of notification destinations. Click in the box to the left of the notification destination to select it. To delete all notification destinations from the selected server, click on the box to the left of the Destination IP Address column heading.

Use the second Add/Update Notification Destination page to add new notification destinations and to update existing notification destinations.

Table B-6 describes the Add/Update Notification Destination page.

Table B-6 Add/Update Notification Destination Page 


Host IP Addresses pulldown menu

Select Add New from this pulldown menu to add a new notification destination.

Note If you reached this page by clicking on an existing Destination IP Address on the SNMP Notification Destination Configuration page, the Host IP Address and Port Number fields display the currently configured information.

Host IP Address field

IP address of the new notification-destination host

Port Number field

Port number on the new notification-destination host that will receive the notifications from the Cisco ER SNMP agent

SNMP Version

Click on one of the radio buttons to specify SNMP V1 or V2c

Notification Type pulldown menu

Select the SNMP message type for the new notification-destination host. The options are:



Community String pulldown menu

Select the community string for the new notification-destination host.

Insert button

Insert the new notification destination for the selected server.

Clear button

Clears the notification destination information displayed on the current page.

Related Topics

Configuring the SNMP V1/V2C Notification String

SNMP User Configuration

The SNMP User Configuration page appears when you select SNMP > V3 Configuration > User.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the SNMP User Configuration page to configure new SNMP V3 users.

Table B-7 describes the SNMP User Configuration page.

Table B-7 SNMP User Configuration Page 


Server pulldown menu

Name of the server for which you want to view, add, update, or delete users. After you select a server, Cisco ER displays the currently configured information in the following format:

User Name

Authentication Required

Authentication Protocol

Privacy Required

Privacy Protocol

Access Privileges

Click on a User Name to display the Add/Update SNMP User Configuration page, from which you can update the information for that user.

Add New User button or icon

Add a new user for the selected server. When you click on this icon, Cisco ER opens the Add/Update SNMP User Configuration page.

Delete Selected button or icon

Deletes the users. To delete a user, you must first select it from the list of users. Click in the box to the left of the user name to select it. To delete all users from the selected server, click on the box to the left of the User Name column heading.

Use the second SNMP User Configuration page to configure new SNMP V3 users.

Table B-8 describes the Add/Update SNMP User Configuration page.

Table B-8 SNMP User Configuration Page—2 


User Name field

Enter the name of the new SNMP V3 user.

Note If you reached this page by clicking on an existing user name on the SNMP User Configuration page, the fields on this page display the currently configured information.

Authentication Information

Use this section to configure the following information:

If authentication is required for this user, click on the check box labeled Authentication Required

Enter the authentication password for the new user in the Password and Reenter Password text boxes

To select the authentication protocol for the new user, click on radio button for either MD5 or SHA

Privacy Information

Use this section to configure the following information:

If privacy is required for this user, click on the check box labeled Privacy Required

Enter the privacy password for the new user in the Password and Reenter Password text boxes

To select the privacy protocol for the new user, click on radio button labeled DES

Host IP Addresses Information

Use the radio buttons in this section of the page to do the following:

Specify which hosts can access the Cisco ER using SNMP. You can insert IP addresses for new hosts that you want to have SNMP access to the Cisco ER, or you can remove IP addresses of hosts that you no longer want to have SNMP access to the Cisco ER.

Allow any host to access the Cisco ER using SNMP.

Access Privileges pulldown menu

When adding a new user, this pulldown menu allows you to specify the access privilege for the new user. When updating a user's information, this field displays the current access privilege level. The available access privilege levels are as follows:






Insert button or icon

Insert the new user information for the selected server.

Clear button or icon

Clears the user information displayed on the current page.

Related Topics

Configuring SNMP Users

SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration

The SNMP Notification Destination Configuration page appears when you select SNMP > V3 Configuration > Notification Destination.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration page to identify the destination to which the Cisco ER SNMP agent will send trap messages. The SNMP V3 Notification Destination information provides enhanced security since each notification string is associated with a specific user.

Table B-9 describes the SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration page.

Table B-9 SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration Page 


Server pulldown menu

Name of the server for which you want to view, add, update, or delete SNMP notification destination information. After you select a server, Cisco ER displays the currently configured information in the following format:

Destination IP Address

Port Number

Security Model

Security Name

Security Level

Notification Type

Click on a Destination IP Address to update the information for the device at that address. When you click on an IP address in this list, Cisco ER opens the Add/Update Notification Destination page.

Destination IP Address column

Lists the IP addresses of all notification destinations defined for the selected server. When you click on an IP address in this list, Cisco ER opens the Add/Update Notification Destination page.

Add New button or icon

Add a new notification destination for the selected server. When you click on this icon, Cisco ER opens the Add/Update Notification Destination page.

Delete Selected button or icon

Deletes the selected notification destinations. To delete a notification destination, you must first select it from the list of notification destinations. Click in the box to the left of the notification destination to select it. To delete all notification destinations from the selected server, click on the box to the left of the Destination IP Address column heading.

Use the second SNMP V3 Notification Destination page to add new notification destinations and to update existing notification destinations.

Table B-10 describes the second SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration page.

Table B-10 SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration Page—2 


Host IP Addresses pulldown menu

Select Add New from this pulldown menu to add a new notification destination.

Note If you reached this page by clicking on an existing Destination IP Address on the SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration page, the Host IP Address and Port Number fields display the currently configured information.

Host IP Address field

IP address of the new notification-destination host

Port Number field

Port number on the new notification-destination host that will receive the notifications from the Cisco ER SNMP agent

Notification Type pulldown menu

Select the SNMP message type for the new notification-destination host. The options are:



Remote SNMP Engine ID

Select Add New from this pulldown menu to add a new remote SNMP engine ID. When you select Add New, a new Remote SNMP Engine ID field displays. Enter the new Remote SNMP Engine ID in this field.

Note Displays only if you selected Inform as the notification type from the Notification Type pulldown.

Note If you reached this page by clicking on an existing Destination IP Address on the SNMP V3 Notification Destination Configuration page, the Remote SNMP Engine ID field displays the currently configured information.

Security Level pulldown menu

Allows you to select the security level for the new V3 notification destination. The available options are:




User Information

Displays information about the users currently configured and allows you to associate a user with the new V3 notification destination. This section of the page includes the following:

User Name

Authentication Protocol

Privacy Protocol

Click on the radio button to the left of the User Name column to select a user to be associated with the new V3 notification destination.

Insert button or icon

Inserts the new notification destination for the selected server.

Clear button or icon

Clears the notification destination information displayed on the current page.

Related Topics

Configuring the SNMP V3 Notification Destination

MIB2 SystemGroup Configuration

The MIB2 SystemGroup Configuration page appears when you select SNMP > System Group Configuration > MIB2 System Group Configuration.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the MIB2 System Group Configuration page to specify the name and physical location of the contact person for MIB2 managed mode.

Table B-11 describes the MIB2 System Group Configuration page.

Table B-11 MIB2 System Group Configuration Page 


Server pulldown menu

Name of the server for which you want to update the MIB2 contact information. After you select a server, Cisco ER displays fields in which you enter the name and physical location of the contact.

System Contact

The name of the MIB2 contact.

System Location

The physical location of the managed node.

Update button or icon

Saves the updated MIB2 contact information.

Clear button or icon

Clears the MIB2 contact information displayed on the current page.

Related Topics

Configuring MIB2

CPU and Memory Usage

The CPU and Memory Usage page appears when you select System Monitor > CPU & Memory Usage.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the CPU and Memory Usage page to view the CPU and memory usage for the Cisco ER system.

Table B-12 describes the CPU and Memory Usage page.

Table B-12 CPU and Memory Usage Page 


Disable Auto-Refresh

Click this check box to disable auto-refresh of the information displayed on this page.

Set the screen reset value

Specify in seconds how often this page should be refreshed.

Set CPU Logging Interval

Specify in seconds how often CPU usage is logged. The interval must be between 5 and 600 seconds.


This section displays the percentage of CPU time being used by various system components.

Download CPU Log File

Click on this link to download to a file the currently displayed CPU and memory usage information. When you click on this link, a new page opens that lists all the saved CPU log files. For more information about this screen, see Table B-13.


Name of the processor.


Percentage of processor time being used by the User mode.


Percentage of processor time being used by the System mode.


Percentage of processor time being used by nice tasks.

Note Nice is a value associated with a process that determines when the process is executed. Nice tasks are only those tasks whose nice value is positive.


Percentage of time in which the processor is idle.


Percentage of processor time being used by interrupt requests (IRQ).


Percentage of processor time being used by soft IRQs.

Note A soft IRQ is an interrupt request that can be deferred.

%I/O Wait

Percentage of time that the processor is executing read or write operations.


The processor's share of the elapsed CPU time (excluding idle time) since last update, expressed as a percentage of CPU time.

Start Log button

Starts a log file of the current CPU usage.

Note You can create a maximum of 25 CPU log files.


This section displays the percentage of memory allocated for different uses.

Download Memory Log File

Click on this link to download to a file the currently displayed CPU and memory usage information. When you click on this link, a new page opens that lists all the saved CPU log files. For more information about this screen, see Table B-14.

Total (KB)

The amount of memory available, in kilobytes.

Used (KB)

Amount of memory currently being used, in kilobytes.

Free (KB)

Amount of memory that is available for use, in kilobytes.

Shared (KB)

Amount of memory used by shared processes, in kilobytes.

Buffers (KB)

Amount of memory used by buffers, in kilobytes.

Cached (KB)

Amount of memory used for caching, in kilobytes.

Total Swap (KB)

Amount of total swap space, in kilobytes

Used Swap (KB)

Amount of swap space currently being used, in kilobytes.

Free Swap (KB)

Amount of available swap space,

%VM Used

Amount of virtual memory being used.

Start Log button

Starts a log file of the current memory usage.

Use the CPU Log Files page to view and download the CPU log files.

Table B-13 describes the CPU Log Files page.

Table B-13 CPU Log Files Page 


Download button

Download the selected log files. You must first select the file to be downloaded. To do so, click the box to the left of the File Name. If you click the box to the left of the File Name column heading, all files are selected for download.

CPU Log Files

This section displays the details of the saved CPU log files.

File Name

Name of the saved CPU log file. If you click on the file name, a new screen opens and displays the contents of the log file.

Last Modified

Date and time of the last modification to the CPU log file.

File Size (KB)

Size of the CPU log file, in kilobytes.

Use the Memory Log Files page to view and download the memory log files.

Table B-14 describes the Memory Log Files page.

Table B-14 Memory Log Files Page 


Download button

Download the selected log files. You must first select the file to be downloaded. To do so, click the box to the left of the File Name. If you click the box to the left of the File Name column heading, all files are selected for download.

Memory Log Files

This section displays the details of the saved Memory log files.

File Name

Name of the saved Memory log file. If you click on the file name, a new screen opens and displays the contents of the log file.

Last Modified

Date and time of the last modification to the Memory log file.

File Size (KB)

Size of the Memory log file, in kilobytes.

Related Topics

Using the CPU and Memory Usage Tool


The Processes page appears when you select System Monitor > Processes.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the Processes page to view and download information on currently running processes.

Note Use the up and down arrows next to each column heading on the Processes page to sort the information by each category.

Table B-15 describes the Processes page.

Table B-15 Processes Page 


Disable Auto-Refresh

Click this check box to disable auto-refresh of the information displayed on this page.

Refresh Rate

To specify in seconds how often this page should be refreshed, enter a number in the text box, then click the Set button to the right of the text box.

Download Log File

Click on this link to download log files you have created. You cannot download log files until you have first created them.


Check boxes that allow you to select files to be viewed or downloaded.


Name of the process.


ID number of the process.


Percentage of processor time being used by the process.


Task's process status: Running (R), Sleeping (S), Uninterruptible disk sleep (D), Zombie (Z), 4 Traced (T), Paging (P)

Nice (Level)

Represents scheduling priority for the process. A nice value of 20 is the highest priority and 19 is the lowest priority. The default nice value for most processes is 0.


Resident set currently in physical memory in Kilobytes (KB), including Code, Data and Stack.

Vm Size (KB)

Size of virtual memory, in kilobytes.

Vm Data (KB)

Amount of data currently stored in virtual memory, in kilobytes.

Thread Count

Number of program threads currently running

Data Stack (KB)

Size of the data stack, in kilobytes.

Page Fault Count

Number of major page faults the task has made requiring loading of memory.

Use the View Selected Processes page to view the selected processes and download the processes log files.

Table B-16 describes the View Selected Processes page.

Table B-16 View Selected Processes Page 


Disable Auto-Refresh

Click this check box to disable auto-refresh of the information displayed on this page.

Refresh Rate

To specify in seconds how often this page should be refreshed, enter a number in the text box, then click the Set button to the right of the text box.

View All Processes button

Returns you to the previous Processes screen, which displays all running processes.

Start Log button

Creates a log of the selected processes displayed on this page.

Download Log File link

Download the selected processes log file.



This section displays the details of the selected processes. The details are the same as those listed in Table B-15.

Related Topics

Using the Processes Tool

Disk Usage

The Disk Usage page appears when you select System Monitor > Disk Usage.

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access this page.


Use the Disk Usage page to list the percentage of disk space used by the different partitions in the system.

Note Use the up and down arrows next to each column heading on the Disk Usage page to sort the information by each category.

Table B-17 describes the Disk Usage page.

Table B-17 Disk Usage Page 


Disk Usage Details



Name of the partition.


Size of the partition.

Percentage Used

How much disk space is the partition using, as a percentage of total allocated disk space.

Available Space

How much disk space is currently available on the partition.

Used Space

How much disk space is the partition using.

Related Topics

Using the Disk Usage Tool

System Logs Menu

The System Logs menu contains three submenus under which all system logs are grouped. The three submenus are as follows:

System Logs > CER Logs

System Logs > Platform Logs

System Logs > DB Logs

Authorization Requirements

You must have serviceability authority to access the System Logs pages.

Note Use the up and down arrows next to each column heading to sort the information by each category.

Table B-18 describes the System Logs pages.

Table B-18 General Description of System Logs Pages


Download button

Download the selected log files. You must first select the file to be downloaded. To do so, click the box to the left of the File Name. If you click the box to the left of the File Name column heading, all files are selected for download.

Note If you select multiple log files, the system will create a Zip file that contains the log files to be downloaded.

File Name

Name of the log file. If you click on the file name, the contents of the log file display on a new screen.

Note After viewing the contents, click the Back button in your browser to return to the log file page.

Reload Log File button

Reloads the log file currently being viewed, so that any updates can be seen.

Note This button is only available when you have clicked on a file name and are viewing the contents of particular log file.

Last Modified

Date the log file was last modified.

File Size (KB)

Size of the log file, in kilobytes.

Table B-19 lists and describes each log under the three System Logs submenus.

Table B-19 Descriptions of Individual System Log File Pages 

Menu/Log File Page

CER Logs > CER Admin

View or download Cisco ER Admin logs

CER Logs > CER Server

View or download Cisco ER Server logs

CER Logs > CER Phone Tracking

View or download Cisco ER Phone Tracking logs


View or download JTAPI logs

CER Logs > Tomcat

View or download Tomcat logs

CER Logs > Event Viewer

View or download Cisco ER Event logs

CER Logs > Audio Driver

View or download Cisco ER Audio Driver logs

Platform Logs > CLI

View or download CLI operations logs

Platform Logs > CLM

View or download CLM (Cluster Manager) logs

Platform Logs > Certificate Management/IPSec

View or download Certificate Management and IPSec logs

Platform Logs > DRS

View or download DRS (Disaster Recovery System) logs

Platform Logs > Install/Upgrade

View or download Installation and Upgrade logs

Platform Logs > Remote Support

View or download Remote Account creation and operations logs

Platform Logs > Syslog

View or download Syslog logs

Platform Logs > Servm

View or download Servm (Services Manager) logs

DB Logs > Cerdbmon

View or download Cerdbmon logs

DB Logs > Install DB

View or download InstallDB Utility logs

Related Topics

Using Cisco Emergency Responder Logs


Posted: Fri Jun 8 00:14:39 PDT 2007
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