
Table Of Contents

Disaster Recovery System Web Interface For Cisco Emergency Responder

Backup Device List

Schedule List

Manual Backup

Backup History and Restore History

Backup Status

Restore Wizard

Restore Status

Disaster Recovery System Web Interface For Cisco Emergency Responder

These topics describe the fields on the pages of the Cisco Emergency Responder (Cisco ER) Disaster Recovery System Administration web interface.

Backup Device List

Schedule List

Manual Backup

Backup History and Restore History

Backup Status

Restore Wizard

Restore Status

Backup Device List

The Backup Device List page appears when you select Backup > Backup Device.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Backup Device List page to list, add, and delete backup devices.

Table D-1 describes the Backup Device List page.

Table D-1 Backup Device List Page 


Backup Device List

Lists the configured backup devices and displays the Device Name, Device Type, and Device Path. Click on the Device Name link to bring up the Backup Device page for that device.

Add New button

Adds a new backup device. When you click the Add icon, the Backup Device page appears. See Table D-2 for information on the Backup Device page.

Select All button and icon

Selects all the listed backup devices.

Clear All button and icon

Deselects all selected backup devices.

Delete Selected button and icon

Deletes the selected backup device(s).

Table D-2 describes the Backup Device page, which you use to add new backup devices.

Table D-2 Backup Device Page 


Backup device name

Enter the device name in the text box (required).

Select Destination

To select the backup destination, click the Tape Device or Network Directory radio button (required).

Tape Device

Select the name of the tape device from the pulldown menu.

Network Directory

In the fields provided, enter the Server name, Path name, User name, and Password for the Network Directory.

Number of backups to store on the Network Directory

Select the number of backups using the pulldown menu.

Save button and icon

Saves the information on the new backup device.

Back button and icon

Returns to the Backup Device List page.

Related Topics

Adding Backup Devices

Schedule List

The Schedule List page appears when you select Backup > Scheduler.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Schedule List page to list currently scheduled backups, to add new schedules, to enable schedules, and to disable schedules. You can schedule a backup to start at a specified date and time and configure it either to run once or at a specified frequency, as well as specifying the features to be backed up.

Table D-3 describes the Schedule List page.

Table D-3 Schedule List Page 


Schedule List

Lists all scheduled backups. Displays the Schedule List name, the Device Path, and the Schedule Status. Click on the Schedule List name link to view the details of that schedule.

Note After you have created a scheduled backup, you must enable the schedule. To do so, select the schedule in the Schedule List and click the Enable Selected Schedules button or icon.

Add New button or icon

Adds a new schedule. When you click the Add button or icon, the Scheduler page appears. See Table D-2 for information on the Scheduler page.

Select All button or icon

Selects all the listed schedules.

Note The Select All button only appears if no schedules have been configured.

Clear All button or icon

Deselects all selected schedules.

Note The Clear All button only appears if no schedules have been configured.

Delete Selected button or icon

Deletes the selected schedules.

Note The Delete Selected button only appears if no schedules have been configured.

Enable Selected Schedules button or icon

Enables the selected schedules.

Note The Enable Selected Schedules icon only appears if no schedules have been configured.

Disable Selected Schedules button or icon

Disables the selected schedules.

Note The Disable Selected Schedules button only appears if no schedules have been configured.

Table D-4 describes the Scheduler page.

Table D-4 Scheduler Page 



Displays the status of the Scheduler page.

Schedule Name

Enter the name of the schedule in the text box.

Select Backup Device

Select the name of the backup device from the pulldown menu.

Select Features

Select CER as the feature to be backed up.

Start Backup at



From the pulldown menus, enter the year, month, and day on which the backup will start.


From the pulldown menus, enter the hour and minute at which the backup will start.




Click this radio button to schedule a single backup.


Click this radio button to schedule a daily backup.


Click this radio button to schedule a weekly backup. Click in the check boxes to specify the days on which the weekly backup will be scheduled.


Click this radio button to schedule a monthly backup.

Save button or icon

Saves the backup schedule information.

Set Default button or icon

Saves the information entered as the default for scheduled backups.

Disable Schedule button or icon

Disables the Schedule. If the Schedule is currently disabled, this button will be grayed out.

Enable Schedule button or icon

Enables the Schedule. If the Schedule is currently enabled, this button will be grayed out.

Back button or icon

Returns to the Scheduler List page.

Related Topics

Backup History and Restore History

Backup Status

Creating and Editing Backup Schedules

Enabling, Disabling, and Deleting Schedules

Manual Backup

The Manual Backup page appears when you select Backup > Manual Backup.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Manual Backup page to start a manual backup.

Note Before starting a manual backup, make sure that all servers in the clusters are running and are reachable over the network. Servers that are not running or are not reachable over the network will not be backed up.

Table D-5 describes the Manual Backup page.

Table D-5 Manual Backup Page 


Select Backup Device

Select the name of the backup device from the pulldown menu.

Select Features

Check CER as the feature to be backed up.

Start Backup button or icon

Starts a manual backup.

Select All button or icon

Selects all the listed features.

Clear All button or icon

Deselects all selected features.

Related Topics

Schedule List

Starting a Manual Backup

Backup History and Restore History

The Backup History page appears when you select Backup > History. The Restore History page appears when you select Restore > History.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Backup History page to view information on past backups. Use the Restore History page to view information on past restore operations.

Table D-6 describes the Backup History page.

Table D-6 Backup History Page 


Backup History information

The following information about past backups is displayed:

Tar Filename

Backup Device

Completed On


Features Backed Up

Refresh button or icon

Refreshes the information in the Backup History page.

Table D-7 describes the Restore History page.

Table D-7 Restore History Page 


Restore History information

The following information about past backups is displayed:

Tar Filename

Backup Device

Completed On


Features Restored

Refresh button or icon

Refreshes the information in the Restore History page.

Related Topics

Schedule List

Manual Backup

Backup Status

Restore Wizard

Restore Status

Viewing the Backup and Restore History

Backup Status

The Backup Status page appears when you select Backup > Current Status.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Backup Status page to view status information about the current backup.

Table D-8 describes the Backup Status page.

Table D-8 Backup Status Page 



Provides information on the status of the current backup.

Backup Details

The following information about the current backup is displayed:

Tar Filename

Backup Device


Percentage Complete






Start Time

Log File2

Refresh button or icon

Refreshes the information about the current backup.

Cancel Backup button or icon

Cancels the current backup.

1 Result column indicates results of staging of individual components. Status section indicates the entire Backup Status

2 Click on the filename to view the log file

Related Topics

Schedule List

Checking Backup Status

Restore Wizard

The Restore Wizard page appears when you select Restore > Restore Wizard.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Restore Wizard page to restore a backup file to a server or to restore all servers in a cluster. The Restore Wizard consists of four web pages.

Use the Step1 Restore—Choose Backup Device page to select the backup device to be used for the backup.

Table D-9 describes the Step1 Restore—Choose Backup Device page.

Table D-9 Step1 Restore—Choose Backup Device Page 



Indicates the current status of the recovery operation.

Select Backup Device

Select the backup device using the pulldown menu.

Next button or icon

Advances to the next page in the Restore Wizard.

Cancel button or icon

Cancels the restore operation.

Use the Step2 Restore—Choose the Backup Tar File page to select the backup tar file to be restored.

Table D-10 describes the Step2 Restore—Choose the Backup Tar File page.

Table D-10 Step2 Restore—Choose the Backup Tar File Page 



Indicates the current status of the restore operation.

Select Backup File

Use the pulldown menu to select the tar file for backup

Back button or icon

Returns to the previous page in the Restore Wizard.

Next button or icon

Advances to the next page in the Restore Wizard.

Cancel button or icon

Cancels the restore operation.

Use the Step3 Restore—Select the Type of Restore page to select the features to be restored.

Table D-11 describes the Step3 Restore—Select the Type of Restore page.

Table D-11 Step3 Restore—Select the Type of Restore Page 



Indicates the current status of the restore operation.

Select Features

Click in the box to the left of the CER feature name to select the CER feature for backup.

Back button or icon

Returns to the previous page in the Restore Wizard.

Next button or icon

Advances to the next page in the Restore Wizard.

Cancel button or icon

Cancels the restore operation.

Use the Step4 Restore—Final Warning for Restore page to select the server(s) to be restored.

Table D-12 describes the Step4 Restore—Final Warning for Restore page.

Table D-12 Step4 Restore—Final Warning for Restore Page 



Indicates the current status of the restore operation.


Displays a warning message stating that the restore operation will overwrite all existing data on the selected server(s).

Select the Servers to be restored for each Feature

Under the CER feature name, select the servers to be restored. To do so, click in the check box to the left of the server name.

Back button or icon

Returns to the previous page in the Restore Wizard.

Restore button or icon

Initiates the restore operation. Before you click Restore, you must first select the server to be restored. You can select a Publisher or a Subscriber to be restored, but not both.

Caution The restore operation will overwrite any existing data on the selected server(s).

Cancel button or icon

Cancels the restore operation.

Related Topics

Backup History and Restore History

Restore Status

Restoring a Backup

Restoring a Cluster

Restore Status

The Restore Status page appears when you select Restore > Status.

Authorization Requirements

You must have platform administrator authority to access this page.


Use the Restore Status page to view the status of restore operations.

Table D-13 describes the Restore Status page.

Table D-13 Restore Status Page 



Provides information on the status of the current restore operation.

Restore Details

The following information about the current restore operation is displayed:

Tar Filename

Backup Device


Percentage Complete






Start Time

Log File2

Refresh button or icon

Refreshes the information about the current restore operation.

1 Result column indicates results of staging of individual components. Status section indicates the entire Restore Status.

2 Click on the filename to view the log file

Related Topics

Restore Wizard

Backup History and Restore History

Viewing the Restore Status

Viewing the Backup and Restore History


Posted: Fri Jun 8 00:02:30 PDT 2007
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