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Index: U

ulimit command : Chapter 4, Reference: ulimit
umask command
(see also chmod command)
Chapter 2, Reference: umask
Chapter 4, Reference: umask
Chapter 5, Reference: umask
unabbreviate command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: unabbreviate
unalias command
Chapter 4, Reference: unalias
Chapter 5, Reference: unalias
uname command : Chapter 2, Reference: uname
uncompress command : Chapter 2, Reference: uncompress
uncompressing files
Chapter 2, Reference: uncompress
Chapter 2, Reference: zcat
undo command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: undo
undoing, emacs commands for : 7.2.5. Stopping and Undoing Commands
unedit pseudo-command (sccs) : 18.7.2. Pseudo-Commands
unexpand command : Chapter 2, Reference: unexpand
unget command (SCCS) : Chapter 18, Reference: unget
unhash command : Chapter 5, Reference: unhash
Unicode character set
converting files to : Chapter 2, Reference: native2ascii
uniq command : Chapter 2, Reference: uniq
units command : Chapter 2, Reference: units
units of measurements (nroff/troff) : 12.3.3. Specifying Measurements
bundling software packages : 1.2. Bundling
shells : (see shells)
versions of : 1.1. Merging the Traditions
Unix commands (list) : 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
unix2dos command : Chapter 2, Reference: unix2dos
unlimit command : Chapter 5, Reference: unlimit
unmap command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: unmap
unpack command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: unpack
unset (ksh) : Chapter 4, Reference: unset
unset (sh) : Chapter 4, Reference: unset
unset command (csh) : Chapter 5, Reference: unset
unsetenv command : Chapter 5, Reference: unsetenv
until command : Chapter 4, Reference: until
unzip command : Chapter 2, Reference: unzip
upper character class : 4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
uppercase : (see case)
uptime command : Chapter 2, Reference: uptime
usage information
Chapter 2, Reference: time
Chapter 2, Reference: timex
Chapter 2, Reference: w
usage information (disks) : Chapter 2, Reference: du
USER environment variable : 5.3.5. Environment Variables
user shell variable : 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
displaying data about : Chapter 2, Reference: finger
displaying group membership : Chapter 2, Reference: groups
displaying : Chapter 2, Reference: id
information on those logged in : Chapter 2, Reference: w
listing : Chapter 2, Reference: listusers
displaying list
Chapter 2, Reference: users
Chapter 2, Reference: who
changing : Chapter 2, Reference: mesg
usernames, printing : Chapter 2, Reference: whoami
users command : Chapter 2, Reference: users
/usr directory
/usr/ccs/bin directory : 2. Unix Commands
/usr/dt/bin directory : 2. Unix Commands
/usr/java/bin directory : 2. Unix Commands
/usr/openwin/bin directory : 2. Unix Commands
/usr/ucb directory : 2. Unix Commands
/usr/ucb directory : 1.5. Guide for Users of BSD-Derived Systems
uucp command
Learning the Korn Shell, C.4. UUCP
(see also uustat command)
Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uucp
uudecode command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: uudecode
UNIX Power Tools, 19.5. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
uuencode command
UNIX in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: uuencode
UNIX Power Tools, 19.5. Using tar to Create and Unpack Archives
uuencoded files: UNIX Power Tools, 11.3. My Favorite Is !$
uuglist command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uuglist
uulog command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uulog
uuname command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uuname
uupick command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uupick
uustat command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uustat
uuto command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uuto
uux command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: uux

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